This is really unexpected.

Before, everyone talked about it with great relish, because the story of [The Five Heroes on the Cloud] was a heroic legend that had been circulating for a long time. After that, this was the one that suddenly emerged.

The popularity was very high.

Whether it was the children on the fairy boat or some tourists in the Milky Way who traded with the fairy boat.

You can hear similar discussions from them.

Especially after the relevant Todie Fantasy was produced, the scale of the battle inside was very grand and spectacular.

It made people's blood boil and their hearts were excited!

And there were no restrictions.

Even short-lived people in their teens and teens could watch it.

Xing still remembered that the work was very popular in a short period of time and achieved very good results. It once again set off a popular craze for the story and became a popular phenomenon-level fantasy play.

It was quickly rated as [One of the Top Ten Todie Fantasy in the

Past Thousand Years]. That was one of the top ten classic Todie Fantasy films shot by all the fairy boats in the past thousand years.

It was enough to know its influence.

Sanyueqi often talked about this excitedly.

As a result, her eyes widened now. What? This story is not true?

Was it made up by Mr. Su Bai?

So outrageous!

She had always believed that this war must have started in a certain star field, and she believed it without a doubt!

After all, war is nothing to Xianzhou.

Look at Yao Qing, he is fighting every now and then.

"In other words, there are no more people of abundance named Absolute Clan in the world? There is also no more villainous golden man who always announces his name?"

Absolute Destruction" is gone.

"Ah, oh, yes, and that thing, I have Admiral Titan, who can cut the Emperor's bow, is that also what you came up with, Mr. Su Bai?"


She had heard this story before, and the Fengrao people Titan, who had just finished speaking, was attacked by General Xuling, and the Fengrao fleet was destroyed in one blow, and even the Emperor's bow was not touched. This is too clown.

March Seven laughed out loud.

This is very consistent with the phenomenon that Fengrao people are crazy and insane.

They don't know the height of the world.

But after a moment, March Seven scratched his head again in confusion.

"However, many of the stories in it are very realistic, and have been proven by many people on the Galaxy Network to have really happened."

Dan Heng, who had regained his composure, also mentioned one thing.

"The Alliance officials had not responded to the story of the Xuling Immortal Boat and the Fengrao Golden Man, nor had they expressed any opinions."

From this perspective, we can see something.

Today, Dan Heng is no longer too shy about the Immortal Boat, and can narrate it like this.

March Seven was speechless.

Then suddenly she was stunned.

"That's not right. If it's not real, then what about the Fantasy Beast Fist?"

At this time, Ying spoke up.

"Fantasy Beast Fist is a popular boxing style in Liyue. It is a contract between a practitioner and a soul or a conscious beast. It has been derived into many types and has been optimized and updated several times.."

""Huh? We didn't see it when we went there before. What a pity."

But several people's eyes lit up. Wow. Although the story is made up, there are indeed many factors in it. It is indeed true.

It turns out that the birthplace of the Fantasy Beast Fist is in Liyue!

It is not a protective force.

"And is this for Ying to practice? Wow, I'm so envious!"

Obviously, this is going to be the same as the story, making a contract with an ancient beast and harnessing the power of the ancient beast!

What a treatment for the protagonist!


As they moved forward, the enemies here became more and more numerous. Some of the ancient beasts' residual souls roared to the sky, and then many giant beasts rushed over with a rumble. Even if they were not as terrifying as the ancient beasts before, they could still see some shadows.

Some ancient beasts, their claws alone were almost as big as mountains.

And those in front of them were like mountains in size, and their running was like an earthquake, causing everyone present to fight. March Seven fully released his two kinds of ice.

He used crystal absolute ice to create rows of huge barriers.

On the other side, he also used the instant illusion ice, causing many giant beasts to fall into the illusion and kill each other.

She put her hands on her waist with a little pride.


This is who she is now! Master March Seven!

Even Dan Heng's efficiency with guns is not as good as his. He only repelled one, but he had to deal with a bunch of them.

However, when she saw the strange light of ether emitting from Xing's body, and then punched out, the ground cracked in an instant, and several giant beasts were thrown away, her face twitched. What is this?

Don't be too outrageous!

And Xing also wrestled with the giant beast. Although he was as small as dust, he blocked the footsteps of the mountain beast head-on.

In this wave, no weapons were used as before.

Even if he rushed too deep and was surrounded by giant beasts, a layer of strange particle glow appeared on Xing's body, which expanded instantly, causing many giant beasts to be dizzy.

This is the [Ether Immortal Body Martial Arts Law Domain Protection Realm]!

Then Xing punched the giant beasts one by one and flew them away.

Very violent.

By the way, March 7 could also hear Kiana's muttering

"This is the specific effect of the first level of the Ether Immortal Body. It's just so-so. Once you step into the next few levels, it will be very impressive."

She was dumbfounded.

This is only the first level?

And you are still not satisfied?

This is going to heaven.

Gradually, everyone discovered one thing.

The ancient beast souls in the cemetery were killing and devouring each other, and sometimes they didn't care about them. They were originally residual souls and soul bodies that disappeared over time. After devouring each other, they would be a little brighter.

The body will also recover a little.

Is this the reason why they still exist today? (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But at this moment, the ground under everyone's feet suddenly disappeared, as if falling into a bottomless abyss. The feeling of weightlessness kept coming, and the light disappeared, and the surroundings were pitch black.

Kiana quickly released a ball of light to illuminate the place.

Everyone kept falling.

When there was still a certain distance below, Su Bai snapped his fingers, and everyone stopped. Sanyueqi, Xing, Ying and the others were all alert, and Paimon was so scared that he screamed.

"My, what happened to us? Have we fallen into a trap?"

"How could there be such a big black pit?"

Dan Heng looked down.

It was a sea full of imaginary energy. Many ancient beast souls fell in. Before they could struggle, more than one terrifying giant mouth suddenly stretched out from the sea and dragged them down. It was like a tentacle, or a swallowing beast.

Everyone was floating in the air and saw the whole scene.

Xing muttered to himself.

"Is this another ancient beast hunting ground? Why does it look familiar?"

"It looks familiar."

Kiana's eyes lit up and she smiled with interest.

"Because this is the goal, come out!"[]

She swung her fist, and with terrifying energy and roaring, the sea exploded instantly. The terrible explosion swept across the area, instantly annihilating and evaporating countless seawater. The soul of the ancient beast hidden inside also turned into fragments in fear and screams.

This made Kiana stunned.

"Ah? Did I use too much force?"

"No way, this guy is obviously a member of the same clan as Greedy Obolos in the past, but he is so weak."


Even Su Bai sighed

"`.You idiot, before becoming a Star God, Tan Tao was one of the ancient beasts, so it is normal for there to be more than one of the same species. However, the gap between the ancient beasts and the Star Gods is too big, they are two completely different things."

"How could it possibly withstand your attack?"

Just like before Boshizun became a star god, he was just a machine.

How strong could he be?

This period should be viewed separately.

One is heaven, the other is earth.

So as a member of the same clan as Tantao, this ancient beast is not so exaggerated. After death, its soul is also broken a lot. Even in this cemetery, it is not an absolute crusher, but it has transformed this area.

Use it as a trap and territory.

As its home ground, it can deal with other giant beasts effortlessly.

If it goes to other places, it may be beaten to death.

But no matter what.

As an ancient beast of this clan, its strength is still very strong. He is tall, and he is the only one who dominates here.

When the others heard this, they were all stunned.

What the hell.

He is from the same group as the former Greedy!

It would scare people to death if it gets out. It would directly shock the galaxy.

Although to the current Star God Greedy, he is no different from a bug, but if he is the core of the Fantasy Beast Fist, wouldn’t he be the trump card among the ancient beasts? It would be so cool if he could conquer it.

Unfortunately, it is gone.

However, at this time Su Bai raised his hand, and the scene here was (King Qian’s) constantly retreating, and the surrounding scene also changed. They actually came out, and they were still on the outskirts of the ancient beast cemetery.

It is Xing's eyes widened as he saw a creature in Su Bai's hand.

It was a small and strange creature, floating in the miniature seawater in the palm of his hand, surrounded by many long-necked beast mouths, with a larger mouth hidden below, and in the center above, there was a slender and slender female figure.

But only half of the body.

It was as if it had merged into it.

Then Su Bai seemed dissatisfied, crushed it again, and then transformed it. All the stronger souls of the giant beasts in the cemetery were sucked over. After a while, a golden mini beast appeared. The original female figure became more majestic. and outstanding, and emitting golden light.

The mouths of those long-necked beasts also turned into the appearance of many giant beasts.

In this way, it is the king who controls the giant beasts.

After absorbing these souls, its power has become much stronger, although its eyes have become dazed and innocent, like a newborn, full of curiosity about the world, because it is a new individual reshaped by Su Bai based on the souls of many giant beasts.

Kiana snorted.

Look, you still have to get it back, the original soul is so brutal that Ying can't control it at all.

It's possible to be eaten.

It's not the concept of a partner in the Fantasy Beast Fist at all.

How can we talk about fighting side by side..

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