"And it is also related to the previous Antimatter Corps"

"They also forge tools, put a lot of ores, ancient beast fragments, and a series of antimatter weapons into the [War Furnace], and then fuse them with living beings to continuously create legion combat power."

It's very obvious.

They are all antimatter + particles + life-destroying paths, holding antimatter stand blades and hand cannons in their hands.

Don't think that most of these virtual soldiers like close combat.

At that time, they were anxious to be beaten by Liyue, and they also took out a lot of heavy weapons. The two sides bombarded each other here across a galaxy, which once made the battlefield fall into a white-hot situation.

The Antimatter Corps also has these technologies.

And the military force is not enough, and they also brought war furnaces. Everyone knows the ending. Several furnaces all became spoils of war, and Liyue was inspired. At that time, a new project was conceived.

Research began.

Now it is finally mature, and it has begun to be manufactured and put into use one after another.

Unlike the Antimatter Corps, which still needs living beings.

Liyue's side is a thorough refining and puppetry technique, or the creation of alchemy immortals. It is a unit that integrates many aspects such as guards, combat power, assistance, and transcendence of mechanical beasts. It is officially used by the Immortal Corps.

Yingda said its name

"We call it Daobing】"

After all, mechanical beasts are a popular large-scale battlefield force, with a large number of them, and it is easy to make"950".

"Now we are in a cave called [Four Symbols Lihuo Realm], so naturally the Taoist soldiers we use here are basically of fire attribute. I use [Fire Crow Taoist Soldier]】"

"Although the Dao soldiers are much worse than us immortals in terms of means, equipment, coping ability, etc., and can only be regarded as the standard immortal combat power, they are still very good as auxiliary."

Not to mention being commanded by immortals.

They can also play a very dazzling role on the battlefield, especially when their numbers increase.

At that time, whether it is arranging formations, attacking, or clearing enemies, it will be very labor-saving.

After all, it is mainly centered on the Liyue immortals, who are the strongest.

Besides, the Dao soldiers can continue to be developed.

It is not impossible for the main combat system to appear.

Train Jizi:...

I heard it, Dongtian, right? You said it without any disguise.

I don't know what the people in Xianzhou are feeling.

Yingda is still missing

"This large area used to be the center for forging fire-based creations and was very lively. Until the emergence of the Golden Crow Palace, many researchers and alchemists went there. But even so, there are still many interesting landscapes and things here."

"The Phoenix tribes in other worlds have cultivated large tracts of immortal phoenix trees, which are excellent forging materials. Even the Suzaku from Liyue who went to the Shenzhou secret realm is living here."

"And many fire yakshas like me."

Not to mention a series of fire spirit plants, fairy plants, and creatures.

There are also many places for cultivation.

The train Ji Zi also listened curiously.

During the period, Liyue Ji Zi also asked her to tell her story, and then she was also very emotional.

"We are all in the field of interstellar navigation dynamics, curious about aliens, the outer space and the stars, and you are indeed the path I should take in my ideal life."

"Oh, by the way, this is for you."

Li Yue Jizi handed over a fiery red gourd.

This made the other party puzzled.

"this is?"

"The mechanical gourd is different from the one I use. Mine is grown and then refined. You are good at mechanical skills, and mechanical arts are similar to it. There are also a thousand mechanical beasts [Iron-beaked Condor] in it.】"

"Can fight, scout, and assist"

"After all, I broke so many of your devices just now."

After that, Ji Zi on the train will have to spend a lot of time repairing it.

In this case, this will be a small gift.

Maybe it can bring her some inspiration and inspiration. After all, this iron-beaked condor is also equipped with some powerful weapons, and there are many types of positioning.

It is an extremely advanced small aircraft.

"Even the gourd itself is a kind of energy cannon + space device, you can use it to hold wine"

"Well, I only drink coffee."


Liyue Jizi was surprised. This other self doesn't even drink wine.


At least he kept it elegant.

Kiana didn't say much about the other party before, saying that it would be more surprising to meet in person.


However, after the train Jizi offered to treat everyone to coffee, Yingda became highly alert.

The previous few times, Jizi's cooking skills made her die.

Could this person have similar characteristics?

Cast a spell on yourself first.

Later, when traveling in this large area, Yingda also made a point

"Jizi, do you want me to ask the technicians to modify the equipment for you?"


"For example, your satellite is obviously not powerful enough. And the train, I think your structure can be easily transformed into a satellite weapon, or have similar power, so that your voyage will be safer."

This made Ji Zi's face stiff.

Ah this

"No, no, trains are for living."

"Hehe, it's okay, or you can load some weapons and functional units. Don't worry, as for materials and resources, we will provide them in Liyue. This is because we hit it off right away, and I have a good relationship with Ji Zi next to me."Yingda smiled proudly with his hands on his hips.

Don't forget that she was the general of a fairy ship in Liyue before. She has been cramming various technologies one after another, and her strength has improved, and her learning and thinking abilities have also improved. She has both vision and experience.

She has also encountered many dangerous wars.

As for transforming it into anti-star weapons, it is really not difficult, especially in Liyue now, even star destroyers are no problem. If it were Doctor Zhenli.

That is, the scholar of the Knowledge Society, he could just take a look and propose a plan to transform the train into anti-star weapons. This is not even a member of the Genius Club. It's like this.

Not to mention the star destroyer, it's actually just like that.

First of all, you have to understand the concept of this thing. Some of them are about blasting energy from outer space into the deep earth of the planet, into the core of the earth, causing major problems in the state of the planet itself, causing the collapse and destruction of the planet. (To read the violent novel, just go to Fei Lu Novel Network! )

This is also called a star destroyer.

But it doesn't work when encountering planetary defense buildings or planetary energy barriers.

Isn't the first impression of most people that a star can be destroyed with one shot? They completely ignore the indirect destruction and breaking of the balance mechanism of the planet itself.

Sometimes, you only need to destroy the most vulnerable link.

It will collapse like a domino effect.


Star destroyers are also divided into levels and there are many types.

After entering the starry sea, this thing is really nothing, especially when looking at the universe. The universe is not that small. The star destroyer is at most a destroyer-like thing. If you want strength and firepower, you need a more advanced death star. Those who have played some star wars-type games know that sometimes when civilizations fight, star destroyers will explode with crackling sounds.

Crazy drops.

More than a dozen or dozens of ships were lost at once...........

Do you think this is some advanced civilization? It is just a story that happened in a remote galaxy. Looking at the vast universe, it is not worth mentioning.

It is too small.

Especially when facing a strong person who has great power.[]

Star destroyers need to be charged, and their defense is just so-so. They can be easily blown up in one go.

They are like paper.

They are far inferior to those that can really destroy stars.

It is normal for them to be easily destroyed by others.

After all, you have to hit the target first. They are not as flexible as others, and the more powerful they are, the more sophisticated and complex the machinery is, the more weaknesses it will have, and the size is so large.

It will roll over very badly.

Therefore, ships and individuals cannot be compared together.

It is easy to become a toy.

Especially if you build too many and cover a whole galaxy, a strong emissary will come and kill you in one shot, burning the whole place, and it will be a complete target. It is a waste of resources and energy.

It is a big loss.

As the civilization in the universe develops, star destroyers are actually not rare. The

Star Dome Railway appeared early, or someone just casually said to buy a star destroyer as a gift.

As for the stellar enemies, they can also be seen very early. When Liyue fought with the antimatter army, many of these enemies were shot down, because this is normal in an interstellar war.

Fu Xuan's"Yi Jing Kuai Ao" also said that when facing a planet occupied by the Zerg, only star-destroying weapons can be used. The one who did this may be the Xianzhou Alliance or the Bozhi Society.

Or maybe both of them have done it.���Technology also appeared very early.

It was in the Black Tower.

The Knowledgeable Society had anti-celestial weapons, and the Genius Club had subjugated weapons. When they researched a project, they burned up the resources of a planet in a short time. So in the Milky Way, this is nothing.

The truly powerful ones are these individual creatures.

You can also say that other universes are not like this, but this is really the case here.

So anti-celestial weapons are just a foil. Continuous practice to become stronger is the more critical and important thing, and it is also the path that Liyue is pursuing.

The strength of oneself is not an illusion.

"Then, Jizi, come and ask Pam to drive the train over. We will modify it for you. Don't worry, you will be satisfied. This is what Lord Su Bai also ordered on 2.9."

In addition, at this time, Jizi of Liyue also solemnly explained and reminded

"Doesn't Kiana often come to your train? If you are in danger, crush her token or call her name, and she will support you very quickly. Liyue is good at space technology."

"And she is a leader in space, one of the beings standing at the top."

"In our side, Kiana has long been called the God of the Earth, the ultimate foundation of human civilization, the greatest confidence in facing the civilizations of the star sea, and the most terrible nightmare and end of the enemy."

Train Jizi was silent.


Although Kiana has always said that she is very strong, is she really that strong?

If you look at it this way, Mr. Su Bai and Ms. Mu Geng, aren't they also likely to be the pinnacle of Liyue, looking at their relationship with Kiana, and the terrifying thing is that Kiana sometimes listens to Mr. Su Bai's opinions.

It is estimated that these two must have many titles.

The main reason is that there is too little intelligence and information about the strong in Liyue.

And it has not been made public.

Jizi was in the dark.

So she didn't know that March Seven had already met another one. He is also the pinnacle of the ice system, Esdeath.

So after that, the new transformation and addition of the train began, and the train group underwent a gorgeous transformation.

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