Under the witness of Wan Jun thunder, Ying’s expression was solemn, and his eyes were full of sharpness.

She stirred her divine power, pressed her hands towards the light door, and pushed it open vigorously.

In an instant, the world blurred.

Clouds, thunder, sand, partners, all disappeared, as if thrown into another world.

Then she moved to a new area.

Ying did not panic, squinted his eyes slightly, and instantly took in everything.

It is as if you are in a martial arts arena, with an incomparably wide platform under your feet, a blue sky, beautiful architecture, and everything looks quiet and beautiful.

This is a very divine place, and if I have to say, the scene here is close to Sky Island, but the shadow has not actually seen it.

At this moment, she very much agrees with the “exotic” and “beautiful scenery” promoted in the newspaper.

If “very simple” is also true, then everyone is happy…

Thinking like this, the shadow moved his wrist and set his gaze on a light door in front of him.

This portal is different from the one when entering, with a red base and a pattern like flame printed on it.


Just by looking at it, this deity could feel the air around him become extremely hot…

“It’s so depressing.”

“This is?”

As if to solve the shadow’s confusion, the mechanical sound sounded in the shadow’s mind on their own.

“197” [Welcome to Self-Fiction Secret Realm v4.0]

[The theme of this challenge – “You are facing a thousand calamities”]

[Goal: Defeat the Thousand Calamities, or hold out under him for 10 minutes.] 】

[Enemy introduction: A thousand calamities, male, with the name of annihilation. ] The sixth place in the thirteenth Yingqi of the fire, nicknamed Fei Tian. 】

[Strong strength, arrogant personality, love to fight, when you feel that an enemy is worth killing, you will open the collapse without scruples, extremely dangerous. ] 】

[Also: Considering that the challengers in the original world have engraved blessings and their strength has been improved, in order to ensure fairness, the designer will apply a similar buff effect to the challengers. ] 】

[Challengers who step into this place will all recover their peak strength and increase their full attributes by 100%. 】

[Above, I wish you all the best. 】

The voice gradually dissipated, and a light rose from under the shadow’s feet, and she suddenly felt the essential increase in strength and personality.

The rolling thunder elemental power flowed in the limbs, and the strength of the whole body seemed to be inexhaustible, and the problems caused by wear and tear all disappeared at this moment.

He has indeed returned to his peak state, and his various abilities have changed qualitatively.

Deep in the chest, there is even an illusory heart of God…


The shadow was stunned for a while, and the shock in his heart was overflowing.

Just add it.

I am a true god, my full attributes have increased by 100%, and now I am unmatched.

No matter how this is done, just challenge the secret realm in such a state, isn’t the enemy killed in seconds when they meet!

What is the difficulty of this, is the secret realm really “very simple”?

After a moment’s thought, Shadow shook his head.

The Son of God had reminded her that this secret realm was not a simple thing.

There must be something else, just hidden in the hint…

“The enemy… Defeat a thousand calamities? ”

While talking to himself, Kage’s expression gradually changed from doubt to surprise.

The puzzle is that the theme of this secret realm is not the exploration that Miko said on the ship, but the battle that he is best at.

Especially, it is still a battle against a single person.

Simply tailor-made for yourself.

Surprisingly, the opponent he was about to face had many unconscious descriptors.

At the same time, the conditions for clearing the level were actually ten minutes under the hands of Qianji.

These qualifiers and conditions all indicate the danger and horror of the enemy ahead, but the shadow is completely unimaginable.

As the seven winners of the Demon God War, he was originally the combat power of the Demon God of Tivat, and he didn’t want to use it with a single sword, and no one could be unscathed.

This martial arts arena, this secret realm, will even collapse because of his all-out shot.

Especially in the state of gain…

How strong that thousand calamities must be to make the clearance conditions have an additional standard for surviving for ten minutes.

Isn’t this a joke? Is he the conceptual deity, and it does not match the description of the Son of God…

Shadow tried to rationalize things as he thought.

Then, she shook her head in abandonment, unable to estimate the strength of the enemy.

Whatever for him, instead of standing here, he should go out and meet the terrifying enemy himself.

Subsequently, he completed the challenge gracefully with a thoughtless knife of qualitative change.

The shadow was extremely confident at the moment, and the thunder was wrapped all over his body, like a grand occasion of the arrival of the god of Naruto.

If there were still some fluctuations in her heart when she entered, but now her heart is like water.

No way, strong strength will always give people extreme confidence.

Pushing open that door, Shadow stepped into it…

“Too slow, lawyer.”

A hoarse voice came out, pulling Shadow’s consciousness back.

In a trance, the things behind the door are still unchanged, the same blue sky and white clouds, the same divine architecture.

The difference is that in the center of the round platform, there is a very oppressive man.

He has silver-white hair, is dressed in black, and has an elbow brace on his left hand to protect his arm. Hide your true face with a pitch-black mask.

Seeing the arrival of the shadow, he snorted contemptuously, stood up from the ground, and moved his wrist a few times.

“Lawyer?” Kage recalled Miko’s description, “Are you talking about me? ”

“Otherwise, hey, I’ll give you enough time to prepare, and you’ll come to see me dressed like this?”

“Forget it, the deepest place you want to reach is here – you got what you wanted, and the time has come to pay the price.”


The shadow was suddenly a little inexplicable.

What this man is saying, how he can’t understand anything. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Am I recognized as the Law of Thunder? It is possible that the Son of God also said that I look similar to the Law of Thunder.

It’s just that this man is also too rude.

Facing a god, he was so arrogant…

Shadow’s expression became indifferent, and said coldly:

“This body is a special and noble body. He should hold the power of the world. When speaking to me, it is best to speak with respect. ”

“Oh? Lawyer, are you crazy. Qian Hao touched the mask and laughed lowly.

Immediately, his low laughter turned into a maniacal laugh.

“Haha… Hahahahaha…”

“My anger has been in vain for too long… Too long! ”

“Since you want him to reappear in this place, then try to bear it… Do your best! ”

“Less nonsense… Come! ”

When the words fell, Thousand Tribulations no longer converged on coercion, and at this moment, Ying felt the danger to his soul.

Her pupils instantly dilated, and she took two steps back as if she were stressed.

The man in front of him seemed to have become a god of gods, enough to hunt gods.

No, you can’t keep your hands! The thought of the shadow had just flashed, and a punch from a thousand calamities had arrived.

Out of his peak state and buff blessing, Shadow barely saw the fist path of Thousand Tribulations, and quickly resisted with the beak knife in his hand…

At the same time, the thunder light wrapped around the divine body also turned into a weapon and climbed up his body along the fist of the thousand calamities.



The huge countershock instantly flew the shadow shock more than ten meters, and the rice light of the grass shattered, and her two hands were almost dislocated.

And the surging thunder elemental power like the waves did not let the thousand calamities suffer the slightest damage.

At this moment, Ying suddenly understood the meaning of the clearance conditions.

This enemy, definitely deserves these descriptions.

His strength is far above any god!

Qianji, who punched Shadow into the air, threw his hand and slammed the ground, causing this world to shake violently.

The thunder light wrapped around his body was instantly injected into the ground, and at the same time, countless meteorites swaying with flowing fire descended from the sky.

“You are not that lawyer, although she is as weak as a worm, at least she will not even be able to take my random punch.”

“What a big boldness, he actually came to challenge me and look for death!”

The shadow threw away the beak knife in his hand, the thunder and lightning gathered in his chest, and a tai knife was gradually emerging.

As if echoing her actions, in the secret realm, the sky also became cloudy, and the swaying thunder light scattered all the meteorites.

“In the face of a god, it is still too early to say.”

“Oh? Seriously? Shame! When the words fell, the figure of Thousand Tribulations disappeared instantly.

In the eyes of the outside world, this is not simply walking or running, but more inclined to a kind of teleportation.

And the shadow from the martial artist saw this action in his eyes, and barely judged the course of action of the thousand calamities.

The surging thunder elemental power converged on the dream heart, and with the thunder rolling, the thoughtless knife was ready.

Just wait for a thousand calamities to come.

It depends on whether this sword that kills the demon god can kill this man.

In this regard, Ying has full confidence.

Suddenly, the figure of Thousand Tribulations disappeared.

The shadow was shocked and looked up sharply.

But seeing the other party falling from the air, with flowing fire wrapped around his feet, a knight kick was ready.

All this did not even take more than a second.

Shadow hurriedly raised his knife, but instantly let go of the idea of using Dream Heart.

Too late.

She can only do her best, with the blessing of the powerful 0.0buff, exert a speed far beyond her own level, and jump high.


Like a nuclear explosion, this kick of the thousand calamities is extremely powerful, and suddenly makes the film’s vision turn white.

Intense pain swept through her body, and at this moment, she completely recognized the strength of Thousand Calamities.

This is the most terrifying flame.

This is a kick that is enough to smash the corpse of Orobas.

If this blow hits him, no matter what protection he makes, Balzeb will inevitably become Bar-er-Zeb.

Relying on the bonus of strength, Shadow gritted his teeth and prepared Wuxian to lock the man in the flames below.

In the hot air, the tai knife is crackling in the overload reaction.

Qian Calamity, on the other hand, was always laughing.

“Facing a god?”

“What you are facing is a thousand calamities!”


The shadow converged his mind, grabbed the gap where Qian Calamity spoke, gathered his strength, and slashed down.

This knife will be the all-out blow of the God of Thunder.

This knife will destroy everything.


“Silence in the world!”

Suddenly, Qian Qian seemed to feel something, and raised his head slightly.

It’s just that he is still laughing lowly, and he doesn’t even bother to hide….

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