As a craftsman school that has attracted countless foreigners to come and learn art in the past.

The Star Sea Immortal Boat in the alliance.

Now it is fully fired.

A large number of weapon barrels are spreading out from the building, as if they are growing out, with the natural beauty of breaking out of the ground, and at the same time carrying endless gunpowder and murderous aura!

From the outside, it is a weapon like gold, jade and beautiful stone.

Then it turned around and madly tilted the energy bombardment, hitting the endless rich people outside the sky.

Zhu Ming's design is beautiful.

After all, even the Star Cha port of"Light Heaven" looks like a huge moonstone as a whole, and then it is carved out on this basis, resulting in it being seamless.

You can't find the splicing places and traces.

It's just that the fleet of the rich people is eyeing it, constantly trying to break through the defense line and kill into the city of heaven wrapped in the vast lotus petals!

On Zhu Ming's side, there are also many fighting ships and star chariots resisting.

There are a large number of cloud riders holding weapons on the surface of the immortal boat, constantly shooting.

But the center of this war.

It was on the approaching rich living star.

It was shining with strange purple lightning, constantly giving birth to and spraying out endless evil things.

Then it broke through the space and fell to the Zhuming Immortal Boat below.

Its roar was like thunder tearing the starry sky. Many cloud cavalry battleships were destroyed in the endless thunder and lightning. It was violent and terrifying.

This living star was called Luo Qiantuo.

The roar was like thunder, which could make the world roll and the sea surge.

Therefore, the ability he was good at was the vast thunder prison that ravaged the battlefield.

On the other side was General Huai Yan, who used the power of the hunting order to summon the majestic giant shadow. He was fighting fiercely with the Lord of Extinction. This time, the illusion came in a complete posture.

And the battle was very fierce.

If it was another immortal boat, it would have been killed long ago.

But Zhuming Immortal Boat is an alliance stronghold for arms manufacturing. I don’t know how many killers are hidden in it, and you can get a hard job from time to time.

Even now, there are people driving star rafts, planning to land on living stars and place bombs.

But they were all killed by thunder.

Suddenly, as if they had guessed this a long time ago, the ability of this living star is very restraining to the fleet, and there is no way to get close. On the contrary, once it gets close, the people on Zhu Ming's side will quickly fall into the evil body.

And then be swallowed up.

Just like Cangcheng at the beginning.

Moreover, the living stars are all strengthened, causing Zhu Ming's side to use the Zhuming fire that can destroy the stars, but it only caused some damage, and Luo Qiantuo recovered quickly.

This made the craftsmen fall into despair.

However, this power is indeed stronger than the firepower of the Interstellar Peace Company's star destroyer.

Even General Zhu Yuan Huaiyan had a heavy face.

Huanlong laughed.

"General Huaiyan, you can't go there either. You can only watch Zhu Ming's destruction. Of course, I won't give you a chance to die together."

Even with Huanlong's current strength, Jing Yuan would be defeated if he came.

But she was still very cautious and fearful in her heart.

This Zhu Ming general is very strong. He can always take out strange weapons, which almost made Huanlong suffer a great loss.

Obviously, he has the powerful force of abundance + destruction, but the two sides are deadlocked.

So Huanlong now lets the living star Luo Qian carry the front.

All the firepower is carried by this.

Anyway, she doesn't feel sorry.

Sometimes two against one, sometimes kite pull Huaiyan, and let the living star go to blitz Zhu Ming Xianzhou.

And she not only provoked, but also ruthlessly revealed another fact

"In fact, it is indeed very suitable for me to attack you. Everyone knows that you have Sui Yang Sui Huang' ˇ?"

"Don't forget, I am also Sui Yang, so if you try to use Sui Yang's methods against me, I can detect it immediately."

"Want to borrow the power of Emperor Sui, with so many seals, do you have time for it? Even if you carry some creatures containing the power of Sui Yang, you can't do anything to me."

Once she sees something wrong, she will avoid it.

Huai Yan can only kill Luo Qiantuo at most, and then she will die, and then she will destroy Zhu Ming, it's that simple.

As for the support of other immortal boats?

What a joke.

They can't even protect themselves!

And Huai Yan was indeed very anxious.

Emperor Sui was in the Flame Wheel Casting Palace in the rear, and he had laid out many concealment methods. After all, just seeing it would make people fall into it, which was very dangerous. Now he is at the front line.

So Huanlong was right.


The evil creatures from outside the sky broke through the energy defense shield, landed on the immortal boat, and started a battle with the cloud riders. Zhu Ming Immortal Boat fell further into a disadvantage.Because they are facing the People of Plenty + Lord of Extinction + enhanced version of Plenty Stars and evil creatures.

This configuration is much more luxurious than what Fang Hu Xianzhou faced before.

Zhu Ming is already very remarkable for being able to hold on for so long.

Doomsday has arrived.

Such a scene is what Altria and Jing Liu saw when they came to Zhu Ming Xianzhou.

Jing Liu's eyes were dazed, as if he saw the past, and it was like this again.

She disappeared here without saying a word.

When a large number of Plenty evil creatures fell to the ground in front and Yunqi was ready to defend to the death, Jing Liu in a black robe flashed by, and her cold voice was heard in the air.

"Get out of the way!"

So the Cloud Riders saw that countless evil creatures were quickly frozen into ice sculptures. The mysterious figure kept walking over, and the degree of freezing became larger and larger.

With one person, she froze the army of evil creatures!

Then she waved the sword in her hand, and all these evil creatures were instantly shattered and no longer existed.

It was like - a flawless flying light!

This was the might of Luofu Sword Head, the creator of the undefeated name in the past!

The Cloud Riders were stunned. They couldn't help but wipe their eyes and lost their voices.

"A familiar move"

"The ice, the moonlight"

"Could this person be?"

Jing Liu didn't care about these. She looked at the evil star in the sky. In the past, she was full of fear, then hatred, and now determination.

However, she could also feel that even if she used the moonlight as a sword, she still couldn't kill the star in front of her. It was really ironic and ridiculous!

Jing Liu also saw General Huai Yan and Lord Juemie in the distance, and then she sighed with relief.

"Perhaps, this is why I came here, the final atonement."

Altria also came to her side

"Sister Jing, what do you want to do?"

"I am going to the Casting Palace, where the key to turning the tide of the battle lies. In the past, in order to fight against the Wing Makers, both the hero and his followers resolutely merged with Sui Yang and gained powerful strength."

"Thus he set foot on a battlefield from which he was destined to have no return."

That was the Guardian Immortal Boat, and the Cloud Riders were victorious!

"Even if I turn into ashes like a moth to a flame, I will try to obtain the power of Emperor Sui and destroy this living star."

"I'm just sorry that I can't continue to accompany you, Altria."

"No way!"

Jing Liu was interrupted by Artoria before he finished speaking.

The latter smiled slightly.

"Sister Jing, guess why I am here in this fairy boat? I came here to help Zhu Ming. The fairy boat alliance cannot be defeated, otherwise the evil army will spread and affect countless galaxies."

"Leave this constellation to me."

As the living star Luo Qiantuo approached, at this moment, the sword on Altria's waist suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the golden glow continued to spread and surge.

Countless evil creatures were blown away.

Even Jingliu couldn't help being shocked.


Along the way, Altria gave her a holy sword, but the one on her waist had never been used. Jingliu always thought that she was not good at martial arts, so he acted as a bodyguard.

As a result, he can now feel such a terrifying energy.

It seems that this power has attracted the attention of the abundant star Luo Qiantuo. It roared and released terrifying thunder and lightning, and endless thunder fell at a very fast speed. Once it arrives, it will not only be them.

Even these cloud riders will be doomed.

They will all die.

So the cloud riders also screamed and showed fear, and wanted to hide in a safe place, but they couldn't find it.

However, Altria held the sword in both hands and shouted

"Don't even think about it!"

Instantly, a huge magic circle"Mandala" appeared in the sky, as if it had planned a vast and boundless grid. In each grid, there were weapons with different postures.

Knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, shields, naginatas, pots, gourds, etc.

And directly shot out countless white divine thunders, which collided with Luo Qian's thunder. In a moment, the sky turned upside down, the sun and the moon lost their light, and the terrifying air waves and impact swept here.

A series of evil creatures were evaporated.

Directly turned into ashes!

Even the star rafts of the cloud riders did not dare to approach, and were scared away. The cloud riders who thought they were dead, as well as the residents hiding in various places of the fairy boat, were all shocked to see such a scene, as if the weapons of the gods exuding a magnificent aura and mythology had descended.

Compete with the terrifying stars!

Such a movement, Huanlong naturally noticed it.

She was also shocked

".〃 What is it?"

And Altria was a little depressed.

"This effect has been triggered, why...Ahem."

She raised her head proudly and introduced the sword to Jingliu.

"There is a story in the distant past. In order to defeat the demon king who ravaged the world, the gods in heaven gave the brave man countless weapons. The final weapon that was fused together was called the Divine Sword of Savior!"

"In the continuous improvement of weapons, Su Bai and Sister Morgan have incorporated many weapons into them, whether it is the magic sword or the holy sword, all the weapons are combined into one to create more powerful weapons!"

"This is the new Holy Sword of the Star in my hand now!"

This"Mandala" formation is one of the abilities.

"But because this weapon is too powerful, Su Bai has imposed many troublesome restrictions, which I have to remove. And the conditions must be met, otherwise it will not work under normal circumstances."


Looking at the abundant stars, Altria's expression was solemn, and she also began to chant and shout.

"Thirteen restraints, round table meeting begins!"

"This battle is a battle for survival!"

In the dark, Jing Liu seemed to hear a female voice, admitting?

And the momentum of the sword suddenly surged.

The pupils of the distant illusion shrank.

"I can’t let you succeed!"

As a result, she was blocked by General Huai Yan and was almost hit.

The general was also surprised and laughed at such an unexpected situation.

"Huanlong, now it's my turn to stop you. It really is a matter of time!" (I got it)

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

As for Jingliu, she listened to all the restrictions without missing a word, and found that they seemed to satisfy all of them.

【A battle against someone stronger than oneself! 】

The battle is against the star of abundance, no problem

【It is not a war against humanity! It is indeed not a war against humanity.

【This is a battle for the pursuit of truth! 】

Mirror Flow:? Isn't this true?

And it is not a battle for selfish desires, but a fair battle, not a battle against fairies, but a battle of noble honor, a battle to punish evil, a battle for heroes, none of which is wrong.

Let me ask you if the rich people are evil or not!

That hero also left her speechless.

Altria also read the last two

"This battle is not a battle for the good guys to wield swords!"

Another female voice that I had never heard of appeared, with a hint of majesty.

"Admit it, Morgan"

"This battle is the battle to save the world!"

"Admit it."

This familiar male voice made Jing Liu's eyes widen. It was that guy.

Or should I say, as expected.

And Artoria also roared and swung the sword. The dazzling light and energy rushed into the sky and slashed at the fertile sin star.

Next, no one could forget this scene.

The terrifying star that even Zhu Minghuo could not destroy began to die and collapse. It was directly penetrated by the infinitely condensed starlight.

Such a warm light swept away the haze of the battlefield and the despair in people's hearts. It was a miracle beyond the breath of the stars, and it was a glorious glory that crossed the battlefield!

Jing Liu murmured to himself

"...The sword that can destroy the stars in the sky really appeared".

This is my mother: Naruto789

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