Even the members of the Bozhi Society were so shocked that they stuttered.

"Did they use large-scale weapons to forcibly blast open a road?"

"Moreover, the main force behind them had not yet arrived. They only relied on their own strength to fight against the Bu Liren fleet. How confident were they? Unbelievable!"

"Aren't you afraid of being surrounded and killed by the beast ships?"

The Pure Beauty Knights also looked solemn.

They kept looking at the scene in the sky.

Some knights spoke up after a while.

"Such a strong aura, such an amazing will, it is unbelievable that there are so many".

"Even from such a distance, I can still feel it"

"Is this the legendary Liyue Immortal? He is indeed extraordinary. His mere appearance is so shocking. Then our pure and beautiful knight cannot be underestimated!"

"Knights! Raise your guns and prepare to charge!"

"And welcome our new comrades!"

The patrol rangers also widened their eyes.

While their hearts were shocked, they were also worried about Liyue.

Wouldn't it be easy to shoot down such a reinforcement method?

But things did not develop as they thought.

Wherever those meteors passed, the Bu Liren fleet exploded all over the sky, and there were flames everywhere in the sky, and debris kept falling from the sky.

Even the Bu Liren flagship in command was pierced by several meteors.

The immortals were not flying around.

In fact, they analyzed the Bu Liren ships here at the beginning. Team layout.

As a result, Bu Liren's communication and command have become extremely chaotic.

The battlefield of the entire planet was instantly in chaos.

Some immortals suddenly disappeared, and when they reappeared, they were already in front of this large base, and a mighty army of mechanical beasts was rushing here.

There was thick smoke.

Seeing this, he waved his hand and directly sprinkled a lot of golden sand.

These sands grew in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a large-scale mechanical beast army that was not inferior to the opposite side.

One by one, the golden-haired roaring mechanical beasts, They all released firepower.

And roared and killed the army of mechanical beasts.

This was not the mechanical beast he brought with him, but something similar to the one he transformed with his own power.

Another kind of immortal who cast beans to create soldiers.

However, the old soldiers in the rear were also stunned, and they had no idea how this group of troops came from.

I heard that the Qianyan Army of Liyue all had their own space equipment storage bags.

Maybe the immortals have a bigger model?

This is too fierce.

No need to worry about fighting alone.

Some immortals also avoided the bombardment of the battleships in the rear at a very fast speed. Those attacks fell to the ground, and a Another mountain was blown up.

This kind of energy cannon is nothing for the fleet.

But the immortals reacted too flexibly and could teleport and disappear at any time.

Bu Liren was furious.

Can't hit, can't hit at all!

And when the radar lost the opponent's response, the Bu Liren in these warships felt a chill in their hearts, and then the next moment, all these warships exploded.

Then the immortal turned into a stream of light and shuttled through the battlefield again.

On the other side.

Looking at a Liyue immortal floating there, Bu Liren laughed

"They are so arrogant that they don't even try to escape, but just face us like this."

Then the other party released a dark light domain, which continued to spread, and in the blink of an eye, it surrounded a group of fleets here.

And the panicked voices of Bu Liren could be heard.

"What is this? Quick, turn on the floodlight々「 !"

"How could this happen! Our ship's functions are failing, the shield stabilizer is shut down, and the power of the power reactor is rapidly decreasing. If this continues, we will all become dead ships."

"Then it fell towards the ground!"

"What kind of means did the other party use? It was impossible to analyze everything in front of him."

Gradually, the warships became dark.

Only the immortal slowly walked through the air, watching the warships surrounded by black air, and then fell one after another.

The area where she was was like a world in the dark night.

Every immortal can suppress one side!

Showing the mysterious and unknown style of the immortal way.

And the battle gradually continued to the ground.

"Blood mist?"

The Bu Li people in front used the Moon Madness one after another, and formed a military formation. From a distance, a large circle of blood mist was approaching, and the speed was much faster than those flying machines.

The ground is the territory of wolves!

But this immortal didn't take it seriously at all.

She punched the ground directly!

In an instant, the earth cracked, and countless sand and vegetation rushed into the sky. Under this terrifying power, many places evaporated directly, carrying a scorching and terrifying heat wave!

""Sun Fist!"

It was like a small sun exploding. Once such impact force was released, all the blood mist instantly dissipated into nothingness.

This also included the Bu Li people. They didn't even have time to wail or react, they were all blasted into blood slag, the ground was full of blood, and it flew far away.

It was simply a violent force that crushed everything in its path!

In an instant, the terrain here was greatly changed.

Not only did the overall height drop a lot, but there was also scorched earth and burning flames everywhere.

This made the female fairy mutter for a moment.

"Looks like I have to be careful. I just wanted to use the Sun Fist to evaporate the mist, but the damage became so great in an instant."

In this battle, the immortals began to use the magical powers they mastered.

This is their strongest power!

"You evil creatures, die here today!"

""The might of the giant spirit appears!"

A giant spirit immortal roared, and then his body quickly grew larger, directly becoming a giant several dozen meters tall, with his own majestic and heavy immortal armor. He swung the Xuanhua axe in his hand.

The air around him exploded instantly.

The densely packed beasts and Bu Li people were all chopped to pieces by this blow.

Just like ants being blown away.

And after rushing into the battlefield, he was rampaging, constantly causing huge movements, and waves of terrifying shocks. The patrolling sea rangers were horrified and hurriedly avoided to prevent being injured by mistake.

It's really a monster-like power!

Especially when they saw the axe light flying out, the mountains in the distance were flattened piece by piece.

They couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Then they also saw some immortals, who suddenly grew two heads, five arms, and then their hands were equipped with He was equipped with a terrifying immortal magic weapon, and his eyes were emitting divine light.

He was spitting fire and thunder.

His fighting power was skyrocketing. The terrifying energy aura alone made it impossible for everyone to get close, and they could only look up.

And he directly bombarded a large number of Buliren warships.

Those weapons were flying and fighting directly in the sky, and sometimes they hit the sky and sometimes they hit the ground.

It really made people dumbfounded.

This is the magical power of [Three Heads and Six Arms]!

Some immortals also used the Rock Escape Immortal Light magical power, which directly passed through the outer defense of the Buliren beast ship, mixed in and started killing people. This is a magical power specially used to restrain the defense shield and infiltrate.

The defense that a white flag cannot enter, this one can.

Or at a base location, the Buliren fleet has finished charging, and a bunch of main guns have locked here.

This made a member of the Knowledgeable Society despair.

"Such energy fluctuations can directly wipe out a country. Even if it were my hometown, Vishimal, it would not be able to withstand such an attack from Bu Liren."

"Moreover, the defense devices here are already broken, it's over!"

At this time, a fairy with a cloak appeared in the air.

This made the Bu Liren fleet immediately ecstatic.

"Very good, I'm waiting for you!"

"It's worth it that we deliberately slowed down the speed of energy gathering, otherwise, how could the meat below resist for so long?"

A bunch of Buli people had bloodshot eyes, crazy and insane.

So these gun barrels seemed to have been rehearsed, and immediately turned their direction and bombarded here. The surging energy tide directly covered this place, and the Buli people wanted to laugh.

As a result, the immortal just stretched out a finger.

And slowly turned golden.

The next moment, the Buli people stood up in horror, with a creepy look.

The chill went from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.


Because the energy of the bombardment was directly split into two by the opponent, it spread to both sides in the distance, hit the distant mountains, and caused a violent explosion.

But whether it was this immortal or the base on the other side, it was fine.

This was naturally his martial immortal magical power.

The golden body is indestructible!

This is an extremely powerful defensive magical power, which is very popular among immortals, because this magical power can also be used in the main battle.

It becomes a magical power of unparalleled strength!

However, there are still a few who have refined this.

The people in Bu�� broke the defense.

They stared at this picture intently, wishing to devour the flesh and blood of the other party, and frantically tore their own bodies, making the ground full of blood.

"¨々 Is this the immortal from Liyue?"

"Each one of them is as strong as a monster!"


The Bu Li people's fleet naturally received reports of battles with other immortals, and they didn't take them seriously at first.


They could kill as many immortal boat people as they wanted.

Is there any difference?

But now it seems that they are two different things!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! You must be bluffing, fire, keep on firing!"

The Bu Liren fleet lost its mind and fired again.

The immortal shook his head.

Facing these attacks, he did not use his magical power of indestructibility, but swung his cloak on his back and absorbed all the attacks.

"I'll give it back to you."

Then he swung it again. The attack went back the same way, scaring the Bu Li people so much that their faces turned pale. They wished they had two more legs and tried to drive the warship away, but they failed with a terrifying explosion. Obviously, this cloak is also a fairy equipment.


The Cloud Riders also followed the Pure Beauty Knights in pursuit.

The horn of counterattack had already been blown.

But soon they were in danger again. The Bu Li people used powerful weapon beasts, which were a group of monsters at least a hundred meters long, like a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

But the immortals came to support them quickly.

""What's the use of being so big, just a big guy? The seven calamity swords refined by fire!"

Seven attacks whistled from the sky, directly splitting many giant beasts, and spread all the way over, causing very shocking gullies on the ground.

The earth was constantly shaking.

The fire that burned everything, and the sword that cut everything.

It was another magical power.

Before the cloud riders had time to take a breath, they heard another woman's voice.

"Really good, you need to practice more on low heat"

"Look carefully, what is the real magical power!"

At this moment, the whole sky darkened. In the shocked and dull eyes of the cloud riders, a boundless and terrifying black river that spanned the south and north of the sky was summoned from nowhere.

Under the power of the river, both the Buli warship and the weapon beast army were directly swallowed up in the rising waves.

Not even a wave was made.

The immortal who used the fire-refined Seven Tribulations Sword appeared on the ground and looked at the dark sky, speechless.

This is the great magical power [Erosion Water Black Soul Great River].

Melting everything, obliterating everything.

How can I compare?

Even that A person who has cultivated the indestructible golden body can only protect himself, but forget it if he wants to attack.

As for the one who used this magical power.

It was the immortal who just made Bu Liren fall into the dark night.

There is also a big gap between the magical powers.

However, the Cloud Riders and the Pure Beauty Knights found that it seemed that they had nothing to do.

The immortals of Liyue directly swept the minister.


Now the previous Cloud Riders finally deeply understood the words of the Thousand Rock Army.

The power of the immortals is so terrifying!

I thought they were just a little stronger than the brothers of the Thousand Rock Army.

Now I see.

There are gods beyond the heavens and immortals beyond the people!.

Added by: Naruto789

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