Wendy felt the pain, it was the pain of her body falling apart.

Compared with Thor and Rock God, the wind god Wendy’s defense is not high, and a punch that has been hit by a thousand calamities is indeed unbearable.

Especially in a state of defenselessness.

After a few deep breaths, Wendy could barely suppress the feeling of falling apart.

“What a poor fellow, life without poetry and music is like without wine, how boring.”

“However, it is really fast, the man’s speed is completely unclear…”

Saying that, Wendy sighed softly, not taking this failure to heart.

Old man Zhongli can’t beat it, and it’s normal if he fails.

That Thousand Tribulations is not an enemy he can deal with.

How did the designers come up with such a BOSS.

After thinking about it, Wendy couldn’t come up with any reliable conclusions, so she simply stopped thinking and quietly waited for the light curtain that was about to appear.

For a long time, the familiar golden flames formed a light curtain, and as always, the challenger was asked to give an evaluation.

Wendy recalled the ferocity of the Thousand Calamities, couldn’t help but shiver, and ticked “very simple” with a trembling hand.

Why? Where there are so many whys, just play! Wendy said in her heart.

At this moment, he finally had time to check the barrage.

While waiting for the light door to open, he opened the live broadcast room and flipped through the comments of everyone in Tivat:

[Ying: No, let me laugh for a while…….]

[Alice: Hahaha, it’s like drinking fake wine, flying out hahaha…”

[Albedo: Ms. Alice, please save some face for the wind god. 】

[Dainsreb: God of freedom, the way to exit is indeed free enough. 】

[Dortore: understandable though… But this cause of death is somewhat humiliating…]

[Zhongli: It seems that the power in the Wind God Sound Law cannot affect the Thousand Tribulations, and his spirit is also very strong. 】

[Ray Movie: An enemy that is powerful both in body and soul, unbelievable…]

[Phil 413 Shel: Er and other mortals, dare to mock Lord Barbatos, no… Disrespect! 】

[Oz: Miss means… I don’t think this sentence needs to be translated…]

[Mona: Although I have returned to Mond, what I saw today has made me think a lot and think…

“Alas, these people, really disrespect the gods.”

Wendy straightened her crooked hat and smiled.

“Fortunately, I have a big heart and never care.”


If you have time to think about these things, you might as well drink a glass of cider and sing your newly learned poetry.

This thousand calamities gave Wendy a lot of inspiration.

It’s good to go out for a few drinks, the drunken state is best for creating, and Wendy has a plan.

Immediately, the light gate unfolded, and the scene of the Lone Cloud Pavilion appeared in front of Wendy’s eyes.

He smiled slightly and swaggered out.

As soon as Wendy came out of the secret realm, both Ying and Zhongli looked at him and smiled.

Zhongli teased: “Barbatos, your posture of being shot away is really free, and it does not insult your god’s name. ”

Wendy didn’t answer, and the whole person said leisurely: “Two glasses of dandelion wine, and cider…”, and the harp in his hand was melodious as if returning from an outing.

Ying deliberately added: “It seems that your music has angered Qianjian. ”

Wendy’s eyes widened and said, “How can you tarnish people’s innocence out of thin air like this…”

“What innocence? Morax and I saw with our own eyes that you had provoked a thousand calamities and were hanged and beaten by him. ”

Wendy was surprised, and the sound of the piano also lagged a little, arguing:

“It’s okay with me… That’s his own problem. How can I, a bard, provoke a thousand calamities?”

One after another, the difficult words, what “poetic rhythm”, what “dandelion and wind” and so on, caused the two gods to laugh: the Lonely Cloud Pavilion was filled with happy air.

On the islands outside the VIP seats, journalists are trying to gather today’s material.

They interviewed a teenager who had just come out of the secret realm.

The Mond adventurer walked out of the light gate, his legs shaking, and he immediately straightened his back in the face of the camera.

“Hello sir, I am a reporter from the Fontaine Steam Bird newspaper, can I ask you a few questions?”

“Of course, I must know everything.” The adventurer gritted his teeth a little.


The reporter took out the pre-organized question book and randomly selected one to ask:

“I see you lined up here very early, how was the experience after entering the experience this time?”

“Experience?” The young man shivered, “The experience is very good, the people in the secret realm today are very polite.” ”

He accentuated himself on being nice and very polite.

“Oh? Can you elaborate? The reporter asked.

The young man thought for a moment and said thoughtfully:

“This one in the secret realm today… Well, this friend is a very straightforward person who never talks around the corner. ”

“The experience was very good.”

“At the same time, he will politely ask us to roll… Bah, leave. ”

“Knowing that we can’t get out, he will send us out with his own hands, the experience is very good…”

“Thank you for sharing, we will include your answers in the Challenger Feelings column.” The reporter asked while quickly writing something.

“Last question, are you happy in this secret realm?”

The young man was stunned, remembering his encounter in the secret realm, and immediately gritted his teeth.

It’s hard to get in once, how can it be so unlucky …

Didn’t those propagandists say that the secret realm was “very simple”?

When you go in, you will know that this is a simple hammer?!

That thousand calamities, the whole person is not normal…

“Happy?” The boy scolded in a low voice, “I’m happy chicken!” ”

“Oh, this gentleman says he’s happy like a bird.” The reporter nodded and said yes, casually taking this sentence as the headline.

Ying and Paimon looked at the adventurer from a distance, and only felt quite familiar.

Isn’t that Bennett.

He finally got his wish, entered the secret realm on the fourth day, and bumped into the hardest one…

Good luck as always.

On the other hand, the interview continues.

Although the reporters did not enter, they were curious about the boss of today’s secret realm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the carrier of public opinion, the newspaper strives to ensure that the information is “detailed”, and after planning and discussion, the Steam Bird News will introduce the bosses of today’s secret realm from now on.

And the eyes of the masses are snowy, and the source of information is naturally these challengers.

The collection of specific information also fell to reporters.

In order to complete the work, the reporter of the Steam Bird newspaper once again squatted at the door of the secret realm to a young girl.

She has long hair with a dark blue gradient and is braided in four Roman scrolls. The golden pupils are surrounded by thick dark circles, and the god (bcbe) color is quite tired…

Seeing the reporter approaching, her first reaction was to dodge, but this seemed to have no effect.

“Oh! I’ve seen you in the newspapers! The reporter seemed a little excited.

“Sleepwalker, Humanoid Self-Propelled Calculator, Skyfall Papers, Ms. Leila!”

“Eh! How come these nicknames have spread so widely…” Lyra covered her lips lightly, looking a little surprised.

“Ms. Lyla, how do you feel in the secret realm today?”

“So sleepy…”

“Sleepy?” The reporter was a little surprised, but when he saw the dark circles of the other party, he didn’t say anything.

“Uh… Hahaha, Ms. Lyila was the first to make such an assessment. Well, I remember that you were not a scholar, what made you make the decision to challenge the secret realm? ”

“Whew… I heard Ah Hat say that the starry sky in this secret realm is very wonderful…”

“I just thought, maybe it will help my paper, and then come over today…”

“Who knows… Today’s secret place is daylight… Whew…” Lyra’s tone was rather sleepy, as if in a dream.

“Well, a reasonable explanation.” The reporter nodded, “Then you must have met the enthusiastic and polite boss today.” ”

“Are these comments true, what kind of person do you think that boss is.”

“Well,” Lyra recalled the encounter in the secret realm, “he was indeed more enthusiastic… Very polite too…”

“Greeted me warmly and politely let me go… Seeing that I couldn’t get out, he personally sent me out…”

The information is correct, and many challengers say so. The reporter looked down and took notes, without the slightest doubt.

“All right, Ms. Leyla.” The reporter asked, “There are many people who are still on the road who want to ask what will be gained after experiencing the secret realm… Uh, do you have any insights on this question? ”

“Harvest… It doesn’t seem to be…”

“Let people become more malleable and obtain all-round cultivation potential!” The reporter noted the first takeaway, “Is there anything else to add?” ”

“Uh… Entering the secret realm requires a certain strength foundation, otherwise you may not see the boss…”

“Let people enhance their learning ability and gain huge room for improving their strength!”

“And… Don’t listen to what others say about the secret realm… Experience it for yourself in order to make your own judgment…”

“Let people be good at communication, bold and careful, and good as water!”

“… After coming out of the secret realm, you must stabilize your mental state, and life will continue…”

“Make people optimistic, cheerful and positive!”

With the reporter’s top understanding, the interview went smoothly, and today’s newspaper was once again full.

The thousand calamities in the newspaper seemed to have become a humble gentleman who was frank, straightforward, enthusiastic, and courteous.

There is also an Inazuma challenger who says that Senkai is a white-haired little loli.

This has been recognized by some Liyue people.

Liyue people have a lot of white hair control.

After all, the emperor of Liyue is probably also a white-haired control…

Liyue Port, three bowls but not port.

Ye Zhuo blew tea and sat leisurely at the tea table, looking at the crowded market.

With the publicity of the newspapers, the number of foreign tourists gradually increased.

Tapping his fingers on the tea table, Ye Zhuo pondered the design ideas for the next secret realm.

Since you are going to use the thirteen heroes of fire as the theme of the secret realm in the near future, why can’t you create a paradise of the past?

Attempts to give people buffs in the Uncharted Realm have been proven and are very feasible.

The trouble lies in the design engraving.

“Well, the Tivats have not yet experienced the pleasure of gambling snakes…”

“Meat pigeon play, there are many more things that can be developed than now…”

“I’ll go back and try to design it.”

Saying that, Ye Zhuo took a sip of tea from Zhongli’s appearance and leisurely enjoyed the street scene.

As for why he didn’t go home, it was not because he didn’t know which businessman heard his identity address.

This man is very brainy and spends a huge amount of Mora to ask Ye Zhuo to advertise in the secret realm.

Advertisement for Iwakami Tea Room.

Doesn’t Yelan care?

After that, many merchants flocked to all countries.

Is Ye Zhuo the one who lacks that bit of Mora? With a tacit understanding with the General Affairs Department, he has long had no shortage of this kind of thing.

He only felt that these people were more annoying, and there was no need to violently clear the scene and damage the image of Liyue International at key junctures.

There is no way, just change your face directly and come here to drink tea and listen to music.

Of course, the General Services Department is also in action to help clear the scene.

These are small problems, Ye Zhuo is drinking tea room, and he has already set tomorrow’s BOSS:

“Next Uncharted Theme – Miss Pink Leprechaun”

“After experiencing the beating of the irascible old brother, let’s also experience the cute girl’s heart…”

After all, the heart of a cute girl, but omnipotent, Ye Zhuo said in his heart….

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