
Jiujo Luo was first shocked and did not understand Su Bai's meaning, but the next moment her lips were printed, and her eyes widened instantly, understanding Su Bai's words.

"Woo hoo. "

She was panicked in her eyes, shy and caught off guard.

I don't know what to do.

I only knew that Kujo Luo's face was getting redder and redder, and Su Bai kissed her.

She had to close her eyes.

After that, she quickly fled here with a blush, and it seemed that after regaining her senses, she knew what she was facing, and the calmness of the general had long disappeared.


Himself turned out.

So Kage was very puzzled at the dinner, ~ What about Kujo Jurao?

What about people?

It's gone.

Or the first time I saw her absent.

It's bizarre.

It won't be like this since the general's strike, right?

She panicked.

On the contrary, Yae Miko and Su Bai persuaded, saying that it was okay, maybe there was some delay.

As a result, Kujo changed his clothes again, and only then said with trepidation that he was late because something had happened.

Please blame the military lord.

Shadow didn't say anything, what is this.

I also think that Qiu Luo has been too tired recently, so he gave her two days off.

Qiu Luo smiled bitterly.

No, how could this be the case.

It is my pleasure to do things for you.

It's because I was, woo, obviously I said toothless and unforgettable, referring to great grace, unforgettable.

I will remember it deeply.

It turned out that Lord Su Bai was another, and this was really unforgettable.

She was directly stupid.

Liyue routine is deep, ah no, Liyue culture is deep.

I didn't use this word if I knew it!


Su Bai and Lei are alone in the movie.

After hearing her series of words and bitter expression, Su Bai nodded silently.

"So that's the case, the general still hasn't come out?"

"It seems that you really pitted her too badly, and she was angry with you to death." "

Shadow's face twitched.

This is not the reason for me alone, obviously there are you too!

Anyway, it was the shadow that persuaded for so long.

The general just doesn't listen.

Chose to close the Pure Land of One Heart.

Ignored her.

Ying also knows very well that the general is actually her past self, and if she is autistic, she will be the same as herself, and it is normal to sit cross-legged for tens or hundreds of years.

Because of their immortal species, the concept of time.

It's not the same.

So the shadow is very uncomfortable, am I wrong.

I already knew, I would just give Su Bai a kiss.

I'm sorry.

So she looked at Su Bai with eager eyes and pleaded.

"That, Su Bai, do you have any good ways to get the general out." "

"I don't want to see her close herself like this, obviously the outside world is very interesting, I haven't seen it, it's a pity to experience it." "

"Well, I want to think. "

Su Bai pondered for a moment, and then spoke up to Lei Movie.

"General, I know you can hear me, come out. If you don't come out again, I'll go in and kiss you." "

Ray Films: ...

She opened her mouth wide, her eyes widened, and she looked dumbfounded.


What kind of trick and persuasion are you!

Aren't you afraid that the general will be stimulated by you and go crazy?

Wait until she comes out with a knife and cuts you!

This is simply to open her wounds again!

In the words of Yae Miko's guy, it's a shrimp pig heart.


Murderous heart.

The crumb fox has brought itself to ruin.

But in any case, your outrageous outrageous outburst.

As a result, Ichishin Pure Land did not respond, still did not make a sound, and the general did not come out.

All right.

Shadow also sighed.

And Su Bai continued to whisper.

"Silence is useless. "

"After all, you also know that I am very good at space, can the Pure Land really stop me, as long as I want, I can go directly in." "

"At that time, you can't run. "

"Don't come out yet, then I'll count down, and when you count to one, you'll wait to be caught and kissed by me." 3."

“2。 "

Before he could count one, the general came out and kicked the Ray movie off the line.

Those eyes suddenly changed their expressions.

There was anger in her eyes and she spoke coldly.


"Su Bai, don't you think that this kind of you is excessive?"

The cold and proud general finally used this body again after the last self-isolation and came outside.

There is really no way.

was Su Bai angry came out.

If this guy really ran in, then what would she do?


Playing cards out of common sense.

The behavior of Heying persuading for most of the day is not the same at all.

And Su Bai smiled funny.

"As long as it can work, it's a good trick, No, won't you come out?"

"If it's anything else, I'm afraid to say a dozen words, and you're indifferent." "

The general could only stare at him coldly.

Because since she has already come out, then she will not run in again like running away.

Because the general and the shadow are different.

She is still very arrogant.

The personalities of the two people are actually quite different.

Even Ying in the pure land, can't help but light up his eyes, or Su Bai has a way, powerful, all of a sudden the general is willing to come out.


It should be better.

Ying Meimei drank it with a pot of tea, this guy General, he also engaged in a little idle and elegant lifestyle in a pure land!

The next moment, Su Bai's voice came.

"General, if you are really aggrieved and uncomfortable in your heart, you will panic. Well, or will you kiss back? Ten minutes of the kind. "

"You !! Su Bai!"

Raiden General exploded.

Even Lei Movie didn't hold back, and a sip of tea spewed out.

She was dumbfounded. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Su Bai, why do you always engage in such scary words.


The general is really angry now.

Shadow watched Su Bai snap his fingers, causing the environment to come to another space, and then the two of them fought, and after a long time, Su Bai made this space disappear again.

Looking at the panting general, he was still calm.

"Sit down, General, you feel much better now. "

"For a god like you, it is not so much more useful to move your muscles and bones to have a fierce battle. "

"So I've been deliberately provoking you, allowing your anger to accumulate, and just let it go in one go." "

The general looked at him speechlessly, and also sat down.

What a fierce battle that is.

It's all you can deal with casually, just cooperate with me.

How else would it have taken so long.

In particular, Su Bai also deliberately acted a few times, such as wiping sweat, sighing that the general's move was really good, and he was almost cut.

The general's face darkened.

You guy!

There was no sweat at all, and it didn't cut you!

So after a moment, the general spoke in a slightly better tone.

"No need to say anything else, I know, I'll come out after that and continue to help this guy with Shadow and deal with a series of things." "

"It's back to its previous state. "

"So you don't have to run into the Pure Land, and you don't have to be angry with General Ben, there are some things that I can't face, after all, I just help Shadow and carry many dolls for her." "

"You're wrong. "

Su Bai's words made a trace of surprise flash in her eyes.

"You are not a simple puppet, but another thunder movie, another thunder general, in my eyes, this is life. "

"You two are the same. "

"So next, General, accompany me to wander around, explore many areas, and relax." "


The general frowned.

She is in charge of the work side, shouldn't it be looking for shadows?

For yourself.

That's not something she should be doing.

It can't achieve the effect of shadow.

And Su Bai couldn't help but smile.

Because the general carried the pot for Ying, she was indeed very aggrieved.

This is no problem.

And he still let her out like this, and in the end the result is.

She was inexplicably taken from her first kiss, kissed by Su Bai for a long time, her brain was blank, her qi was autistic, and now she can only return to her original life.

Work on a range of important matters and documents.

It's miserable.

How could there be such a poor general.

Shadow to deduct big points!

Ray Movie: Woo hoo, don't scold, don't scold.

So Su Bai hopes to take her for a walk, scatter her mind, and don't be closed in a pure land or buried in documents all day long.

Su Bai didn't look at her as a doll.

But another goddess.

Another friend.

"So, go shopping with my friend. "

"No, General Ben intends to continue dealing with it .."

As a result, the general has not finished speaking, and if Su Bai says a word that you do not go, it is difficult to say what will happen after that.

You know.

The general is blushing, and you even threaten me again!!

Is there a friend like you?

Do you have any misconceptions about the word friend?

She became angry again.

In the end, he could only hold his chest coldly with both hands and follow Su Bai.

To this.

Su Bai also smiled gently.

"Look, actually, I don't want to say that, it's just that you're much more stubborn than Shadow, so don't care, I'm just talking." "

"Oh, should General Ben say that you are still doing this for my own good?"

"You can say it if you want. "


The general was cold and arrogant.

Of course, she could hear that this guy Su Bai really wanted to make her happy, so he forced her to go like this.

It's inexplicable.

Obviously I am a puppet, why do you care so much about my feelings?

I don't even care about being kissed by you for so long.

After all, it is necessary to return to normal.

After all, the reason for her existence is to carry the law and eternity.

This guy really, always does something superfluous.


The general did not say a word.

Silently set off with Su Bai.

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