Yae Miko was angry.

So she immediately planned that instead of waiting for Liyue's fox clan to grow up, it was better to get acquainted with a wave first and send kindness, otherwise in the evening, these secret methods would be of no use at all.

At that time, it will be sent again, and the effect is very small.

Can't drag it out any longer.

Therefore, she really wanted to find Su Bai and send the secret method.

The result is not found.

Important areas, she could not enter.

Miko was numb.

It is really difficult to meet such a big person, you can only look at fate.

Perhaps the Liyue people who often live here may see Su Bai.

Meet him where it is nothing.

But Miko is from Inazuma's side, and it is really not easy to see him for a while.

She planned to go straight back after playing a wave.

The next time Shenzi plans to trick Jiujo Luo over and let her go to Su Bai with cultivation matters, it should be feasible, anyway, Qiluo, it will suffer you.

Sacrifice your body.


How can this be called bitter!

Maybe it's a great pleasure.

But I never expected that I would see Su Bai's appearance this time!

She was also shocked.

What kind of magical alchemy props are the glasses?

Eliminate presence?

Or change your appearance in the eyes of others?

So she immediately checked out and came to this side, on weekdays, Yae Miko plays in Liyue, and often changes appearance.

So there we have this scene.

And Yae Miko took out a light novel-like book and handed it to Su Bai.

"Please accept it, this is all the secrets and spells of my fox clan, big and small, you only need to read it with consciousness. "

"On the surface, it's blank. "

130 seemed to see Su Bai's slightly strange eyes.

Yae Miko smiled mischievously.

"That, originally my clan's secret records are generally ancient jade, fox statues or other forms, but I think I should keep up with the times by the way, so I made this kind of light novel storage gesture. "

"Kind of interesting. "

Su Bai glanced at her and smiled instead.

"Okay, then I will accept this kindness and friendship. "

Hearing this, Yae Miko was overjoyed.

Quickly bowed his head.

"Uh-huh, then I won't bother you, next time you come to Inazuma, let me show you around, you can ask me and find me if you need anything." "

"Even the locations of the last movie were planned with my help. "

"I'll quit first. "

When the words fell, Yae Miko disappeared here.

At this point.

She is very measured and human.

There was no force to set off with Su Bai, after all, if there was something wrong with the people, it was a clumsy move.

If you meet for the first time.

It's better to be elegant and keep a little good impression.

So after that, Su Bai flipped through these fox secret methods, extracted some interesting ones, and then let those little white foxes learn.

This is also one of a kind.

There are also many immortal methods in Liyue that can be learned.

They have a lot of choices, and even the Qingqiu Fox Immortal Method that belongs to them can be combined in the end.

A few days later.


"Master Su Bai, please don't do this, please. "

In a courtyard, Yae Miko stood outside the door, listening to the grievances and astonishment coming from the Kujo Gola in the house, which surprised her, and sure enough.

It seems that Kujo Choro is more resistant (chbb) rejection.

And when he noticed that the familiar figure at the gate of the courtyard was about to walk over, the corners of Miko's mouth turned up, and he deliberately shouted.

"Shadow, why are you here?"

"Oh, is there something you need help with, I can share the worries, Kujo Jura seems to have gone out on patrol, come on, let's go over there and discuss." "

A circle of question marks popped up on Ray's head.

What is it?

She happened to pass by here, planning to ask Huashanli, is there any good special food, and will have dinner with Su Bai who came from afar at noon.

Hope it's ready.

As a result, what did the Son of God stop her?

And Miko also said enthusiastically, and walked away with Shadow, which surprised Shadow, this fox rarely takes the initiative to work, forget it, then let her be active.

So Miko proudly glanced at the courtyard behind.


Lord Su Bai, see if I do you a favor.

And bullying Kujo is so fun, she must be scared.

As soon as he thought of this, Yae Miko couldn't help but want to laugh, making Kage's face strange.

And that's exactly what happened.

A pair of long legs gave up the struggle in Su Bai's arms.

At this time, Kujo Yuro was wearing daily clothes, and originally there was Liyue black silk specially given to her by Yae Miko on her legs, but the black silk was already scattered on the ground.

Her face was flushed and she could only snuggle into Su Bai's arms.

Even that tengu mask was on the sidelines.

This made Kujo Jura aggrieved, crying silently, with tears in his eyes, and using a very small voice, as if he was afraid of being heard by the shadow.

"Master Su Bai, why do you always want to bully me?"

She was already held in Su Bai's arms and couldn't leave.

I can only keep trembling.

Fu Luo's mind was blank, after all, every time she was guided by Lord Su Bai, she would be very embarrassed, and gradually how could she not understand that this Lord Liyue was teasing her.

Is it for fun?

Or admire her?

Kujo Iro really can't tell.

She didn't know.

Very confused.

I am very weak and hope to become stronger.

To her surprise, Su Bai tailored the cultivation method of the immortal crow for her, both the sun fairy crow and the moon fairy crow, paying attention to the gathering of the sun and the moon, and the unity of immortal law, which is a very powerful method.

The result is a shame.

Su Bai touched her wings every time, indicating that he wanted to develop and guide her practice.

Each time, her face burned like she wanted to escape.

But every time, there is a shadow lord not far away.

She didn't dare. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Gradually, she wanted to get into the ground shyly, it was very humiliating at every turn, and Su Bai's breath also made her panic, and after a few times, her mood became more complicated.

I don't know how to face Su Bai.

Inside, there are also various emotions tumbling, making her resentful, ashamed, hesitant, afraid, and something else, and sometimes when she is alone, she will recall this series of things.

It made her mind tingle.

Just now she was frightened by Yae Miko's words, Kage-sama came over?

But now that she is like this, she does not dare to go out at all.

Don't even dare to move.

So now she can only bury her head.

"Obviously, I am just an insignificant general, Lord Su Bai, Pi Luo should not have offended you. "

"As for hearing that you have many women, but Qiu Luo has never dared to think so. "

"A humble body, Pi Luo is not worthy. "

So her tone of crying was, stop playing with me.

Qiu Luo can't get married anymore.

This made Su Bai flick her face slightly, causing Kujo Luo to startle again, the temperature of her cheeks increased more and more, and then she heard the gentle voice of this adult.

"Nothing, Zo, you're a very good girl. "

"I like you very much. "

"It's not what you think, play a few times and then throw it aside, and then ignore it and never look at the eye again. "

"Don't say anything unworthy or unworthy, aren't you in my arms right now?"


Kujo was about to stop talking, and she was surprised and overwhelmed.

Lord Su Bai took a fancy to her.

More than just a simple tease?

Actually, is it like this.

This astonishing news made her head dizzy, but Kujo also realized that there was a suppressed emotion in her heart, and it began to grow like a weed.

After all.

The one in front of him is the best object that all women in the world love ah.

Yourself, is it really possible?

But after a moment she was still astringent.

"But I'm just a little general, located next to Lord General, and you are a god who sits at the table and talks with Lord General, Lord Su Bai, I.."

As a result, before she finished speaking, she was sealed by Su Bai with a finger.

Su Bai had a smile in his eyes.

"Don't say anything, just let me hold it quietly for a while and rest in my arms." "

"Anyway, there will be guidance in the future. "

This made Jiujo Luo whimper in shame, and could only continue to rub in Su Bai's arms.

And then stopped moving.

It seems, acquiesced.

Knowing that you can't resist.

Such a move, in the past, she Kujo Luo never thought about it.

He would get into a man's arms so intimately.

Good shame.

This feeling is really indescribable.

And Su Bai suddenly spoke up.

"The two white-haired balls on your clothes are quite cute, how can you even have this daily one, it seems that even you are heroic and martial, you also hide a very cute side in your heart." "

"I, that is..."

Kujo Luo was so shocked that he could only dare not continue to speak out with a burning face.


That's really what she thinks is cute, plus it.

When this careful thinking was noticed, it made her embarrassed and shy.

And after a while.

Su Bai took out a long sword, and the familiar golden sword appeared again, but compared to the original, it was a little darker gold, and he handed this to Kujo Luo.

To the surprise of Pelo.

"Master Su Bai, this, this is!"

"Didn't you always want an alchemical weapon, this one called the Xuanyuan Sword, just as my gift to you. "

"This sword itself not only has many wonderful uses, but over time, it can also be transformed into a weapon that suits your own style, which will greatly increase your combat power. "

"Take it. "

Kujo Iro's eyes were full of excitement, and a look of joy suddenly appeared.

Didn't expect that.

Suddenly, good luck hit his head.

But thinking about her current state, being bullied by Lord Su Bai for a while, losing people, she is a little afraid to see people.

But no matter what, she can still tell.

After all, Master Su Bai didn't have to send it, and now like this, Jiujo Luo was very moved.

"Thank you for your kindness, Qiluo is unforgettable. "

"Toothless. Then come on. "。

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