Recruiting people is difficult.

Even the area where they operated was made a forbidden area by the former Decree Academy.

However, some of the old people in the Nagajuna group, who are older or plan to live other lives, will return to the Meru Rainforest.

Like one, he also ran to become a light novel writer.

However, this is also saving the country with the help of money and the power of the Adventurers' Association, and he issued a commission to collect and retrieve the lost antiquities of the Nagajuna group, that is, the drum.

As the starting point of the task of the Flower Spirit Book, it is the one that Ying found.

At the end, the identity of the client will be clarified.

It's this old-timer.

So after hearing Yelan say these amazing secrets, Paimon had already listened stupidly, what ten thousand kinds of mother trees, what Gaugana, Naga Juna, and the divine bird Simog.



I still think about the food in Liyue, it's still interesting!

It's not for nothing that Paimon is often criticized as a foodie.

On the contrary, Ying understood and sorted it out completely.

"I understand, that is, what we have to do next is to cooperate with the seventh branch of the legendary Apostolic Academy to deal with this situation together."

"Hold a ceremony to remove filth!"

"Well, to be precise, acting with the Decree Academy."


Next, Ying was dumbfounded, it was really not just the two of them, Nasida came over with a bunch of people from the Imperial Academy, and drove the alchemy desert car to that distant desert area.

This kind of car with oversized wheels is specially designed to drive in the desert without falling into it.

It was ordered by the Decree Institute to find Liyue College.

And Ying and Yelan, Nasida sat together, on the middle of this alchemy desert car.

A bunch of convoys headed inside, and as they got closer, a strange trace above the sky became more clearly visible, as if a hole had been broken in the sky?

A sage of the Decree House in the car next to him reported the situation.

"Lord Grass King, this is the same as we observed, this strange celestial phenomenon appeared here in the north, and I read through many records at that time and learned that this is called the celestial phenomenon of Burning Truth."

"Burning Heavenly Phenomenon?"

Ying was surprised, what a strange name.

Nasida is also very calm and cute.

"Yes, this happened once five hundred years ago, so it was recorded by the Decree House at that time."

"But more, the Decree House doesn't know, but I know."

Because Nasida received a series of teachings and explanations from the Great Mercy Tree King, the information was also updated.

"That Burning Heavenly Phenomenon is actually related to the ancient country and the black abyss, when the country of Canrea, the abyss erupted, and terrible pitch-black flames emerged from the ground and swept the earth."

It is equivalent to a large crack in the earth.

Black fire and filth, monsters and monsters are constantly pouring in like a tide.

At that time.

The Great Mercy Tree King planted ten thousand mother trees there and sealed the [Rift].

But once the tree absorbs too much filth, the giant wood that suppresses the black abyss (underground abyss) will be a little weak, causing the seal to loosen, and such a vision will appear in the sky.

About the abyss beyond the world has long been erased by Su Bai.

Rather, there are some things in the world, he does not care, as a kind of trial and challenge for living here, by the creatures living here, to cross and eliminate it.


Where else is the most residual abyss power?


This underground ancient kingdom is equivalent to bombing, and the power of the abyss continues to emerge from the underground, making their kingdom like that, and above is the land of Meru.

Then it was blocked by the Great Compassion Tree King with a tree.

Purify here.

Later words.

Canrea's affairs will naturally be managed and handled by Meru here, and there are many ruins related to Canrea in this area, and even the Adventurers Association wants to come here to explore.

It was only banned by the Fatwa Yuan.

It's dangerous after all.

As for the future, Su Bai's meaning is very simple, you are responsible for clearing and unlocking the Canrea area, and incorporating it into the normal territory of Meru, and those ruins and goods should be taken by the way.

Canrea has been digging, digging things out, and daring to touch the abyss.

In the end, he hurt himself.

Also pit a wave outside by the way.

At this time, the sage also spoke up.

"What Lord Grass King said is that Canria, in the past literature, was called [Ancient Kingdom of Xuan], and the abyss was called [Black Abyss], and if once the filth is on the earth, then we must deal with it."

"And about the technology of this ancient country, our Decree Academy should also absorb and refer to it, but it is better to develop our own path."

Because in the technology about analyzing Canrea, there is even a perpetual movement.

It was an item from a combat mechanism that was a trillion immortal dragon beast, and even if this machine was destroyed, the power taken from it was still running.

According to legend, the ancient kingdom of Canrea tried to explore forbidden techniques and create lasting machinery.

This involves perpetual operation and unlimited continuous energy.

It's just that this group of new sages found that there were records of Lord Su Bai's research on this in the void.

It made their faces twitch.

Sure enough, we kept lagging behind this adult.

I don't know when these were put in, after all, the knowledge in the Void Terminal was greatly revised and repaired, and Lord Su Bai also put a lot of correct theories into it.

With the efforts of Nasida and everyone, the wrong perception was finally changed back.

Everyone wiped their sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, in the past, it was emphasized that the knowledge entered into the Void Terminal was the truth, and this was a miracle created by the Great Mercy Tree King, and there could be no mistake.

Even the previous great sage believed it, and he knew how outrageous it was.

As a result, the Apostolical Academy has stagnated since five hundred years ago.

It looks like without the Great Compassion Tree King, it will be completely impossible.

It's just that it is written in that record that the so-called perpetuality is really just like this, which confuses everyone.

Once Su Bai came to teach at the Teaching Academy.

A sage sitting below asked about this matter in a curious voice.


It is this sage next to Nasida now.

In his impression, Lord Su Bai at that time smiled meaningfully, he did not directly talk about this, but told another story, in a certain world, human beings discovered a new energy source. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

Unlimited energy as they call it.

But in fact, there is no infinity, the so-called infinity is just the illusion that they can't use up temporarily, because it is too large, but this will also lead to the expansion of desire and crazy growth.

Eventually, the people there discovered that the so-called unlimited energy was the vitality of their world.

They did their best to squeeze their own survival home and shorten life here, and they ushered in their demise in advance.

But that world was not destroyed.

Because a god came later, she directly let the people of this world continue to reincarnate, unleashing endless battles and killings, and using this act to squeeze their souls.

Atonement for past sins.

Fight to the death.

This is their act of repentance!

Despair is useless, and rightly so.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat when they heard it.

The face was pale.

It's scary.

And Canrea's is the same, a vigorous extraction of earth vein energy, it seems indeed endless, as long as a series of problems of transportation, storage, and conversion are solved.

It looks like a perpetual motion machine.

But this is not perpetual motion at all.

In the end, it is still extracted from other local energy to achieve this effect.

It's clear.

Lord Subai meant that Canrea was the same as that civilization.

Embarked on the road to death.

And according to the records, it seems that Canrea felt that this was not enough, and then created the disaster of the black abyss.

Take it as a warning.

This cannot be the case with Meru.

Instead, Liyue is planting solar charging trees everywhere, the kind of trees that make the sages' eyes light up, and replenish energy according to the sun, isn't this a sustainable resource that is positive and pollution-free?

Rainforest and desert environments seem to be suitable for this light energy source.

Especially the desert with that high temperature and scorching sun.

You can refer to this direction.

Anyway, it is Canrea's mechanical technology, you can learn, but it is enough to learn only these, the extraction of earth vein energy is more, it will seriously affect the environment, who eats nothing to do this kind of thing?

Pit your own home?

Oh, the Abyss Order?

Then forget it.

Nasida nodded.

"If these things are done together, we will work together, and the rainforest and plants are our strengths, and we should grow at this point."

"Well, we're almost there."

Soon, a bunch of alchemy desert cars stopped.

Because several people in front of them stopped them vigilantly.

That was the Nagajuna regiment stationed here, and in fact these people called themselves the Correctional Regiment.

Nagaju is the first generation of the past.

"Stop! The Fatation? What do you want to do? "

"This is not where you should be! We, as the patrol officers of the Correctional Regiment, will not let you pass! "

They all have hostility in their eyes.

But many people in the Holy Court are confused, who.

The main thing is that it has been too long, and the past things are not much of an impression for the current scholars of the Decree Academy.

The people of Meru City even think that this is an absurd legend at all!

And after seeing Nasida, they were also taken aback.

"That Grass King-sama? Why, did you come here? "

Nasida got out of the car.

He was followed by a large number of scholars of the Apostolical Academy, as well as many guards.

But she spoke up in a friendly manner.

"Hello members of the Correctional Academy, our side has come with good intentions, and the Holy House has been reformed."

"This time, we should work together."

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