"It’s getting more and more incredible, and it’s famous throughout the Milky Way."

Even the many expedition fleets sent by Yao Qing here are always on mission, and everyone on the ship has heard about it. It can be said that the news is very wide.

The Immortal Boat Alliance has not been able to continuously attract all kinds of attention and influence.

Liyue is so powerful!

But Da Su Shang can fight against her

"If you ask me about these things, I don’t know either."

"After all, I don’t understand those technologies and developments. I am better at fighting and loving swordsmanship. But if Liyue has been creating miracles and prosperity, it is normal for her to be famous and popular in the sea of stars now."

She is essentially a Chinese swordsman from five hundred years ago.

Now she is just walking around.

Most of her energy is devoted to studying martial arts and immortal arts.

"But you, Su Shang, if you want to go, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. I know that you are a noisy guy and you are ready to make a move again."

Xianzhou Sushang could only whisper in a low voice.

"What, at this point, aren’t you the same as me?"

"They are all curious about the world and like to experience things constantly. Sometimes they are more girlish than me."

As a result, Da Suchang glared at her, and she retracted her words.

Then the two of them went to the Xingcha docked on the ground and prepared to go back to the ship.

Many of the Xingcha here are affiliated with [ Yaoqing] Some of the immortal boats were supported by Luofu, but they are not in this fleet, but in other formations.

So they look very different from Luofu.

It can even be said that

Yaoqing has their own Unique Star Cha manufacturing industry.

Because compared to Luofu's Star Cha, which is cultivated from seeds, Yao Qing's is a pile of fluffy small animals, which are then born from larger individuals, and there are personnel responsible for them. Delivery.

Even if you want to experience it, you can try it.

Then these little guys grow up and become Xingcha used by the army.

The aircraft of 923 Xianzhou all have their own characteristics.

Yaoqing Biotechnology.jpg

Large Su Shang was surprised when she recalled the time when she was in Yao Qing. She thought they were war beasts from Yao Qing's army, but she was told that these were small stars and they could be named.

A very interesting experience!

This This kind of biological feeling can be understood even more after seeing many evil things, especially the beast ships of the people.

The power and development characteristics related to Fengfeng.

Even though the Fairy Boat Alliance has firmly fought against Fengfeng, but Xingcha technology still has a rich source.

After sitting in the back area of Xingcha, Li Suchang also spoke to her other self

"When you are almost done training, go back to Luofu, and then go to the Yaliluo Star Territory. Then you will have plenty of time to relax."

"Anyway, Miss Tingyun has always had a cooperative trade relationship with Liyue, and the Minghuo Merchant Group she belongs to often goes there."

"Don't worry there is no way past it."

The main reason is that there have been too many battles on Yaoqing's side.

There is simply no end to the evil planet.

For example, the evil things of Sajinshadu, the evil things of Artemodes, the evil things of Falomomo, and the evil things of Thes There are a lot of special-evil objects and so on. If you just look through the Yao Qing Army's attack records, they are all densely packed.

It can be said that there are so many.

You can even fight one place a month. This battle frequency is higher than that of all immortals. Inside the boat, everyone is far ahead. Their strength is so frightening.

You can imagine how frightening the reproduction and expansion speed of Fengfeng is. It

’s not just because the Fengfeng Star God is still blessing everywhere.

Sometimes, The ones we fight are the abundant evil species that we have encountered before. They will appear on different planets (chff). If we don't stop them, they will become very large in a short time.

So in a short time, we can get a steady stream of Combat experience.

This is difficult to have in Luofu.

After all, most of the Luofu fleet has come to Yaoqing, and they have turned to business and commerce. If they don’t fight, if it weren’t for Jianmu Zhi As soon as the disaster and the WingMakers fleet came out, everything was still fine.

But she complained about the travel problems of the Xianzhou people.

They couldn't run around or anything like that.

If Xianzhou Sushang was a member of the Cloud Cavalry Army, it would be even more troublesome. On

Yao Qing's side, she also heard something. Legend has it that in the past, enemies killed more than 3,000 immortal boat people and sucked their blood, thereby gaining immortality. The successful ones were from short-lived species, Turned into an Immortal Seed!

Then, he was captured and sealed by the Ten Kings.

I really wanted Da Suchang to complain. After all, she has seen many movies and works in the technological world of Honkai Impact III. What kind of vampire is this? Behavior, that kind of enemy comes from Node.

It is a dark planet that cannot see light all year round.

Therefore, the races living there have been photophobic for a long time.

Strong light is harmful to them.

That's all.

Just Can say, you Xianzhou people sighed.

Xianzhou Sushang also shook his head

"There is no way, the longevity of us Xianzhou people has attracted the envy of countless races. You have seen so many requests for medicine, not only in Luofu, but also in Yaoqing."

"In fact, every fairy boat is like this"

"Let’s not talk about this anymore. After we return to Yaoqing, let’s go to the Red Fox Theater to listen to a play. The scene there is huge and looks very enjoyable. Moreover, the Pingrong opera he sings is also the most authentic in the league! Awesome!"

Then her eyes lit up

"Or it would be good to go to Tianfeng Pavilion, which connects sixteen floating islands and has a special feather road. You can walk around at will. It feels like the fairy island in the sky."

"After all, you said that when you were in Liyue in the past, there were often various islands floating in the sky, and a series of buildings were located there, even the Danding Division."

Presumably, this can make Da Su Shang reminisce about her previous life in Liyue, right?

And the names of these departments in Liyue, even she is speechless.

I don't know how many Xianzhou people are complaining about this matter.

Da Su Shang also Thinking deeply

"Tianfeng Pavilion? The construction site to commemorate your previous Dragon Lord Tianfeng Lord. It does sound very interesting."

"Then take a trip."

The lives and battles of the two Li Sushang continue on Yaoqing's side.

And on the Starry Sky Train. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Are you ready? The jump is about to start. Please sit tight."

A familiar voice sounded here, it was Su Bai. As passengers in the car, March Qi, Xing, Ji Zi, Dan Heng and others also nodded. Among them, March Qi still chose to stand there. Only

March Qi still chose to stand there.

Du Pam was stunned

"Wait, wait a minute, wasn't it me, the conductor, who started the train?"

"How did it become that Su Bai's passenger was operating the pa?"


As a result, the train really started to move at this time, and started this jump in the light, which shocked Pam. No, should I drive or you? Why do you use the Star Dome Train?!!

And it was accompanied by vibrations and shaking, which almost caused it to fall.

I could only be so frightened that I hurriedly hugged a potted plant.

Kiana on the side also shouted

"Aunt Jizi, let's go!"

Then she received Ji Zi's unkind look, which made her scratch her head and laugh. It was so fun to tease Ji Zi. I dare you next time! []

So in everyone's opinion, this time the jump was the same as usual, but it was replaced by Mr. Su Bai led the way.

This may be due to the special location of Liyue. It is in a star field that has never appeared before.

But what they don’t know is that the train actually came to another universe this time.

And it interacts with the stars here. The orbit directly fits and can drive and sail.

Therefore, Pam did not feel anything strange.

For it, it was from one starry sky to another strange and brand-new starry sky.

And March 7, who climbed up neatly, also felt the same as The stars together.

I looked out the window curiously.

The stars outside were shining, full of brilliance and brilliant brilliance, as if the train had arrived in the sea of stars. Many planets were located everywhere, with different colors, all according to the reservation. orbital operation

"Su Bai, where is your home star of Liyue?"

And Su Bai also laughed.

"Compared to the mother star, traces of Liyue have already spread all over the star sea. In fact, wherever you see, there is Liyue."

"So the home planet can be put to the end. Just follow the star track to the planets. Pam, now you can control the train. I can point you in the direction below."

"In addition, welcome to Liyue."

Ji Zi looked as expected.

After all,

Yaliluo's side has been transformed into a star field, which already shows that Liyue is not a single-planet civilization.

Their territory must be very large.

Xinghe On March 7, their eyes widened. It seems that this trip to Liyue will definitely be interesting.

This is the mysterious Liyue!

Even Dan Heng is like this.

Not to mention that Liyue is everywhere. If so, then they should have stayed here for more than seven days, right?

Otherwise, how long would it be enough?

Kiana also started to think about it

"Since this is the location, remember that over at [Vesta], the 11th Immortal Chef Competition will start in three days, so you can make a reservation and go there later"

"Or should we go to [Mountains and Sea Stars], where there are many strange beasts and a wide range of creatures. You can see the vastness of the world at a glance, and you can hunt and adventure in various places. Um, I just came here, but I still prefer food and lifestyle planets."

"The planet named [Yuheng New Star] is at the forefront of many city clusters in Liyue, and countless civilized cities are located there."

While sailing, Pam curiously pointed in another direction.

"Well, can we go there?"

It is located in the front left, and it seems that there are many airships flying towards that direction.

In the end, Su Bai explained

"That is the third star field of Liyue. It is actually a prison star field. It imprisons some things and beings who have committed crimes. It is specially used to place and seal it. It is not suitable for tourism."

"Or, do you want to go and see it? That's ok too"

"No, no need!"

Pam shook her head quickly. It sounded like a heavy place.

It might be scary.

Don't go there.

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