Lookout Wind Mountain.

The guerrilla squad that had just destroyed an Abyssal Sect stronghold was on its way to escort the scout knights back to the right path.

The guerrilla team has been patrolling outside for a long time, and this morning they only returned to the city once, and happened to meet Amber, who was working on the same road, and decided to go together because of the good relationship between captain Jura Lawrence and Amber, the scout knight.

“That Sword Saint, is it really as good as you say?”

“Really, moreover, he is so powerful that he can directly cut through Starfall Lake with one blow!”


Yura smiled rarely, and looked at Amber dotingly.

“I think Amber, you won’t be in love, will you?”

“It’s not a boo…”

Amber suddenly blushed and waved his hand to deny it.

“Since it’s not, how come your topic today doesn’t leave that sword saint, what is gentle and handsome, and now you say that even he is more powerful than the Grand Commander?”

In Yura’s opinion, Amber somewhat elbowed out…

A new knight, even if it is powerful, how powerful can it be?

And in Amber’s mouth, this person is simply perfect not like a person in appearance and inside, and has a strong sense of justice, how is it possible?

“I look at you, really still in love, although I have no experience, but I still understand a little that in the eyes of the person I like, the other party is perfect.”

“I, what I said is true, and there is no girl who will not have a good impression of such a boy, Yura you will also like it when you see it, you have to believe in the lethality of the sword saint, he helped me this morning, if it is you present, it will definitely be moved.”

Amber didn’t pretend, she was indeed moved.

But Amber didn’t think he had a chance, after all, there were countless little girls near the Knights who secretly came to the Knights to see the Sword Saint, and as a scout knight, she still couldn’t hide this.

However, deep down, Yura couldn’t help but feel a little hostility towards this sword saint who had not yet met…

She had the illusion that Amber was going to be robbed.

The two beautiful girls have different styles, one has a sexy posture and reveals a strong style, and the other is youthful and beautiful, lively and cheerful, so that no matter how much haze in the heart will be swept away after seeing it.

Yura and Amber walked ahead, and the knights of the guerrilla squad followed, silently enjoying the beautiful scenery.

“Ah, the years are quiet…”

“It’s awesome to be alive!”

“I’m a guerrilla knight, I’m so lucky…”

Yura’s subordinates actually hated the Lawrence family at first, but when they became the subordinates of the Wave Knights, they completely defected to the enemy.

They don’t even understand why their captain is so good, but no one agrees with her?

In particular, the incident of Youra’s cooperation with the traveler’s righteous annihilation some time ago changed the views of the knights.

Although she usually behaves very arrogantly, she talks about revenge and threatens to take revenge, but in fact, how can she really take revenge in her bones if she is kind and righteous?

The most important thing is that she is still beautiful.

Abominable Monds, Captain Eura is so beautiful and so good, are you all blind?

Wait, I’m also a Mond man….

In short, one thing that is actually difficult to calm down in the hearts of Yura’s subordinates is that their captain is not recognized by most people.

It is clear that every time he will win a big victory and return triumphantly, but the treatment he received was very different from that of the cavalry team, and he suffered a cold eye.

“I’m sorry, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have to be treated like this, and the next time you enter the city first, I’ll just act alone.”

Every time Captain Eura spoke like this, everyone was very distressed.

“No, we’re going to be with Captain Youra!”

“Always follow the Splash Knight…”

“Captain Yura is picturesque!”

After sending Amber all the way to a safe road, Eura was at ease.

“Goodbye Youra, after today, your work will become less, you can finally take a vacation, let’s go shopping together!”

“Shopping or something, I’m not interested…”

“Hee-hee, don’t say that, I know you fancy a dress, it’s hard to buy it by yourself, I’ll accompany you!”

Amber was a little grinning, directly told this kind of thing, and then stood on a high place and jumped up, supporting the wings of the wind and flying into the distance.

Leaving Eura dumbfounded….


“Captain Yura is going to change into new clothes?”

“Okay!!! yay”

“Shut up for me, you guys, do you want to be revenge by me now?”

The two-handed greatsword that Yura pulled out plunged into the ground, and the subordinates instantly shut up.

However, everyone’s faces were still smiling, Yura had really worked too hard recently, and everyone wanted her to go out with Amber to relax.

At this moment, the space behind Yura suddenly flashed a dangerous red light.

This was followed by the sharp and ugly voice of the Abyss Mage.

“Hahaha, abominable guerrilla knight, didn’t expect it?”

The Abyss Mage who suddenly appeared behind Yura instantly used the power of the fire element to attack her.

No one expected or reacted to this sudden situation.

Yura subconsciously condensed the ice elemental force and swung a sword to the rear, but just after several fierce battles, her divine eye had dimmed a lot.

Just as soon as it was about to happen, a refreshing and clean drink sounded in the air.

“That’s the end of it, Abyss Sect!”

Everyone’s eyes widened and they saw a white figure descending from an incredible height.

After falling in front of Youra, Yang Cheng grabbed Youra, who lost his balance and almost fell, for the first time, and his other hand subconsciously stretched forward.

Before the flame attack touched Yang Cheng, it was like touching an invisible wall and was instantly extinguished…

Yang Cheng then remembered that the attack of the Abyss Mage was a long-range attack, and it could not be effective against Yang Cheng at all, even if it was not crooked, it would be invalidated by unknown reasons, and it was unnecessary for this hand to be extended.

Youra’s beautiful eyes instantly glared at the boss, since birth, he had never had such contact with any man.

Still holding her willow waist?

“You, you let me go…”

Hearing the sound of cheering, Yang Cheng subconsciously let go.

However, the letting go was too sudden, and Yura was not ready to fall backwards again.

No way, Yang Cheng quickly brought her back again.

“Sorry, I can’t watch the lady fall in front of my eyes and do nothing…”

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