It's time to update the configuration.

As for here.

It's okay to let the three-person team experience it. Anyway, the train above is watching, nothing will happen.

They are also wearing protective equipment.

In the sea on this planet, even microorganisms have intelligence, full of hostility and attack. Naturally, they were also checked by the equipment at that time. There are indeed many crises.

It's all because the past Zhiming used the power of the Dragon Ancestor to transform everything.

As a result, they couldn't control it and were backfired. As a result, the Zhiming tribe had to run away when facing these transformed creatures.

"Well, since it is dangerous here and there is no opportunity to explore, let's rest for a while and continue on our way."

At Su Bai's suggestion, all the train members agreed.

In the light of the jump, the train disappeared.

At the same time, the planet with Tang Hai also disappeared. It was naturally taken away by Su Bai.

So later.

When the train stopped at a supply planet, Su Bai also went back by the way and let Kiana and Ji Zi take care of it. Anyway, it was just a matter of purchasing.


Somewhere above the clouds.

Here, the mountains rise up, a beautiful scene of green mountains and green waters, and clouds and smoke. In the past, such a picture must be incredible, but it is nothing now.

And compared to other places.

There are all kinds of strange creatures here.

Lake There are some swimming in the mountains, some walking on the ground, and some flying in the sky.

You can also see some creatures that look like Kun, flying lazily in the mountains. There are quite a few of them, with different types of imaginary elements.

But more of them are fat white birds.

Some of them are practicing martial arts, constantly using various martial arts in the martial arts training ground, and some are responsible for cultivating and caring for the fairy grass garden, carrying things, and constantly going up and down the mountain.

Even in the passage, they stretch out their wings to form a cross.

So as to guard and guard here.

However, when Su Bai came over, the two white chickens cuckooed, very respectful, and then immediately put down their wings to let Su Bai pass.

Just as I reached the top of the mountain.

I heard someone's familiar shout.

"Oh my! I'm so pissed! That old antique said that I have too many creatures and they have seriously affected the environment of Taixu Mountain, so he asked me to find a new place to put them."

"Depend on!"

"Who are you looking down on? Just expand the space."

"Humph, I am the great Lady of the Herrscher of Knowledge. Look, isn't this place much better than Mount Taixu? It is more convenient for my daily research."

Speaking of which, the mountains and terrain here are indeed very similar to Mount Taixu.

"Oh, by the way, Morgan, what do you think of transforming the Kun into a wandering fairy ship? Create a space inside, and then build a street, so that you can ride the Kun and travel around the world."

"And you can go to the galaxy"

""Hey, Su Bai?"

Shibao was surprised. Morgan beside him knew why he came.

Then he looked at the miniature planet in Su Bai's hand and looked at it.

"The power of the Dragon Ancestor, the power of immortality? I can feel it. And you immortals often absorb power to cultivate magical powers, or strengthen yourself, and refine treasures."

"Okay, let me try it!"

After she agreed, Su Bai extracted the power of this planet. Those strange creatures, such as the huge meat mountain fish, the crab with more than a thousand legs that Sanyueqi and the others encountered.

Or seaweed and so on.

At this time, they all began to wither.

And this huge power, Su Bai also directly purified it to ensure that there would be no negative impact on the treasure, but a very pure immortal power.

As the power poured into the body.

The breath of the Herrscher of Knowledge quickly increased, and the amazing energy breath rushed into the sky, scaring the creatures in the sky to fly away.

And there was also her wild laughter.

"Hahaha, then I can go find Old Antique to compete."

Morgan showed a speechless expression.

You are just thinking about this?

You are so useless.

And Shibao was also feeling this power.

"The most intelligent creature in the world, able to easily transform the form of living things, oh, it feels much easier and simpler than before, this is immortality, the pinnacle of life, looking down on all living things."

At this time, she also heard Su Bai's question

"Shibao, what do you think immortality is?"

She raised her lips, clenched her fists and raised them, with a strong demeanor.

"Of course, everything decays but I am immortal, the world perishes but I am not, this is the great Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge, hahahahaha"

"Humph, I have heard the words of the Dragon Master of the Chiming Clan, but I think they are nonsense. Don’t let him think what I think!"

"This is the immortality in my heart."

In fact, it's okay for Shibao to say anything.

Everyone has a different definition of power.

And as the Herrscher of Knowledge refined the energy, she couldn't help but take a stance and waved her fist. The artistic conception of Taixu Sword Qi gradually emanated. As the fist blasted out, the clouds here kept trembling.

It was as if they were about to fall.

Morgan waved her hand, and many water mirrors appeared in the sky, diverting the attack she had sent out.

Because the planet of Teyvat was reinforced, otherwise, if Shibao shouted at this time, her power would shake the planet, and her foundation was not bad.

She has most of Fu Hua's background.

When the power was integrated into her body, Shibao also raised her hand and waved it. The original Taixu Sword God also changed. She had her own breakthrough and understanding. The seal of the divine bird that emerged in the sky became more complex.

And it merged with the seal of the divine dragon next to it.

Forming a more powerful pattern!

Dragon and phoenix sing together!

The mighty power continued to vent out, causing the clouds to roll and the space to tremble.

This is the proof that she controls the two major powers!

Gradually, Shibao gathered her strength, and then slowly landed. Morgan also nodded and saw her background at a glance.

"It's just so-so. Shibao barely made it to the Star Lord level, but there is still energy stored in his body. When it is absorbed, he will be stronger."

Su Bai grabbed a few piggy banks from somewhere and threw them directly on the table in front of Shibao.

"Well, now that your strength has greatly increased, let's practice with the first wave after the end, shall we?"

Shibao was stunned.

"Huh? Isn't this a pig?"

"Well, it looks a bit like a piggy bank.

Morgan introduced it in a gentle voice.

"This is a cross-dimensional creature that often runs around among the stars. It is timid and will subconsciously want to run away when it sees people."

"At that time, it will calculate how to create a black hole to escape, taking into account the amount of gravity to get rid of the celestial body, as well as the orbital gravity and other data to calculate the minimum ejection and launch speed, and then open the black hole, and then move to the moving distance and landing point."

· ······Request flowers· ······


Although they sometimes get confused in the latter calculations.

"And sometimes they go into two dimensions and then back to three dimensions....

It's quite interesting. Even pigs are so awesome.

Su Bai took out other space and dimensional creatures. In fact, the prototype of the piggy bank is the Hound of Tindalos in the myth of Cthulhu. When you catch the piggy bank, an achievement will be activated.

Tindalos piglet.

This is too explicit.

The Hound of Tindalos likes to hunt down time travelers and is the nightmare of these travelers.

Just endless hunting!

Continuous hunting and chasing.

Shibao quickly understood Su Bai's intention.

"You mean, let me create a creature that specializes in hunting and killing? Let me guess, on the other side of the galaxy, the Fengrao people have repeatedly invaded the star region where Liyue is located. According to the intelligence,"


"It was done by the wanted incinerators. These guys deliberately provoked trouble to get themselves out of trouble."

"If the target is the incinerator, please give me some memories and information, so that it will be easier to target."

She began to study the composition of the piggy bank first.

Dimension, shuttle, black hole.

And the two people next to her gave her instructions from time to time.

After that.

A majestic golden dog appeared in front of the three people. Although it looked small and was a cub, it had a sense of bravery and loyalty, sacred and resolute.

When it was fair, it seemed to be able to distinguish between good and evil, loyalty and treachery.

It gave people a sense of security.

And it suddenly disappeared here, with only a slight fluctuation in space, and then opened a wormhole and jumped out, and used the black hole to jump remotely.

At the same time, it also has similar abilities to the rememberer.

It can travel through memories and dreams.

"Not bad , not bad."

Su Bai looked at it and created more with a wave of his hand.


And Su Bai's voice continued to ring

"Just like Xianzhou has Diting, Liyue now has a divine dog. As for the name, why not call it Xiaotian Dog? Of course, you can also give it a name, after all, you created it."

"Hmm, Roaring Sky Dog?"

Shi Bao thought about it.

It seemed to be a better name than what he had expected.

All right.

That's it.

So the incinerator, who was originally proud and complacent with his own methods, suddenly heard the barking of a dog, and then heard the horror and screams of the incinerators.

"This, what is this?"

"Don't come over here!"

"Oh my god, how come I can cross such a long distance in a flash through other people's memories, but this thing can still catch up? Why!"

"Monster! Don't bite me!"

And not long after this creature appears, there will be a Liyue Immortal.

This makes the Burning Chemical terrified.


Where did Liyue find this creature? It's so targeted at everyone.

It's really newborn! Enter.

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