Originally, the grass dragon Apep has been paying attention to the development of the Meru rainforest.

In its words.

It is to witness to the way man and the kingdom of God can go.

It turned out that this Sumeru was developing really fast.

One after another, rainforest oases sprang up on this desert, and civilization and population began to expand and become larger for a while.

And it seems that relying on that country of Liyue, many strange things have emerged in the Meru Rainforest.

Many things called alchemy items began to circulate in this land.

And there are also alchemy mining equipment, which is constantly moving.

As well as many instruments that transform wind and sand into rainforest land, constantly solidify and cultivate the source to prevent being blown away by wind and sand, so as to stabilize and gradually expand.

This was developed by Nasida and the Ordinance.

To the surprise of the grass dragon.

A bunch of strange stuff.

These kingdoms of gods and people always like to engage in some of these items, but their portal is really interesting, the use of space?

That Liyue is not simple.

This time, it was the mutated swarm of sandworms that caught its attention, and then it saw the blow of the Law of Knowledge.

Startled it.

What the hell!

I feel that there is a very terrifying aura coming from that move, so where is the god?

That kind of sword qi that pervaded the space made the grass dragon very hairy.

How the hell did it happen.

Last time, that woman, a round of small seals made it fearful.

This time there is another terrible god.

It won't be Liyue's, right?

What kind of country is that? 27 It feels too scary.

Feeling palpitating, it chose to go back.

If this wave of bombing comes when it sleeps, I am afraid it will have to jump up.


The neighbor's side is a little too scary.


"Yelan, my good Lanlan, I plan to deliver you a task, this time it will be of great benefit."


At this time, Yelan was in Su Bai's arms, and her beautiful eyes were full of confusion and aftertaste.

"Go to Meru, there are powers that can strengthen you."

"You have become a top Great God Immortal a long time ago, and you are under the gods, and you can start thinking about condensing your powers."

After hearing Su Bai's series of information, Yelan nodded.

Very neat and decisive.

"I know, I'll get up."

As a result, when she stood on the side and dressed, she was pulled back by Su Bai, she exclaimed, and had to show a helpless smile, really, I have always been yours.

In the staring Immortal Palace Mansion.

"Ning Guang, help me deal with these tasks, I'm going to Meru."

"I'll trouble you, my good sister."

Before leaving, Yelan came here.

These words made Ning Guang laugh.

"Okay, after all, it was Lan Lan's request, look at your appearance of a water hibiscus, just came out of Su Bai."

"Don't make trouble, obviously I didn't know who was there yesterday night."


For herself to tease Yelan, when she said this, Ning Guang didn't care at all.

Very calm.

She laughed.

"After all, it is in front of my husband, and I always have no reservations about him and give him the best."

"I don't need to press myself."

"Go, I'll fight with you again when I come back, or face my husband together and be bullied by him."


The two with excellent feelings looked at each other and smiled, and all the tacit understanding was in their eyes.

After all, it's an old partner.

They all fell to Su Bai one after another.

What shame, what shame, all because of Su Bai, have long seen it, and gradually get used to it, isn't it two women serving a husband.

It's nothing.


"What, the original water god died in Meru?"

There was an exclamation from here.

Yelan on the side nodded.

"That's right, this is the message that my husband gave me, Ying, I haven't seen you for a long time, this time we act together."

"Long time no see, Sister Yelan."

Ying also smiled happily.

After all, Yelan is very reliable, especially as a celestial hub, it has become more mature and reliable.

A look of good talk, analysis is the head, careful and calm big sister feeling.


People are beautiful and have a good personality!

Well, although I feel that the temperament of this gentle woman like water should not only be brought by being a celestial hub, but also related to Su Bai.


Why did I think of this again?

Yelan had a smile in her eyes.

After being enjoyed by her husband one after another and spending so long with him in husband and wife life, it is indeed becoming more and more feminine, and she is no longer as aggressive as before, which is normal.

Paimon was also smiling.

"Hello Sister Yelan, the barbecue I gave to Paimon last time, Paimon liked it very much, it was very delicious!"

"If you like it, I'll bring you more next time."

"Hee-hee, thank you Sister Yelan."

Then Ying wondered again what had happened before.

"Sister Yelan, why such a big thing as the water god has not been passed on, I don't know."

"No, the Land of Water knows very well, there are many pure water spirits there, and they all set out from Fontaine after that catastrophe and went to Meru to pay their respects to the place where the water god died."

"The distance they traveled is called the [pilgrimage route]."

This saint refers to the original water god!

Lord of manna! The old lord of the Land of Water!

This story is about to involve five hundred years of pitch-black calamity, that is, the ancient underground country - Canrea!


Ying and Paimon both widened their eyes.

Yelan was still calm.

"Yes, the place we are going to is a place called [Tiemu Mountain], which is located in the northernmost part of the desert." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That place has always been deserted.

Even these gods who once had Meru built human civilizations and cities far from touching there.

As a matter of fact.

That place is special.

Because it connects to the famous underground ancient country [Canrea] below.

That is, dig down from there and you can go directly to this country.

Canrea was originally near Meru.

That's true.

It's underground over here.

But also for this reason, after the outbreak of the Canrea Underground Abyss disaster, the abyss and evil forces that constantly overflowed even rushed to the surface, becoming one of the most eroded areas!

Then the story can go back to Meru.

The flower god divided her power, [Spiritual Light], and then the Great Compassion Tree King molded it, instilling her power and making it a new life.


The Seymour Bird appeared!

But this is not enough, the dead water god is needed.

Water God: ???

I'm alive and affect your output, right?

But that's true.

It is to ask for the corpse of the water god.

Because spiritual light is the power of flowers, and the king of the Great Mercy Tree is also grass and wood, can you see what is missing?


Plants need water!

How else to grow?

And it just so happens that the original water god has a name called [Lord of Manna].

In the plan of the flower god, this factor is needed, and she has long seen the death of the water god, and later this water god really died in Meru.

This tool god is wonderful.

See no.


A god who embodies the nature of instruments even more than the Great Mercy Tree King.

Never mind.

In dealing with a bunch of work, the Great Compassion Tree King still needs to bear more.

After the water god died, she did not die like other gods.

She turned into a [sea of manna].

And the Simog Divine Bird flew over, and directly came to a self-explosion, turning into a lot of spiritual light, and fused with the power of the sea of manna.

This is the essence of flowers + the purest water.

The sea of manna was upgraded and became a [Brilliant Sea of Flowers], and many spirits appeared, that is, [Flower Spirit].

There was a struggle against the abyss.

At that time, there were also one-armed sages, masked swordsmen, Yuan Zu's flower spirits, and so on united to fight against the erosion of pitch black.

And the Great Compassion Tree King created the [Mother Tree of Thousands of Seeds].

That is, 10,000 mother trees. 070

Look, the tree king is simply a tree planting maniac.

Look at how many trees Meru has, and the [Holy Tree] in Meru City, the original [King Tree], that is, the [Saran Tree], the [Huanna Dream Tree], and here there is another [Ten Thousand Mother Trees].

Plus she herself is related to the [World Tree].

Ordinary people have long been confused by the names of this pile of trees.

So Su Bai commented that she was, the goddess of planting trees.

It's just right, it couldn't be more right.

Because it is.

Tivat's first tree goddess!

And the power of ten thousand mother trees + gods has become a magical tree, what is it?

For details, refer to Inazuma's sacred cherry tree.

The 10,000 mother trees also absorb a large amount of filth, and then people need to perform water sacrifices to remove the filth.

So Su Bai said it a long time ago.

What Inazuma God Sakura.

When the thunder and lightning really come, you have to call the insider.

It turns out that everyone is the same.

Here, the water god plays a double role, and sure enough, the dead water god is the best.

Water God: .....

And among the ten thousand mother trees there is a giant lotus Gaugana, and as long as the filth is gone, it will bloom, and the nectar will be lowered, and the ground will be cleansed again.

That's the process.

And Yelan suddenly mentioned another thing.

"Ying, do you know that the Decree House used to have a branch?"


"Aren't they the six major colleges?"

"No, there is a seventh academy, except that they later separated from the Decree House and went to the depths of the desert."

This is the Nagajuna regiment.

They had cooperated with the Flower Spirit clan to fight the Abyss together.

The one-armed sage was the leader of the branch at that time, Nagajuna.

The first leaders! The first Lord!

This branch still exists today.

It's just equivalent to the past, which has long been weakened very seriously, not only the number of people is very small, but even a large number of books in the past have lost too much.

Inheritance lost.

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