And during the modification.

Jizi also had some conversations with many staff and experts, which made Liyue Jizi sweat a little. At the beginning, she could still interrupt, but later she couldn't add anything. It started to get profound.

Although she had a certain amount of knowledge reserves, she spent most of her time practicing. She knew more about various methods.

Forget it, you guys chat.

She is not a technician.

To be more precise, as a leader and commander of a train, traveling between many planets is a very safe journey, and there is no need to fight much. There is no need for advanced weapons.

That is the business of the Liyue battle fleet.

But the other self is different. You may encounter danger at any time.

Let's add some firepower. The more firepower, the safer.

During the discussion stage, Train Jizi was surprised to find that Kiana also came to participate. She turned out to be a top scientist. She also wore glasses and white clothes, which was completely different from her usual style.

Very novel.

So she had���The planning and design have been decided.

The train stopped at the base.

During this time, Jizi also went to the simulation training room with Yingda and others. Facing the joint attack of the two Jizis, Yingda simply summoned a red gem, and a tangible energy shield appeared out of thin air.

Instantly blocked all these attacks.

Liyue Jizi raised an eyebrow

"Hey, have you finished refining your [Nine Fire Sun Beads]? You clearly went to our place last time to search for materials, looking for the unique fire treasure that has been contained in the earth's core for tens of millions of years. Nine of the same level are required."

21"And if you refine it, doesn't it take hundreds of years?"

"Did you find those people?"

Hearing this, Jizi was quite surprised.

Hundreds of years.

This is the concept of the immortal species. Just to refine a weapon, it has the flavor of the immortal boat. People are hundreds of years old at any time.

But she still thinks it is exaggerated.

But in fact, it is true. This is one aspect of the immortal way. The immortals want to refine their own magic weapons, or the ones recorded in the techniques and skills they practice. The more powerful and mysterious they are, the more time they need. At any time, they take materials that are thousands of years old, or treasures that are ten thousand years old, or even tens of millions of years.

For a planet, this time is nothing at all.

Then they spend a lot of effort and spend a period of time starting from a decade to make it continue to take shape. The immortals in Liyue have a lifespan of thousands of years when they first achieve success. It is normal to spend this time on weapons.

If you want to arm yourself quickly, you can exchange for powerful immortal alchemy treasures.

However, many immortals will also refine one or two kinds by themselves while exchanging.

It can save a lot of contributions.

Anyway, there is still a long time, so it is also convenient to keep it in your body for nourishment.

No mistake.

Yingda also set his sights on his fire beads.

"Yes, after all, we are far inferior to those adults. They can refine and form quickly, but for us, refining is actually very time-consuming."

"Unless it is a common immortal magic weapon or other alchemical creations, such as life, etc., that is another matter."

"So I was lucky before, I met that lady Rosalin, she helped me perfect it, hahaha. Thank you so much"

"In this way, I only need to keep it in my body and continue to practice, and the power will continue to increase. And it can also improve my practice efficiency, which can be said to be a two-way complement."It is also a treasure for self-defense.

This made Jizi on the train thoughtful.

With the comparison, Mr. Su Bai's extraordinaryness can be more clearly shown.

Just before, the Kuiniu drum and the Kuiniu fairy clothes were completed in an instant.

The immortal was still very excited.

Being able to shorten hundreds of years of time and fortune to a moment already reflects a person's refining skills and realm.

On Dan Heng's side.

His vision suddenly changed, and there were continuous explosions in front of him. The surging and scorching heat wave made him hurriedly resist one or two. He immediately looked and found that there seemed to be a figure in the burning flame, and it turned into a stream of light and slammed into a giant beast! It caused the earth to shake continuously.

Accompanied by the roar and anger of the giant beast, the green horns on its head flashed, causing the wind pressure and hurricane here to sweep everything, a large amount of The trees were uprooted, like a rotten wood that destroyed everything in its path, making the sky dark!

As a result, the earthquake that came again made Dan Heng try to steady himself.

There was surprise in his eyes.

Because he saw that the figure in the fire was actually waving his fists, blasting away the hurricane, and directly killing the giant beast! The unmatched fist wind tore the ground apart, and deep gullies appeared all of a sudden.

It can be said to be extremely powerful!

The two started a hand-to-hand fight!

Dan Heng's first reaction was, the Shanhai Star that he had been to before?

But the next second he rejected this idea, no, it wasn't!

Because the sky above suddenly darkened, a huge and vast one-eyed monster covered the sky, and it also carried a black air that made him feel very uncomfortable and depressed, and in other places in the sky, there were also all kinds of strange creatures.

It was like a group of demons dancing wildly. (Read the violent novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Their appearance seemed to be eroding this place, and the earth quickly lost its vitality. Many forests, grasses, and various vegetation withered and turned yellow.

And the black strange energy that fell would also make the creatures that were originally here black and crazy. It couldn't distinguish between friend and foe.

There was another kind of monster with a translucent body, screaming and rushing towards this side.

But soon, one after another human figures emerged, some waving a large flag, attracting the sea in the distance, countless sea water sucked up, forming a terrifying whirlpool, and sucked a large number of monsters into it.

The color of the sea water was gradually stained black by blood.

Some also sacrificed a mirror, and many silk threads flew out in an instant, binding up the huge monsters and blocking their offensive. Many monsters suddenly turned over and became a mess.

Among them, those who were trampled to death were There were quite a few.

Then the silk thread exerted its force, and many monsters were chopped into pieces.

There was also a small lightning seal flying out of its mouth, which could be said to grow with the wind, and instantly turned into a terrifying big seal, which fell into the battlefield with a bang. The thunder exploded in all directions, and the terrible storm and shock wave it set off made people's scalps numb.

This was much more terrifying than Ji Zi's satellite orbital cannon.

There were also those who summoned giant swords, which frightened the monsters with one sword and directly tore the battlefield apart; the more elegant ones summoned a bunch of Qingmu fairy needles, which pierced through the bodies of those local giant beasts in the blink of an eye.

Then the black air in their bodies was expelled.

They all returned to normal.

Another piece of light curtain was forming, which was the many immortal formations that separated the battlefield, giving people a feeling that these people were helping this planet to deal with the invading monsters.

Even in the sky, there were whistling attacks at this time, knocking down those flying monsters one after another.

It turned out that many flying ship formations came over.

Rounds of artillery fire were released.

The haze in the sky was dispelled.

I only saw flying ships passing by quickly, and then sprinkled a lot of spiritual water. This is a life-saving medicine for living beings, but it is like a curse for monsters. They wailed and melted.

The world began to rain softly.

Now the huge battlefield is obviously not the previous Shanhaixing.

It is another strange and unknown world.

Many ruins and dilapidated buildings are scattered here.

And Dan Heng has dodged many attacks in succession. He has long held the spear in his hand. Many skills are moved spontaneously by the body. And two immortals have appeared one after another, and they are surprised.

"Huh? Why is there someone here suddenly?"

"Yes, this area should be blocked."

But they seemed to have received some information, and they understood it the next moment.

"So that's how it is, little brother Danheng?"

"In this case, fight with us,"[]

One immortal extended an invitation, while the other glared angrily, noticing the group of strange fog monsters that had disappeared and were actually coming towards them. The evil and greedy emotions were very clear.

""Looking for death!"

He swung a fiery red bead and instantly a terrifying flame burst out, making the sky and the earth lose their color, the sun and the moon lose their light, and enveloping the whole area. Whether it was monsters, the ground, sand, rocks, or vegetation, they all disappeared. Turned into nothing!

It was extremely violent!

Dan Heng's face twitched when he saw it. If he was hit, it would definitely not be a good thing. After all, he was not the madman who was stabbed and beaten to death, and then acted like nothing happened not long after.

He also faced another monster.

And he was puzzled.

"Here, is it?"

The immortal in the battle spoke up.

"The realm of revival, you can understand it this way, as our Liyue continues to develop, the world also grows with us, and a long time ago, some places were destroyed and extinct, including some creatures and forces."

And some evil and things like the abyss survived.

And reappeared in the new era.

The revival of the world means that the ancient traces will no longer be traces.

Dan Heng seemed to understand.

Does the expansion of the world mean that Liyue's territory has expanded, incorporating more star regions?

That should be the meaning.

Then on the way, he also encountered some evil forces and enemies.

"Before, the evil once expanded and invaded the new world, and then our emperor took action and destroyed most of the enemy with one blow. The rest is now left to us."

"This is the duty of immortals like us, to protect many worlds and thousands of lives."

Dan Heng's pupils shrank, Emperor


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