They were also shocked and unbelievable. Why did they suddenly fight Liyue like this?

And Yiting is still retreating?

What a joke!

What about the adults in Yiting Court?

Obviously, they are all powerful and terrifying existences!

Liyue, who is in the spotlight, actually has such terrifying strength?

Make their brains dizzy for a while.

Following the actions of the Remembrancers, many people and forces in the Galaxy were gradually surprised to find that something had happened to Liuguang Yiting, so they all hurriedly tried to understand and figure out what happened.

After all, Liu Guang Yi Ting is not an ordinary force in the galaxy.

Especially when they are collecting memories and looking for you.

So after that, some of the higher-ups and factions had weird expressions on their faces, and were confused and confused.

"Liyue and Liuguang Yiting started fighting?"

"Damn it"

"They are really fierce and boundless."

There was such a big news about the [Tian Mending Stone] not long ago, but Liyue made a backhand move that was no less than this. It was really outrageous.

And what the hell, Liyue seems to have the upper hand at the moment..

Not long after, they also saw the wanted order issued by Liyue. They wanted to wipe out all the [Incineration Industry] and restore peace to the galaxy. The thief who stole the memory was bold and offended Liyue, so he was erased! As soon as this declaration came out, It also caused a storm.

Many factions paid great attention to it.

As well as the [Incinerators] scattered around the galaxy, some were dumbfounded and cursed angrily after seeing the news.

"What the hell! Liyue is bullying others too much! Our incineration industry is scattered and many of us are not in contact with each other."

"It was obviously someone else who did it, so it’s none of our business!"

It's fine now.

Everyone has taken the blame for this.

Everyone has been affected.

Why doesn't this make them extremely angry?

Even if everyone is not a good person, at least they haven't attacked you Liyue yet. Why? Want to be eliminated?

I didn’t even provoke you!

Such a move would be too overbearing!

However, they were also aware of the Yi Ting incident and chose to shrink back and head towards the inactive area of Liyue. I don’t believe that you Liyue is still here. Able to come all the way.

With resentment, some incinerators fled quickly.

As a result, the first one to respond to this wanted order was the Interstellar Peace Company, saying that the incinerators have harmed the galaxy for a long time, and the company will fully defend the Amber King's people. The world and strongly supported Liyue's actions.

The incinerators who saw it all wanted to kill this company.

Gou Yangyang's Interstellar Peace Company knew how to play a good game, and now it is so good at flattery and propaganda. What did it do before?

It was really disgusting.

The patrol rangers and many forces also responded one after another.

The faces of the incinerators turned pale.

Now, they really beat the drowned dog.

Liyue's influence is really great.

It means that they will have to avoid it in the future. The pursuit of so many forces makes my head spin when I think about it. For example, maybe Liyue didn't find them, but they were reported by other forces, which exposed their whereabouts.

That's okay!

For this, the incinerators can only hate I have to grit my teeth.

It seems that I have to disappear for a while. I can't commit any more crimes. I can only let go of those memories and avoid the limelight first.

But regarding the battle between Liyue and Liuguang Yiting.

Many factions' envoys looked like The look on his face was clear. After all, there is no need to guess the cause. It must be something people from Yi Ting took the initiative to find out. Don’t let anyone know more about it.

Because many envoys have had various dealings with Yi Ting in the past.

It’s really a fight. There are some who have.

So some are gloating, some hope to kill Yiting, and some are dumbfounded by Liyue's style. They didn't expect that it would be Yiting who provoked Liyue's true strength.


And Liyue was not polite at all. He would beat you up if he asked.

This also made some people who had ideas about [Made Sky Stone Manufacturing Technology] silently put away their thoughts and wiped their sweat by the way.

Fortunately, it was not the one who made the thunder. They.

Liu Guang Yi Ting are good people!

And on Esdeath's side.

Destrosa, Karela, and Ultima, the three original demons, all used their abilities to separate their thoughts into strands. Then he got into the bodies of the three rememberers in distant places.

The next moment, the selected female rememberers who were in various places looked at their hands, smiled slightly, and then went to the Liuguang Yiting Court and began to mix in..

The three women are operating from behind.

This is the demon that takes the body and makes it difficult for the host to detect it.

As demons from another world, they also fit the description of extraterrestrial demons.

Even if they now have complete bodies, It can still be transformed into an invisible and colorless demon state, which can perform many convenient things and has endless uses. It can be said to be Liyue's sharp blade. For example, the demons under his command can do it like drilling themselves into other people's bodies.

This is the plan to infiltrate the Interstellar Peace Company that Destro Rosa mentioned before.

Your people will be mine the next second.

After all, in what age are we still playing traditional espionage?

Coupled with the power of the Interstellar Peace Company, it is It is very rare to have an envoy, but the Star God doesn't pay much attention to it. It is simply a perfect target.

After controlling the Yi Zhe, he gradually learned the location and details of Liu Guang Yi Ting's headquarters.

They also continue to share information.

What should we pay attention to, the better way to enter, the detailed distribution of various places, the location of the pure land of memory as the core, the travel of the rememberers and the traces of the envoys.

So what shocked and horrified Liu Guang Yi Ting was that it didn't take long.

Liyue called in directly.

The passage was opened with force!

Moreover, a gun-wielding demonic figure moved faster than Esdeath and Fubuki. It suddenly turned into light and penetrated the interior of the place, causing a huge movement and causing the battle to begin instantly.

They also laughed.

Scathach guy.

Since they were fighting against Liuguang Yiting, support from Liyue was also coming. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even Kiana in the Star Dome Train looked thoughtfully at the mirror on the car first, and then her eyes came through. Passing the wall, it’s like looking at the stars outside

"Aunt Jizi, I have something to do, so I’ll go over first."

"Kiana! I told you not to call me aunt!"

Sitting aside, Jizi held the cup gracefully with a black hash mark on her forehead. She couldn't help but feel angry. She couldn't hold it anymore!

This cute girl named Kiana suddenly appeared in the train one day. , met for the first time, his eyes lit up when he saw her, he said"Aunt Jizi! Hug!" and he stretched out his arms as if begging for a hug.

Jizi was confused.

I am still very young, okay? Shente Auntie!

Do you know how much damage your title has caused to my heart?

March 7th and the others were snickering on the sidelines.

Himeko also corrected Kiana and asked her to call her sister, but the result Kiana always refused to change despite repeated admonitions and just needed a spanking. As a result, he couldn't help but pinch the back of her face. Kiana smiled with satisfaction and said that this was the taste.


Only after shaking my pussy did I find out that she was also a friend of Ji Zi from Liyue.[]

Then Kiana gradually changed.

As a result, before disappearing, Kiana said"Auntie" again, which really made her very unhappy. This guy was too naughty. I felt that Ji Zi from Liyue must have had a lot of headaches in the past.

And it made Ji Zi lose her confidence.

My skin is fair and elastic, my figure is tall and sexy, and I am full of elegance and etiquette. I am obviously in the best stage of my life, and I am a perfect big sister. Why am I an aunt?

Speaking of which, do you want to buy some skin care products?

After all, women are very sensitive about their age.

However, Kiana's disappearance made Himeko ponder.

"Kiana, is she also a master? March 7 , who came from the other side, scratched his head.


"Probably not, it feels like we are having a lot of fun. Kiana gives me the feeling that she is a very lively girl, and she is very funny, which is very interesting!"

"But did she go outside from the carriage?"

"How to get there? Is there a spaceship coming to pick her up? I didn't see it."

Ji Zi could only look at March Qi speechlessly.

Who gave Kiana that kind of naive temperament? This is something that March Qi has and Xing also has, so they can quickly play with it. Together?

Dan Heng wouldn't be like this.

He chose to go back to his room and not participate in this boring idiot group.

But Yiting's side was already in flames.

There were figures exuding powerful auras fighting constantly, across the In the sky, figures were shot down from time to time, like birds, and a large number of rememberers were frozen into ice sculptures.

It was extremely chaotic.

After all, under the impact of the messenger, the rememberers were completely unable to resist, and they were just serving as a foil here.

Like The fleets before Liyue cleverly teleported away early and returned to Yaliluo No. 6.

Gods fight and mortals evacuate is the right way.

And many precious memories were also burned away in the flames, leaving many The rememberers wailed in heartache, which even affected the Pure Land side. The memory messenger who had previously proposed friendly contact also came.

The other party was extremely anxious.

"Please, don’t fight anymore, we at Yiting are willing to admit defeat."

As a result, there was an ancient Yiting envoy not far away, with cold eyes.

"Give up?"

"Impossible, if you dare to attack the great Pure Land, you must die here today! The sanctity of the Pure Land cannot be violated!"

"Everyone, come with me and destroy these guys in Liyue!"

"This is our home court, Liuguang Yiting, and the advantage lies with us!"

Not long after, Kiana stepped on the order to the ground. The opponent who was still speaking harshly just now was now lifeless. Those Yiting staff who tried to dissuade them all fell silent.

Then Kiya Nacai showed a kind smile and looked at them

"Give up resistance and survive"

"We in Liyue are not as cruel as you think."

Everyone in Liuguang Yiting Court:......

Looking in front of me, it was clear that there were flames and the destroyed meme world everywhere, as well as countless buildings and areas.

You are so funny..

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