This urgently published crime book was robbed by the Inazuma people in just one morning, and there was not a single one left.

After the rush, it was extremely in short supply.

Many literate and illiterate people asked the shogunate to print it.

It is good that literate people ask for printing, but why do illiterate people have to?

The reason is simple, whether you can read or not, first take a copy home and collect it.

Pass this book on to future generations, and warn your descendants that you must be ashamed of this two thieves! Be warned!

There is no way to do so, so they can only continue to print and distribute in conjunction with Yaedang.

After a busy day, the printed ones were barely enough.

Afterwards, the personnel of Yaedo briefly estimated it.

They were speechless to discover that the circulation of this sin roster today was much higher than the first-day circulation of any previous light novel in Yaedo!

That is, this list of crimes was paid by the shogunate and given to the people of Inazuma for free.

If not a gift, but a sale... It is estimated that Yaedang will make a lot of money today.

Yae Miko, the editor-in-chief of Yaedo, learned of this and was entangled.

Why is this thing so unblocked? More appealing than her Yaedo's light novel?

Now the people in Inazuma Castle basically have a copy in their hands, right?

Do you hate the two thieves of evil deeds and caution so much?

It was the next day.

This was followed by the third day.

On the third day, Tianling followed the order of Thunder and Lightning, and erected a huge stone monument on the side of the main gate of Tianling's Fufu.

It is engraved with small characters and the life and crimes of Shinsuke, and the stone tablet highlights the past of the two thieves and warns the entire shogunate.

A large number of Inazuma people gathered in front of this stone tablet.

They were indignant, pointing to the stone tablet and angrily scolding the two thieves, and the one who scolded was called a hearty one! The one who scolds is called a back! The one that scolds is called a pain!

As long as the people who come here, who doesn't spit on this second thief?

And some people with literary or eloquent talent, once they scold more brilliantly, or scold to the point where everyone's heart is itching, they will be cheered and cheered by the onlookers!

Because there were so many onlookers and angrily cursing, these crowds once blocked the door of the Heavenly Lord's Mansion.

The people who follow the Heavenly Leader are really helpless, and can only send people to maintain order.

Even in the later period, the stele lined up in turn as if it were a tourist attraction.

Everyone who queued up here only had more than ten seconds to scold and vent, and when the time came, they had to replace the next person.

Even so, the queue is endless, and the queue is endless.

When some officials commuted in and out of the Tianling Fengying Mansion, they saw this scene of queuing, their eyebrows jumped, and their hearts trembled.

This kind of treatment is really unheard of, unseen.

If one day, your name or deeds are engraved on that stone tablet....

Hiss...... Can't even think about it!

If that's the case, you will directly commit suicide!

Once you die, you don't have to stand up so hard and be tortured!

These officials were greatly shocked and shocked in their hearts, and their actions in the future have converged a lot.

In short, after three days in a row, the name of evil deeds and Shinsuke has already stinked!

Wipe your butt is dirty, and the insoles are smelly!

The smell of ten thousand years is certain, maybe Qin Juniper's treatment is slightly better than the two of them!

Through these three days of operation, the prestige of Lei Dian Shuo has greatly increased, and the people's emotions have almost vented.

The contradiction between the ordinary people of Inazuma and the shogunate was also eased by this storm.

Originally, the attitude of the people towards the shogunate was more fear than convinced.

Now Sanfu has announced all this, and in a different way, the people have vented their anger, and the people have seen the honesty of the shogunate and the determination of the shogunate.

Fear is still the same fear, but it is indeed a little more convincing than ever.

This is a good start, and as long as the shogunate continues to improve in this way, sooner or later it will convince and respect the people of Inazuma.

The turmoil in the first three days was like this, in short, it was mainly based on the venting of the people.

In the following days, the turmoil caused by this is not the case.

In the next few days, it was mainly focused on the internal changes of the Heavenly Leader and the Survey Pursuit.

From the fourth day until the end, Tenling carried out and surveyed the practice, and under the leadership of Kujo Kamaji and Hiiragi Chiri, he carried out a self-examination and self-correction action.

During this operation, the two parties arrested a large number of corrupt officials, who more or less bullied and exploited the people.

The two pursue the punishment of these corrupt officials on the spot in front of the victims and judge them according to law.

After processing, they were returned in turn to make up for the losses of those victims and earnestly apologized to these victims.

This wave of operation works well.

Originally, the people of Inazuma thought that the evil deeds and Shinsuke were so rampant and ugly.

It is estimated that there are no good things in the Heavenly Leader Pursuit and Survey Pursuit that the two of them once held.

As the old saying goes, the world is as black as a crow.

Both of the masters of the house share this virtue, and these two practices are certainly not very good.

It was precisely because they guessed the distrust of the people of Inazuma towards the practice of Tenling and the practice of surveying that the two practices carried out such self-examination and self-correction.

It was also this strict self-examination and self-correction that allowed the people to see the transformation of these two practices, and the two practices successfully saved a certain degree of people's hearts.

A storm that shocked the entire Inazuma lasted for more than a week before it slowly subsided.

The time also came more than a week later.

Raiden Shuo was standing on the balcony of the study on the second floor of the castle tower, looking into the distance.

What to look at?

I didn't look at anything else, but what I looked at was the stone tablet on the side of the main entrance of the Heavenly Leader Fengxing Mansion.

More than a week has passed, and the crowds of onlookers are still endless.

Seeing that people often pointed at the stone stele and spit fragrant fragrance in their mouths, Lei Dianshuo couldn't help but wonder:

"On a whim, I let people carve this stone stele that has been smelling for ten thousand years.

The effect is quite good, and the people are quite satisfied with the role of this stone monument.

But how do I feel that this stone monument is about to become an attraction? "

Think about it, in the future, when Inazuma opens up to the outside world, tourists from other countries will definitely come to visit Inazuma.

When tourists come to Inazuma Castle and ask about any sights or places of interest, people point them to the site, saying that this stone tablet is the most important attraction.


Thinking about it like this, Lei Dian Shuo felt a little embarrassed.

He didn't know if future tourists would be embarrassed to see this stone monument, anyway, he was quite embarrassed.

Isn't this equivalent to family ugliness?

However, the stone monuments have already been erected there, and they have been deeply erected in the hearts of the people, and it is difficult to withdraw them.

Forget it, the ugliness of the family is public, sometimes the skin is too thin is not a good thing, too concerned about the face is easy to cause trouble.

Only by tearing the face and not being afraid of losing people can the problem be completely solved.

Just thinking about it, there was a knock on the door of the study.

Lei Dian Shuo said please come in, and then turned his head to look.

Zhuzi half-pushed open the door and reported to Lei Dian

Shuo in a gentle voice: "Lord Shuo, Young Master Kujo Kamaji of the Celestial Leader, and Miss Chisato of the Famous Generation, these two ask for a meeting."

Lei Dian Shuo nodded:

"Call them up, just take them directly to the study."


Lei Dian Shuo walked back behind the book and sat down casually.

After a while, Zhuzi brought the two men up from outside the castle tower and into the study.

After Kujo Kamaji and Hiiragi Chisato saluted Raiden, they were given a seat by Raiden.

The two young men were cautious in their words and deeds, and after taking their seats, they sat upright on both sides, and there was no problem in their demeanor.

This time, the two of them came to Lei Dian Shuo, mainly to report to Lei Dian Shuo about their recent work.

Lei Dian Shuo didn't bother to engage in that superficial set, and directly asked the two of them:

"How is the Heavenly Lord's pursuit and the survey pursuit recovering now?"

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