On this ordinary day.

There are teams of cloud riders patrolling in the prison. Those imprisoned here are the kind of enemies that are difficult to kill, or they have a high status, so they are sealed, and they need to have people maintain various devices from time to time.

Many prison cells are tailor-made for them.

Even now, there are cloud riders escorting maintenance craftsmen to carry out daily inspections and repairs.

For example, some need to check and replace the air filter in the prison cell, and some are completely vacuum environments, and dormant gas is specially injected. The craftsmen themselves wear special protective gear and hold instruments to look at the data.

And some prisoners are awake.

The craftsmen and cloud riders talk to them carefully. Of course, when it comes to the content, they will try to avoid saying those names.

For example, Teng Xiao, Jing Yuan, Jing Liu, etc.

During this period, there are also prisoners who need to change their places of detention today. Some heavyweight guys need to change places regularly, which is enough to show the caution of the Xianzhou side.

The cloud riders also hold weapons and wait in full battle array.

Watching this long escort team leave this area.

They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the team disappeared from their sight. After all, the prisoner was the Buli people's war leader - Hu Lei, who once led the great enemy Buli people and fought a long and terrifying large-scale war with the Immortal Boat.

Then the Cloud Riders on this side spoke to the side.

"Do you need to change the location next?"

"Yes, the Zhi Ge Yuan type, you need to move its two parts to other places"

"Okay, go on, stay alert."

They all know a thing or two about the"three, five, seven" information about the prisoners here.

For example, this Zhi Ge Yuan Xing was the leader of the Jin people in the past. After Xianzhou suppressed the Jin people's rebellion, this guy was split into several parts and locked up separately to avoid giving it a chance.

If Xianzhou wanders around more, you will find that many Jin people only have a head left.

For example, the one in Jinren Lane.

In fact, these are all old Jin people. They are also worried that if they lose control of themselves, it will cause a series of chaos and killings, so they voluntarily dismantle their bodies and keep a head to talk normally.

The new generation of Jin people who do hard labor don't even have sanity.

Because they were sealed by the [Zhenling Chi Fu].

Prevented the Jin people from having the ability to think and logic.

But at this moment, a sudden vibration occurred, and then the alarm system that swept the entire Youqiu Prison was activated. Various red signals and urgent long beeps sounded, making all the Yunqi people change their faces.

"how come?"

"Does this mean that something happened at the bottom level?"

"It is the deepest and most strictly guarded place in the entire prison. It is full of traps and ordinary people cannot get close to it. You need to have extremely high authority to enter."

""Quick, quick, hurry to support, there is an enemy invasion! And immediately notify the Shen Ce Mansion and find the general!"

The next moment, an even more shocking explosion occurred below.

It showed the horrifying scene of this incident.

It was obvious that the defense system and the enemy were fighting. Those who could break in without anyone noticing were definitely not good people!

And the terrifying attack also hit the upper level, causing many layers of prison cells to become unstable.

The expressions of the Yunqi became extremely ugly.


There are quite a few prisoners here, all of whom can cause disasters and storms on the fairy boat. Once they escape, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Not good! Quick! Go stop them!"

Before that.

Luofu Taibusi.

When the information from Yuque came, Fu Xuandu's face twitched violently. What, what portable Qiongguan Formation, Qingque that guy is too outrageous, he is like this after not seeing him for a while?

Too outstanding.

Logically speaking, this is a good thing, but she now feels a lot more pressure for no reason.

She could only touch the eyes on her forehead subconsciously.

This is a treasure given by Boshizun.

Then now, relying on the Qiongguan Formation + Dharma Eye, she is still better than Qingque.

Yeah, yes, it must be like this!

And some of the original senior executives couldn't accept it.

"Impossible? Qingque was just a low-level fortune teller, almost a gatekeeper, but she rose to such a high level and made the fortune tellers at Yuque obey her orders?"

"I do not believe!"

"Is it possible that, relying solely on the advantages of the formation, people are not important, and Taibusi has plenty of people!"

"So, how did she become so dazzling?"

Because everyone remembers that Qingque went there for further studies. She will definitely come back later.

This made them feel a strong sense of crisis. Wouldn't Qingque's status rise and directly affect them?

Fu Xuan looked over coldly.

"Shut up"

"If you had the ability, it would not be Qingque who went to Yuque for further study, but you."

"I am really disappointed. Such a big Taibusi, with so many people, is not as good as Qingque."

When the calculation results came out, Fu Xuan wanted to inform Jingyuan. But

Qingyu said that the general had already brought people over, which made her sigh that the reaction was too fast.

At this time, the prison was in chaos.

"The restraints used to imprison the mirage are ineffective! This guy has awakened, quickly take it down!"

As a mirage transformed by the Fengrao people, it can use the pheromone Six Dust Smoke to make people fall into the devil's body.

Does it look familiar?

As the Buli people of the Fengrao people, they also have pheromones called wolf poison.

It will make creatures fall into unwarranted fear.

This means that many Fengrao people will emit pheromones of their own race, some of which have very terrifying effects, especially for the Xianzhou people, so for a while, there were many wails of cloud riders here.

Many people grew branches and lost their minds.

When the mirage passed, it caused tens of thousands of Xianzhou people to fall into the devil's body.

It is enough to see the horror of this thing.

Some are located in other layers. A terrifying creature looked up to the sky and howled, then galloped, and crushed a large number of cloud riders at once, separating their bodies, and blood was flying everywhere.

Its shape is like a centaur, moving its iron hooves, unstoppable!

The key is that the speed is also very fast.

The cloud riders didn't react, and the casualties became very large

"It's Zaofu from the Fengrao people's Huixian tribe! Bastard!"

"This guy was obviously very cooperative when he was locked up before, but now he has caused such a killing, damn it, damn it!"

Then there was also the mocking and laughing voice of Zaofu.

"Foolish Xianzhou people, that was all to confuse you. You killed my people and wiped out a series of my compatriots. I have long hoped that you would all be destroyed and die!!!"

""Accept your death!"

The cloud riders were also overwhelmed by anger, their eyes were bloodshot.

They picked up their weapons and rushed over!

This Zaofu was clearly the culprit who had caused many aggressive wars in the past, and now he was turning the tables!

Houyhnhnm is the one mentioned in the list.

Of course.

If you are more familiar with it, the prototype is a creature in Gulliver's Travels, a wise horse.

And most of the criminals imprisoned here are not much worse in strength.

So Houyhnhnm Zaofu started a horrific massacre.

It also kept destroying the cells, intending to release more prisoners, and the situation became more and more out of control.

It can be said that there are demons dancing here. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There were also wing builders from the people of abundance who laughed wildly, got rid of the restraints on their wings, and then flapped their wings. There was a flash of light, and many clouds... The rider was cut in half, and his eyes became dull.

All died in the battle.

This Wing Maker was a legion commander in the past, and his strength was equally terrifying.

Of course, these are nothing.

Because someone even more terrifying has woken up.

In a very deep area, far away from where Shuhu was, but not knowing whether it was due to the explosion or the battle, something that Huanlong had not expected happened. The one sealed here is the Origin Immortal.

The first Immortal of the Immortal Boat.

As a result, he slowly opened his eyes, and the body that did not look like a human had bone spurs, wings, branches, and all kinds of deformities. This situation was noticed by the Cloud Riders here, and the Cloud Riders all felt a chill in their hearts.

Silent fear is spreading.

However, the quick-reacting Cloud Rider had already pressed the timely device, and his face was horrified.

"How could this happen? We must immediately inform the Marshal of this situation!"

This Origin Immortal seemed to have a confused memory. His eyes were confused at first, as if he had just woken up, but after a moment, he was just mumbling to himself......

"I remember, my surname is Xu, and I was ordered by the emperor to lead nine huge ships (immortal boats) to travel far into the sky and the sea of stars, just to seek the immortal recipe for immortality!"

When this voice appeared, the cloud riders were horrified to find that they had grown various branches and���son[]

His body was still trying to unlock the cell uncontrollably.

And a terrifying force began to spread and expand. It was the power of abundance, the power of immortality!

However, the origin immortal was also shocked.

He found that this cell was made of special materials and he couldn't escape for a while. However, his gradually twisted and crazy laughter sounded here.

"It's okay, we are one, with the flesh and blood of all living things as our soil, endless and immortal. Come, you are my extension, help me regain my strength"

"The greatness of life, how can you not imagine it?"

The next moment, these cloud riders exploded one after another. They turned into flesh and blood

, began to wriggle, and began to merge into one. A surging sea of blood emerged here. Such a horrifying scene made the cloud riders in the distance shudder. They suddenly realized one thing.

Once the sea of flesh and blood expanded to a certain extent, this origin immortal could appear directly outside. He would no longer be bound.

It was like the flow of life.

But at this moment, facing the terrifying power of abundance and the sea of blood, Jing Yuan arrived, and he summoned the majestic and majestic God behind him, and his power began to extend. Stretching out, fighting against this place.

The origin immortals kept recalling memories, scenes after scenes flashing by quickly. The winged immortals, the lonely voyage and repeated sleep of the giant ship, and finally on the giant ship, they saw the great existence, led by him, receiving the grace and blessing of God.

Witnessed the growth and prosperity of miracles.

And swallowed the fruit to gain immortality.

Then he looked at Jing Yuan. Even though he was in a prison cell made of Tianjing, his voice still traveled far.

Evil, crazy, full of madness and high above, looking down on all living beings

"Younger generation, why bother to stop us? We have been promised eternal life, never withering, never drying up, this is the growth of Jianmu, eternal life of heaven! Let me lead you to become an immortal race! This is exactly what His Majesty wants to see."

The tone was gentle.

But the next second, he turned violent and scolded.

"Get out of here! Whose power do you think you are blocking? I am the leader of all the immortal boats! It is me who brings the ancestors in your eyes to pay homage to the God of Paradise and Plenty, and you are just a yellow-haired kid from many years later, get out of here!"

Once again, he changed to a cold and twisted laughter.

"In the past, even though I was the highest nominal commander of the Immortal Boat in 5.0, the emperor still trusted those ingenious golden men the most, and the highest authority was still at the head of the golden man. Haha, how could I not understand that it was also a surveillance of me?"

"Afraid that we will never return with immortality"

"But now, what does it count for?! What does the emperor count for? In the end, it will be turned into parts! In the end, it will be turned into yellow earth!"

It is obvious that he is not in his right mind. He is still confused.

Jing Yuan did not underestimate the enemy at all. He put all his mind on this origin immortal, because this thing used to study immortality and has become crazy and obsessed with it. It is no longer limited to the blessing of the Immortal Boat. It also set its sights on other people of abundance, seized their power, and refined elixirs.

It merged many powers of abundance into one.

It tried to get closer to the God of Abundance.

This is crazy.

Just look at him. Even if a normal person in the Immortal Boat falls into the devil's body, it is just a pile of branches, highlighting the characteristics of Jianmu.

But this guy is different.

He still has wings and claws, and at the same time has the elements of other people of abundance, and the elixir of immortality is even crazier. So although this guy is not the Envoy of Abundance, he is almost the same as the Envoy of Abundance in the end.

So his awakening must be reported to the Marshal immediately.

This thing is completely the nemesis of the Immortal Boat people. It is very terrifying.

At this moment, Jing Yuan urged the God with all his strength, and his resolute voice sounded here

"Fortunately, I arrived in time. Now you are still trapped. I will seal you again, even if I have to try my best!"

"Great and mighty spirit, obey my command. Behead!

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