The Chiyo in front of him is one of the back hands that Raiden Shuo used to redeem.

Back then, Lei Dian Shuo ushered in a few months of sober time.

However, when he opened his eyes, he was painfully aware that the dark calamity had passed.

Taking advantage of the sober months, Lei Dian Shuo moved around, helping to clean up the mess while also laying a back hand.

The dead Makoto and Fox Palace, Raiden Shuo made sufficient preparations in turn.

When it was Chiyo's turn, it was a bit of a hassle.

Because Chiyo did not die, but fled.

For Raiden Shuo, sometimes escaping is more troublesome, more troublesome than death.

Like the two of them, Fox Palace, one has filthy memories in the veins, and the other has residual consciousness in the consciousness space in the shadow mountain.

These two thunderbolts can be found as soon as they look for it, and they are well prepared and laid down.

But where to look for Chiyo?

It is said that he escaped into the forest and disappeared.

This one is missing, who knows where to run?

It's okay to find it slowly if you have time, but the point is that Raiden Shuo can only be awake for a few months!

There is no way, Raiden Shuo can only seize the time and desperately enter the mountains and forests to find Chiyo's figure.

Fortunately, the effort pays off.

Just a few days before Raiden had to sleep, he found the dying Chiyo deep in this dark and silent forest.

Although Chiyo is crazy and powerful, her own strength is also very strong, but before she escaped, she was cut off by Kage's corner and arm.

Mad, she will not bandage and treat herself, she can only carry dark filth, hiding in the depths of the forest and moving slowly.

In this way, the injury dragged on more and more, and Chiyo's own strength was also dragged down by this injury.

So much so that when Raiden Shuo found her, Chiyo's strength was no longer one in ten, and he easily controlled her.

But control is controlled, Chiyo was eroded too deeply by the dark power at that time, and it was too seriously polluted.

Lei Dian Shuo did his best to remove this pitch-black power.

There is no salvation at all, and there is no purification at all.

Coupled with the urgency of Raiden, he had a few days to sleep.

Time is of the essence, a choice must be made, Chiyo must be placed before falling asleep.

At that time, Raiden Shuo did not think about controlling the mad Chiyo and bringing it back to the castle keep.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

On the one hand, this kind of Chiyo is really not suitable for exposure.

If exposed to everyone's gaze, it will really damage the prestige of Tora Chiyo.

On the other hand, at that time, Lei Movie was immersed in the pain of losing a friend, and a person staying in the castle tower to make dolls, whether it was Miko or Lei Dian Shuo, could not be persuaded.

If Raiden Shuo brought the crazy Chiyo back like this, the painful shadow might directly kill Chiyo with a knife, and it was also called the end of Chiyo's pain and sin.

No doubt that this kind of thing is really possible for Ray Movie to do!

Raiden Shuo also thought about taking Chiyo to the Shadow Mountain and giving it to Miko to take care of.

However, at that time, the Son of God was less than two hundred years old, and he was not at all a big fox demon with great means and scheming now.

It would be nice if Komiko could help maintain Inazuma, and then leave Chiyo this trouble to her... Raiden Shuo was really embarrassed.

There was really no way to think about it, at that time, Raiden Shuo could only choose to hide Chiyo, who had been polluted to the extreme.

Chosen and chosen, the day before he had to sleep, Raiden Shuo chose this small lake deep in the forest.

At that time, he had already achieved the Dao of Space, so he opened up a special space on this lake and brought Chiyo in.

And through his healing ability that is enough to live and die human flesh and bones, he restored Chiyo's corner and arm.

In the end, Raiden Shuo used a special solid chain to lock Chiyo in this space.

Personally detain friends and lock them in a space so that they cannot see the light of day.

This incident also made Lei Dian Shuo quite painful.

But at that time, he had no other way, and after thinking about it again, he could only choose this expedient measure.

Later, it was the five hundred years since the dark calamity came to now.

In the past five hundred years, as Raiden Shuo has further controlled his solar power, and as Raiden Shuo is hiding, he has gradually absorbed many of the powers passed down from his previous life.

His strength further increased, and the time of each deep sleep became shorter and shorter, and the interval between each awakening became longer and longer.

Taking advantage of his waking time, Raiden Shuo often came to this space to visit Chiyo.

From time to time, he tries to use the power of his sun to purify the dark calamity in Chiyo's body.

However, it is a pity that although the power of the sun is strong, it is not quite right.

This kind of supreme righteousness, extreme power, is suitable for clearing destruction, but it is not very suitable for purification.

Although Raiden Shuo can control the meticulous and slow down the power of the sun, the most it can do is to purify the dark calamity on Chiyo's body.

As for the pollution within her spirit and the calamity in the depths of her soul, Lei Dian Shuo really did not have a grasp of purification.

In the past five hundred years, every time Raiden Shuo came to visit, he purified the dark calamity on Chiyo's body, and suppressed the pollution in the depths of Chiyo's soul with all his strength, but he could not eradicate it.

It didn't take long for the pollution in the depths of Chiyo's soul to return, from the spiritual level to the physical level, and once again returned to that dark and bad state.

Back and forth, one and the other, as if tug-of-war with each other.

You can suppress me, but you can't help me.

And just like that, nearly five hundred years passed.

Raiden Shuo completely absorbed the power of other worlds that he had inherited from his previous life, and he no longer had to sleep for a long time.

However, when it comes to Chiyo, it is still a little difficult to start.

The entire Inazuma, and even the entire Tivat, except for Miko's awareness and speculation about Raiden Shuo's actions, the others did not know that Chiyo was still alive, let alone that Chiyo was locked up here by Raiden Shuo.

Until today, Lei Dian Shuo came again, and finally had some detailed plans and relatively complete plans.

Looking at Chiyo, who was still struggling violently by five chains in front of him, Raiden Shuo sighed and shook his head.

Then he was quick and slammed a palm forward!

This palm is directly pressed on Chiyo's brain!

At the same time, the power belonging to the sun was poured into Chiyo's body by lightning.

The golden light flowed down Raiden Shuo's arm, like a rushing river flowing into Chiyo's body.

The power of the golden sun purified the pitch-black calamity on Chiyo's body like a broken bamboo.

Raiden's current power control is not what it used to be.

This pitch-black calamity, although like an appendage to the bone, is very difficult.

But its mass and intensity were far from comparable to the solar power of Raiden Shuo, and it was quickly purified by him.

Of course, what is purified is only the pitch-black calamity on Chiyo's body.

As the purification of the body is completed, Chiyo's white ketone body also appears in the moonlight.

It's a pity that Chiyo's expression is still so crazy and hideous, because her spirit is still polluted.

Raiden Shuo's face did not change color, this hand still covered Chiyo's head, and the bright and upright golden power was injected into it again.

Only this time it is not to purify the body, but also to purify the soul and spirit.

The pitch-black calamity pollution in the spirit was like a black fog everywhere, filling Chiyo's spiritual realm and soul space.

The power of thunder and lightning is like a big sun, and it is like endless light, purifying and dispelling black fog.

However, in the deepest part of the spirit, the place where the black fog was the thickest, the golden energy of Thunder and Lightning Shuo still did not dare to make a rash move.

His golden solar energy just swept away Chiyo's spiritual realm, suppressed the pitch-black pollution to the extreme, and slowly converged back.

Raiden Shuo withdrew his divine power and energy, exhaled, and looked at Chiyo in front of him.

Chiyo is no longer struggling as frantic as before.

But her face remained dull and unfocused.

Raiden Shuo couldn't bear to continue looking (embarrassed) and pulled out a set of delicate clothes from his sleeve and draped it over Chiyo.

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