Although these patrol officers were very nervous, they were still not so easily persuaded.

But Nasida has a good attitude.

And calmly talked about some past events.

It is said that they are indeed the seventh school of the Apostolical Academy, belonging to the branch of the Apostolical Academy, and in this regard, the Apostolical Council will open the door to help and support, and allow them to return.

In fact, their entanglement with the Decree House is not so simple.

The idea they adhere to is that struggle is the main theme of the world, the essence, and the order!

This led to other colleges finding it strange and the two sides parted ways.

A martial school, a literary school.

It's strange if you don't conflict.

The thinking of this seventh school is indeed a bit problematic.

Just like the three major families of Mond in the past, in addition to the Lawrence family from Eura, and the Gunhilde family from Qin.

At that time, there was also a [Imon Loka family].

These three as the leaders established the new Mondstadt.

It's just that this family also advocates fighting, killing, and thinks that pleasing the gods is enough.

It's also very martial arts.

Because this idea is dying.

The concepts of protection and struggle are indeed different.

But for this [Naga Juna regiment].

Later, this group of people did make great contributions to the disaster of Canrea, fighting bloody battles and constantly guarding this land.

On the contrary, the Decree House pulled.

In terms of merit, it is indeed that they are very good.

It's the heroes!

Needless to say.

It's just that gradually, hundreds of years ago, a group of forest survey groups and a member of the [Naga Juna Group] went to a Kanreya ruins, and the investigators were all destroyed, anyway, there was no trace.

That member received the blessing of the abyss.

Became a member of the Abyss Order. 617 This product is still alive.

At that time, this person became a traitor, stabbed his own forces in the back, and attracted a large number of abyss believers and monsters to attack, intending to rob the power of the Aura swan song.

Attacked the sea of flowers where the Hua Ling clan was located.

At that time, the flower spirit joined forces with the humans to start a great war with them and repelled them.

But the [Nagajuna Regiment] also suffered heavy casualties because of this, lost most of the inheritance, and has been weakened, and has been weakened until now.

And at this moment, the traitors of the past have once again set their sights on this gang.

Anyway, the [Nagajuna Group] is a bit of a big problem now, Nasida came over to deal with this by the way, and wanted them to return, there will be battles on the new rainforest side at every turn, and as the elemental power rises and the world grows.

Monsters have also appeared more.

This is precisely the phenomenon that the world is becoming more prosperous.

But military power is also needed to garrison the new oasis.

Nasida will also restore their exploits.

This seventh school is something that some people's thinking has gradually changed, and simple fighting is not enough, it still needs to be guarded, as long as it is perfected.

It's a good school of residence.

And after the coming of the Church, some of the Nagajunas went to inform their leader.


A bearded man whose skin had turned brown from the long-term sun came over, and his robe looked a little majestic unlike the members here.

You know it at a glance.

This is someone of higher status coming over.

He was also startled in his eyes, noticed Nasida, and saluted him.

"It turns out to be you, Lord Little Auspicious Grass King of the Meru Rainforest, and I am Nasianjuna, the knowledge master of the Correction Academy."

"But with all due respect, I am at odds with the Decree Council and are hostile."

"Why did you bring these people with you?"

Paimon not far away was taken aback, knowing the Lord?

Yelan said softly.

"That is, it is equivalent to a sage of a branch of the Decree Academy, the supreme leader."

Status equivalence.

That is, the seventh sage.

Paimon also sighed, good fellow, it turns out that there is a sage here, but it is also.

Since they are the seventh school of the Ordinance.

That's a head.

And it seems that this sage's attitude is also very bad, if it were not for the arrival of the god of grass, I am afraid that his words would be difficult to hear.

I can only scruple.

After all, it is a death-seeking act.

Didn't you see the trainees of the Decree Academy behind and the few sages who came over, their faces were not good.

At this time, a strange pink creature flew over.

"What's the situation, so noisy."

"Hey, is this what you call the members of the Imperial Academy, then Xianjuna, I remember you said before, if only you could clean up those guys in the Imperial Academy."

"And you already have a grudge."

"Why are you so cautious and scared now, huh, this one?"

These words refer to this knowledgeable lord, and his face has changed greatly.

"Lord Slusha, don't talk nonsense, I didn't say it!"

You can just talk about it in private on weekdays, how can you say it in person.

But it doesn't matter if anyone else comes to the Holy Academy, but this time it's a big difference!


Members of the Apostolic Academy: ???

Everyone's faces are dark, is this guy so arrogant.

The guards of the Apostolic House had already raised their weapons, and as soon as Nasida gave an order, they would immediately attack these people.

After all, this must not be regarded as not being heard.

What a big boldness! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What appeared here was a flower spirit, which looked at Nasida.

"Are you the god of grass, so it is, don't care about the details before, I am Slusha of the Flower Spirit Clan, why did you bring these people here."

Ying's face was strange.

How do you feel that this creature called Hua Ling is very proud and a little dumbfounded.

Nasida was also taken aback.

"Flower Lings Lusha, nice to meet you, we came this time to deal with this vision, and came (chfh) to perform the ceremony."

Before Hua Ling could say anything, the face of this Lord Na Xianzhu changed.


He was very ugly.

"The ceremony is a matter for our Correction Group, from the knowledge we inherited, we don't need you, it is enough to have us cooperate with Lord Hua Ling."

"I see you're about the same as you guys came to disrupt the ceremony."

"Please leave quickly, this is for the sake of Lord Grass King, I will persuade you with good words."

Change to someone else, huh.

It has long been expelled!

Their Correction Group and the Teaching House are incompatible!

What is there to say!

Yelan thought thoughtfully, as an experienced person, she could see at a glance that this man's reaction was a little too big.

There is a problem.

Before changing to it, he had already begun to be tortured by her.

And Nasida also shook her head.

"That Xianjuna, it's normal for you to be so excited, after all, you are trying to deceive this flower spirit, and secretly have already joined forces with the apostles of the abyss and threw themselves into the abyss, intending to seize the spiritual swan song of the flower spirit clan."

The so-called spiritual swan song is a larger spiritual light.

Upon hearing this, the Lord Na Xianjuna's body trembled, and then he became frightened and angry.

"Little Auspicious Grass King, is this the means of your Imperial Academy?"

"Just forcibly slandered us, and several guilts were put on my head? Good skillful means, I'm afraid I don't do less on weekdays, right? "

"Our Correctional Group will not succumb to the oppression of your Decree Academy, and if you want to frame me, you have to see if everyone agrees or not!"

The members of the correction group in the rear were equally angry.

"Yes, Hugh wants to slander our Lord, but he has always worked hard and responsible here, and if it were not for him, we would have dispersed."

"That's right, even Lord Grass King can't be so empty!"

It can be seen that the prestige of this Lord is quite high.

Leaders, after all.

"If there is no evidence, then give evidence."

Nasida smiled.

Clap your hands.

Behind it, a sage from the Decree Academy came up and took out a series of things.

"Here is a series of texts and messages about your connection with those who worship the abyss, the apostles of the abyss, as well as the information and ancient books they give you, and I have no interest in talking to you and waiting for you to show your feet."

That would be a waste of time and effort.

So early on, Nasida sent people to secretly investigate here.

It was found that even their heads had rebelled!

How else to do this.

They are afraid that it will be finished.

There are also specially recorded and new alchemy equipment recordings, which are also projected in the air.

That is exactly the picture of this head, in contact with the apostle of the abyss.

There was an uproar.

It was the prop that Su Bai thoughtfully threw to Nasida before, perhaps he was convenient for Nasida to use here.

And Nasida muffled.

"You can argue that this image is a forgery, but that information, but with a series of handwriting you wrote down and the intelligence here, you guy who was used as a tool by the forces of the abyss."

"Come man, you can take him down now!"

Even Hua Lingsi Lusha was dumbfounded, why did it suddenly become like this.

She didn't believe it either, she just wanted to stop it.

As a result, at this time, the picture shows the other party speaking proudly.

"That stupid flower spirit Si Lusha, it's so foolish, rest assured, I will trick her into getting the flower crown."

"So as to plan for the next step!"

Hua Lingsi Lusha's face was as dark as charcoal, and even her body was shaking with anger.

"Then Juna! You villain! "

"You are trampling on the glory and nobility of my Flower Spirit Clan!"

Even though the abyss outside the world had long been killed by Su Bai, the unwitting apostle of the abyss still wanted to unlock the seal through this person and let the power of the abyss in Canrea come out.

lest there be chaos on the ground.

Under these ironclad evidences, the other correctional groups were momentarily angry.

It's how I thought about it.

The head turned out to be !.

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