She is called the Dragon King of the Sea by everyone in Liyue.

Not for nothing.

Even the waves and storms that are wild and terrifying have to bow to her!

So after this dragon ambush.

The fleet began to salvage and carry the huge jiao~ dragon dangerous species to dismember on the spot.

Separate various materials.

Qian Yanjun has long been handy in doing this.

It was then distributed to most of the fleet on this side of Beidou.

After all, it was this Captain Beidou who occupied the main combat position.

And Beidou's victorious return caused the excitement of the entire crew.

A feast unfolds here.

The bright red cauldron is boiling with various ingredients, and there is no shortage of pepper pepper inside.

And this time, you can also cut the dragon meat into slices and put it in the pot.

This is the first time I have encountered such high-grade ingredients.

There is a special alchemy instrument on the fairy boat, which can pull out the violent energy in the meat, leaving it with only the tender and delicious meat itself.

Regarding eating, Liyue is authentic.


Under Beidou's orders, the crew scattered everywhere, groups on the deck, eating hot pot.

It's not painful.

Then Beidou and Su Bai, of course, they had dinner together.

For the materials sent by Beidou generously.

Zhibao also thanked him and selected some dragon blood to pack.


Take it and irrigate the herbs and see what changes can be made.

Or whether the aspect of mutating organisms can play a role.

Everyone also learned in the conversation that after the change of this Xuanyuan sword, Beidou gave it a new name.

【Chop the sea】.

Underneath the bland, there is endless domineering.

This is her Beidou style.

So she became the first to deform the Xuanyuan sword, although Su Bai has only built a few recently, and she hasn't sent it yet.

This also made Su Bai ask her with a smile.

"Beidou, it stands to reason that your Xuanyuan Sword shouldn't change so fast, and it will take a while to resonate."

"Now it's ahead of schedule."

For this, Beidou smiled cheerfully, and a trace of tenderness that belonged to a domineering woman like her floated in her eyes.

"That's because it was the sword you sent, and I naturally took good care of it and loved it diligently."

I have been cultivating a tacit understanding with this sword.

Sleep with holds.

That is, this time to entertain everyone, it will naturally be put away.

Right at this time.

The curious Cang Xuan Book little cutie raised a hand.

"That, can I ask, Sister Beidou is also an immortal? Wouldn't that be able to live a long time? "

After all, she often called Fu Hua, that is, immortal, immortal.

She is sensitive to this.

So then she let out a burst of exclamations.

"How many thousands of years old is easy? Demon God longer? "

"Isn't that almost the same as Hua and her, and you also have such a long lifespan here!"

And after learning that there is more than one, many immortals.

It made her dizzy.

Liyue turned out to be the country of immortals.

Moreover, the immortals and achievement methods on the human side all came from Su Bai, and it was he who brought about this change.

The Book of Cangxuan was shocked.

Su Bai also said that there is no need to worry about this.

What he is pursuing is for everyone he loves to live with him forever.

That's eternal companionship.

A person's words are too lonely and painful after all.


Hearing this, Cangxuanzhishu's eyes instantly lit up.

She quickly looked at Fu Hua.

Let Fu Hua's face turn dark instantly.

What do you mean!

At this time, the idea of the Book of Cangxuan was.

Isn't this the best person to accompany the immortal (Fu Hua)?

After all, judging by the current contacts .

This Su Bai has the highest status, amazing skills, good personality, happy to get along with, and constantly helps immortals.

Even Xiaozhi is very dependent on him.

This was noticed by the Book of Cangxuan.

It's amazing.

Because of small knowledge, but there are memories of immortals.

She is another immortal.

Then the vision will not be bad.


I didn't expect to encounter such interesting things after waking up this time.

After all, the Book of Cangxuan hopes that Fu Hua will not be alone, and will say that she hopes that there will still be someone by her side, so she cares about this matter.


It's time to come to the Immortal Seed Nest!

This Su Bai is still a rock god, and his life is longer!

Can single-handedly drive the emergence of many human immortals.


What Fu Hua couldn't do, he could do.

So Cangxuan Book is very happy, it seems that the future life will be super interesting and wonderful.

And halfway through eating, Su Bai temporarily left here.

He instantly appeared in a wood.

In front of me, I saw a yellow-haired girl picking rare plants, and she squatted in front of that plant, flipping through the Heavenly Dao terminal.

"Paimon, look quickly, this should be Danmu grass, after eating, you can be full, for the latest version of the main herb of Tianyun Chenludan, the immortals of Dandingsi, entrust us to find this."

"So try to grow on a large scale."

"At that time, what will be cultivated will be a brand new Danmu Immortal Grass."

Ying happily picked.

She also sighed.

What kind of meal Yun Chenludan.

After eating the pill for a long time, the stomach is not hungry.

Unexpectedly, it was not welcome here at all in Liyue, except for a small number of people who worked overtime and were not willing to spend more time even eating.

Most people think that food is a pleasure.

No matter how provincial, it can't be saved like this.

So this kind of elixir is exported to other countries and is very popular, which is a thing.

Ying couldn't laugh or cry.

As a result, Su Bai appeared and startled her.

Almost fell.

However, she was instantly held by Su Bai, and wiped the dust on her face, and Ying's expression went directly from stunned to quickly crimson, and her eyelashes blinked, and then she exclaimed.

Quickly get up from him.

As a result, Su Bai also shook his head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Really, make yourself dirty."


Ying was speechless.

Isn't it normal to carry out such commissions mainly in the forest, getting dirty.

Paimon was happy.

"Heehee, Su Bai, you came to us, is there anything good?"

"Or are you here just for the screen?"

This made Ying look at Paimon angrily, who told you to say this.

Paimon you guy!

Shut up!

"Of course it's the former, please eat the dragon meat slice hot pot, come quickly."

"After all, it's not interesting to come just for the screen."

Looking at his expression of spreading hands, Ying couldn't get angry.

What do you mean?

I don't deserve you to come alone.

Damn it!

She forgot that she had avoided Su Bai's arms in shame just now.

"Dragon meat ?!!"

Paimon suddenly exclaimed, his eyes widened a lot.

Also subconsciously wiped his saliva.

"Really fake?!"

"Su Bai, you quickly take me and Ying, I can't stand it."

"Hee-hee, thank you for still talking about us."

So this wave of hotpot candidates +2 again.

On the deck after that.

Ying and Su Bai are blowing the wind here, and Paimon is still eating over there, and he can't stop.

So Ying is very resentful at this time.

Bastard Paimon.

Come soon, I'm so overwhelmed now, do you ignore me because of a little food?

To know.

What made her eyes dodge, very embarrassed.

Because Su Bai has been approaching.

This made Ying couldn't help but exclaim.

"Su, Su Bai, what do you want to do?"

Su Bai just teased.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, let me cuddle, cute Ying."

"After all, I invited you to eat dragon meat."

"Well, don't run."


Ying blushed shyly.

You bad embryo.

Don't think I don't know, Jiaolong was defeated by Sister Beidou, you are watching the play next to it

And say yes.

It can't be like this anymore!

You've hugged me several times!

Shocked and dodging, seeing that it was almost the ocean behind her, she hurriedly spoke up.

And reach out.

"Don't come here, I'm going to fall."

Ying thought that this would make Su Bai let her go.

As a result, Su Bai was very funny.

"That's not right."

"You either get held by me or fall."

And he also sped up a little, so that Ying was so frightened that his hind feet were empty, and he fell directly into the sea.

A white splash broke out on the surface of the water.

A moment later.

The drenched Ying was snapped by Su Bai and floated up from the sea.

She was very angry and aggrieved.

"Su Bai, why don't you hold me."

"Because then I can enjoy more beautiful scenery, like now."


After noticing his current state, Ying's face turned red and he exclaimed.

It turned out that her clothes had become a lot more transparent.

The fair thighs are clearly visible.

Ying quickly turned around and covered herself.

Gritting his teeth in shame.

"Don't look any further! Su Bai, you bad guy! "

Su Bai couldn't help it.

Sometimes it's fun to play with Han Ying.

And after being teased by Su Bai several times in succession, it was not until a gust of wind blew that he suddenly remembered.

That's right.

He has the power of the wind element.

What the hell am I doing!

She quickly condensed the cyan wind and dried it for herself.

And Ying heard Su Bai's playful laughter.

"Finally remembered, it seems that Ying actually let me watch it for a long time, so I deliberately didn't use the wind element, what an understanding girl."

Ying's eyes were black on the spot, and she was almost fainted by this dog Su Baiqi.


I'm also a big fool, ahhhhhhh

Why didn't I think of it earlier.

It's all this guy that makes my mind a mess!

I didn't even notice such an obvious thing.


Obviously, when you fell down just now, you can even use the wind to levitate yourself briefly and return to the deck!

As a result, he fell stupidly!

Throw the dead.

Who would have thought that Feng Ming was the element she activated in the first place?

The culprit is the one in front of him who has been laughing!

And it didn't stop!

"Su Bai! Come here, I'm going to beat you up! "

Here, came the annoyed voice of the girl.

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