Meanwhile, on the other side.

Somewhere on the blood-stained ground, there was smoke and burning war flames everywhere. The ground was constantly shaking, and the stones were shaking violently.

Just because there is an endless herd of beasts ahead, rushing towards here in a dark mass.

They are not human-like and are full of strange things.

Some have many tentacles flying on their bodies, and from time to time they grab a companion next to them and chew them into their mouths, causing blood to fly everywhere; some have many eyes, showing greedy and evil looks; there are also several heads that are devouring each other and Fighting.

It can be described as ferocious and ugly.

At this time, they opened their bloody mouths and roared.

The scarlet eyes were full of murderous intent.

Even though they are far apart.

You can all smell the overwhelming smell of blood and the strange smell that makes you physically uncomfortable.

Moreover, some are scattered with various liquids, making the ground sticky, and some places are directly corroded. Once this is approached, the consequences will be disastrous, and the combat conditions will become extremely harsh.

But at this time

"Taixu water refines divine light!"

A terrifying blue beam of light suddenly fell into the herd of beasts, and then there was an astonishing explosion and burst of light. Countless monsters were evaporated in an instant and swept across the way.

The range was huge.

The violent impact and energy The waves suddenly rose.

Many beasts that had no time to react were blasted high into the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The ground was also penetrated, revealing shocking traces of destruction that spread far into the distance.

Released On the side of the attack, there was a figure standing there in the sky. She brushed the blade of the sword with her hand and adjusted her condition. This was the big Li Suchang. Behind her were thousands of Yunqi stationed tiredly and vigilantly. On the ground.

Around here, a defense line has been established.

They are holding shields and swords, their bodies are covered with messes and scars, as if they have experienced more than one battle.

Some are quickly replenishing weapons and ammunition, putting them in their hands. He adjusted his electromagnetic crossbow and heat-seeking bow, and re-aimed at the herd of beasts in front.

Moreover, Yun Qi, who had been in contact, showed a happy face.

As if he had received some good news, he immediately shouted out with joy.

"Support is coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a whistling sound in the distant air, and many streams of light flew across the sky like arrows. They were starships driven by fox pilots. There were very many of them.

Pay attention. After reaching the enemy on the ground, the fliers immediately launched an attack.

Densely packed crossbow arrows were instantly released from the star. It looked like an ancient style, but it was essentially an energy weapon. The blazing fire brought by the arrows swept across the sky. The earth, and caused bursts of explosions.

The sea of fire shot into the sky.

The monsters were burned with screams and wails.

And behind Xingcha, huge battleships were flying over, and many battleships were opened Opening the hatch, more and more Star Chariots flew out from inside and threw themselves into the battlefield.

Together with many [Cloud Chariots], they formed a battle formation.

They kept pressing on the enemy!

Judging from the visual effects , Xingcha flew in first, followed by a large number of clouds, and continued to launch attacks. Gradually, the clouds were filled with many cloud riders.

As well as the main fleet group.

So the clouds on the ground The cavalrymen suddenly became more motivated to fight and shouted:

"The Fleet Crane Feather Guards have destroyed the evil army on the other side. Brothers, go ahead, it’s time to launch a counterattack."

"This time we must clear out all the evil things on this planet!"

"Oh oh oh!"

For a moment, there was a cry of killing Zhentian.

On the ground, the repaired golden figures tens of meters high also rushed towards the battlefield again under the instructions of the craftsmen of the Construction Department. They all held huge energy cannon weapons. , blasting forward from time to time, launching a barrage of artillery attacks.

The cloud riders also had flying swords behind them, and set up an attack program to automatically attack and kill those evil things.

Cut them into pieces.

In the previous time, all It has been charged and can fight a whole battle again.

This is a scene rarely seen on the Luofu Immortal Boat.

Therefore, even the evil creatures who have lost their minds sensed a trend of impending disaster, and started to They fled and gave up the attack here, but the Yunqi fleet naturally would not let them go. It began to further reduce the encirclement and annihilate them in batches.

As the Yaoqing fleet, frequent wars and patrols are their style, not conquest of evil planets. , on the way to the conquest.

And this is the evil planet of Shikavel.

As one of the daily battles of the Yaoqing Immortal Boat.

There is a twin star structure outside here, and the fleet conducts hunting operations on the two planets at the same time.

The main body On the other side.

The troops deployed here were slightly smaller and spread out.

As a result, there was a mistake in the reconnaissance. Unexpectedly, the rear area was used as a base for logistics and rest. The Harvest Creatures actually used underground methods to avoid The warning device was set off, and they were not discovered and forced out until they were very close. As a result, the place was almost captured.

It was Li Sushang who rushed to the rescue from another base and blocked the herd, thus winning the time to relax. The final battle , began.

So the technicians and some wounded at the base looked at the unfolding battlefield through the equipment, and after noticing Li Sushang's active figure, their eyes were filled with deep gratitude and fear.

Because of the near miss, everyone That's it

"As expected of him, he often gallops on the battlefield, always prosperous and undefeated, and the number of evil creatures he destroys is so large that even a formation of stars is far less than the number of enemies killed by this strong man. efficiency."

And at this time, on a certain battlefield, several cloud cavalry teams were at a numerical disadvantage.

They were about to be torn apart.

After Li Sushang noticed it, he immediately activated the divine sword in his hand, and a water-blue barrier He protected them, allowing the monsters to collide with each other, and then be annihilated by the energy above.

Casualties were avoided.

Moreover, this was a multi-line operation, and water realms appeared one after another on the battlefield.

The personnel at the rear base were all They were stunned.

Some of them had experienced battles before, and they immediately shouted in excitement.

"It's the Supreme Being of the Water Sword Realm. It can kill and trap enemies, and it can also separate the battlefield. Now it can be used to protect teammates."

"It can be said to be quite a powerful ability."

"Last time, many behemoths launched charges and energy bombardments, but none of them were broken. Their strength far exceeded the energy shield of large ships. I really don't know what kind of weapon this is."

Because Li Sushang didn't hide it, saying it was the ability of the weapon.

Another Yunqi also nodded.

"Yes, the initial attack was the divine light refining with Taixu Water. Lord Li Sushang's signature attack was so powerful on the battlefield that many people still remember it."

"By the way, she seems to be from Luofu?"

"The people in Luofu have produced such powerful masters. Who said there were not many masters in Luofu before?"

As a result, a technician who was operating the screen corrected his statement.

"You are wrong. This Li Sushang is from Liyue, and the other Li Sushang is not from Luofu. He is from Yaoqing, but he was not famous in the past."

Now that he has become famous, he is out of control.

After all, the original Xianzhou Sushang was transferred to Luofu as a new recruit. He was not active at Yao Qing at all, and he did not make any achievements.

He was just a big soldier.

As a result, Yaoqing’s new logistics staff all had big heads.

"~Two Li Sushang? Why do they have the same name? I really don’t understand what their relationship is like."

And speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

On the battlefield.

As a starship flies over, a familiar figure jumps out. She holds the Xuanyuan Sword passed down by her family, and immediately swung out several rays of sword light, shattering He grabbed the evil beasts around him and raised his sword.

The next moment, three huge white giant chickens ran on the battlefield with a bang. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) They knocked everyone away at every turn. kind of enemies.

And they were wrestling with those giant beasts, engaging in earth-shattering collisions, and the earth was constantly cracking.

Although this style of painting looks like...Inexplicably cute.

Xianzhou Sushang also arrived with support!

She glanced at Da Sushang's position with tacit understanding, and then started to work hard herself. The energy in her body suddenly burst out, setting off a storm and aura, accompanied by her fierce voice.

"Taixu Xingyun! candle night"

"Open it for me!"

After experiencing a lot of battles and erosion, it is obvious that her temperament has matured a lot.

Some of the greenness has been washed away. She has become more reliable.

She has also quickly absorbed all her combat experience, gradually improving and making up for it.���A shortcoming. (Nuo Zhao)


The Yaoqing fleet defeated the evil forces and ushered in another great victory for them.

Thus carrying out the post-war finishing work[]

The two Su Shang also sheathed their swords and walked on the ground side by side. They looked at the sunset in the distance and the busy people dealing with it, looking like they were sighing.

"According to the calculation results sent by Yuque, after the fleet has finished sweeping this place, it needs to rush to the next planet within three days, otherwise the battle situation will be affected."

"I heard that the messenger was a man named Qingque"


Xianzhou Sushang paused for an instant.

Is this Qingque the good friend in her memory?

Or is it the same name?

As a result, she asked Da Sushang again, and it turned out to be the same person.

Li Dapu, that guy Why did she go to Jade Palace?

It's from Luofu Taibu Si. Isn't it enough for her to fish?

After getting out of the weird magnetic field here, send a message to her.

Then Xianzhou Sushang also thought of others. things

"By the way, I heard from Yaliluo that the maze is very popular, which makes me really want to see it. Oh, Xiao Guizi has obviously passed away."

"She also showed off to me that she got an interesting pet animal."

"And the matter of the Sky-Mending Stone is really shocking. Can even pollution be purified? We are dealing with the disaster of abundant evils here, and you Liyue are also dealing with the star core and the world."

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