In response to this,

Aihara Enju still raised her fighting spirit that resounded through the starry sky.

Firm and fearless!

"so what!"

"No matter if you are the Star of Fertility or the Lord of Extinction! If you dare to show up, I will just beat you up!"

"There is no need to be afraid or terrified, just take a step forward, this is exactly what comes from the original courage of mankind."

Huanlong narrowed his eyes in the distance.

She was hiding in the dark to watch the show.

She was interested in both the battles in the Immortal Boat Alliance and here.

Especially on the side of the Liyue Immortal, the Fengrao people were retreating step by step, their heads were blown up, and their fighting spirit collapsed. They called these immortals monsters. If they hadn't been on the Fengrao Star and the Catastrophe Vanguard, they would have been swept away by them.

But even so.

It was only suppressed for a short time.

The appearance of this immortal king instantly wiped out the battlefield over there.

And faced the Fengrao Star alone.

The courage was terrifying.

There are very few records about the actions of the Liyue Immortal King, so Huanlong was in From here, people like Tiancan went to destroy other civilizations, and the Great Lord of Extinction was practicing his own aesthetics of destruction.

But the other party had to bring her up.

It's really inexplicable.

Who is he looking down on? The Immortal Lord who is not even a messenger is very arrogant in words.

But it doesn't matter.

This little girl can't provoke her.

Just watch this Immortal Lord die here.

And Lan Yuan Yanzhu was fighting against the Rich Stars, releasing enough power from his whole body to make the stars roar, tear the sky and the earth, twist the land and the sea, and evaporate everything!

Those Rich Fleets that dared to approach exploded one after another!

There was fire everywhere.

""Hah ah ah ah!"

Even though she was bleeding more and more, and the star was roaring like a twisted evil creature, Aihara Enju was still trying her best to resist.

There was fire burning in her eyes.

But even so,

Aihara Enju kept retreating.

This was the impact of the huge energy squeezing and collision from the opposite side.

"I have seen many worlds, countless stars rippling in the sea of stars, like pearls, so beautiful. I have also seen greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, doubt, the five poisons of life, and the various forms of human life."

"Even in a sinful world, there is goodness and beauty."

"But you are absolutely evil!"

She held the flag brazenly, pointing at the star that exuded disaster and destruction, like the ignorant mother of all evil, and like a greedy giant moving in the galaxy. The other party was not a normal life at all.

There was no need to expect the other party's reaction.

What Lan Yuanyanzhu did was just to activate her own Lidiyan Light Flag. The terrifying heat wave continued to erupt, not only burning and annihilating everything, but also wrapping it up and turning it into a stream of light.

Instantly killed the demon star!

Penetrating the shell and falling to the ground!

The huge energy shock exploded with a bang. Looking from the starry sky, the surface of the rich star produced a huge ripples and destruction, even it roared in pain.

Countless tentacles and evil creatures kept swinging over.

And pressed all its power here.

Aihara Enju also bled profusely, and let out an astonishing roar. She directly pierced through here with the force of a stream of light, flew out from the other corner, and returned to space again.

If it had been later.

It would have been terrible.

Even so, her condition was very miserable, her breath was much weaker, and even Huanlong was mocking her.

Is she going to die?

It seems that she can't hold on for much longer.

As a result, Aihara Enju burst out with another magical power.

The terrifying flames surrounded her.

"Even if we are crushed to pieces, we are indestructible! Forged in the furnace fire, reborn after a hundred forgings and thousands of trials! The divine bird bathed in fire, show the power of immortality!"

Her injuries recovered quickly.

And there was a loud phoenix cry, a handsome and beautiful fire phoenix kept flying around here, and then Lan Yuanyanzhu waved his hand and rushed directly to the evil creatures of the stars in the distance.

The endless army of evil creatures that had just been born was burned to ashes in an instant!

Huanlong's expression also froze instantly.

It's really resistant.

The immortal's ability to save his life seems to be even more terrifying on the immortal king.

He dared to claim to be immortal.

And after seeing that the rich star wanted to approach the remaining few life planets again and try to swallow them, Lan Yuanyanzhu was furious

"Don’t even think about it!"

She collided with the monster star again, trying her best

"If I don't even have the courage to face you, if I can't even protect these planets, how can I have the face to be his bodyguard? If I fail, it only means that I am not good enough."


"I am fearless, I will not die! I will become stronger! And I will surpass you!"

"Come on, I will burn everything and let out a soul-cry to fate!"



The two energies twisted the starry sky, and even the surrounding imaginary energy was turning upside down. The remaining fleets of Abundance were so scared that they immediately jumped away. Even so, many of them were destroyed.

Huanlong was disdainful.

"The courage is commendable. However, it is still like a mantis trying to stop a chariot."

"The level of the Immortal King is here, and he cannot compare with the rich star that can destroy an immortal ship."

"But it was really beautiful, like the afterglow of a firefly. Oh no, why are they all oversized fireflies? Hahahaha.

She laughed sarcastically and heartily.

What a funny scene.

Fortunately, I came.

But soon her laughter stopped abruptly, and then her face was full of incredible shock.

"What's this?"

"It actually blocked it? Even the Immortal Lord can awaken this power?"

On the flame-wrapped figure of Lan Yuan Yanzhu, when she was about to be destroyed and swallowed by the rich stars, a terrifying white light bloomed, turning into white ripples like the sea of stars. It continued to spread in all directions, affecting the destroyed stars.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu, whose consciousness was gradually fading, also felt this moment, and she seemed to have received the emotions of those falling stars.

"So warm, what is this?"

"I hear the world's wailing, the continuous disappearance and desolation of life, the last remaining light and blessings of each world. The stars are calling me, will you, you, give me this last hope?"

"Just to help me defeat the Abundant Demon Star?"

She was shocked herself.

And those stars began to shine, and the energy turned into meteors, flying into Lan Yuan Yanzhu's body.

That was the call and echo of the stars.

The origin of life.

In the light, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's momentum became stronger and stronger, causing the sea of stars to tremble and the demon stars to retreat. After the energy reached a critical point and crossed it with a bang.

On her forehead, a mysterious and majestic mark quietly condensed and emerged.

It was like the starlight was flickering.

She also opened her eyes.

"Is this my mind skill? Its name is [Voice of the Stars]】"


"Today, I will be the Star Lord!"

In her resolute declaration, she also truly ascended from the level of the Immortal Lord to a brand new world!

She looked angrily at the abundant stars.

"You bastard, did you hear that? That cry from the stars!"

She swung the flaming flag directly. Now that she had the power of the Star Lord, the flag finally showed its true power, burning everything and turning the world upside down. Just by releasing it, the terrifying sea of fire made the starry sky boil, and the demon stars screamed in pain. They hurriedly moved away from the area of the flames.

Lan Yuanyanzhu held the flag with a stern face, majestic and sacred.

"I said, bearing the name of a fairy, I will never lose!"

She began to sing.

""Good deeds are not yet ripe, and good deeds are also met with evil."

This reminded her of her past. Even the cursed children with good intentions, facing the original world, stretched out their hands, but were greeted with disgust, hatred, and rejection from those people.

Kindness will still bring evil.

The world.

It was unfair from the beginning.


"May all good things go hand in hand, good things be rewarded with good, and evil things be punished with evil."

"Oh world! Oh fate! Here is the cycle of cause and effect, endless karma, I hereby declare that the punishment of justice will befall you, please grant me the power of protection! Carry out the great cause of annihilation, call for the end, and bring down the end of the world!

The terrifying flame of annihilation has descended.

This is the product of the great magical power of Lan Yuanyanzhu and the flaming flag from the ground. At this moment, the space of this starry sky has been completely burned and destroyed, and it is difficult to see the situation from a distance.

·········Request flowers·····

The illusion is all blurred

·········Request flowers·····

Is it true or not?

What did I see.

A mere Immortal Lord was promoted to Star Lord in the battle. The aura on his body was undoubtedly the imaginary energy fluctuation of the Order Envoy level, without a doubt.

The Destiny Walker actually walked such a long distance?

This is not a gift from the Star God.

Look at the Lords of Extinction. These seven were all gifts from Lord Nanook. There is no Lord of Extinction born on the path of destruction. It all depends on the mood of the Star God of Destruction.

What is going on with the immortals in Liyue?

In the sea of stars in the universe.

Being blessed by the Star God to become an Order Envoy is the reason why almost all Order Envoys are produced.

The Destiny Walker became an Order Envoy by himself.

It is indeed possible.

But���There are so few of them that you can even pretend they don't exist, because such cases have no reference value.

Like the guardians of the company, isn't it also because of the guardian star gods?

But according to Huanlong's observation of Liyue, these immortals were passed down the way of immortality by the Emperor, and they kept practicing, gradually breaking through, and entering one realm after another.

Look at themselves.

So looking at this situation, she suddenly had an incredible and terrifying bold guess.

For immortals.

Is the star god also a realm that can be reached through practice?

How terrible will Liyue be in the future?

It's creepy to think about it.

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

This immortal king should be just an exception............0............0But the immortals who awakened this white light power, called the power of mind skills, were one after another. Such things made her heart shrouded in a haze. How could there be such a terrifying civilization in the Milky Way?

She didn't believe it.

At this moment, the rich star was cut in half by a big flag covering the vast starry sky, and it was destroyed in wailing, and all the evil creatures were burned to death.

And Lan Yuanyanzhu's strong and majestic eyes suddenly turned.

Looked at Huanlong.

Directly coldly shouted

"Come out! I've felt someone watching me for a long time."

"It turns out to be you, Huanlong!"

"What? Don't worry, the stronger envoys of our Liyue will not appear, so don't worry about them killing you. Haven't you noticed that the battlefield now is the stage for us immortals and the Thousand Rock Army!"

"Everyone is shining with their own brilliance!"

A ray of divine light shot out from her eyes, piercing through the void and revealing Huanlong.

This made Huanlong's face gloomy.

"Kill me? Ridiculous junior, does becoming a Star Lord make you so arrogant?"

As the Great Lord of Extinction who possesses both the power of destruction and the power of abundance, Huanlong has sufficient confidence. Among the envoys, she is also a strong one.

So she doesn't want to provoke the envoys of Liyue in the past

, but she is not afraid of them either!

The conflict between the two is imminent....

On Su Bai's side, he clapped his hands in satisfaction.

"Not bad, not bad. As the first star master in the strict sense of the Liyue Immortal Dao system, he was finally born."

As for the others?

They are all mixed with a lot of other things to a greater or lesser extent. They can only be regarded as practicing the Immortal Dao while on the original path.

For example, the original demons.

As the original, and the traces of their magic system and research, they have long become their core. Now they are also combining the Immortal Dao to use a new nuclear attack magic.

Star particle magic.

Put it together, that is star attack magic.

Lan Yuanyanzhu is the new Immortal Dao that he taught from the beginning, without having to follow the old Immortal Dao first.

As a result, Kiana spoke fiercely.


"Even if it's a new immortal, it's impossible to produce a Star Lord so quickly. It's all because of your teaching and acceleration along the way, especially Aihara Enju, who opened it so hard that even the Voice of the Stars came out!"

"Why don’t you go to heaven?"

"Dare you say you didn't know in advance and were sure she could become a star master? The weapons were already given to her. You clearly knew everything, but you are still talking after the fact."Just now, after seeing the change of Lanyuan Yanzhu and the Voice of Stars, she said"Fuck".

There are too many tricks of mind skills, and this thing can come out.

Lanyuan Yanzhu's potential is unfathomable now.

Tsk tsk.

Many people in the group are crying.

Especially Qingque.

But it's normal. It's made by the dog group owner. How can normal group members compare? The level is here.

If you don't work hard,

Su Bai will directly put pressure on you. Shanshan.

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