Now it's much better, freshmen are easier to fool.

So after completing this step.

Su Bai's fingers lit up with golden light and pointed at Ying's eyebrows.

"This is the latest version of the Fantasy Beast Fist training method that I have modified. It is not the more obvious pattern of the past, but forms a divine seal between the eyebrows. There is a space in the divine seal, and the fantasy beast will live there in the future."

At this moment, a very sacred mark quickly appeared on Ying's forehead.

It made her look a lot more majestic and cold.

It can be put away on weekdays.

It will appear when it is needed.

Other people in Liyue hold the Fantasy Beast Fist either on their arms or on their backs.

You can see how convenient this is for Ying.

And Su Bai also asked her to make a contract with this ancient beast.

A scroll appeared here, and then split into two sides and drilled into the eyebrows of a man and a beast. Then Ying felt that she had established a very wonderful intimacy with this little guy, and the other party's eyes lit up and shouted happily a few times.

And flew into the divine pattern.

After a moment, it came out again.

Ying felt her shoulders sink, and turned around to see this little guy rubbing her intimately.

""Eh, eh."

She couldn't help but laugh.

"Good boy."

Speaking of which, the appearance of this ancient beast is indeed different. It is like a beautiful woman sitting on the ancient beast, with golden decorations on her body, like a fairy, but in fact, they are all one.

She still behaves like a child.

Her mind needs to grow up, and she will naturally learn to speak in time.

Paimeng felt a sense of crisis bursting instantly.


How come there is another one next to his own Ying, when there was only him before.


Find a way to fool this ancient beast soul and recognize him as the eldest sister.

He is the first to come!

And Ying also learned about the new advantages of this fantasy beast fist training method. After choosing a fantasy beast or a guardian beast, and then practicing, the fantasy beast can also absorb energy, enhance it, and let herself enjoy this benefit.

It's like having an extra training amplifier, and it can still grow.

It is very beneficial to her. The speed and efficiency of becoming stronger will also increase rapidly.

She was in a good mood, worthy of being a new version!

And this is the basis, the more important thing is to look at the ability of the fantasy beast itself.

For example, this ancient beast, in just a short moment she understood It's like it's floating in the sea. This is one of its own talents.

It can create an imaginary sea.

It can offset damage, increase strength, use various attacks, and has many uses.

I don't know if it's because of Su Bai, but this sea looks like a rippled space, which means it has the ability of space and comes with several skills.

Now she can also enjoy the benefits of various space teleportations.

The second biggest talent is swallowing.

No matter how messy and rough the energy is, this little guy can accept it all and swallow it all, turning it into its own growth food, or if Ying is injured, it can also automatically swallow the energy and repair it.

At this moment, she was still trying it at Su Bai's suggestion.

One person and one beast began to practice.

As the ancient beast opened its mouth, the surrounding energy surged crazily for a while, forming a huge storm, with sand and dust flying everywhere, and the vision was disturbed.

This made everyone else present hurriedly block it.

March 7 directly created a crystal absolute ice energy shield.

Covering everyone.

She was shocked.

"Wow, what a big noise."

Ying also felt the effect. The pure energy transformed by the ancient beasts flowed into her body and constantly changed into various colors, green, gold, blue, red, purple, a total of seven kinds.

That is a lot of imaginary elemental power.

She can use one alone, or cut it at will.

Or use white.

And because those long-necked beasts have turned into various beast heads, Ying found that she can also use various ancient beast abilities to evolve various fantasy beast fists.

Not just one.

This is a good deal. It

's actually multi-in-one.

There is no doubt that the beast itself also has one, and it is the strongest.

This (adcg) swallowing ability can be used later The giant beast is devoured and is the natural enemy of the giant beast. In just a short while, Ying has figured out many uses, which is enough to show that the ancient beast and the universe fantasy beast fist have infinite mysteries.

She was so happy that she couldn't help but kiss Su Bai directly.

March Seven:?


Even Ji Zi was surprised, what is your relationship?

Isn't Miss Kisara the partner of Mr. Su Bai? Why does it seem that Ying is also?

In fact, the devouring ability is indeed the most critical ability. It has the effect of the ancient beast Greedy, although it is far inferior to the Star God Greedy, but it has great potential, and you can also see the shadow of the Seven Deadly Sins [Gluttony] on the side of Spider Girl.

There is also the shadow of the Devouring King Taotie on the side of Shion.

The foundation is laid Very good.

In addition, Taotie is most famous for its gluttony. In myths and legends, it is a greedy beast. There is a saying that Tao means"greed".

So when you look at the name of the ancient beast [Tan Tao], you can figure out what one of its prototypes is.

Of course, Taotie is also used as the animal head on many ancient houses, which means to protect the house and pray for blessings, and to ensure safe entry and exit. Therefore, there is no problem for Ying to contract such an ancient beast, and it will also become her trump card.

Just a series of fairy magic and magical powers, as well as the magic sword [Nanming Lihuo Sword], are not enough.

And Ying also likes this kind of control over sea water and various abilities.

It reminds her of her past [Eight Qi Sword] and Yuan Luyushi's divine armor, which can summon the power of water and thunder. Among the many elemental powers, she uses rock, water, wind, and thunder more often.

Taiyi Fenguang Sword represents rock.

As for the fire symbolized by Nanming Lihuo Sword, it is generally not taken out unless it is a strong enemy.

When Su Bai and the others were at the ancient beast cemetery. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other side.

Xianzhou [Yuque] Taibusi.

Qingque, dressed as a fortune teller, is looking at the night sky and watching the stars. The

Diyuan Qiongyu-shaped array in front of her is also constantly running, evolving various results and data, and then Qingque looks at the information on it and falls into deep thought.

"Not good"

"Compared to Luofu, Yuque is worthy of being the birthplace of Taibusi. The quality of talents is much higher, and there are many astronomers. I was able to learn a lot of astronomer skills, the movement of stars, the laws of stars, the wonderful phenomena of various celestial bodies in the Milky Way, and the trajectory of fate."

"As well as the directions of the routes of the immortal boats and star ships, the fortunes and disasters, fate, probability, consciousness, the future, and so on."

Compared to Liyue's space science and astrology, the Immortal Boat Alliance has definitely developed better in the past eight thousand years.

After all, one is a new discipline and the other has a long history.

Not to mention that she has combined the two and has the characteristics and advantages of both.

Now she can also be called the stargazer Qingque.

She is still a top genius.

"Hum, stargazing reminds me of the Pope in Saint Seiya, who observes the stars to predict and find the cause and current situation of things."

"Although the old pope is quite miserable, well, I don't mean to laugh at him."[]

But despite what he said, Qingque still frowned.

"The smoke of war became heavier. During this period, not only Yaoqing, but also other immortal boats launched a series of small-scale contact battles with the Fengrao people. I saw the terrifying waves coming, and the Fengrao people were gathering."It

's not many years since the last time.

And a few days ago, the number of Fengrao evil creatures on a planet destroyed by Yuque's Mingke Guard Fleet reached 2.5 billion. In the huge galaxy stage, this number is really nothing.

The population of an immortal boat is 100 billion.

Not to mention the evil creatures that have no restrictions on reproduction and are growing wildly.

Even if the evil creatures are often defeated and wiped out, they can quickly come back again, over and over again.

This is the cognition of most people in the immortal boat.

Even Yingxing said this.

During the time in Yuque, because of her specialness and being sent here, she attracted the attention of many people, not to mention the immortal boats full of immortal species, there are even more arrogant people everywhere. This kind of place with advanced technology but ancient style is bound to be full of provocations and troubles.

General Yuque didn't care about this at all.

On the contrary, this person did it on purpose.

Just to make such a big noise.

A lot of trouble?

That's right.

If you don't even have the mentality and power to deal with all these, and can't show the ability to convince people, then you are not suitable to be a general candidate. A general needs to care about and worry about much more than this.

Qingque naturally impressed a lot of people with her own abilities and the way she deals with people.

In short, on Yuque's side, her days are spent studying, being provoked, and getting slapped in the face by all kinds of pretense. After defeating the younger ones, she will defeat the older ones, and then continue to learn, over and over again, which is very Xianzhou.

So after her status and prestige gradually increased, she also joined the divination and deduction of the expeditionary fleet. This was the case with the big pillow on Yaoqing's side before.

This is a war led by Yaoqing and other Xianzhou fleets. The scale is not on the same level as that of Luofu.

"The war is coming, why is Luofu the center point again? It can't be because of Jianmu again, right? This has happened so many times, and what is the real key? Why can't I calculate it?"

"Damn it, there aren't many people who can influence my astrology and divination."

"It seems that I have to add my recent research experience on [Ten Directions Light Reflecting Dharma Realm] to it, update my configuration and algorithm, and if it doesn't work, add the Qiongguan Array here."

After all, she also knew that although there is no abundance order now, there is a destruction order.

With such a thing leading the way, the people of abundance can completely fight the immortal boat. In the unknown starry sky area, two destruction orders are discussing

"Senior, why do you always pick on Luofu? Although I also want to see this scene, the destruction of Luofu Immortal Boat, hehe, but what if this attracts Liyue? The weak don't know, but we can sense it."

"That is a force that can make Liuguang Yiting bow down to it."

There was a strong sense of fear in these words.

"Oh, what are you afraid of? After all, Liyue and Xianzhou are different civilizations. Both sides are independent, and Liyue has its own base. They act with Yaliluo Star Region as the center. As long as you don't cause trouble for them, they will not interfere."

"You see, they eliminated your predecessor, but are they targeting you?"

"Not to mention that in Xianzhou's words, why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken? Why should we do it? What I like most is the strategy and the behind-the-scenes pusher. Let the Fengrao people do it. Of course, they still lack a leader."


The new envoy of the Order of Destruction was surprised.

What did Huanlong mean by this?

If the two of them didn't go, who else could go?

Soon, Huanlong laughed cunningly and deeply.

"I want to sneak into Luofu's prison and release all those things, especially the fragments of Shuhu's body. As the Envoy of Plenty, maybe it can be resurrected. Life and death are its authority."

Not to mention, this is the last time she came into contact with the power of Jianmu, and Huanlong also has a better understanding of this power. This made her come up with this bold idea.

Anyway, failure doesn't matter, she won't lose, but success will be fun.

Since we have to deal with Luofu, who can compare with Shuhu, the old rival, the former enemy of the Xianzhou, who is experienced and strategic. He almost killed Yuque and made the Xianzhou Alliance sweat.

If there is no support from the Bozhi Society, hehe.

Tiancan was stunned at first, and then she smiled knowingly.

"Yes, Senior, you are actually a member of the Sui Yang clan. Even if you sneak into the Immortal Boat many times, it is still easy. Even if Sui Yang is much weaker than you, it is difficult for the Immortal Boat people to deal with him, let alone you."

"What a powerful race."

It is also because of this that Sui Yang Huanlong wants to destroy Luofu.

That is too normal.

There are many Sui Yang who have this idea, and there are also those who always want to fight with the general.

"Then I'll wait and see."

I'm still here: I'm

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