She had been troubled several times.

Even her own sword, compared with the stars and the world, was only the size of a needle, and no matter how much it illuminated the rivers and streams, it was still not enough.

But this?

That holy sword with starlight was so dazzling.

It opened up a new future for the desperate ending here.

To be honest, Jingliu was a bit messy.

Her master had scolded her in the past because she said that swords were useless. As a result, the master said, what else do you want to learn, and then raised a bunch of weapons, including Zhu Ming's [Zhu Ming Fire]. But no matter what, in the end, she can only rely on herself.

So she practiced hard and honed her skills. Even after she won the position of the sword master in the future and defeated the Chiming Longzun in the competition, she still continued to seek new breakthroughs.

In order to be stronger!

And think that foreign things and physical techniques are minor.

But now, just a sword annihilated the opponent, making the skills she had practiced for so many years seem like a joke. It can be felt that this is basically the power of the holy sword of the star.


It can't be said that way.

Obviously, to hold that sword, one needs great strength.

Before the holy sword restraint was deployed, the attack released was enough to shake the world. Altria is also a strong person.

After defeating the star of abundance.

Altria put away the sword in her hand.

The holy sword that was originally shining brightly has now become normal again.

And she smiled at Jingliu.

"Sister Jing, how are you? Are you okay?"

"This war is almost over."

The same was true on the other side. When Huanlong saw that something was wrong, he ran away.

He didn't care about the Fengrao Army.

He left them to fend for themselves.

General Huai Yan also took a look and sighed.

"Is this the Sui Yang with his own body? If she had taken someone else's body, I could still drive her out. But if that were the case, all the previous methods would be useless."


Then he commanded the Cloud Riders to encircle and suppress the remaining Fengrao army.

It's time to pursue the victory!

Zhu Ming Xianzhou is not easy to mess with.

How can we let the other party come and go as they please?

And then he held a cane and met with Altria and the others.

"I, Huai Yan, on behalf of the entire Zhu Ming Xianzhou, would like to express my sincere gratitude to both of you for saving my life. This kindness will be forever unforgettable to the hundreds of millions of people on the Xianzhou, including those who came from all over to study."

"As a way of entertaining guests, could you two please move to the Casting Palace? This place is too messy and unsuitable to entertain our benefactor."

"And can I ask, who are you?"

"Fairyland, ahem, you guys don't quite understand this, just understand that I'm a holy swordsman from Liyue."

Huai Yan did have an impression.

Fairyland, in that civilization called Liyue, they are also composed of multiple races.

Among them, fairies are also very conspicuous.

They have been noticed by many people.

Legend has it that they are also one of the internal civilizations of Liyue's alliance, coming from the mysterious ideal and fairyland.

And, holy swordsman, isn't he a star lord.

The man next to Altria didn't say anything, and Huai Yan didn't say anything.

After the two sides talked in the Casting Palace, the general gave many benefits and promises, saying that Zhu Ming Xianzhou really owed a huge favor, and if there was anything needed, Zhu Ming could also provide help.

Zhu Ming The craftsmen and cloud riders here were also full of admiration.

This is a ruthless man who can destroy the Rich Stars alone!

If you don't understand what this concept is.

Let me give you an example.

What is the most famous deed that made the Five Heroes on the Clouds famous in the Xianzhou Alliance and spread across the starry sea?

Wasn't it that they joined forces to smash the living stars?

And now something even more powerful is coming.

Five people are not needed, one is enough.

Anyone who knows about this in the Xianzhou will be shocked and horrified.

However, Altria kept her merits and fame to herself. Not long after, she left the Xianzhou with Jingliu and stayed away from the center of the storm.

It was the assistant next to General Huai Yan who spoke up for it.

"General, according to the news from the soldiers, the other one should be Luofu's former sword master, Jingliu"

"I know"...

On the Yuque side, the Taibusi here had already calculated that they were in great danger, not to mention that Qingque was also here, so it attracted the attention of the alliance.

Not only that,

Yaoqing had asked the fairy boat to get closer for support before.

To avoid being too far away and being defeated one by one.

So this place was caught in a tough battle, but there was more than one fairy boat general active. The subsequent news about Zhu Ming's situation made them shudder, but it was suddenly too shocking and terrifying. They couldn't get away.

Once they went over, they would not be able to take care of both sides.

Until new news came, a mysterious holy swordsman from Liyue appeared on Zhu Ming's fairy boat, helping Zhu Ming to smash the living stars and force back the Fengrao coalition, thus winning a great victory.

This also gave the people on the Yuque side a shock.

Fighting spirit revived!

Although many people find it incredible

"This information, a sword piercing through a living star? If it wasn't sent from Zhu Ming Xian Zhou, I wouldn't believe it."

"Indeed, a sword can compete with the lightning released by an entire planet. What kind of horrible weapon is this? Is it really the kind of sword that I understand, the kind that can be held in the hand?"

"But this is too exaggerated."

"Holy Sword Master, so terrifying"

"It turns out that Liyue is divided into such fine divisions, and there are even different names for them."

Only Qingque was a little upset. She complained in the chat group.

Qingque:"Damn, why don't you let the Holy Sword Master come to help me? This ghost thing is so powerful. It can defeat several of our Xianzhou's envoys alone. It also carries living stars, and it can bless on the spot."

It can't be defeated, it really can't be defeated.

After infusing power, the ghost demon star recovered as before.

The rich recovery ability is disgusting!

Don't go too far.

Morgan:"Ah? What did you say? You're too old to see it."

Qingque:"You!" Esdeath

:"Calm down, it's obviously because your Xianzhou Alliance is too weak. After all, there are so many Emperor Bow Heavenly Generals, but in the past, either Cangcheng was wiped out or Luofu was killed to the point of being almost dead."

"Fang Hu was severely injured. At that time, Fengrao Min had just awakened the living stars."

"I don't understand this performance"

"It is because of you that the Buli people are invading the star field of Liyue at any time. Can you put some pressure on the Fengrao people?"

After all, Liyue uses the Heaven-Repairing Stone in many star fields to drive away the cancer of the world.

Help each other and support many civilizations.

Naturally, the scope of action is expanding.

"As a result, the Buli people are so arrogant. No matter how you think about it, it is your responsibility. Tsk tsk, Liyue is ready to take the initiative to attack and annihilate those Buli people who are making trouble, but if you lose, the consequences will be."It is natural to think about who will bear the pressure of the Fengrao coalition next.

The fleet on the Liyue side must be annoyed.

In terms of quantity, Liyue is definitely far behind.

There needs to be a scapegoat to divert most of the attention.

Therefore, the Zhuming Immortal Boat cannot be destroyed.

Once Zhuming is gone, Yuque and Luofu will definitely suffer next and follow in its footsteps.

Tiantong Mugen:"It's okay, Zhuming's danger has been resolved, so gather over there, and Shuhu will naturally run away."

Qingque was speechless and his face twitched.

Damn melon-eating Su Bais.

The war didn't burn to you, and you are all so calm.

Yuque is almost broken in half.

Kiana:"Speaking of which, the star field defense line outside is so large, the number of Qianyan Army fleets is not enough, do you want to transfer some technological fleets from my side? After today's development, all the necessary technologies and equipment have been"

"Can fight with the people of abundance"

"A lot of Olympus motherships have been built, not to mention a series of battleships."

Liyue Su Bai (group leader):"Yes, it's a good thing to let the fleet move more, and by the way, we can solve the current problems first."

On the train side.

Tian Tong Mu looked at Kiana and Su Bai, his face dark.

Do you have a serious illness?

It's right next to you, and you still use a chat group.

Two idiots!

And Su Bai also looked at Dan Heng who had just been carried up. He lost too much blood and his face was pale. There were two medical robots scanning next to him.

March Seven on the side was even shouting.

"Wow! Su Bai, look at Dan Heng. He was hit hard by that crab with hundreds, no, more than a thousand legs. My goodness, that crab is really big, like a monster!"

"I don't know how he became that horrible."

"And there was not just one monster in the sea. The monsters were overwhelming, just like crazy, chasing Dan Heng and fighting him desperately. No one knew what hatred they had, it was as if Dan Heng had poked them with a gun before."

Dan Heng:......

"Fortunately, I used ice to freeze the bodies of many monsters."

"I have done a great job this time, hehe."

Xing also covered his head helplessly.

They came to a certain star field this time and prepared to adventure on the planet ahead. The so-called pioneers are constantly exploring the unknown, and then walking through the original positions on the star map.

And that planet is almost all sea water.

This type.

In fact, there are many in the Milky Way.

Just take a look at the creatures living on this planet. What are they like?

Have they born civilization?

So everyone prepared diving equipment and a series of Ji Zi's ingenious auxiliary creations, but something went wrong not long after they went down. Xing and Sanyueqi were okay, but Danheng was the one who was targeted the most.

It became like this now.

Those terrifying roars, the roar of the waves, and the huge monsters that gathered madly in a short period of time, even countless water plants were attacking them, and even the diving equipment was frantically alarming.

It was too scary.

It felt like being targeted by the whole world.

And Su Bai looked at

"It's okay, just drink some elixir and you can rest and calm down afterwards."

Dan Heng was also very scared.

"There are many uncontrolled forces there, which I can feel but cannot control at all. This reminds me of a place, the homeland that the Chiming tribe left in the past."

Yes, this is Tanghai now. This is the place that Su Bai and Morgan discussed a long time ago, but they never came. Now it's time to give some advice on treasure identification. Her training progress is unexpectedly good.

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