It's just that they can't stop.

During this time, many chariots emerged from the underground base, passed through them, and then joined the battlefield.

Originally, everyone could try to hide below.

However, the Bu Li people's warships released a kind of weapon beast that was like a combination of a drill and a reptile.

There were many of them.

They all jumped down from the sky and drilled into the ground effortlessly.

They opened many holes in the ground and went directly to those hidden military bases.

The weapon beast army behind also followed these holes and killed in together!

Some grounds have not opened the ascending channel so far, and no more chariots have been sent out. Occasionally, vibrations can be felt.

Obviously, there was also a melee below.

This is the type of biological weapon beast that Bu Li people use to conquer the underground.


There was no way, people could only flee to a large base on the ground. The extremely high-specification energy defense shield allowed it to still withstand the bombing, and the soldiers and troops inside also used this to fight back continuously.

After they entered, many people also came to the position of the artillery.

He raised the heavy energy weapon and aimed it at the army of flying beasts in the sky.

Then he kept firing!

It was just that the endless stream of beasts seemed to have no end, and they were so dense that the hatches of those warships were still constantly dropping them, which made people's scalps numb.

God knows how many the Buli people have raised.

Anyway, for them, flesh and blood are not enough?

Then go and rob!

There are civilizations in the universe!

There are flesh and blood life forms!

If you make it bigger, it will be a weapons ranch.

On the contrary, the intelligent life forms can escape the disaster, because they are not the staple food of the beasts.

Just when everyone was nervous, many spaceships flew in from the other side of the sky. Their shapes were full of that kind of classical beauty and artistic sense, and they tore the formation of the flying beasts in an instant.

A large number of 21 lasers were directly fired.

The sound of the loudspeaker on the spacecraft could also be heard.

"To defend the beauty of the galaxy, brave and fearless knights, follow me to charge!!!"

They were so aggressive!

It also made many people's eyes light up.

"It's the Pure Knights!"

As a well-known faction in the galaxy, their traces are everywhere. They keep appearing on one planet after another.

Helping the weak, practicing virtues, and promoting the deceased Pure Star God [Idlila].

They are also advocating the principles and glory of knights!

And a group of knights riding winged horses emerged from the spaceship. They raised their weapons, their armor was shining, and they roared to fight with the beasts. After just a moment of close combat, many beasts were killed!

Some people who have heard of the legend of the Pure Knights murmured to themselves.

"Sure enough, the rumors are true. The pure and beautiful knights ride their loyal and reliable mounts and constantly hone their bodies."

"Therefore, their strength is very strong."

And the spaceships of the patrol rangers also came over.

They accompanied the Pure Beauty Knights all the way to help the suffering planet.

To be more precise.

They are the galactic heroes who fight violence with violence and pursue justice!

Everyone couldn't help but feel happy. It's a good thing to have reinforcements, although the company's warships in the sky not far away were on fire and fell down, which made everyone ashamed.

Then you can see some armed members of the Knowledge Society who were ejected urgently.

Some were killed by the Bu Liren aircraft when they landed.

Some used the power cannons on their arms to fight back.

After they landed on the ground, they held protective walls and wore protective gear full of technological style. The number of people seemed to be quite large, but the casualties were huge in a short while, and they continued to suffer heavy casualties.

The Pure Beauty Knights hurried over to save them.

The people who saw this scene through the monitoring equipment at the base were also a little dumbfounded.

"Why are their protective wall shields disposable?"

"Is the company so stingy?"

"Even our own people are like this."

It can be seen that the energy shield dimmed after blocking once, and then when the second wave of energy attacks came, those people from the Bozhi Society wailed and were blown away directly.

Some of them were torn into pieces.

Some were seriously injured on the spot, and their heads were bitten off by the beasts that caught up.

And they gnawed and ate.

It was horrible.

In fact, it was true.

As a high-tech protective gear, the company only gave a small part to the Bozhi Society.

Even if it was developed by others, the manufacturing and funding still depended on the company. They are the boss.

When some armed scholars asked, when will it be distributed to all of us?

The company staff all evaded the question.

They said that the disposable protective wall should be used first, and there was no need to rush. The company is also not easy, and you should first consider it.

Don't always think about asking for it!

Why don't you bring more benefits to the company?

As for this kind of protective wall?

It's low cost.

A lot of it can be mass-produced at once.

So in such a battle, the Knowledge Society is the one that sacrificed the most people among many forces.

The casualty rate went up directly.

But even if the company knew, they didn't care.

Armed bachelors?

As many as you want.

But even if this batch of support forces came, it was still like a drop in the bucket for the entire battlefield. There were also some old people's fleets coming from the star region behind, and the two sides fought very frantically. The lost territory continued to expand.

Above a city in the rear, a very unique aircraft was parked there.

Some mourning actors were calling on the people here.

Let everyone follow them and leave.

At least for the people, it is better to get away from this dangerous planet as soon as possible.

That aircraft is the very famous [Gondola] in the galaxy. , also known as the ship that crosses the stars.

The city's high-ranking officials here also organized people to board the gondola.

And they are very grateful for the help of the Mourning Actors.

As anti-hedonists, the Mourning Actors collect masks of lost civilizations everywhere as a memorial.

They have also come to Yalilo VI in the past.

They believe that mourning and tragedy are the growth of life, and they will continue to lend a helping hand. However, this time, these Mourning Actors also showed reluctance on their faces and could only be helpless.

There is no way.

There is no more help.

The combat power on this gondola will not bring any changes even if it joins the battlefield.

Instead, it will fall quickly.

The Mourning Actors are a very peculiar force. The God of Joy finds them very interesting and has bestowed the power of the Star God on many people. In other words, this faction probably has many emissaries.

It is a very obvious plural emissary party.

On the contrary, with the style of their power, they constantly practiced hard and helped others.

It was easy to attract people.

Under their behavior, more and more people were infected and joined the Mourning Actor.

Became one of them.

Especially those whose civilization was destroyed.

Or those who suffered misfortune and pain, and while being redeemed, they also wanted to help other people like themselves.

So the Mourning Actor can have many new people every once in a while.

This means that there are also many people with low combat effectiveness.

So sometimes you can see from some places that the Mourning Actor is more about transporting people by boat, rather than fighting or something.

After watching the [Gondola] filled with people.

This aircraft also took off quickly, hiding its body, and flew away without Bu Liren noticing. They will come a second and third time later.

But some people don't care about these.

Instead, they sneaked into the depths of the cabin and took away the mask.

Then they laughed triumphantly.

And then.

The returning Mourning Actor persuaded the Pure Beauty Knights to leave, and the battle situation became more unfavorable.

Bu Liren only lost some weapon beasts.

But they brought weapons and ranches, which was not a big deal, and they had sufficient backup.

The Buli people were able to be active everywhere despite being hated and attacked by so many factions in the galaxy.

The harm of weakness has long been eliminated.

Even some sea patrol rangers were scared and hurriedly got on the boat after seeing that they might really die.

They advocate punishing the strong and helping the weak.

But they will not throw their lives here!

Not to mention, the life they keep can help more people in the future.

So they can't die!

The old people didn't say anything about this situation.

Fear of death is the instinct of life.

Not to mention that heroes are judged by deeds rather than by heart.

These sea patrol rangers are already amazing for being willing to come here to help.

There are even more forces that dare not come here.

Some sea patrol rangers were ashamed and blushed.

"Sorry, this is all we can do. Since that incident, our forces have suffered a lot and we are still recovering."

"So if you can, you can come with us."

As a result, all the soldiers of the old people refused.

As a soldier, it is impossible to run away!

They must defend this planet until the last moment of their lives.

For many people, this is their hometown.

Therefore, they will fight to the death!

Even the pure knights were moved and willing to stay.

This made the patrol rangers and mourners dumbfounded and felt a headache.

The pure knights were really a group of fools.

But these guys are really like this. The knights are not afraid of sacrifice, but are proud of it.

And they laughed

"Pure beauty is everywhere. Even if we are gone, there will still be more pure and beautiful knights appearing."

"So now you are willing to admit it, right? The pure and beautiful Star God [Idlila] is unparalleled in beauty!"


I really don't understand what these guys are thinking.

It's already this time!

Still thinking about this!

Just when everyone was extremely anxious and mourning Lingren felt that it was too late, a message came from the distant starry sky.

It was answered by the leader of that planet.

Now the remaining resistance forces have gathered together.

There are not many areas still resisting.

Opposite him, the projection of a Liyue immortal appeared.

The immortal quickly spoke

"Sorry for the long wait. Our main force has arrived and is expected to arrive halfway after your civilization."

"The battleship formation has already started the space jump.

This made the planetary leader excited.

"I understand. We will fight back desperately and wait for your arrival."


"Next, because the Buli people's defense line is a waste of time, we will send some immortals out in advance, forcefully land on the planet, and meet up with you as soon as possible."

The immortal was full of murderous intent and had a stern face.

It was obvious that he was really angry.

But everyone present could understand that the Liyue army was fighting everywhere, constantly shuttling around, and was very busy.

This was all because of the invasion of the Buli people.

Presumably, this batch of support fleets had just finished the last wave of war.

And immediately rushed here.

So, it would be strange if they didn't want to kill the Buli people.

And soon, there was an extremely terrifying explosion and vibration from outer space on the planet. The huge impact range could be seen on the planet.

It can even be noticed that many Buli people's fleets All of them were blown up.

The sky was completely changed.

The vast celestial phenomenon made the battlefield, which was already filled with smoke, dim, as if the world was turned upside down. Then, many dazzling meteors broke through the atmosphere at an extremely fast speed!

The amazing momentum tore through the sky!

It showed its existence without any consideration!

The immortals have come!

The people on the ground also observed and were shocked to find that in those streams of light burning with flames, there seemed to be human figures. They directly crossed the sea of stars and came across.

The leaders who had made friends with Liyue and learned some culture couldn't help but feel numb.

"What a spectacular scene."

He couldn't help but lose his voice.

"This is like the demon lord from heaven, he is truly the Tai Sui God on earth!"

"Oh no, it’s the Immortal Lord!"

"Such great power, just like a god!".

Comments: Naruto789

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