It actually sounded like the Emperor Bow descended to the world, clearing away the evil spirits with one arrow, and returning the world to a bright and clear world.

These two civilizations always have similarities.

The Emperor Bow and the Emperor are still mysterious, anyway, he has never seen them.

But along the way, at least Dan Heng himself has seen the differences between the two civilizations.

While thinking, he also shot away several black beasts and used his own magic [Cloud Chant]!

For a while, there was a storm and thunder here, and the tsunami gathered into a soaring water dragon, hovering in the sky, and then rushed towards the enemy like a calamity. It only took a short time for him to show his real skills.

Because Dan Heng found that the intensity of the battlefield here was indeed very high, if the Cloud Riders came over, there would be a lot of casualties easily.

After all, he had seen the battle between the Cloud Riders and the Fengrao enemy army through his memory.

And these Liyue masters.

Each of them is far more powerful than the Cloud Riders.

Not only did he raise his hands to make all kinds of talismans fly out, creating all kinds of effects, such as explosions, lightning, water arrays, hurricanes, and ice, but he also took out all kinds of weapons with amazing power, or immortal weapons, and then achieved amazing results.

Sweeping the enemy.

There are many methods, all very dazzling.

Very eye-catching.

And it seems that after he released the Azure Dragon, many Liyue immortals on the battlefield also condensed water dragons, stood on them, and swooped down to the battlefield, which made Dan Heng stunned. Although their auras were much weaker than his, there were more of them.

There are also many people who can control water here.

And not only are they not from the Chiming Clan, they are also better at using water than those guys.

For a while, a group of dragons soared here.

He had never seen such a scene before.

Immortals who rode water dragons passed by Dan Heng one after another, and they all smiled and were surprised,

"As expected, he is a person with the remaining power. Is it from the Vajra Dragon Lord? Even if only half of it is left, it is still quite outstanding."

"It's really strong, and I can feel that this is not your full strength."

"Hahaha, but in terms of efficiency and means of clearing the enemy, I will not admit defeat."Tianmu Yishuixian Formation, start it for me!"

The information of the Immortal Boat Alliance has long been collected by Liyue.

Those Dragon Lords will naturally not fall behind.

The Dragon Lord who is not the envoy has also divided his strength, but even so, he is still powerful, but the immortals all smiled heartily and were full of fighting spirit. It doesn't matter, everyone will continue to get stronger.

As immortals, those present are very young.

Dan Heng was speechless.

Why do you all know this?

And some of these weird evil creatures, seeing that the situation is not good, actually abandoned most of their bodies and chose to cut off their tails to survive.

When the sky was blocked and the earth was sprinkled with specially formulated spiritual water.

They were like invisible gases, drilling into the ground and disappearing.

This made the immortals' faces change

"No, stop them!"

"According to previous battle records, some monsters can absorb the energy of the earth's core, and they will become more difficult to deal with deep underground. In the sea of magma and heat, water-attributed immortals like us will be at a disadvantage."

"We must intercept these monsters in advance, and not let the battle situation become troublesome!"

Many immortals turned into streams of light, or disappeared in an instant.

They went underground.

There were also some immortals who were not good at escaping underground, but they immediately pinched the seal, and a strange rock Taoist soldier descended here, and then carried them to the bottom.

One of them even shouted loudly

"Brother Dan Heng, quickly follow the [Tu Xingsun] Taoist soldier, that is a type of Taoist soldier that is good at underground combat."

In an instant, a Taoist soldier came to Dan Heng and created an earth shield to wrap them both up, and then went underground. Dan Heng was very curious. After all, he was a water player and didn't know how to do this.

Fighting in the sea was more like it.

That was his home court.

Even if he went underground, his speed was very fast.

It was as if he had merged with the earth.

There was not much sense of obstruction.

It didn't take long for him to go to a very deep place, and before he noticed, the monsters had actually launched an attack. As a result, the Taoist soldier [Tu Xingsun] was the first to react. While maintaining the escape technique, it released the fairy magic and directly blew up more than a dozen evil creatures.

Dan Heng was very surprised.

This kind of Taoist soldier is so flexible and powerful.


The battle around the underground started.

And ended smoothly afterwards.

Some immortals stayed to deal with the scene, and the fleet was also here; some left on flying ships and went to the planets where they rested and practiced on weekdays.

During this time, the immortals were also talking.

"Fortunately, there are no rare individuals among this group of monsters. Some of them can use their own innate abilities to break through the magma layer, force their way deep into the center of the earth, detonate the core, and cause the balance of the planet to be broken. At the least, various disasters will occur."

"In serious cases, the planet will explode"

"Indeed, the main body is not strong, but the special ability is so troublesome. It is better to deal with it as soon as possible."

"There were also giant beasts that could grow up and continue to devour planets before, but they were killed by flying ships. Everything has a way of balance. Since there is such a prospect, it will take more time to grow up."

So once it emerges, it will be hit.

It will not be given time.

Some weak ones can be dealt with by a flying ship.

Or they will be suppressed by immortals.

Some special creatures will be taken to the three-star domain prison mentioned earlier.

Dan Heng also listened quietly. He gained a lot from this battle. But compared with other train members, he has less.

After all, he is stronger.

In the underground battlefield, he also saw another kind of fire-type Taoist soldier that can move in magma. Not only is it in human form, but it can also change into a dragon's posture to fight monsters, and it also has quite a lot of means.

It's amazing.

In fact, it is the dragon fire tooth Taoist soldier created by the fire dragon according to its own characteristics.

It means to tear the enemy apart with dragon teeth!

The two immortals before also invited him. The three of them broke through the atmosphere and entered the interior of the planet on the flying ship.

So that they can see scenes.

This is a star with a strong sense of cultivation and martial arts. planet.

Dan Heng saw some Liyue people carrying large tripods, standing there motionless, but the bottom collapsed into a big pit, which was very shocking.

It was enough to make people realize that it was not an ordinary tripod.

Some people carried small mountains on their backs, sweating and gritting their teeth to continue moving forward.

Many people were practicing, they absorbed and exhaled the energy of heaven and earth to temper themselves.

There were also those facing the spacecraft.

When the spacecraft released the laser cannon, several energy beams went towards the middle-aged man. As a result, he clenched his fists, roared in his eyes, and his blood rushed to the sky. He kept punching quickly.

Those energy attacks were directly broken!

Causing the refracted energy to vibrate all around.

This is training with spacecraft weapons.

Or in another square, there is a strange white ape, holding a stick behind his back, with the demeanor of a master, teaching a group of little kids. As the saying goes, practice should start from childhood. The immortal explained

"This is a place that focuses on martial arts and body refining. Those who come here are not immortals, but are good at martial arts, and thus people who become immortals through martial arts. Haha, but in terms of body refining holy places, it is still in [Xuanhuang Star Region】"

"But you don’t need this." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I can see some of your state, so Dan Heng, I hope you can go on a journey of refining your mind. Your mind is not at peace."

"This should be the reason why the adult sent you here."


Dan Heng was silent.

The immortal was smiling peacefully, kind and elegant.

He had a calm and detached state of mind.

"Here, there is a saying that if you practice the method but not the mind, it will be in vain. Only a strong mind can control one's own power. The mind is the master and the method is the guest. The two cannot be reversed."

"Start with your own heart, first cultivate your heart, then cultivate your body. Spread from the inside out, and then become a whole."

"Go, head to that secret place."

After that,

Dan Heng had already entered the secret place, and the words of the two immortals seemed to linger in his ears.

"Remember, find your strength within"

"In the past, the Emperor had planted destiny deep in the hearts of us Liyue people. Although we did not understand it at the time, as we gradually practiced, the power of the mind became more and more important and began to show its magical effects."

"As for you, the outsider, I hope you can also gain something."

He also looked at this quaint tea house. Now he was the only one here. It was quiet. Most people would feel peaceful when they came here. Dan Heng���As instructed, he sat cross-legged in a position.[] and closed his eyes.

At first, there was no change, as if it was still the same.

But Dan Heng was also very calm.

The immortal said, don't be anxious, relax.

Gradually, under his conscious perception, I don't know how long it has passed. When he opened his eyes again, the world changed drastically, and the flames of war and roars continued to sound, accompanied by the roars of the soldiers.

This shocked Dan Heng.

Because this battlefield that burned half the sky, and the familiar people, are all scenes in memory.

In the past, the battle between Yunqi and Buliren!

Those enemies with wolf heads and canine teeth, muscular, many of them have already changed, and they are extremely ferocious. While wearing armor, they all roared to the sky, and their breath became crazy stronger.

Moon Madness!

This is the deformation ability of Buliren.

As a result, both the bones and the claws have undergone terrible changes, and the speed has skyrocketed all of a sudden, killing Yunqi!

Many Yunqi were directly torn apart by Buliren holding living weapons.

There was a river of blood everywhere.

During this time, Dan Heng thought it was an illusion, so he didn't try to hide. As a result, he was hit by a beam of light from Bu Liren, who was flying low in the air and driving a combat aircraft.

He was blown away.

"It hurts, why do I feel pain?"

At this time, an astonishing dragon roar sounded, and a large number of Buli people's aircraft were involved, and the situation of the battle was immediately changed. It was the power that drove the storm and tsunami.

Dan Heng seemed to be struck by lightning. He immediately looked up and saw the figure.

Floating in the sky, looking at the familiar man below with indifference.

The past Vajra Dragon Lord, Yinyue Jun.

His previous life.

This was different from the previous dream. He was actually directly like a bystander, not a substitute, and he would be hurt. Dan Heng had no choice but to join the battle. He kept killing Buli people one after another.

And the next moment, the Dragon Lord Yinyue Jun was caught off guard and was blown away by a branch. It was a huge tree, full of shock. The sense of oppression and vitality of people is very strange.

Because it can move.

On the other side, there is a man who summoned a golden giant shadow, waving his weapon and trying his best to restrain the other party.

Countless golden thunders fell, scorching some tree branches.

But more, the faces of many people appeared on the tree, laughing and going crazy.

Some injuries also recovered immediately at a terrifying speed.

Dan Heng was already sweating.

How could it be.

Even this thing is displayed.

The former Envoy of Abundance, the enemy of the Immortal Boat, suddenly.

However, Dan Heng chose to go to the place where the previous life fell and caught the other party.

He didn't know what the situation was now.

But at least, he couldn't be indifferent.

He never thought that this previous life didn't care about his appearance, but spoke as if he knew about this.

"~Why did you come back? Didn't you already decide to be yourself?"

"Stay away from everything related to the fairy boat"

"As long as you don't see it, you won't be affected anymore."

Drinking Moon Dragon Lord's power surrounded Dan Heng, as if he was going to kill him in the next moment.

Dan Heng was silent for a while, and then he spoke.

"I just realized that my staying away was more like escaping. What I really should do is to face you and transcend you."

"As long as I have this power, then some of the consequences of the past should be borne by me, not just you."

"Since I can't escape, I'll face it! I'm an unknown passenger on the train, a descendant of the Vajra Master, and at the same time, I'm myself."


A certain immortal who was watching this scene through the mirror also smiled.

"That's right, face your nightmare."

The other immortal said with hesitation.

"Well, we shouldn't look at this, it's someone else's business."

"Logically speaking, it is true, but watching him and the former Dragon Lord and the former Heavenly General join forces to fight against Shuhu, it is the Lord Emperor's intention. The Lord Emperor's instructions must have a deep meaning."

In the picture, a complete Lord Yinyue [Danfeng] + a Dragon Lord [Danheng], and the general Tengxiao, all released attacks and hit the strange tree.

But they all fell into disadvantage.

From time to time, either Danheng was beaten or his previous life was beaten away.

Let the latter immortal be ashamed

"Can they really defeat this? The recovery ability of the Order of Abundance is too strong. The damage they caused cannot keep up with the speed of its recovery."

"Unless the general fights hard."

And the thousand-faced strange tree was still laughing.

"Come on, Teng Xiao, do you want to take them back? Attack directly, and they will disappear into nothingness."

The so-called Thousand Faces is not just that, it is the faces of the Cloud Riders one after another. Facing these raised by the strange tree, Teng Xiao obviously hesitated, and then he was also beaten back.


This thing's overall strength is obviously higher than that of the hunting envoy. While it has a terrifying vitality, it also uses strategies and calculations. It is not an enemy without strategy. This is too abnormal!

And he also noticed a very critical thing. He was silent.

"Moreover, those faces are actually the souls of the Cloud Riders, right?"

"Their bodies and remains are on the ground, while their souls have merged with the tree, or in other words, they are dominated and controlled by the tree. Even if the souls are recovered, the bodies are destroyed."

This is my mother: Naruto789

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