Liyue Port, Qunyu Pavilion.

Ning Guang solemnly walked out of the attic, greeted the afternoon sun, and quietly looked in the direction of the clouds.

Behind Gan Yu, Keqing waited here early.

Estimating the time, there are still a few minutes before the date arranged by the immortal family~.

Looking at the clouds in the distance-, Keqing sighed softly:

“I’m busy these days, I didn’t expect so many things to happen.”

“What’s so special about that secret realm, the emperor and his old man will actually personally take action…”

“Yes, the emperor does not show mountains and leaks on weekdays, and the General Affairs Department does not know which his mortal identity is now.” Ning Guang froze slightly, “Including this time, I didn’t ask anyone to investigate his identity.” ”

“It’s not like you, it’s your words, shouldn’t everything be known and written down on your plank?”

As if remembering something, Keqing smiled.

“Also, you may be more anxious than me now, after all, Ye Zhuo’s affairs have long exceeded your expectations, so that you are no longer calm.”

Ning Guang did not answer the latter question, but only muttered:

“Showing it in public, this is not the intention of the emperor.”

Gan Yu listened to the chat between Tianquan and Yuheng, and there was a faint regret in his heart.

It is said that the emperor died fraudulently, and once asked a dream to the seven stars and immortals, with the intention of telling the truth of the matter.

As a result, he didn’t sleep overtime that day, and he was stunned that he didn’t receive the news.

I didn’t see the last of the emperor…

These days, Qunyu Pavilion is very busy.

In order to find out the truth of Ye Zhuo’s secret realm, on the first day, Ning Guang called Shen He and asked her to check the composition of the light gate on the spot.

After Shen He went to the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, he said that he did not know, and he had never seen a similar power in the past few years from the Peerless Cloud.

Ning Guang guessed that Ye Zhuo might have obtained something strange, so he simply went straight and sent Shen He to the peerless clouds to find clues and ask the immortal monarchs.

At that time, because the secret realm itself was not harmful, Ning Guang was not too anxious, just busy talking about various businesses.

Shen He came back in the early morning of the next day, bringing news from the immortals.

Liuyun borrowed the wind to say that the immortal method of creating a world alone does exist, and it can also be done in the form of designing a secret realm, and the dust song pot in the hands of the traveler is the evolution of such things.

The name of this method is: Interior Scene.

But how could a mortal who did not have the eye of God obtain such power, and let his apprentices not be able to understand the essence of it.

This immortal intends to come and see for himself.

Originally, he waited for news like this, until the next day, Ye Zhuo made a big move in Liyue Port.

According to Yelan’s description, the second seat [Doctor] of the Executive Officer of the Fools set his sights on Ye Zhuo on the afternoon of the first day and acted very cautiously.

Under the sophisticated design of [Doctor], Yelan’s intelligence network also knew specific information when the fools were about to start.

I thought it was too late, I thought that the fools would succeed.

Subsequently, Ye Zhuo lightly killed all the fools, and sent [Doctor] back to Winter with one blow.

Fortunately, on the second day, the flow of people was not as dense as it is now, and most of them were concentrated in the area of Lonely Cloud Pavilion, so the changes in Liyue Port were not noticed.

This is inseparable from Ye Zhuo’s retention hand and Yelan and the others’ confidential work.

After the death, there was no movement in the winter, but quickly recovered the many grips arranged in the Liyue area.

The fools were also frightened by Ye Zhuo, and for some reason, they did not dare to provoke.

And through accurate information, it was learned that [Doctor] did not die, but set off to [Fontaine] to cooperate with [Puppet] to plan some things…

After making this incident, the mentality of condensing everything was suddenly broken, and he realized that Ye Zhuo was a god-level variable.

On the staring chessboard, there was an extra chess piece that lifted the table. How dare she continue to use it and continue to watch Mora indifferently?

Liyue in the era of human rule could not get the help of the emperor, so Ning Guang did not hold a fluke mentality, pretended not to know about this matter, and secretly recalled Gan Yu, who was doing things in the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, and took the official documents of the seven stars to find the immortals and discuss the matter together.

Fast forward to the third day, and people also took action.

They either turned into mortals or watched from afar, mixing in the crowd to observe the composition of the light gate.

The conclusion: this is not fairy art at all.

This power Tivat can’t find a second copy!

Thinking of Ye Zhuo’s own god-level essence, the immortals reached a consensus:

Do not enter the secret territory until you know the facts, so as not to be contaminated by the contents without knowing it.

After all, this may be the power of the dark sea, and the meteorite planted by the emperor on the bottom of the sea is also contaminated by similar force erosion.

According to the Witch Society, the barrier of Tivat is getting weaker and weaker…

After a while, the immortals saw that they could not find anything, and no one dared to enter it, so they had to give up and return to the clouds.

They decided to ask the Demon Descent Great Sage, Protector Yasha, to deal with the matter.

He is an immortal who understands more comprehensively and coexists with pollution for many years.

It is an excellent person to handle this matter.

The fish was found, and it was already late when he learned about it.

He attached great importance to it, and immediately went to the Lone Cloud Pavilion to do some investigation.

Subsequently, the secret realm was closed.

He only brought back one message: the power that makes up the light gate is not evil, not only is it not the power of the evil god, but it can also purify the karma in his body.

At this time, Qunyuge and Juyun were slightly relieved.

Ning Guang proposed that the immortals come to the Jade Pavilion to discuss how Ye Zhuo’s problem should be handled.

This variable, if used well, is Liyue’s hole card, and if it is not used well, it is a bomb!

Considering that the immortals have been running back and forth on both sides recently, they may be more tired.

As a sign of respect, Ning Guang set the time as the night of the fourth day.

Then, something happened to Lone Cloud Pavilion.

Yelan’s informant said that several great gods came to the Lonely Cloud Pavilion.

In addition to the God of Thunder who greeted in advance, the missing Wind God and the late Rock King Emperor actually appeared in the secret territory!

What did Ye Zhuo do, he actually attracted the Yan Wang Ye who lived in seclusion in the mortal world.

It would have been a big deal, but it wasn’t enough. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

These three gods are said to have suffered losses in the secret realm, and it is “very simple” to say yes?

Can this be played?

Three of the seven gods came, and the remaining four could come at any time?

This can be precautionary!

Therefore, the time of the meeting with the immortals was adjusted to now.

Life, really not according to the plan at all…

On the other side, the General Affairs Department had already sent someone to clean up Ye Zhuo’s door.

Those merchants were all driven away on the grounds that Ye Zhuo needed to rest to design the next secret realm.

“Mr. Ye, you have worked hard.” A man in ordinary clothes smiled and said, “Businessmen are like this, they flock to them as soon as they smell business opportunities. ”

Ask for flowers

Ye Zhuo looked at this man and said with a “huh”:

“I remember, your name is Wen Yuan, right?”

Shanghua. WEN Yuan. Wu Pei, they are all Yelan’s personal subordinates.

When Tianshu Star retired half a year ago, these three people were active under Yelan’s signal, and as a traverser, Ye Zhuo knew each of them.

Although these three did not know Ye Zhuo before.

“Wen Yuan?”

The man was surprised for a moment, and immediately recovered Fang Cai’s mood.

“Mr. Ye Zhuo said and smiled, my name”

“Stop pretending, Wen Yuan.” Ye Zhuo patted him on the shoulder, “To be honest, your makeup skills are rotten, and Yelan’s subordinates shouldn’t have this kind of problem.” ”


The man fell silent, was accurately called out by name and boss, he had no luck.

It seems that this Ye Zhuo is not only terrifying in strength.

Equally strong in insight and intelligence-gathering capabilities.

Ye Zhuo ignored the confused Qianyan Army and whispered to Wen Yuan:

“Go back and tell Yelan.”

“Be generous, don’t use such boring means.”

“My affairs are only known to the senior management of the General Affairs Department, and I don’t believe that a hawker like Bo Lai can climb such a high level in the General Affairs Department and spread my position to everyone.”

“I know all those little movements behind your backs.”

After speaking, Ye Zhuo nodded politely to the Qianyan Army behind him and entered the room.

Wen Yuan looked at Ye Zhuo’s back, and his legs trembled slightly.

That person’s breath is cold!

Although his words are not aggressive, the oppression brought by this person is invisible, as if it comes from the essence of life.

“Is this it, gods…”

“Anyway, I have to let Boss Yelan know about this…” muttered Wen Yuan…

On the other side, Ye Zhuo’s room.

Ye Zhuo turned off Kevin’s projection and restored his original appearance.

He whistled leisurely and sorted out his belongings and luggage.

While storing the books on the table, he smiled to himself.

“If you want me to move, just say it, am I such a difficult person to get along with? So what am I afraid of doing. ”

“Worried that my presence will cause chaos, I want to invite me to the Jade Pavilion. Oh, Ning Guang’s logic is quite reasonable, but it is a little late. ”

“Yelan is the same, the news is 100% spread by her looking for someone, and the advertisements for the tea room on the rock are pasted on my face, isn’t this a showdown.”

“I want me to calm down and take the initiative to seek help from the General Services Department. She is not afraid that I will use violent means to directly physically clear the scene? ”

“Can’t see it, Yelan is also a person who likes to gamble, and yes, otherwise how would she take over the Iwakami Tea Room.”

Thinking of this, Ye Zhuo smiled slightly and put his update diary in a convenient position.

He was sure that it would not be long before the people of Qunyu Pavilion would come here and ask him to move.

After all, now, the top of the Jade Pavilion must be very lively.

About an hour later, Ye Zhuo packed everything up and sat quietly in his chair to write his diary.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Observing through the window, Ye Zhuo determined the identity of the person who came.

Exactly the people of the General Services Department.

Gan Yu personally came to the door….. Child..

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