And the other side.

Everything Esdeath passed by turned into ice.

Cold to the bone.

There is only a lot of dead silence left!

Scathach, who had put away his gun at the side, even said~

"Too weak!"

Fubuki, who is in the sky, also agrees. He overestimated Liu Guang Yi Ting, and thought their base camp would be difficult to defeat, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. There are no very strong commanders in it. After all, he is good at memes. Individuals with dreams, hallucinations, and memories have limited destructive power. Coupled with memes and viruses, they have long been turned into flowers. The core is still in Su Bai's hands.

Therefore, under the restraint situation, Yi Ting simply cannot It’s nothing.

It’s not as good as those physical destruction and conventional battles.

For example, those who destroy the galaxy and burn the messengers everywhere are actual destruction, which is built on the cornerstone of the material world. Only such battles will be more intense and fierce. It’s unstoppable.

The scale is far more astonishing than it is now.

So it’s really disappointing.

After all, during the previous battle, Liu Guang Yi Ting’s confidence was also due to this.

Here, their power will be increased, or even greatly enhanced.

This may be Because the memory star god Fuli put in a lot of effort during the construction, the rememberers who hold special objects can still explode with power close to that of the messengers, but they are still swept away by everyone. They can easily be knocked back to their original form..

However, excluding these false emissaries, the number of these memory emissaries that appeared from the beginning is indeed quite large.

Compared with other factions, at least two factions are needed to withstand the pressure of Liuguang Yiting.

But think about what they are doing as The faction that collects the memories of the entire galaxy is constantly taking actions to strengthen this destiny. Moreover, the galaxy is so big and boundless that ordinary manpower is really not enough. It is understandable that

Fu Li added some envoys later.

After all, memory It is not as narrow as the hunting life path, and there are also Emperor Gongtian generals who are recuperating, or guarding the immortal boat. They are not like Yiting, who have been carrying and opening up the memory life path.

But for Scathach, those present are still It's rubbish.

So she is naturally dissatisfied.

The person Esdeath initially dealt with was already a very strong number one figure, and Liuguang Yiting's high-end combat power was nothing more than this. What's the point of a bunch of low-end numbers? Use?

This made Esdeath pat her.

She chuckled.

"Okay, that's it. Could it be that you still want to find Xingxiao, Foehn or something like that? What should I do if I can’t beat him? In other words, even if you can defeat him, what if you provoke Nanook, the star god?"

"After all, the main reason why it was so easy to hit Liu Guang Yi Ting this time was because..."

Scathach nodded.

She knew it too.

It's another person who's holding the bag.

So Scathach also looked at the sky in a deep voice.

"I will become stronger. Those top emissaries and star gods are the goals I want to surpass in the future. I can't keep owing that guy any more favors."

It's too much, which makes her feel weird.

And Scathach is a strong woman, or a female Su Bai.

Esdeath and Fubuki who came down both looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay, okay, just get stronger, but it's also good to relax once in a while. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you have too many favors. You have plenty of ways to return them."

"Why are we talking so much between us?"

This made Scathach's face twitch.

"If you do this again, be careful I stab you with my magic spear."

What you said is not serious at all.

And you can also feel that these two guys are looking at you and your long legs with a scrutinizing look, as if they are checking for someone in advance. It is really annoying. His face darkened.

As a result, Fubuki sighed.

"Scathach is overthinking it again, and the level of narcissism is the highest among us."

"What kind of air-conditioning lady has a lot of inner activities?"

In the end, Scathach just glared at her.

"screw you."

On Kiana's side, the memory envoy was taking the lead and was signing the treaty with his head down and forlornly. The people who followed behind him were also lost and their pride was gone.

Because they were greatly shaken in their hearts.

Why, remember The court suffered such a huge blow, and Master Fu Li did not show up.

This is a terrible thing.

No matter what the possibility is, people dare not think about it anymore.

It makes the rememberers frightened.

Kiana is in a happy mood, Well, let's sign a contract or something. Liuguang Yiting will not be able to cause any hindrance to Liyue in the future. Today's development will have to involve one force.

Moreover, during the negotiation, Yiting will have to hand over a lot of resources and technology.

To make up for Liyue's injured soul.

Although Yiting is a place where memetic creatures [Reminiscencers] gather, they have also stored a lot of resources in order to trade precious memories with the outside world. In addition, Kiana also looked at it along the way. After thinking about what Yi Ting calls the"Pure Land of Memory", she then shakes her head.

Liu Guang Yi Ting's concept is already very straightforward. She doesn't care about material things, but only cares about the memories that prove everyone's existence.

They themselves have lost their bodies.

The Fu Li's use memory Let the world reappear and reshape the world. There is a high probability that it will not be the same thing as people imagine, but a super enlarged version of the"Pure Land of Memory".

As shown in front of us, in the Pure Land it is actually a In the starry sky, there are pictures of planets and the creatures on them moving. They are all collected memories. They are not real people.

The original ones have died long ago.

But Yiting feels that this is the real eternity..

It tastes like that.

And these pictures can be quickly shrunk and float in Kiana's hands, allowing her to operate and watch them. Many planets are rotating all of a sudden. In fact, these are not real planets.

But this way of memory , maybe they can show it to the squad leader then.

Memetic Memory Star.

After that, they all left Liuguang Yiting, leaving only these rememberers alone in a daze, suddenly changing from a brilliant force to a In view of today's tragic situation, the world is changing too fast.

And the more arrogant ones all died quickly.

There are only some honest and kind ones left. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And that memory The envoy kept sighing

"In the future, the way to obtain memories should be gentler, and don't copy them without explanation. You should have listened to me, why bother?"

I have to find Liyue.

It's better now. I lost my life for the sake of memory.

On the other side.

At the planet Yaliluo No. 6.

As time goes by, stars are constantly being moved here, forming a party that is getting better and better. The large star field, the stars flowing around, amazes all the forces.

Is this still the Yaliluo before?

It is indeed Liyue.

Even the original cold world can become like this, and it does not need to be in the central starry sky in a good location , but where Liyue is, it can become a lively star field.

It fully reflects the power and criticality of Liyue.

And here on the fifth floor of the Liyue maze, Silver Wolf is drinking soda, While controlling the data on her hand, she was in the rented room, and her pet beast, the Ice Wolf, was lying on the floor sleeping.

Only the owner was still working.

"Well, this system has been cracked by me. Yes, yes, I am indeed a genius hacker. Let’s just say, I have broken through many programs one after another. Who are you looking down on?"

"But this Liyue hacker is really powerful. My level has improved a lot in the confrontation. I have also unlocked all his tricks one by one. I am almost out of tricks. Hehe."

"Hey, a project that has never been discovered is running. How come it is in such a corner? It is too difficult to notice. I hacked in and tried."

Then she continued to operate.

During this period, Yinlang was very addicted and selfless.

And the next second, she appeared in a new virtual world in an illusory way. Looking at the familiar scene of the Black Tower Space Station around her, Yinlang's face changed. Black, what do you mean, that guy did it on purpose, right?

Knowing that he had suffered a defeat at the Black Tower in the past, he simulated this scene.

This made Silver Wolf subconsciously glance around a few times. She said last time Laughing to Death, there is a villain here, and then there is the Laughing to Death of Black Tower, and there are so many accounts here.

It’s really hard to look back on the past.

It gave her a little psychological shadow.

Don’t tell yourself, this mysterious person in Liyue also Want to repeat the same trick?

Don't try to block her account this time!!!

She had a very serious face, used her own ether editor, and left here, demo, this must be a trap, and I don't want to be fooled.

So Silver Wolf next After denying a bunch of programs, she continued to infiltrate and filter, and finally locked her target. She kept conquering.

And finally succeeded. At this stage, the Silver Wolf's body is no longer in Yaliluo, and has been transmitted to other planets in the galaxy. , it was a projection crime. Anyway, she didn’t listen to what her friend said.

Putting such a wonderful program in front of her is like a dried fish in front of a cat.

It’s really difficult not to commit a crime.

So Silver Wolf is looking forward to the data analysis. One hundred percent of the time, a data villain pops up on it?

And that appearance is still hers.

Silver Wolf was stunned.

The illusory villain did not stop, but instead made the same cute voice as hers.

"I, Silver Wolf, am a super hacker from Punk Lord. In the past, have many civilizations and individuals suffered from the domineering behavior of Liu Guang Yi Ting, and have been deeply troubled and angry?"

"Now, in order to benefit everyone, I would like to share a technology. I named it the memetic technology [Occlumency]】"

"Everyone can learn and research, and as your mastery becomes more sophisticated, it will become harder for the Rememberers and Incinerators to take away or peek into your memories. And the higher your own strength, the better the effect will be"

"No need to thank me, bye."

Then the screen disappeared, and Silver Wolf quickly checked in horror.[]

The message was found to be projected across the galaxy.

There's no way to stop it.

She burst open.

The doll in his hand also fell to the ground.

Can't help but hold my head

"It’s over, this is to offend Liuguang Yiting to death, what a pitiful fate I have, I have provoked Screw Gum again, and Black Tower again, and now there is this guy, wuwu"

"It wasn't me at all!!!"

"The other party framed me!"

Looking at the memetic Occlumency information that he also had, Silver Wolf wanted to cry.

As for the battle between Liyue and Liuguang Yiting, many forces discovered it, but because Liuguang Yiting was still there and fighting It is also very special. There is no loss in the material world. Except for the place where the Incinerator was destroyed.

In other places, the number of destroyed planets is 0.

No matter how fierce the attack is, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it, so everyone does not know the details of Yi Ting. situation.

So in the eyes of Silver Wolf, Liuguang Yiting is still the terrifying memory faction force.

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