A little Yura had to admit that the man who suddenly appeared in front of him was a little handsome….

Dumbfounded for a while, Yura immediately noticed that something was wrong with her, and hurriedly twisted her body, wanting to break free.

“Be careful…”

Just as Yang Cheng spoke, a roaring flame gushed out.

Youra subconsciously closed her eyes and shrunk into Yang Cheng’s arms.

However, in the next second, there was no imaginary hot hell…

When he opened his eyes, the flames that spewed out naturally separated in front of Yang Cheng, as if they were blocked, but they couldn’t touch him.

Seeing Youra’s shock, Yang Cheng smiled awkwardly.

“I have some strange protection, all ranged attacks can’t hit me, get closer to me to be safe.”

The implication is that I don’t want to take advantage of you, but for the safety of your life, it can only be so.

Youra’s face turned red, and she whispered: “Got it, thank you…”

But deep down, Eura still couldn’t believe it, how could all long-range attacks not hit?

But at the moment, it seems that at least the attack of the Abyss Mage was stopped by him.

“Who is that?”

“So strong, the attack of the Abyss Mage has no effect on him at all.”

“That knight’s sword engraved with dragon claw marks…”

“I remembered that when I returned to the city to supply a few days ago, I saw it, because I was too handsome, I looked at it twice, it was the sword saint, he was the sword saint, Yang Cheng!”

“Wait, bro, do you like to watch handsome guys?”

The companions around the knight who recognized Yang Cheng as the Sword Saint suddenly parted to the sides, trying to avoid this strange fellow.

“No, I said his clothes are too handsome, you didn’t find any pure white…”


When Youra heard the discussion of her subordinates, she was stunned, and she looked up with wide eyes and was Yang Cheng’s extraordinary side face.

This is the sword saint Amber said?

Too close….

“No, no, this is, Amber’s sweetheart, I can’t be moved.”

The Abyss Mage in front of him understood some languages, so what Yang Cheng said just now was heard by him.

Whether others believe it or not, it is believed anyway.

Can’t hit from a distance attack?

This is also too unreasonable?

Discovering that its flames could not cause damage, it instantly had the idea of retreating.

At this moment, a small red figure in the distance ran over happily.

“Big brother, big brother!”

The sweet and cute voice also attracted the attention of the Abyss Mage.

It laughed darkly, directly gave up the attack, and a flash appeared next to Keli.

This distance is at least twenty meters away.

“Wow, it’s red, bad guy with a hood!!!”

Kelly was so frightened on the spot that she trembled and squatted in place and did not dare to move.

She is most afraid of this kind of bad guy, although the bigger the hood, the worse the Toot Demon King, but even if the red hood is small, Kelly can’t beat it…

“Big brother save me woo-woo!”

The Fire Abyss Mage extended his magic grip to poor Kelly.

Youra in Yang Cheng’s arms wanted to rush out to save people, but she was still not as fast as him.

I don’t know when, Yang Cheng picked up a stone from the ground, and it was not a very big stone.

“Hugh wants to touch her!”

He knew that this guy was going to hold Kelly hostage, and immediately threw the stone out with fifty percent strength.

“It’s useless, its protection is… Ha? ”

Eura was dumbfounded on the spot.

At a distance of twenty meters, it was difficult to even hit, but Yang Cheng’s stone was thrown out, and the effect was completely different from the stone she imagined.

Where is the feeling of throwing stones?

This is simply a shot with a fire bolt, right?

I saw a whoosh, and the stone was launched at an unimaginable speed, and only an afterimage could be vaguely seen.

No, this is nothing, the most important thing is that at the same time that the stone flew out, the lawn on the ground was suddenly blown to the sides by a strong wind.

The extremely strong impact and speed instantly reached the Fire Abyss Mage.

Is this a stone-throwing stone?

However, no matter how strong the physical attack is, it should not be able to hit the body of the Abyss Mage, because their protective magic is basically immune to the physical attack.

But the next moment, Eura was stupid again.

I saw that after the stone hit the protective shield, it did not stop for a moment, and directly penetrated the protective shield and really passed through the head of the abyss mage.

That’s right, it was crossed, not simply hit.

How much force is this?

The cavalry in the distance was belated.

Cavalry Captain Kaiya only felt a sigh, and something extremely dangerous seemed to fly past him.

He looked back and then at Yang Cheng, cold sweat breaking out in his heart.

Almost didn’t let Yang Cheng kill by mistake on the spot…

Along the way, the men of the cavalry team have thoroughly understood.

It is true that this new sword saint of the Knights is very strong, but Yang Cheng must not be treated with the thinking of a normal person.

This guy is not a person at all.

Kelly squatted on the ground for a long time before daring to look up and find that the bad guy with the hood had turned into a wisp of ash.

You don’t need to think about it to know that it was the invincible big brother who saved her.

So she ran over even more excitedly and rushed into Yang Cheng’s arms.

“Big brother, it’s so powerful, it’s like a cannon, Kelly still wants to see big brother shoot such a running projectile!”

Because Yang Cheng is approachable, smiles gently, and cares for Kelly along the way, the two have long been acquainted.

Kelly also shared a lot of little secrets with Yang Cheng!

“Well, it’s just throwing stones, I’ll throw them to you next time!”

Yang Cheng’s gentleness was seen by Youra, and she had expressed doubts about this person who suddenly came to the Knights.

But a person’s eyes are difficult to deceive, and in those jewel-like blue eyes, there is only gentleness and kindness mixed with a righteous temperament.

However, she still couldn’t easily accept it, why, the abyss mage twenty meters away, or the mage who opened the hood could solve it with a stone?

What is the significance of my guerrilla squad patrolling and fighting outside for so long?

“You, how the hell did you do it?”


“I have some extra protection…”

“Extra protection again?”

“Yes, yes, big brother is amazing, he told Kelly all about the protection.”

“What a protection, that’s twenty meters!”

“Arrow protection: My long-range attack will definitely hit.”

“Huh? No, I mean, so much force…”

Yang Cheng smiled, “Oh, isn’t it sunny now?” ”

“Sunny day… What’s wrong again? ”

Eura glanced up, the sun was shining, and the sky was clear.

“I still have the protection of the heavens: on sunny days, the strength will increase…”

Is this called an increase?

Eura stood in place, feeling that she could no longer speak.

“Ahem, it seems that the two of you already know each other, so there is no need for me to introduce more…”

When Kaiya arrived, she only found that Youra seemed to be arguing with Yang Cheng about something.

It seems that she wants to reason with this wall?

Kaia showed a bitter smile and thought: Useless Wave Knight, the strength of this product is unreasonable at all, it is a monster.

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