The next day, Lone Cloud Pavilion.

With light rain and humid air, today’s Lonely Cloud Pavilion looks exceptionally cool and pleasant.

Thanks to Keqing and the overnight rush of workers, the restoration of the auditorium went quite smoothly, and the stone observation deck was built in only one day and one night, showing a wave of “Liyue speed” for tourists from the seven countries.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the assistance of the owner of the Eye of the Rock God~.

Not surprisingly, today’s challengers are even greater than yesterday, and more and more people are attracted by newspapers and come to Liyue Port.

They have adventurers, light novel authors, scholars of the Decree Academy, immortals and demons, and the seven rulings of the earthly world-…

Wait a minute, the seven rulings of the earthly world!

The angle of view is far away, and faint thunder light is visible in the air.

What caused all this was the Raiden General Shadow who was sitting in the VIP seat with slightly confused eyes.

This god is very actionable, and he just walks, and at the same time only let the god son inform the seven stars and not engage in some grand welcome ceremony.

As a result, many people are unaware that there is a true God hidden around them.

Inside the VIP table, Miko looked at the clouds in the sky and laughed softly:

“Seriously, Shadow, you don’t need to be so nervous.”

“With your strength, it is enough to deal with most unexpected situations.”

The shadow glanced at her, his lips moving slightly, but finally said nothing.

Along the way, she also fully demonstrated the curiosity that a god should have, pestering the son of God to say more about the secret realm.

It’s good not to say this, as soon as the Son of God said, the shadow was a little unable to sit still.

Comparable to the Honkai beast tide that Canrea invaded back then?

Unconscious living corpses wandering en masse?

A thunder law who looks similar to himself?

A giant magic dragon that covers the sky?

Is this called very simple? This is something that should be sealed!

Kage’s intuition told her that Miko didn’t say too much detail, so her emotions were always in a tense state.

This also led to a drizzle on the originally clear Lonely Cloud.

“Alas, I know what you’re thinking.” The Son of God sighed, “But you think, everyone is very simple to fill in, not for nothing. ”

“It’s all coming, you can go in and take a look.” Just think of it as a tour, don’t make the atmosphere so depressing. ”

“Those who practice martial arts must not let their guard down at all times.” Shadow said indifferently, “Especially, this kind of moment when you are about to go to the battlefield. ”

Before the words fell, another figure entered the sight of the Narukami duo.

The man was well-dressed and handsome, holding an expensive umbrella.

Looking closely, this person has an extraordinary temperament, a pair of golden eyes like the purest stone per, with a trace of vicissitudes.

The shadow’s gaze fell firmly on him, as if in deep thought.

The Son of God was slightly stunned, as if he felt the extraordinary nature of this person.

“This look, this temperament, he doesn’t seem to be an extraordinary person.” Shenzi mused, “Is it the immortal of Liyue? ”

“More than that.” Shadow returned to his state of talent, “I heard the traveler tell the story of Morax, he did not die, but gave power to the people and retired to the city. ”

“I guess that’s his way to avoid wear and tear.”

“Morax… No wonder…” Miko nodded thoughtfully, then retreated slightly, giving up the conversation space to the gods.

“No matter how hard the rock is, it cannot escape the wear and tear of heaven, how can there be an immutable eternity in this world…”

During the conversation, Zhong Li arrived, put away his umbrella, and sat down on the side of the two.

He bowed slightly to the Raiden General, even if he said hello.

“I really didn’t expect that this secret realm would attract you over.”

“Liyue is not well treated, please forgive me.”

“No, I asked for it.” The shadow politely replied, “But you, participating in this challenge, are not afraid of your identity being exposed?” ”

“There are some things that you can’t hide. Since this secret realm has so many divine places, whether it is as Morax or Zhongli, it has the value of coming to study. ”

“I think you do too.” Zhongli said.

Shadow nodded, and was about to answer, but saw another figure descend from the air.

It was a teenager with short black hair, two small braided green braids hanging down his sideburns, a green cloak, and a Cecilia flower pinned to the brim.

He was as light and free as the wind, and appeared beside the three in the blink of an eye.

“Oh, I saw a lot of old friends today.”

“Hehe, it seems that I’m not too late.”

Seeing Wendy’s arrival, Miko’s expression stiffened invisibly.

Thor, Rock God, Wind God.

Because of the existence of this secret realm, three gods have already descended on Liyue.

If this continues, maybe the remaining four will have to be attracted to it…

Ying looked at Wendy carefully, while Zhongli greeted indifferently:

“It turned out to be a bard, and I said goodbye at the Sea Lantern Festival last time, and I haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

“Haha, everyone is acquaintances, why say something obscure.”

Wendy said as she pulled over a chair and sat down next to the three.

“It’s a pity that the waiting time is a bit long, if you have a glass of cider, you will definitely be able to relieve a lot of boredom…”

“Barbatos?” Shadow wondered.

“Eh, I’ve only been sleeping for hundreds of years, and you forgot about me?” Wendy pretended to be surprised, and Ying was a little overwhelmed.

“I didn’t expect that we would meet again in this way.” Zhong Li’s tone was calm, “In this way, there is really something in the secret realm that can attract the three of us. ”

“This time, at the request of the parishioner, viewing the scenery is one of them, and the most important thing is to win in it.”

“Otherwise, the hall master will arrange for me to work overtime in the near future.”

“Hehe, mortal life is really good, you seem to enjoy it.”

“Well, since you said so, then I’ll work hard.” Wendy’s tone was like singing.


Although the shadow did not appear, the weather became more and more gloomy, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

It can be seen that her fighting spirit is very high.

On the other side, there were more and more visitors from the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, and the rainy days could not dampen the enthusiasm of the challengers.

The newcomers are ready to work in this so-called “very simple” secret place.

The old players walked into the audience in tacit agreement, with a smile on their lips, ready to admire the pain mask of today’s newcomer. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They didn’t dare to have any illusions about Ye Zhuo’s secret realm.

There is no most netherworld, only more netherworld!

Soon, the time came to eight o’clock sharp.

The reporters set up the camera, and the propaganda department of the Adventurers Guild was ready.

In a thunderclap, a golden ray bloomed on the earth, like a round of sun, illuminating the overcast Lonely Cloud Pavilion very brightly.

The pulsating flames gradually distorted, forming a golden gate, on which intricate patterns were wrapped, adding a touch of divinity to the gate.

As yesterday, the flames were divided into three lines and placed on three different islands.

In the air, an illusory voice sounded.

[Today’s challenge theme – “You are facing a thousand calamities”]

[Hello everyone, I’m Ye Zhuo. 】

[I have known your heroic posture in the secret realm yesterday, although it is slightly different from your evaluation, but it does not prevent me from making it more difficult again. 】

[Today’s arrangement is the same as yesterday, the owner of the Eye of God has a separate door to enter. 】

[In addition, this time the refresh function has been added.] We will try to ensure that the experience of all challengers is the same, and there will be no situation in Otto on the first day. 】

Ask for flowers

[Above, I wish you all a good time. 】

There was another burst of thunder, and the sky appeared even more overcast.

It seems that one being has become more tense.

Ye Zhuo said a few words, which gave people a different feeling.

The newcomers are fighting spirited, and they are worried that the secret realm will be too simple to exert their great strength, as the newspapers say.

Just kidding, how can newspapers lie?

Even if the newspaper deceives people, so many people fill in “very simple”, to a certain extent, it proves that the difficulty of the secret realm is not high.

Perfect for the challenge!

Making it more difficult is something to be excited about for them.

The challengers who had entered the secret realm in the previous three days did not have these thoughts.

They only feel fear.

God, yesterday’s one is already unsolvable.

Do you want to make it more difficult today?

Isn’t that a joke.

Putting aside the three bosses in the secret realm yesterday, those Broken Beast Tide, Blood Death, and the Concept God, which is something that the Teyvat can handle?

If the difficulty is increased this time, I am afraid that only the seven gods can try it.

It’s outrageous…

Thinking of it this way, these former challengers immediately developed a strategy.

Why fill in “very simple”, isn’t it just to see the newcomer suffer…. Bah, want to let the newcomers experience the exotic?

To be a man, you have to let go.

This secret place is very precious and should be experienced by newcomers first.

As for our group of old players, just watch from the wall, and it’s over…

On the other side, VIP seats.

The golden light gate was placed in front of the three gods, exuding a faint golden light.

However, no one acted.

The three gods looked at each other and seemed to be humbling each other.

Wendy: “I’ve already experienced it twice, and this opportunity, hey, of course, is given to the two newcomers. ”

Shadow: “This is the country of the rock, according to the number of gifts, it should be invited by the rock god first.” ”

Zhong Li: “The two are polite, you are the guests of Liyue, you should enter the experience first.” ”

Miko: “…”

Seeing that everyone had their own careful thoughts, Miko smiled slightly and patted his own god’s shoulder.

“Oh, you looked like a curious baby along the way, how did you get to this time with stage fright.”

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, just go all out after you go in, you won’t get hurt anyway.”

“Go all out…”

Ying chanted these four words, and there was still a trace of pride in his heart.

I am afraid that only the gods can make a full shot.

Could it be said that the boss of today’s secret realm is the conceptual god who breaks the will?

“Well, I think that’s fine.” Wendy nodded, “The God of Thunder is a guest, and it is the first time to come, so it should be the first to enter.” ”

“Besides, if Shadow doesn’t go in again, I’m afraid this rain will fall heavier and heavier.”

Shadow: “…”

Seeing this, Zhong Li also stretched out his hand to make an invitation:

“What the Wind God said is reasonable, and I should also be allowed to do my best as a landlord.”

“You first, please.”

“Go ahead.” Miko said with a smile.

Seeing this, Ying bowed his head slightly, and did not give in again.

She sat up from her chair, her long braid flashing with a faint thunderous light.

At this moment, the thunder of the Lone Cloud Pavilion roared.

Under the background of endless majestic light, under the witness of heavy rain and the sea, she resolutely pushed open the illusory light door.

Then, the shadow disappeared behind the door.

At this moment, the heavy rain has gradually stopped……. Righteousness..

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