On this side, the battle is still going on, and the vanguard of Hui-Yun Tie-Ti is at the forefront.

The warriors, whose upper bodies are human and whose lower bodies are horses, are shooting arrows with bows in their hands. As they charge forward with their hooves, many energy arrows are shot at the ground in a surging and dense manner.

In the middle are the Wing Makers with multiple pairs of wings. They fly very fast, patrol the sky, and look down at the earth!

Behind them are the Bu Li people and the weapon beast army.

It can be said that the structure is clear and orderly!

Facing them is the mechanical beast army of Liyue. The fire mechanical beast [Xuantan Black Tiger] formation faces the Hui-Yun Tie-Ti, and the Wing Maker faces the wind mechanical beast [Qingluan].

And the rock mechanical beast [Five-Colored Divine Bull] that is fighting with the weapon beast.

This five-colored divine bull steps on the clouds and can fly freely. It is extremely powerful and has strong combat power.

A large number of weapon beasts are not its opponents.

And there are also some Taoist soldiers released by the immortals mixed in.

These mechanical beasts were all new species developed in successive battles, greatly enriching the combat power of mechanical beasts.

But at this moment.

A catastrophe pioneer grinned, and it quickly passed through the sky. The breath on its body swept everything in front of it. The burning energy of destruction reached its peak after it held the Blade of Purification!

Those who hold this blade are ordered to purify the world!

This is the most famous sentence circulating in the universe.

It is the prestige of the antimatter army and the evil name that all races fear!

Burning one world after another with catastrophe fire.

It is what it has been doing in the past!

So in an instant, a large number of mechanical beasts were burned by the flames, and those wind-type mechanical beasts [Qingluan] that flew higher were severely damaged in the first place and kept falling.

This also made the Fengrao people more arrogant.

Drive straight into this world!

Similar situations have happened many times. Even if the Fengrao army will be repelled by the immortals and immortal marquises who took action, the catastrophe pioneer will take this opportunity to take action and try to defeat these immortals.

Faced with such a massive army and pincer attack, the immortals fought and retreated.

And with so many immortals joining forces, the catastrophe pioneers had to be wary and face up to their difficulties, admitting that these immortals were indeed powerful, and that the Fengrao people were using numbers to defeat them.


Fengrao still had the upper hand.

The two catastrophe pioneers also continued to run rampant, enjoying the taste of destroying these mechanical creations, which was extremely crazy!

However, just as the Fengrao people's coalition forces were wreaking havoc again and released various energy attacks that covered the sky, a figure suddenly appeared in front, and then she blew a breath gently, and large areas of the sky exploded instantly.

Those attacks all exploded.

And she took a quick look at the Fengrao people's formations and spoke calmly.

"You guys seem very arrogant."

"Is it the confidence brought by numbers?"

She stood in the sky and seemed to have done nothing or made any moves, but at this moment, whether it was the Houyhnhnms, the Wingmakers, or the Buli Legion, most of them were destroyed by the terrifying attack! It would be even more terrifying from outside the planet.

Its energy shock slammed out, sweeping the atmosphere, and even beyond it.

It was like shaving the planet. Flowers bloomed everywhere.

Many areas had scorching heat waves crushing all the way, just like combing a middle part, and wherever they passed, the people of Fengrao were reduced to ashes.

Just now.

She released her own power and threw a few punches. She directly achieved a result far beyond that of the Immortal Marquis.

Pressure on the world, looking down on the world, this number is meaningless in her eyes. Give her a little time, even if your fleet formations are spread all over the planet, they can wipe you out completely.

Able to perform planetary missions alone.

This is the Immortal Lord.

The one who appeared here was Lan Yuan Yanzhu.

As a long time ago She had already reached the level of an immortal before, and later in the Age of Quantum Navigation, she had the power of a demon god, and she ran wildly in the following time, and she also received various instructions from Su Bai. She was praised as a person who grew very fast in the immortal way.

Naturally, her strength would not be too bad.

After all, her position was the guard of the emperor Su Bai, and she was very favored and treated very well.

So she is not just an ordinary immortal. She has top configurations in all aspects.

She is truly the strongest among the strong.

Such an emergency made the Fengrao Army unable to react, and most of them had already met their ancestors. Some of them were slightly stronger, and the power of Fengrao made them recover again, but under the spread of the flames. They still wailed and died.

It only happened in a few seconds.

Even the pioneers of catastrophes were desperately blocking the impact of such energy, and were still blown away for an unknown distance, but before they could stabilize their bodies.

Lan Yuanyanzhu's fiery red pupils stared at them.

She tilted her head.

"as well as"

"Just now, you were the ones who relied on your own strength to bully the Mechanical Beast Army, right?"

""The pioneer of the catastrophe?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lan Yuanyanzhu disappeared here in an instant. The two pioneers of the catastrophe were shocked and terrified. They immediately launched the power of destruction and catastrophe fire. For a moment, a terrifying explosion echoed in the sky above this world.

The sky and the earth changed color.

The violent fire storm spread in all directions.

The immortals on the ground couldn't help but resist.

This momentum was too fierce.

It was like welcoming the arrival of the world of fire. Those with good eyesight could notice that the two pioneers of the catastrophe were like a piece of rag, flying backwards powerlessly, and were instantly She was blasted out of the planet and went into space.

Then a red light also shot into space.

At this time, Lan Yuan Yanzhu was extremely powerful. In her hand, she held a mysterious flag that seemed to contain thousands of fires and contained many infinite things.

In the past, she wore the fire version of the Golden Light Boots.

But now, this flag was given to her by Su Bai and was named the Flame Light Flag.

As soon as the flag was waved just now, the Vanguard of Catastrophe could not stop it at all.

After all, even the current Lan Yuan Yanzhu cannot exert the full power of this weapon. Su Bai said that after you become a star king, you can use it as a main weapon.

She stared into the distance

"Fire? We all played with fire, why are you so miserable now?"

"Show your arrogant side."

"Burning the world, a pioneer in destroying stars alone, that's all."

After all, this concept is too broad.

Even the understanding of the star core hunters in the galaxy is that anyone can destroy a planet alone.

In the final analysis.

Is it to kill the planet, or to destroy the civilization of this planet?

As long as the planetary civilization is backward, a few spaceships can do this, and as long as the immortal is willing, then destroying the star civilization, burning and destroying the world is not difficult. It's even very simple.

Just have hands.

And indirectly destroy the planet, find weak points or something.

However, Lan Yuanyanzhu has traveled to many planets along the way, and he won't be so cruel.

"But in the galaxy, some forces equate you, the pioneers of catastrophe, with immortal kings like us. Now looking at it this way, are you worthy?"

"Before, he was just killed instantly by Kisara-sama's black hole gun."


She did not hide her attitude.

This also angered the Vanguard of the Disaster. They roared again, waving their blades to kill, and Aihara Enju also snorted coldly, starting a new round of battle.

Not long after.

Aihara Enju appeared in the starry sky, holding the corpse of a Vanguard of the Disaster in her hand.

And let the flames turn it into ashes.

The other one had died long ago.

At this time, she received information from other places that the Abundant Army and a living star suddenly appeared through a jump, and several planets over there were in great danger.

But Bai and Huang were fighting against another one.

This made Aihara Enju go there without saying a word.

There are not many Abundant People left here now, just leave it to those immortals, the crisis has been resolved...

""Heaven-granted Nine Tribulations Sword Formation!"

Facing the scattered fleets of the Rich and Abundant in the Milky Way, Lan Yuan Yanzhu arranged the sword formation she practiced.

Constantly dragging these enemies into it.

This made the people of the Rich and Abundant encounter unprecedented horror scenes. Countless warriors were in the ships, but the ships were fine, and they themselves turned into ice and then shattered.

Or there was thunder flashing in the void, constantly and accurately falling on their heads.

The most important thing is fire and wind.

It is not the fire in the conventional impression of the Rich and Abundant race, but the [Yin Fire] that can burn from the body all the way and turn the whole body into ash. It is invisible and colorless, making all races very scared and crazy.

"What is this? How can I extinguish it?"

"Why is the cooling and warming nest not working at all? My whole body is already freezing cold, so why is there still fire?"


There were constant screams.

And there was also an inexplicable wind that blew their flesh and bones apart, turning them into a pool of mud, just like melting.

It was impossible to understand.

There are nine types of this kind of disaster. Many of them are the types in the ancient fairy myths.

This sword formation is a killer move of Lan Yuan Yanzhu!

But she was facing a great enemy, confronting the terrifying rich star. Those rich evil creatures that kept falling and rushing over were also burned one after another by the flames.

The sword formation was just an auxiliary.

More energy was put here.

After a series of battles, her mouth was bleeding, and her body was in a lot of trouble. The immortal king was very strong, but it was obviously not enough to face this rich star.

And not far away.

Some planets have been broken.

Turned into residue.

The rich star not only has a terrifying recovery ability, but can also speed up the healing of its injuries and bring its own state to the peak again by eating stars.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely terrifying enemy..

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