Time went on, and nearly half a month or so passed.

That night, Raiden Shuo imposed cognitive barriers on himself, avoided people's eyes and quietly left the castle tower, and went to a place.

Tonight's action, Lei Dian Shuo was quite cautious, quite careful, and did not let anyone find out.

Alone, he came to a forest on Narugami Island.

This forest is not a forest of guards, but an unknown forest.

Raiden Shuo walked into this forest, slowly walking in the dark and silent trees.

Obviously, he was only walking slowly, but with each step, he could easily step forward for tens of meters.

This caused his figure to gallop quickly through the forest, but his steps were slow.

That is, there is no one in the forest, and if anyone sees this scene, they will definitely be frightened.

After walking for a while, Lei Dian Shuo came to the depths of the forest.

Deep in this forest, there is a shallow lake.

The water of the lake is clear and transparent, reflecting the cold moonlight, and bursting with white light.

Occasionally a little firefly, wrapped around the water, seems that this small lake is cold and natural.

No one would have thought that there would be such a scenery deep in the forest at night, right?

This small lake is like a diamond set in a dark forest, precious but difficult to detect.

Except for the animals in the forest who come here to drink water, the only people who have come here in these years are Raiden Shuo.

Lei Dian Shuo stood on the edge of the small lake, looking at the calm, mirror-like lake, his eyes were calm, and his face was indifferent as if he was nostalgic.

No one knows what he is thinking at this time.

At this time, he extended his index finger towards the lake.

Between the nails of the index finger, a drop of red blood was forced.

This bright red drop of divine blood flew towards the small lake and dripped into the center of the lake.

It was obviously just a drop of blood, which was inconspicuous to this water, but when it dripped in, it managed to ripple on the calm lake.

Ripples dotted and dotted, brewing waves, spreading around.

When the ripples spread across the entire small lake, the surface of the entire small lake emitted a white light that was brighter than the moonlight!

Lei Dian Shuo seemed to have expected this scene in front of him, he raised his foot and calmly walked into the small lake.

In fact, it cannot be said that it is walking into a small lake, to be precise, it is walking into a special space below the surface of the lake.

The surface of this small lake is the gateway to that special space.

And the blood of Raiden Shuo is the key to opening this door.

Apart from his blood, nothing else could open this space.

Brute force will only damage the space.

Raiden Shuo walked into the space below the surface of the lake.

Below is not water, but a channel.

It can be clearly seen that this passage is the kind of primitive bluestone road that has been carved out by hand.

He walked down the passage inside.

Without going far, I entered a stone chamber.

The area of the stone chamber is quite wide, and the stone chamber is surrounded by hard bluestone, and above the stone chamber, there is a calm lake.

Yes, there is no water above, but there is a lake, which shows that the space here is indeed hidden under the lake, but it is not in the lake.

The cold moonlight shone through the lake in the stone room, but it produced a good lighting effect, and it was barely possible to see the situation in the stone chamber clearly.

It's empty, nothing.

However, in the deepest part of the stone chamber, in the shadowy place where the moonlight does not shine, there seems to be something terrifying.

Raiden Shuo took a few steps forward and saw clearly what was hidden in the shadows.

It was a pitch-black figure locked by five chains around his hands and feet and neck.

Indeed, it is necessary to describe this figure in pitch black.

The pitch-black power wanders on this figure, as long as there is normal cognition, you can see how ominous and evil this surging pitch-black power is.

The footsteps that Lei Dian Shuo had just come in seemed to wake up this locked man.

In an instant, the locked person's eyes opened, and bloodthirsty red light burst out from her eyes!

With a terrifying roar, this pitch-black figure rolled up a gust of bloody wind and slammed towards Raiden Shuo!

Lei Dian Shuo stood in place, his eyes calm, still calm.

Just when this pitch-black figure rushed over, less than a meter away from Raiden Shuo, the chains tied to her body slammed straight!

It's less than a meter!

No matter how this figure opened her teeth and danced her claws, how she grinned, how terrifying she looked, and how she struggled, she was bound by those five chains and could not move forward.

The figure let out a terrifying howl like a ghost cry, and even if it was pulled, it still struggled forward.

The five chains that grabbed her were tight, constantly making a clicking friction sound, which showed how strong her struggle was.

Unfortunately, these five chains were too strong, and she couldn't break them and couldn't take another step forward.

Looking at the person who roared madly at him, Lei Dian Shuo sighed bitterly and helplessly.

The person in front of her, under her hideous and terrifying face, was originally a delicate and matchless face.

Under the pitch-black power surging on her body is also a heart-warming carcass delicate body.

Unfortunately, this dark and ominous force ruined this beauty.

Lei Dian Shuo couldn't help but sigh:

"It's like this again.

Each time, he constantly struggled desperately, tearing his clothes into piles of rotten strips of cloth.

Every time I come here, I see what I should not see.

I have to tell you okay, I don't have to see it, it's really a last resort, Chiyo. "

Raiden Shuo called the locked girl in front of him Chiyo!

Looking closely, the girl had two red horns on her forehead.

She's a ghost!

A girl from the Oni Clan, named Chiyo, has a crazy mind, a confused mind, and an ominous pitch-black power surges in her body.

So many characteristics, all pointing to one person.

Miyu Chiyo!

Yes, this person is one of the former Inazuma elders, Raiden Ma's friend of Rayden and Ray Movie, Tora Chiyo!

According to the original fate, in the pitch-black disaster that invaded Inazuma 500 years ago, Tora Chiyo was also contaminated by the pitch-black calamity, resulting in a great change of temperament and madness and hideousness.

At that time, she lost her mind and actually pulled out a knife and rebelled against Lei Movie!

As a last resort, Lei Movie endured his grief, pulled out a knife to his friend, and cut off a corner and arm of Chiyo!

After that, Chiyo, who was injured and mad, retreated into the forest and has never been seen since.

Later, some original scholars said that Chiyo's final fate was to be killed by his son Michiki in the forest.

Whether it is this ending or not, Lei Dian Shuo is not clear.

But that was the original fate, and now the situation is that Raiden Shuo has somewhat changed that bad ending.

The pitch-black catastrophe that invaded Inazuma five hundred years ago, Raiden Shuo was powerless to change and did not change.

Because at that time, he was regaining the power that came from his previous life to other worlds, and he had been sleeping intermittently.

Sometimes, a deep sleep leads to years and decades.

Sometimes, I finally wake up, but I can only wake up for two or three months.

When two or three months passed after he was awake, the power of the other worlds of reincarnation in his previous life returned to his body again, and in order to contain these forces and not be supported by these forces, he had to fall into a deep sleep again.

This slumber is another sleep for years and decades.

When I woke up again, I could only be awake for a few months.

The cycle went on and on for hundreds of years.

To put it bluntly, although Lei Dian Shuo has lived for more than 2,700 years, a considerable part of the 2,700 years has been in this cycle.

And five hundred years ago, when the dark calamity invaded Inazuma, it happened to be the time when he slept to collect his power.

This is why Lei Dian Shuo has lived for more than 2,700 years, and there is a powerful body in the air, but those things have not changed!

But nothing has changed.

At least after the disaster, in the short time that Lei Dian Shuo was awake, he laid a lot of backhand.

These backhands are enough to save everything.

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