So the train chose to change direction and continue driving.

Although Xing was a little confused.

Logically speaking, with Liyue's extremely exaggerated and stable order structure, it is difficult for there to be many prisoners, right?

Just watch Beloberg before.

There is almost no way to hide evil, and those alchemy tools are so magical.

This leads to a peaceful life in the local area and everyone living in harmony.

It can be said to be a joy.

Its good reputation has spread widely in the galaxy. Looking at countless places, it is ranked first and is still rising.

Even if there are foreign criminals, it is enough to build local prisons.

The area is enough.

Why bother to dedicate a special area to build such a place? After all, it sounds like the third star field is very big. I am really curious about what is held inside, but she is too embarrassed to ask -.

Think about it and forget it.


In the past, many enemies that Liyue dealt with and fought were imprisoned in that star field.

For example, there are defeated individuals in the sky, whose consciousness has been wiped out, and they are driven there as pure energy.

There are also some world bubbles to explore and strange hostile species and life forms encountered.

The accumulated quantity is also quite large.

For Liyue to conduct research and experiments.

Of course, this is all part of the prison area.

There are also many creatures in the universe today. After all, as the universe grows, many planets circulate, more and more strange life forms are born, and some groups of giant beasts will attack the planets in Liyue.

Therefore, some were defeated by the Liyue fleet and annihilated on the spot.

Some were sealed to the third star field.

At this time, many pods of whales flew past the window in the distance. They were huge, and even from a long distance, they could hear that wonderful and long-lasting sound, just like singing, which made March 7 scream in surprise.

"Look, there are so many Void Singing Whales!"

"Rumor has it that they are chasing meteors and starlight, and their voices are very beautiful. Ah, that’s great. I want to take a photo of it."

"I didn’t expect to encounter such an awesome scene just after I arrived!"

The girl's camera clicked the shutter.

Dan Heng also stared at this picture.

"Is this migration? It turns out that there are also a group of Void Singing Whales here in Liyue, just like in the history of Xianzhou, eh. I'm wrong. It's the starry sky ecology school of the Interstellar Peace Company and the Boshi Society. They like to study this very much."

"They drove a spaceship, lived with the Void Singing Whale, and collected and recorded a large amount of data."

Originally, he wanted to say that in the history of the Xianzhou Alliance, the Xianzhou people had encountered this.

But Dan Heng immediately changed his mind.

After all, he had been avoiding getting involved with Xianzhou, so even if he had read many books, he still knew those things They talked about other things like picking amber stones, fighting virtual whales, etc.

But this picture is really beautiful, and it can enrich the information of the train think tank later.

This is a kind of galactic wonder.

In fact, this is also One of the ecological races that Liyue brought back from the Star Railway.

And Su Bai also looked outside

"The whales in the starry sky are the first impression for you. But for Liyue, whales are more species that live in the ocean."


Even Kiana nodded. Don't forget that she is also from the Earth of Honkai Impact III.

"In the ocean on a planet?"

"Doesn't that mean it can't fly?"

Xing, March 7th and the others were surprised.

This is because different living places will see different creatures.

Then Kiana tilted her head

"By the way, it seems that there used to be whales in the sea over there in Luofu, and they were called [Abyssal Beasts]."

"ah? Then why didn’t Himeko and I see it?"

Anyway, everyone also went to the Bo Yue Ancient Sea in the Linyuan Realm.

"Because it is extinct."

March 7:...

It means that if the Xianzhou Alliance doesn’t have it, you Liyue also has it, right?

The theory of the abyssal beast was still spoken by Yu Kong.

Soon, the nearest planet had arrived. It was a giant star that was many times larger than ordinary stars. It looked full of life and green.

It can be seen from space.

This is a planet with continents and oceans, which is very suitable for life to thrive.

Kiana's face was tangled

"Logically speaking, this place should be skipped first, but since you have come here, it doesn’t hurt to take a look first. This is the [Mountains and Sea Stars] I just mentioned."

"Countless strange beasts live and evolve here."

Su Bai did give him the coordinates to Pam.

"Come on, I'll take you to see it."

As the transmitted beam of light lit up, everyone landed somewhere on this planet. What appeared in their eyes was a huge world, filled with towering mountains and rivers and terrifying huge trees, and birds, animals, fish and insects. They can be seen everywhere.

It's as if they have come to a distant mythical world.

And they are located on a fairy platform in the mountains. From here, they can see all the mountains and small mountains and take in most of the scenery.

So everyone was surprised..

Because just at a place on the lower right, a big blue bird exuding ice and snow flew by. In an instant, the forest there was completely frozen. Wherever the strange bird passed, there was pure ice and snow. There was also a big river. Suddenly a hurricane blew up.

A constantly moving tornado appeared, sucking in all kinds of rocks and trees crazily. In the storm, there seemed to be a giant turtle figure.

And suddenly there was The loud noise made everyone quickly look over.

They found that a mountain peak collapsed in the roar, and a giant pig with a wild atmosphere and long fangs was bumping into it. It could be said that the earth was shaking.

Or maybe In the sky on the other side, many Pegasus with white wings flew by quickly.

There was also a one-legged monster cow galloping on the earth, roaring as the wind and rain changed, carrying thunder that resounded across the sky, and there were also Emitting light, the thunder and lightning released also exploded a large mountain. The terrifying golden eagles living on it also rose into the sky and started fighting crazily with them.

For a time, the earth roared, and there were terrible destruction and cracks everywhere.

Countless The beasts all ran away in a hurry.

But such a scene was just an extremely small scene on this planet and a drop in the ocean. There were many more destructive things than them.

However, as a white light emerged, a female immortal appeared in front of everyone.

And respected speak out

"Lord Su Bai, Lord Kiana, and all guests, welcome to Shanhaixing"

"Below is the immortal responsible for guarding the wild A073 area here. I will be your guide. If you have any questions, just ask me."

On March 7, everyone was shocked.

"There are so many terrifying creatures. Are these all strange beasts?"


"The first bird you saw brought a lot of hail wherever it passed, so it was named"Hail Bird". What flew out of the river was a strange beast [the whirling turtle]】"

"Able to manipulate the power of wind and water"

"As well as the group of fairy horses in the Pegasus family, these are auspicious beasts. On the contrary, those in the battle are [Kui Niu] and [Golden Mountain Immortal Eagle]. One can drive thunder and lightning and command wind and rain, and the other can control the power of rock to make a mountain nest."

The female fairy said these things.

It seemed that she noticed the doubts in Xing and the others' eyes, and she immediately smiled.

"Do you think I missed that giant pig? In fact, it is a kind of ferocious beast, called mountain pig. What he likes to do most is to crash into mountains, then seize the essence of the mountains, devour them, and grow."

"The harm is great."

Because sometimes the formations set up to gather energy and transform spiritual veins will also attract attacks from such creatures.

"So we will clean it regularly."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw the giant pig creature.

A giant immortal holding a [Xuanhua Ax] suddenly appeared, and his The figure suddenly grew larger, and then activated its magical power, slashing down with a bang, causing the giant pig to let out a shrill scream. It also shook violently.

The earth sank.

In the ferocious beast's crazy counterattack, the two They also started fighting.

The violent energy tide impacted the surroundings one after another.

Both of them could destroy the mountain peaks and tear apart the earth. However, the female fairy above did not pay much attention to it, but was accustomed to it. After all, such things... It has happened many times.

There is nothing to worry about.

We are all imaginary number immortals in the new era.

Previously on Yaliluo’s side, the giant spirit immortals were also responsible for moving mountains.

"On the contrary, this ferocious pig-like creature also has a completely opposite individual. As long as it appears, it can fertilize the active areas, fertilize the soil, and achieve a harvest far greater than before."

That's the opponent's innate ability. It can transform the earth and increase the harvest.

"It is registered as an auspicious animal in the data [Dangkang]】"

A series of strange beasts opened everyone's eyes. Among them, they also noticed that the Kui Ox killed the Golden Mountain Immortal Eagle and devoured it on the spot, quickly swallowing it.

He also stared at the giant immortal on the other side.

An attack seemed imminent.

This shocked everyone, dangerous!

As a result, on the way Kui Niu was running, another figure exuding fairy energy also came quickly. The other person summoned a small golden hammer, which grew bigger and bigger.

Make it so that both hands can hold it.

The other party activated the weapon.

In an instant, a huge Xuanwu shadow appeared here and collided with it roaringly.

Like a terrible suppression, it fell with a crash!

Kui Niu was pushed back very far.

Kui Niu was also badly hurt and ran away with fear in his eyes.

This is also a giant spirit immortal, and it can be said that he is the earliest one. It was a long time ago.

Su Bai also chuckled for it

"Yes, there is finally a giant spirit immortal who can use [Xuanwu Mountain Hammer]."

The Mountain-Opening Xuanhua Ax is the standard weapon of the giant gods and immortals, and this Xuanwu Mountain-shaking Hammer is naturally the superior version made by Su Bai. It is a big level higher than it. Even if they use it, it will consume less Very big.

And now[]

Finally, one person has accumulated the contribution required for redemption.

After all, Liyue has been moving forward.

And this female fairy is still very respectful, because she knows very well who is standing here. Although she can't say it directly, she still has the appropriate attitude.

But Dan Heng was silent.


Even Xing and Jizi fell into deep thought and hesitated to speak.

It was March Qi, a lively monster, who broke the atmosphere first, and her eyes widened.

"Wait, these are all immortals? So strong"

"And how come the name Immortal is the same as that of Luofu? There are really many similarities between you two, and well, it seems that those who were taught by the King of Medicine like to call Immortal, Heavenly Man or something like that."

"It refers to the existence that embraces the power of abundance and performs the miracles of abundance."

Even though I finally brought a group of personal guards with me and agreed to help Luofu, those personal guards were indeed immortals, but no one said this. After all, they all knew the meaning of Luofu Immortal Boat.

There is no need to mislead.

It’s not like shouting something like, I am an immortal, I am an immortal or something like that.

That is not something that people in Liyue would do.

Not to mention that the person who is confused now is the Star Vault Train, which is another batch of people.

But now they came to Liyue.

They also began to face the immortals here.

So this female immortal also made a funny sound.

"Now that you are invited to Liyue, sooner or later you will see more and more immortal families and experience a series of immortal cultures. Let me put it bluntly. Liyue itself is an alliance of immortals, with many civilizations and races."

"But don’t put the Immortal Boat Alliance together with us. In the past, the second emperor passed down the immortal way, spread the branches and leaves, and more immortals began to emerge in Liyue, no longer just the remaining true monarchs."

"The way of man can also become an immortal"

"From beginning to end we relied on our own strength,���If you continue to practice, you will eventually achieve the right goal and enter the immortal path. The power you have cultivated is true and yours."

March 7, Ji Zi, Xing, Dan Heng:......

Everyone fell silent.

They also said they would not put them together.

There is Di Gong, and Li Yue has Di Jun.


And listening to this statement, both Emperor Gong and Fengsheng have been reduced. Without Fengsheng, it has become a single immortal method bestowed by the emperor.

And the emperor still serves two terms.

Looking at the Immortal Boat Alliance, there are no two Emperor Gongs.

It's really confusing.

By the way, in this sister's words, it seems that this emperor is very active. He is very different from the Emperor Gong of Xianzhou. Instead, he gives everyone a kind of presence and companionship in Liyue all the time.

This female fairy even showed a proud smile at this time

"Therefore, our Liyue is a civilization that walks with the gods, and that gentleman also has many titles, which are all obtained by people."

"For example, the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the Immortal Ancestor Emperor, the Dragon God Emperor, the Creation Emperor, the Martial Ancestor Emperor, etc."

"You will understand later"

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