In the face of Raiden Shuo's inquiry, Kujo Kamaji took the lead and respectfully replied:

"Lord Gosho, the overall stability of the Tenling Pursuit has been restored, and all aspects are back on track.

During this period, Tianling pursued strict internal self-examination and self-correction, and also obtained many reports from the public.

Through self-inspection and reporting, we found many evil officials within the Tianling Pursuit, and found the victims of these corrupt officials and evil officials.

Pursuing the internal judgment of these corrupt officials and evil officials according to law, we also returned the losses of those victims in turn to make up for it.

In addition to internal self-examination and self-correction, Tianling has not slackened in pursuing daily government affairs, and we are as serious and responsible as ever for the security management of Inazuma Castle. Listening

to Kujo Kamaji's answer, Raiden Shuo nodded slowly.

It can be seen that Kujo Kamaji was diligent and diligent during this time, like walking on thin ice.

Raiden Shuo asked a few more questions about details at random, and Kujo Kaji answered immediately, without hesitation.

This made Lei Dian Shuo more and more satisfied in his heart.

After asking Kujo Kamaji, Raiden Shuo looked at Hiiragi Chiri again.

Compared to the rather confident Kujo Kamaji, Hiiragi Chiri looked a little embarrassed and even a little haggard.

The girl was ashamed to plead guilt at Raiden:

"Lord Gosho forgives."

Due to the lack of sufficient manpower, order has not been completely restored yet, but we are working hard to restore it!

Lei Dian Shuo was not angry or directly understood, but asked very calmly:

"Why is there a shortage of manpower?"

When asked this question, Hiiragi Chisato was even more ashamed:

"Kan Ding pursues the responsibility of taxation and finance.

These two aspects have always been the easiest places to embezzle and the easiest to manipulate.

After I first took office, I immediately returned to the Zhengxing Mansion and conducted a self-examination.

The results found that the internal fiscal and taxation of the survey and pursuit was extremely chaotic, and there were many false accounts and wrong accounts, among which there were countless corruption and omissions.

I also want to carry out self-examination and self-correction, but many officials within the survey and pursuit are problematic.

Let them check and correct themselves, of course, they will not be able to contribute, and this bad debt will only become more clueless!

There was really no way, I had to turn to Kamaji.

When he said this, Hiiragi Chiri looked at Kujo Kamaji, and Kujo Kamaji also nodded slightly.

"Fortunately, there are also people who are good at finance and calculation.

With Kamaji's help, and with the internal self-examination of Kamagata, it took us a long time to finally sort out the accounts and find out many corrupt people.

Those corrupt and corrupt officials were all dealt with according to law.

It's just that after disposing of them, the rest of the manpower will be surveyed ... There is basically not much left! Speaking

of this, Hiiragi Chiri was full of shame, and she couldn't help but complain about her father, who had been imprisoned.

The hall investigation and practice turned out to be like this, full of moths inside and out! Gnawing at the foundations of the country's finances!

It's no wonder that my father fell to this end, and he really blamed himself and couldn't blame others.

Looking at Hiiragi Qianli's aggrieved and ashamed look, Lei Dian Shuo's attitude slowed down slightly:

"Forget it, it's also difficult for you."

Since there are not many people left, it is impossible to talk about resuming the practice of surveying.

In addition to restoring order, the survey also has to manage the entire outlying island, and there is really no way to do it if there are not enough people.

These words resonated deeply with Hiiragi Chiri, and her eyes lit up, almost shouting long live understanding.

"Lord Gosho is wise! That's the case!

However, although there is a shortage of manpower, we have tried our best to do it, and we are restoring the order of investigation and pursuit step by step.

We are also working to restore business on the islands, readjust the tax rate, refund the taxes that the merchants have embezzled, rectify the superintendent of distant countries, and obtain forgiveness from the merchants. "

Although Hiiragi Chiri's ability is not as good as Kujo Kamaji, he can also talk eloquently in the face of Raiden Shuo and clearly describe his plan.

Lei Dian Shuo also asked a few detailed questions.

Hiiragi Chisato answered everything he knew, and what he didn't know didn't hide the lie, but apologized very sincerely and pleaded guilty.

Although the ability is somewhat insufficient, this attitude is still very worthy of recognition, and Lei Dian Shuo is also quite satisfied with her.

Looking at these two young people, Lei Dian Shuo seemed to see the shogunate that was being reborn.

Sure enough, after eliminating some old corruption, the shogunate was revitalized.

Satisfied Lei Dian Shuo, directly praised the two:

"There are still problems, but in general, you two did a good job."

In particular, you have carried out self-examination and self-correction within the practice of the Heavenly Territory and the investigation and pursuit.

I didn't give such an order, but you two can feel it, put it into practice, and act decisively.

I am very happy with your performance. Receiving

the clear appreciation and affirmation of Lord Gosho, Kujo Kamaji and Hiiragi Chisato looked at each other, and their eyes were full of happiness.

It seems that this move is the right move! The positions of their two famous representatives are also basically stable!

After hesitating for a long time, Kujo Kamaji still felt that he should treat the king with sincerity, and he bowed to Raiden Shuo and confessed:

"Your subordinate is really worthy of the praise of Lord Gosho.

In fact, at the beginning, Chisato and I also hesitated.

The two of us have just experienced such a big twist and turn, do we still have to check and correct ourselves?

Will this self-examination and self-correction lead to more internal chaos?

When we were hesitating, it was Kamisato-sama who gave us a hint.

He strongly advised us to conduct self-examination and self-correction, and take the opportunity to clear up some internal problems.

We accepted Kamisato-sama's advice, and we gritted our teeth and did it.

For this inside story, Lei Dian Shuo was not surprised at all, he sat behind the book and smiled, appearing very happy:

"It turns out that Kamisato Ayato reminded you?"

Well...... It's not surprising, young, but old and cunning.

Worthy of him! Hahaha..." Kujo

Kamaji and Hiiragi Chiri looked at each other apprehensively, the two of them couldn't have sold Kamisato-sama, right?

Will Kamisato-sama be angry when he knows that we confessed to Gosho-sama?

Gosho-sama, is this praising Kamisato-sama? It should be a compliment, right?

The two young men closed their mouths very tacitly, not daring to say too much.

After listening to the work reports of the two people, Lei Dianshuo was in a good mood:

"Very good, please continue to work hard for the two of you."

It's not enough to stabilize the two practices, and there are more and more troublesome jobs waiting for you in the future.

Is there anything else besides these?

Kujo Kamaji and Hiiragi Chiri looked at each other and said in unison, "


Is there really any?

Lei Dian Shuo was a little surprised, and directly gestured to the two of them:

"Say, what's the matter."

"Here's the thing."

Kujo Kamaji looked worried, and began to narrate:

"Gosho-sama, since you officially ascended the throne as the god of thunder, the thunderstorm that originally surrounded the entire Inazuma because of the lockdown order naturally dissipated.

We guess that the thunderstorm dispersed after the abdication of Lord General.

But I don't know why, these days, thunderstorms have reappeared!

The new thunderstorm not only re-locks the entire Inazuma, but also is more terrifying and irregular than the previous thunderstorm!

Not to mention that Inazuma's trade routes with the outside world have been blocked, and now, even the fishermen off the coast of Inazuma have been greatly affected!

Hiiragi nodded and added with a worried look:

"That's right, a large number of fishermen from the outlying islands have recently reported this to the survey.

Every time these fishermen go out to fish recently, they are affected by thunderstorms, and each time they return empty-handed, and they have not caught enough fish for many days.

"Not only the outlying islands, but the other islands are basically like that."

This thunderstorm was more intense than before, causing some people to panic.

We, the Heavenly Lord, could not do anything about this, and could only calm the people, saying that the reason for the formation of the thunderstorm was that the general was in poor health.

In case the people speculate further, we can only say that Lord General is recuperating and will heal in a few days, when the thunderstorm will dissipate. "

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