"You have wolf teeth, but why do you look like me?"

Based on the location, I must have come to the right place.

As a result, Silver Wolf stared at the girl in front of him dumbfounded. No matter how he looked at it, she seemed to be dressing up differently.

At most, she was a bit older, but there was no difference between the overall appearance and the appearance itself.

The result Bronya made a faint sound

"In fact, I saw the wanted information about you at the beginning, and I was very surprised by your appearance on it. At first I thought your name was Silver Wolf, it was nothing, but then it became clear that something was wrong."

"It made Bronya think that you were imitating me."

Silver Wolf:...

Hey, that doesn’t make sense.

What you said went too far

"But don’t worry, there is also a Bronya here in Yaliluo."

The current Yaya said while calling up the screen.

Put the three images of her, Silver Wolf, and Great Guardian [Bronya] together for comparison.

"Maybe you haven't noticed, but this great guardian doesn't look like much from a distance, but if you take a closer look, you can see that his face is very similar to ours. The three of us are simply from the same mold."

"In fact, this is also a kind of fate. Just like ours before, Li Sushang also met Sushang from Xianzhou."

Because this situation is not the first time.

So Yaya is still very calm.

And Yinlang has an expression that says, I can't be calm!

Just two of them.

According to common sense, even if it is It is possible for a planet to have unrelated but similar individuals, but there are three of them. Isn’t it too outrageous?

"Next, you can stay here with Bronya. Your room has been arranged. If you want to play with me, you can come over anytime"

"After all, you don’t want to be caught by Yi Ting, right?"

"Of course, as asylum, there are requirements."

This made Silver Wolf recover from his confusion and his eyes were sharp.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"As expected, you Liyue will not ignore me as a hacker. You must need me to play some role, right?"

"No, it’s just that Bronya wants to learn your [Ether Editing], can you teach me. Liyue, don't worry, no one will cause trouble for you."

"certainly. If idiot Kiana wants to play with you or something, that's not a big problem."

Yin Lang paused.

You people are so nice.

Bah, bah, bah.

I'd better cancel this idea!

Although I don't know who Kiana is. But [Ether Editor], it's nothing to Silver Wolf. This This is a technology from Punk Lord, and many hackers living there know it.

Then Silver Wolf also sat down and talked face to face with Bronya.

They have similar hobbies and like all kinds of games.

So there is no need to go out. After a while, we were able to chat.

This made even Silver Wolf sigh.

"Maybe this is the miracle of the Milky Way, we do look alike"

"That is, the three of us have very similar interests in electronic instruments."

But halfway through, Ya suddenly changed the topic.

Because she thought of someone's old man's emoticon, her head hurt a little.

Forget it.

It's not the other duck. Not all Bronya is very fond of technology products. Good at and proficient.

So she complained about Silver Wolf

"By the way, Silver Wolf is also a fool."

"? Bu Langya, what do you mean?"

Yin Lang was angry.

"Speaking of which, you always say that you are a slave to fate, but aren't you the one who caused these things on your own initiative? You, the troublemaker, Bronya thinks you deserve it."

Obviously, I tried to persuade her before, but she just didn't listen.

This made Silver Wolf speechless.

It's a pity that Kiana is not here, otherwise she would complain, and neither of you two should complain about the other.

Just give it a try..

One couldn't keep his driver's license, and the other couldn't keep his account, and by the way, he could get a ban.

Wolong and phoenix chick.

So these two met and got along offline.

And Yinlang also tried to find out the hacker's information.

The other party He had tricked her too hard.

Looking back, the Silver Wolf was gnashing his teeth. In the Teyvat universe

, there was a big tree standing there on a certain desolate and fragmented planet.

From the distant sky, it seemed You can't feel anything.

But through the atmosphere and white mist, you can notice that the tree is very large.

If you look at one of the leaves for a moment, you can see that a large town has been built on it, and many people live here. Various buildings are located in it, and the street design is very orderly. Looking to the side, you can see that this kind of leaves are everywhere.

It is a unique world.

Many alchemical satellites surround this giant tree, and there are also souls one after another. Boats, spaceships, cargo ships, spaceships, etc., come and go.

Weaving in and out.

At a cursory glance, you may think that the reason why this planet is broken is because this tree has absorbed most of the energy.

But just look twice. can be found.

Instead, the tree is absorbing the imaginary energy in the universe, growing continuously, growing more large leaves, and transmitting energy through the trunk, changing the surface environment.

Let it slowly recover and be harmonious. Getting better.

Under the trees, there is grass that is gradually spreading.

Life is born again on this planet. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And in another distant star field, someone is watching The screen in front of you shows this planet.

"Well, as long as this continues, the transformation of this planet will gradually proceed. Over time, this planet will inevitably become a vibrant star of life."

"King Daci Tree, your Star Tree is very good, and the tree itself absorbs the energy in the universe, thus giving birth to various resources without relying on the planet itself, realizing the self-sufficiency of the living areas above."

"Coupled with the round trip of the commercial fleet,���No problem at all."

After all, transforming the planet is just incidental, and seeing the effect of the trees is the main purpose.

As the goddess who loves planting trees, the Daci Tree King has cultivated many tree species.

This kind of tree that can live on the leaves is also one of them.

"But as the little cutie said, the World Tree that spreads across many starry skies can only be regarded as the initial stage now, and new species need to be continued to be cultivated on this basis."

"Yes, Lisa, I also think Su Bai is a bit exaggerated and thinks too highly of me."

The person looking at the screen is the sexy and mature Lisa.

Her slender black stockings are standing straight.

Next to her, the person who can't help but chuckle is the Great Merciful Tree King.

This kind of tree Building residential areas on the planet and planting them on the planet is considered a new type of World Tree. A planet is a world, which is based on this theory.

After all, the Daci Tree King has various fates with the World Tree.

At this time, Daci The Tree King is cultivating another kind of tree, which seems to be flashing in various colors, and is modified by her ultimate skills, adding various materials, trying to evolve it into a new tree species[]

It's been a while.

This is the Ten Thousand Trees Star Territory used by the Great Ci Tree King to study. Su Bai specially gave this area to her.

Nowadays, this tree exudes astonishing fairy energy, and sometimes there is a kind of precious energy that can smelt weapons, or the thick imaginary energy is constantly rolling, as well as the magic mist and lightning.

Gradually, in the light.

This tree turned into a tree of disaster that had nothing to do with the previous phenomena. All kinds of disasters and crises were bred in the tree, which made the Great Merciful Tree King couldn't help but have a bitter look on his face.

"It failed, it doesn’t seem to be the tree species I expected."

Lisa thought about it for a while.

"According to Little Cutie, your tree has a 42% probability of evolving into a [Demon Land Immortal Tree], a 15% probability of evolving into an [Immortal Weapon Treasure Tree], and also a 15% probability of evolving into an ordinary imaginary energy tree."410" As for the current one, how many percent is it [Pandora Mother Tree]?"

"If essentially speaking, you still make money with Tree King. This one is rarer"

"That's right."

Suddenly, Su Bai also appeared here.

But Lisa was snickering in her eyes, who had just eaten.

And Su Bai also instilled energy into the tree.

"Don't be discouraged, it looks like this thing is a tree of disaster, but in fact it grows to a certain extent and can create dangerous spaces one after another, symbolizing various disasters."

Not just on the planet, but also on various crises in the universe.

Transform it.

It will become an excellent trial tree.

In a sense, it will be a treasure land of cultivation, or a desperate situation of asceticism.

It can become more and more powerful. It sharpens life and stimulates potential.

So Su Bai waved it and moved it to other uninhabited star fields, allowing it to continue to grow and absorb energy. The

Great Ci Tree King also nodded.

"By the way, Xiaochi’s life creation seems to have encountered difficulties recently."

"Do you want to give her some advice?"

"Next time, she actually dropped what she was doing and ran to Fu Hua's place."

"It's almost done now, I plan to invite a group of friends to visit."

This is what Su Bai said in the past.

The person he invited was naturally the Star Dome Train.

Let them come and visit Liyue.

In fact, Liyue is indeed completely different today. Many places have been built. On the right track, in other starry skies in the universe, many communication orbits have already been completed.

There are even more than one train traveling quickly.

Going to various places, connecting one area after another.

And the way of communication is far more than this. One kind, various fleets fly through the dust of the universe, leaving tracks, or opening star gates to teleport, and teleportation arrays on many planets are also running.

From one planet to another..

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