It is an alchemy prop that Su Bai refined before and can control water.

It was placed by him in the Thousand Rock Army and was exchangeable.

Ling Cangxuanzhi's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"It's fun!"

"This kind of equipment is really amazing, the water dragon ring, it looks very powerful, alchemy equipment, alchemy, and completely different concepts and technologies from previous civilizations."

"Wow, there is a Thousand Rock Army who wrapped itself and the flying sword with water, and it became aqua blue and transparent, and it was so fast all of a sudden!"

"It's so interesting to witness this new civilization and different developments."

Put it in her original antiquity.

At that time, people would think of incomprehensible powers as fairy arts and magic.

In fact, the essence is still more advanced technology.

But in this Liyue.

What people use in their homes is indeed spells and alchemical tools, which is a different civilization!

"Curious? Do you want to try it? "

As a result, Su Bai suddenly said this, and then he spread out his hand, and there were a bunch of rings of different colors on it, ice, blue, gold, red, purple, green, blue and so on.

Seven-element ring.


"Actually: Are there so many types? "

Cang Xuanzhishu was shocked.

Su Bai smiled.

"Just think of it as a meeting gift, take whichever you want."

"Hey, hey! Then I'm welcome. "

Those who say this are naturally the ones who know the law.

She grinned loudly and smiled directly.

Took away the blue Water Elemental Dragon Ring.

"Xiao Xuan, you can also pick, Su Bai is a big treasure house, casually drop a hair, it is a huge mountain of gold."

"Follow him, there is good stuff and fun."

"It's fun to have a day like this!"

Seeing that the person who knew the law seemed to like to follow Su Bai, Cangxuanzhishu flashed a look of surprise, and then she also thought about it.


Since it is in the ocean, it should be best to choose one that can control water.

She also simply chose a water dragon ring.

Then it was worn on the finger.

However, the Book of Cangxuan was a little hesitant.

"Will it, I can't use it, the energy systems on both sides are different, and they can't be compatible and operate." Ah. "

Before she could finish speaking, a water balloon smashed into her face.

Let his little face be water.

Startled Cangxuanzhishu.

She quickly looked at it, only to find that it was the Law of Knowledge who condensed a water balloon, and then threw her.

At this time, there was another water balloon suspended in Zhibao's hand.

Smug smile at her.

It made the Book of Cangxuan cute very angry.

"Abominable! Xiaozhi, obviously you are also an immortal, why are you so naughty! "


She subconsciously bound to this ring.

And also condensed a water ball and smashed it.

The two started a water polo fight!

You throw me to hide!

Fu Hua: ...

You two guys, it's so energetic.


The Book of Cang Xuan was also shocked, he could even use it himself, and as soon as his mind moved, there were water balls condensed in his hand.

It is the special thing about the ring itself.

And she can change water into various forms according to her own ideas.

For example, it was made into bubbles, although it was broken by a punch from Xiaozhi.

As well as sharpening, sharpening, turning it into a handle water gun.

There are cold weapons.

There are also technological water guns that shoot water jets.

Or a circle of water that surrounds you, forming a shield that weakens the damage impact, and condenses the water into a sword with a handle that surrounds itself and attacks enemies continuously.

She also compressed and pressurized it, and in an instant, a round of water blades flew out.

Cut the surface of the sea and draw a long distance.

The Book of Cangxuan was surprised.

"It's incredible that it's not just simple water control, it's being able to use and control water according to your own understanding, which is much more convenient and versatile than setting up well-programmed water energy weapons."

No wonder so many Thousand Rock Army are making water dragons.

At first, she thought that this ring fixed such a skill.

But look at it now.

It is clear that this is an understanding and usage.

A more powerful move!

Create a sea dragon and fight here.

Actually this ring.

It is more convenient and scalable than you think.

Just like a magician, he freely controls the water and constantly shows the effect he wants.

This kind of flexibility is not comparable to the kind of weapon you think.

For example, when I was in Taihu Mountain before.

There are still many weapons left over from the pre-civilization century, which were brought over by the original Cang Xuan and Danzhu, and many of them have expired later.

Too long to use.

For example, FFF flamethrowers.

Its main function is to spew fire.

But you can't turn this fire freedom into a series of moves such as flame spears, super large fireballs, flame chains, etc., and you don't have this degree of freedom and flexibility.

So the Book of Cangxuan looked like he couldn't put it down.

This water element ring, awesome.


Don't say anything else.

Even in the future, in daily life, it is very convenient to have this.

It can condense out, wash vegetables, wash things, deal with stains and whatnot, and cook conveniently, it's wonderful!

Thank you so much to this Lord Su Bai.

It's such a good gift.

It seems that this time, the immortals have made a very powerful friend!

Her luck is getting better!

And the situation over there has become more intense.

As the encirclement became smaller and smaller, a large number of sword lights shuttled under the surface of the sea, constantly piercing over, various moves were covering the sea, and a little farther away was directly fired by the final machine on the fairy boat.


This immortal organ, after continuous modification, has become a very good weapon.

Let that huge dangerous species suffer pain and injuries, and dare not go there again.

Crimson blood flowed up in the sea.

This is still constantly shrinking the defense line and closing the net, otherwise the huge sea area, this thing is really difficult to hit.

And after taking a lot of attacks, its speed has only slowed down a bit.

The overall aura is still fierce.

Being able to carry such a blow to the end of the day is enough to show that this dangerous species is not a good category.

And after feeling a terrible crisis of impending catastrophe, this creature became more and more fierce and fierce, hovering in the sea extremely quickly, forming a huge vortex, and shattering those water dragons!

Batch after batch of Thousand Rock Army squads have launched a confrontation with it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But they were all repulsed.

Only then did this terrifying dangerous species show its true strength and become fierce. The clouds were so thick that even the sky was gloomy.

At one point, the battle was fierce.

Reading the Book of Cangxuan was mesmerized, good fellow, it was really a huge battle scene, different from the kind of immortals before.

This is, group army fighting.

But all the Shenzhou army at that time could have the combat power of the Thousand Rock Army like Liyue, and the immortals were much easier.

No need to run around.

I have been exhausted to get rid of those broken beasts.

Very busy.

It's a tired dog.

She was too touched, after all, she often followed Fu Hua, which was running everywhere in the south and north of the world.

Once the news of the disaster came somewhere, it had to come down from the Taihu Mountain.

After the solution, Fu Hua was unwilling to stay longer.

He rushed back to Taihu Mountain.

Repeating this process all the time, she was exhausted.

If there is a Thousand Rock Army, what kind of collapse beast, I am afraid that it will be solved as soon as it comes out, there is no big movement at all, and Fu Hua can relax a lot.


Fu Hua is still too lonely.

In the end, there was only one person.

The former civilization did not leave many people at all, let alone fusion warriors, all of them were not seen, self-autistic, banished, Fuhua is here in Shenzhou.

What are the good teammates.

Good teammates have passed away in the previous time.

And the battle was also caught in anxiety, and it could not be won for a long time.

This made Beidou also choose to shoot, she had a long sword behind her back, with her hand as a seal, directly cast spells, and the amazing thunder light was constantly released.

Trigger a burst of explosions and a sea of thunder!

It blew up the sea surface and injured the huge black shadow under the sea.

It roared angrily.

More and more fierce and manic!

[Elemental Martial Arts Palm Thunder! ] 】

You can see one thunder ball after another falling, thus erupting into a terrifying energy impact, seeping and domineering, and the sea area that explodes is constantly rolling, making the dragon-shaped dangerous species want to stay away.

For its escape, Beidou is not afraid.

Several large flags were condensed at will, and they were inserted into the four corners of the southeast, southwest, and northwest, and the formation of the terrifying Immortal Array of Falling Thunder was quickly formed, further shrinking the opponent's space for action.

Keep hitting a wall.

【Five Thunder Zhengfa Falling Thunder Immortal Array】

She directly came to her hand and created such an immortal array with her own strength.

It's amazing.

Hao Gangster is the leader of the first immortal boat, handling so many businesses and resources, spanning many countries, and also involving her in the secret realm of Shenzhou, Liyue large and small strange things.

Beidou has seen it all.


With her status, how can she not have enough strength now.

Condensing light is a law demon god with golden combat power.

Therefore, Beidou naturally became a thunder immortal under Su Bai's teaching and continuous provision of resources.


Feel that there is no escape. (No's)

This terrifying behemoth also rushed out of the sea and began to reveal its true face.

Its body is as large as a giant mountain, and it is as black as ink, and its body is full of dense scales.

Hideous, and terrifying.

It resembles a dragon's head, but has no horns.

Scarlet's eyes were full of killing intent and resentment.

This turned out to be a dragon, its body constantly winding and exuding an astonishing fierce aura.

It was surrounded by blood-red energy.

At first glance, he usually stirs up trouble in the sea, swallows a large amount of blood food, greedy and cold.

And in the encirclement and blockade along the way.

Its body was covered in scars and blood.

The ferocity is almost completely suppressed, and it is about to unfold that earth-shattering madness!

This is the most intense killing to launch a frontal fight!

Even Beidou stepped on the void, looking down at the behemoth below, and couldn't help but let out a wild smile.

"Oh? Long is really fierce and hideous, reminding me of the original sea mountains, finned Hades Sea, and tail point distant mountains. "

"But that thing looks like a fish and a dragon, and it's completely different from yours, haha."

"Sure enough, my north is still related to you beasts of the sea."

"Let's fight!"

She drew the long sword behind her back, which looked heavy, a two-handed sword, but she held it firmly in one hand.

And pointed to this dragon dangerous breed dog!

The familiar shape of this sword.

Ling Fuhua, Zhibao, and Cangxuanzhishu were all shocked.

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