For a moment, the two men laughed with satisfaction.

"What? You want to use the Ten Directions Light Reflection Dharma Realm Formation? Diviner Qingque, you are not the same as before, so you should know that we use various formations to make divinations, such as your Luofu Qiongguan Formation. Luofu's voyages must use it every day and cannot be lost."

There are Taibu Si and Qiongguan Formation on every immortal boat.

Yuque is no exception.

"Not to mention that this is the source and the most advanced place. Not only does it have the Qiongguan Formation, but it also has the alliance's first divination formation that we, Yuque, are proud of, which was developed many years ago, namely [Ten Directions Light Reflecting the Dharma Realm]】"

Just like the former Yuque Taibu, Fu Xuan's master.

Whether it was the battle between the Yaoqing Fleet and the rich evil creatures in Tarasa, or his own fate being cut off in the hands of this disciple.

Regarding the results of these.

He used this new Ten Directions Light Reflection Dharma Realm, not the Qiongguan Array.

"Now that wars are raging, the Ten Directions Light Reflection Realm still has to deduce the affairs of the various immortal boats. The process is already fully scheduled. If you want to use it now, it will undoubtedly not work.-"

"Mingming Qiongguanzhen-It's enough, right?"

"I have tried it, and the divination result is that Luofu will be in great danger, even worse than the previous Jianmu disaster. I can't continue to deduce it. This is not my problem, but the problem of the formation limit. The Qiongguan formation is no longer suitable for me"


"Don't think that just because you are better than many veterans in the company, you can be so arrogant and ignore the achievements of many predecessors who have worked hard. I tell you, if you don't have the qualified procedures and permits today, you can't...Woo"

"Okay, stop this meaningless talk."

Qingque sighed. In front of her was a woman who looked very young.

But in fact, she was very powerful, had been in a high position for a long time, and had lived for more than 800 years.

She was one of the high-level decision-makers of Yuque Taibusi.

But now she was suddenly frozen by Qingque, unable to move, and even her mouth was closed, but her eyes were still full of anger and disbelief, with an expression of"How dare you do this?

What a courage!

In fact, as long as this person allowed it, Qingque could use it.

But among the series of geniuses who were overthrown by Qingque before, this person's grandson was also among them, and he was hit badly, so this grudge was formed.

"It's really boring. If you miss the chance to fight, you won't be able to afford it."

Qingque is not interested in these fights.

The main reason is that many people want to step on her name to get more benefits.

Oh, don't talk about Yuque.

The Taibusi in Luofu is also like this. I mentioned before that three fortune tellers fought fiercely. After all, the workplace is not a game of house. Do you really think that everyone is happy every day, safe and peaceful?

That's too naive.

If you don't fight, there are many people who are scheming against each other and may suddenly mess with you.

It is necessary to be careful.

"I knew you would stop me. At that moment, I set up the automatic sending of the application I had prepared before, and sent it to General Rong Tao. Calculating the time, it is now."

The senior executive's eyes showed sarcasm when he heard this. What are you thinking?

The next several calculations and divinations are all for Yao Qing. How could the general interrupt them for you? You take yourself too seriously, don't you?

As soon as this thought came to mind, the projection of General Rong Tao appeared here and looked over.

"I have read the application of the fortune teller Qingque and approved it. Qingshui and other personnel must fully cooperate, take Qingque as the center, and follow her arrangements. Now that the storm is coming, it is the time for us in Yuque to unite as one. Don't make any mistakes, otherwise you will be held accountable."

""Yes! We will obey the general's orders!"

Not far away, a row of fortune-tellers and diviners spoke up.

They were all shocked.

The general actually thought so highly of Qingque.

Some of them were watching the show, while others sighed in their hearts and did not dare to step forward. After all, that adult was one of the best figures in the Taibu Division, so they could only sympathize with Qingque's situation.

And this senior official also regained her ability to move freely.

But her expression was blue and purple.

Originally, she wanted to sue Qingque for disrespect.

And then General Rong Tao actually came here in person, which made everyone present realize the importance of the matter. They all looked serious and their hearts sank.

Something big was really going to happen.

The formation of the Ten Directions Light Reflection Realm also began to operate, and at this time Qingque also summoned her unique formation disk to float here.

"Wait a minute, let the Ten Directions Light Reflection Realm connect with my formation. When the two are combined, the calculation and efficiency will be enhanced, and the final deduced result will be more accurate."

Everyone had question marks on their heads, not understanding Qingque's move.

As a result, the fortune teller in charge of the connection suddenly exclaimed

"What is this? Such horrible performance and data, too, too exaggerated, my God, Qingque Fortune Teller, what on earth is this?"

"Why do I feel like it's almost as big as the Qiongguan Formation?"

Qingque shook his head

"Not really, there is still a big gap."

But the fortune tellers present were looking at the information on the screen, and they were more and more shocked.

Even horrified.

It's too outrageous!

This thing itself is a very complex array device, but it's just this small.

Do you know how big the Qiongguan array is?

The scale and construction involved are very complicated and take up a lot of space.

You also have to adjust the array hub and the array base.

It is a large jade omen calculation end.

The so-called array is actually composed of countless jade omens. The ordinary jade omens alone are equivalent to the performance and efficiency of a computer, not to mention the total array, which is a fantastic number when added up.

What did they see in the end?

Qingque's Qiongguan array!

Many people were stunned.


Even General Rong Tao was surprised. There is such a thing?

It is worthy of being a talent recommended by Jingyuan.

Some fortune tellers couldn't help but speak out

"Qingque, you have used the Qiongguan formation just now. Isn't it equivalent to two Qiongguan formations, one large and one small, stacked together? Even so, it is impossible to calculate the information of future disasters."When these words came out, many people's faces changed.

Compared with Qingque, other people are not aware of the crisis enough. After all, looking at the previous Jianmu disaster, the Qiongguan formation of Luofu Taibusi only shows information that is easy to ignore.

What about foreign objects entering the pass, strange things appearing in divination. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But there are no specific things like the destruction order making the illusion hazy, Jianmu revival, star core disaster, the secret of the King of Medicine, collusion with the Chiming clan, etc., which are not so magical.

And Qingque's formation plate was made by her and Su Bai.

It is normal to have this level.

In the final analysis, the divination and calculation of the Xianzhou Alliance today are also because they have obtained knowledge from Bo Shizun in the past, so that one formation after another has been born, such as the Dayan Qiongguan formation, the Ten All the four directions of light-reflecting Dharma Realms have emerged one after another.

In other words, Qingque is equivalent to carrying a Qiongguan formation with her. She would calculate something from time to time.

It is even better than Taibu.

Although her formation plate is equivalent to a small Qiongguan formation now, once the secrets of the Ten Directions of Light-reflecting Dharma Realm are integrated into it, it is not a dream to easily surpass the Qiongguan formation, but she has not started yet. Now that she is connected with the Ten Directions of Light-reflecting Dharma Realm

, she can directly comprehend the essence of this formation.

It is of great benefit to her.

Hehe. It is not impossible to surpass the Ten Directions of Light-reflecting Dharma Realm in the future. Moreover, she is still making adjustments and improvements. During this period, what she said from time to time made the people around her sweat constantly. It was actually about the Ten Directions of Light-reflecting Dharma Realm. For everyone, this is the pride and only thing in their hearts. Very powerful. It is a great honor to be able to use it.


Qingque has comprehended this level?

Too exaggerated!

Everyone gradually realized that Qingque's formation level was far beyond theirs, and more and more fortune-tellers came here after hearing the news, but they didn't dare to get close, after all, the general was there. The divination was also carried out several times.

Finally, Qingque said in a deep voice

"What a horrible omen. According to the fluctuations and signs of the hexagram, the beginning of everything, the beginning of the war, is in this string of information. I have figured it out. It should be the geographical coordinates inside the Luofu Immortal Boat."

"I can't count more, but it's enough."

"After eliminating a series of locations, I think the most likely possibility is here.

She called out the map and zoomed in again and again.

Finally, she pointed to a rear area on Luofu.


"We must inform Luofu as soon as possible to strengthen the defense."

"And I have calculated that the war is not far away, and it will revolve around Luofu. General, I suggest that the alliance should be prepared and preferably enter a wartime state. Of course, the details still depend on your discussion with the alliance leaders."

Anyway, Qingque was speechless.

The Prison of Hell had been laughed at by everyone before.

What Dan Heng came out of here, and so did Ren. Jingliu sneaked in many times, and Luosha sneaked in.

Who knows when there will be more. It turns out that there are no people who have not been to the Prison of Hell, right? Those who don't know would think it is the security level of the Kingdom of Light.

The weak can't get in, and the stronger ones can just break in.

And what, those who step into this place are either Yuzu (jailers) or Qiutu (prisoners).

Those idiots are too outrageous.

Bengbu lives.

However, Qingque was more than one step slower after all.

Luofu Prison of Hell Over there in the prison.

A certain jailer had no change in expression, and glanced around with a very normal look, actually looking at the bottom of the prison.

According to her original plan, she was going to release all the other things first.

To cause chaos in the Prison of Hell.

Then she would go to the deepest part leisurely.

But she failed last time, and she learned a lesson. She should find a way to get that thing first. Humph, so what if that thing is sealed, and so what if others are not allowed to open it, don't forget.

What are the Lord of Extinction and the Destiny of Destruction best at?

Burn everything, destroy everything..

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