"This, this is?"

"Although it feels a little bigger, and there are some more dark gold, but its own appearance and shape, isn't it, Xuanyuan Sword?"

The Book of Cangxuan and the Treasure of Knowledge exclaimed.

Fu Hua was also surprised.

There will be no mistake.

That is [Xuanyuan Sword]!

No matter which of them, Xuanyuan Jian will definitely not be a stranger.

In the past, in Shenzhou, the divine weapon issued by the Red Kite Immortals could only be possessed by a very small number of people!

For Zhibao and Fuhua, that is even more significant.

It reminds them of the original past.

During the civilization of the last century, the Fire Moth issued a very ordinary mission, to recapture a rare earth mining area, which was occupied by the Avalanche Beast, which seemed to be a very ordinary task.

As a result, the Anti-Collapse God Killing Weapon Suit, the Tenth God Key, was even issued.

That is, Xuanyuan Sword.

It wasn't called that name back then.

It's called the key to domination.

However, the truth of that mission is actually to awaken the hypervariable factor in a terrible crisis and die if they don't succeed!

That era was so cruel.

There is no hesitation anymore.

Or in the civilization where reason dominates, it is particular about the sake of the whole, and some individuals can be sacrificed without hesitation.

So in the end, Fu Hua was left alone.

She succeeds and transforms the sword into a new stance.

Too empty grip.

It became her exclusive weapon and has been with her to this day.

Can you not be impressed?

And later, these Xuanyuan swords went through a long time with her, and it can be said that they are full of emotion in retrospect.

The cause of Fu Hua and Xuanyuan Sword.

It can be described as inseparable.

But where did Beidou come from?

Why does she also have a Xuanyuan Sword 523, and it looks a little different from those of her past self?

At least it seems.

It's more like the alchemy equipment on Liyue's side.

Fu Hua moved and looked at Su Bai with shocked eyes.

"Could it be?"

Su Bai smiled and clapped his hands slightly.

"You guessed it, I created it, using the core of the previous Thousand Laws to forge a new Xuanyuan Sword with unique Liyue style and characteristics."

"Even if it is just the norm, it is also immortal equipment, with good power."

"It's completely different from the Xuanyuan Sword you have there."

Like Fu Hua's pre-civilization period, it was not a fusion warrior, and using the Xuanyuan sword was a waste.

It is simply impossible to exert the power of this divine key.

Exactly the same as ordinary weapons.

So those fighters, one by one, received a box lunch.

It's like using a whiteboard weapon to fight terrible monsters, who dies if you don't die?!!

In the Shenzhou behind, it was still Fu Hua who modified the Tai Void Sword Qi, and those few apprentices could practice and change.

It was refined by Su Bai.

Under normal circumstances, the Xuanyuan Sword can also exert great power.

It belongs to the enhanced version.

"New, Xuanyuan Sword?"

Fu Hua muttered and looked, originally she was still very curious, but Su Bai said that she would know if she looked at it.


She also set her sights on the battlefield.

I saw Beidou holding Xuanyuan, and the thunder array around him surging, and for a while the sky thunder rolled, with the power of the immortal array, a large number of immortal thunder continued to fall, fighting with the dragon.

There were also many thunder swords exploding one after another.


The Xuanyuan Sword itself can also be unleashed by the user, unleashing a series of skills.

It is a very standard fairy sword.

And it is built with the core of the law of a thousand people, containing a wisp of power, and the personality is beyond the ordinary immortal sword.

It can also increase a series of capabilities of Beidou.

His martial arts power has increased a lot.

At this time, Beidou did not play anything virtual, her eyes flashed fairy light, and the amazing thunder element energy rushed into the sky, causing vibrations in all directions, and countless thunder lights responded to it!

In the terrifying celestial phenomena, the surrounding energy roared for a while.

The atmosphere roars, thunderstorms surge!

The invisible momentum spread with a bang!

A huge divine shadow formed behind Beidou, like a giant standing above the heavens and the earth, holding lightning bolts and wearing divine armor, looking solemn and solemn, and the divine power was amazing.

The impact alone startled the dragon.

I was almost shaken back into the sea.

And after seeing such a thing, its pupils shrank.

I also realized what a terrifying energy it contained.

It makes it shudder.

The hairs all stood on end.

Even the end in the distance sighed for it.

"Another Demon God-level elemental martial arts, how much has this guy Su Bai developed?"

"Fortunately, I have it too, no need to envy."

This is the [Thunder God Fury] among the seven gods' wrath!

Only the next moment, the amazing vision attracted everyone's attention.

Just after Beidou released the Thunder God Fury, the sword in her hand seemed to resonate strongly with her power, not only began to glow, but also emitted an amazing sword roaring sound!


In the light, Beidou also showed surprise.

The Xuanyuan sword in his hand changed.

It's a completely different look.

The feeling of blood integration is very strong at this moment.

As if it is an extension of itself, it can be driven at will, used freely, and completely as you like.

And what was shown before her eyes.

It is a giant sword that is larger and heavier than before, and the weight has suddenly sunk a lot, and the whole is mainly black, symbolizing the power and vastness that has survived the storm and remained motionless.

A red orb is set on the hilt.

The blade is also bordered by blood red and black!

It made Beidou recall his past weapons, but this one was much more powerful and fairy, and his appearance was far more than before.

She couldn't help but stroke the sword body.

"So that's the case, this is the most suitable sword for me, an exclusive sword weapon."

Unlike ordinary swords.

This of Beidou is completely a giant sword, which is also her characteristic.

Good at strength and skill.

It can swing a giant sword that is difficult for ordinary people to swing, so as to rival the huge sea (chcb) beast, and fight an amazing battle!

In the past, look at mortals.

She is a top one strong!

Even the immortals said that her strength was worthy of recognition.

At this time, she had already received a series of teachings from Su Bai and a new sword that belonged to her.

"Hmph, sure enough, this kind of giant sword is more powerful."

"Come on!"

She raised her giant sword, and the amazing power of thunder and lightning continued to circulate in the sword.

And not only that. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even the thunder god fury behind her resonated together, seamlessly integrated, and a giant divine sword also appeared on the hand of the idol.

Vaillant is on the rise again!

Thor Fury Phase 2, Open!

At this moment, along with Beidou's swinging of the sword, the huge figure of the Thunder God Fury also wielded a terrifying giant sword, with the southern Tianshan Mountains and Seas, the vast momentum made the air shake!

This unparalleled storm alone caused the sea to set off monstrous waves!

At this time, she is like the only one in heaven and earth and the sea!

Majestic and powerful!

Even this dragon was so incomparable in front of her.

The sense of oppression like thunder is constantly coming towards the sea.



She Beidou is the real - the uncrowned dragon king!

The giant sword, fell!

Looking at such a terrifying scene, even the originally fierce, murderous, and brutal dragon showed a look of horror.


It's also struggling desperately.

Controlling the power of this sea area, there is a crazy confrontation!

The amazing sound of the dragon sounded here.

Make no mistake!

It's just eyeing a few humans!

Why did it attract such a terrible guy, what kind of power was this, and it made it all fear and tremble.

By what?!

What the hell is that huge figure!

And after Beidou's Xuanyuan Sword changed its posture, Fu Hua was the first to exclaim.

"Unexpectedly, it can also change?"

"Obviously, this Beidou has not cultivated too void sword qi at all, and the power used is not a collapse ability."

"It's like, resonating with her power. Thus, the sword was determined by the person, and the divine weapon appeared. "

Is this okay too?

After all, on her side, she needed to cultivate the Tai Void Sword Qi to the meaning of the Tai Void Five Essence in order to change.

In fact, even that Li Suxiang.

Learned a bunch of things.

And after learning the Tai Void Sword Qi for a whole decade, he experienced a series of battles and adventures before he understood the sword intent in life and death.

It's a pity that it didn't become a big success at that time, and the sword still hasn't changed.

Later, she compared the sword with Ma Fei Ma, and her was still a normal Xuanyuan sword.

I know that this thing is not so easy to change.

Fu Hua was even more changing at the beginning.

The result went to Su Bai here.

You don't need to cultivate this specific sword qi, and it doesn't take long for you to change directly like this.

I skipped that step.

It doesn't need to be that troublesome.

This also made Fu Hua sigh.

Su Bai, it's really powerful.

This talent is incredible.

After the change of Thunder God's anger, he slashed at the dragon with a giant thunder sword, as if it was like a broken bamboo, and its attack was instantly smashed, and the dragon was split in two.

Its power is undiminished.

Split the sea here!

It's an amazing sight.

Ling finally wiped a cold sweat.


Change to some demon gods from before, and you will be finished on the spot, right?

Times have changed.


She is already a New Age Demon God.

Die laughing.

Also followed up with this stronger version.

Not to mention that even Liyue's immortal combat power standards have long changed.

A bunch of combat power.

With such power, even the Thousand Rock Army was stunned.

"Good, so strong!"

"Worthy of being Captain Beidou, has her strength become so strong?"

"That move, it seems that Lord Keqing has also used it before."

"As a result, this time, it seems that it is even more terrifying and majestic than Lord Keqing!"

"It's too fierce to be able to defeat even such a troublesome and tricky dragon-shaped dangerous species."

"That is, no wonder it will be Lord Su Bai's confidant, it is too powerful and domineering, such a sword, it really has the ability to open mountains and split the sea!"

I'm afraid this once.

If it is placed in the sea area of Liyue Port, it is enough to sensationalize the entire Liyue, right? .

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