Lagon had come all the way to West Keeno Beach on the opposite shore to do tasks such as creating a vigilance net to keep the remaining demons from approaching around Demon King Island.

During that work, I stumbled upon the Grand Duke Samidina, which fell into the repellent effect of the Holy Springs hitting Demon King's Island.

Immediately Samidina is given magic by Mitsu to resurrect, to be briefed on recent developments.

"Ooh, I remember. Origin, the mother being of a small bug named Kamar, but with the potential for immense magic possession, is the mother being of the whole Whipley. Lord Galenos' eyes still seemed certain, have you grown so far? Sure, I think Whipley called it a number, but can you still call it 0032?

"Yes, that has been the case for a long time, but Lady Largo has been given a name.

"Who is Master Largo?

"Yes, I'm being manipulated by this automaton, and I'm forgetting about Master Galenos. We are only here in part today, but we were chosen as the SS of Lago, and we were just on the run to maintain the security of the kingdom, which is now the basis for advancing the reign of this world.

"It was, I see, I see. Has such a development been taking place at home while this body has changed in the southern countries and at the same time has lost its magic and can only rely on this leg, taking time to return?

"Yes, Lago and Samidina were very attentive to your news.

Mitsu's diplomatic rhetoric is based on TPO.

(-No, I totally forgot there's ever been such a demon.

"Forgotten about the fact that the Demon King was defeated is still a hard fact to move.

"That's right. I know you've heard of Tianwei, but after that, Lago entrusted me with everything, and he's dead.

"What would have happened to the others?

"Yes, we have already helped you with Lonowe, Astleto, and Buell, but Erigos is still missing, as are many of the 13 generals. Dear Satan, perhaps with the Castle of the Demon King, has covered it up by the fact that the resurrection will take time, and now we take care of it.

"I was well aware of that. So, what do you want me to start with when I rule and do this world? It is good to see that this kingdom, which Lady Galenos led by 20,000 troops and finally failed to accomplish, is quite handy. Shouldn't we blame the more vulnerable? In the south, for example.

Mitsu talks about the Grand Duke of Samidina, who has been heating up. Let's leave this to Mitsu, who shows the advantages he has given magic. The same is true of your earlier patronage, but Largo was appreciating that he was getting to wield his tongue this way and this way from the Cyber Viscount territory.

"No, you don't have to. The kingdom is already in our hands.

"What a kingdom that the Demon King could scarcely scratch, even with 20,000 armies, is already in his hands.

"Yes, it seems that in a few days this kingdom will have had to go down to the military gate too, if you ask the Lord of wise tactics, Lago.

"That's a horrible, and most importantly, reliable word. Before we left, Erigos told us that you were going to be born with a terrible heir, but it was the truth. The Demon King wanted to make sure of that as soon as possible and sent me to get the fruit of Giro, but I'm sure that helped.

"Yes, the Demon King perceived the powerful power of the kingdom and seemed to have been foretold his own demise, depositing Master Largo with the human cook Yuscario, tailoring the Shadow Warrior and letting him kill it. So among humans, the inheritance of the Demon King is supposed to be dead.

(─ Good!

I hadn't talked to him like that. Mitsu, but he's a pretty good maker. Whatever the case, there is no connection with the stories of the kingdom's officials. No, I'm sure this is really how everyone thinks about it. But isn't that assembly the wisdom of crossing in? Since I'm free, I may have been thinking about purchasing information on the human side so that I don't have to.

(-Well, if you doubt it, if that scared demon king had a hunch of his own demise, it would be strange not only to inherit, but also why he didn't tailor an influencer to himself.

Reading Samidina's surface consciousness seems to convince me. I thought the fabrications were Mitsu's, but I hear that the fake fabrications used in this SS are mostly Cross's creations. That's what they say, they have talent for fraud. So Mitsu seemed to feel the possibility of being able to grab it there too, he already put a scratch in the cross and seems to have the answer to that as well.

"Is there any information flowing that the inheritance of the Demon King is dead? Still, he said he gave in to humans.

"It's not just humans. Spread throughout the kingdom, the Holy Ghost Gnome and Undine, who guard the dragon vein Ganymede, also offer their soul vows to Lago.

"Even the Holy Spirit - does Lago have so much prestige?

"Of course it is. Humans have been wanting very much to fall on their own, to look for cooperation, and to go down to the military gates.

(─ I didn't promise you that. Well, you won't be able to look into that. How do the mites hear from the cross? No, you won't be able to make that up to Mitsu. That means this is what I keep hearing.

"On that evidence, we have also allowed one on the side of His Majesty the King, one on the side of His Royal Highness the Princess, and the Duke of the Chancellor, the Kingdom's highest sack of wisdom, to take a protective role from the SS. The wizards at the highest level of the kingdom, as well as the excellent Dwarves, have also been distributed, and the kingdom is now coming to nowhere without the refuge of Lago. Our separate team has just returned from successfully gaining a certain rank in neighboring republics.

Would that talk about cross and crusty and the nuts I put on Anya? The wizards are close to each other.

"I see, you mean subordinate, not crush. No longer, they put everything in the kingdom under their control, that's what you're talking about.

"That's exactly what it is. It is no longer an exaggeration to say that the King's people live for us.

That's too much to say. But the story of the mites so far is probably what Largo looks like, thoroughly by six thousand whipleys.

"Very well. So here you are the general of this unit.

"No, I was an assistant to the general, and the general of the troops, this Automaton, indeed Lord Largo, will speak directly to you. Talk to me.

"Dear Largo, I will see you first. I never dreamed that everything would work out so well. Lord Largo's power was so magnificent and great that he did not need this himself. Underneath that prestige, we hope you will join us.

"As tentative as this may seem, the hesitation is Largo - I am Largo after all. Best wishes.

Good luck, I thought I'd go with the attitude I did to the elites, but it's a hassle to keep going, so let's go normal.

If you stay close, it's hard to get along.

"Thank you for your kind words. Now, as you let yourself work powdered, first of all with that automaton, ride us.

"Are you sure?

"Go ahead, my new lord.

"You're new to horses, aren't you?

It's hard to ride because there's no saddle, no saddle, no reins, but there's Margaretta's superhuman body surgery to balance it out. Even for the first time in Lagon, Margaretta has extensive experience in horseback riding. Looks like we could do a better ride than the western car boys. They're slightly smaller to do those, acrobatic things, but in times of need, they can be just a little bigger.

"Which way are you headed now?

"I came here for two reasons. One is that the area around Demon King Castle has embraced the dragon pulse flow, so that the demons summoned by the Demon King are kept away from here, creating a vigilance net to inform them.

"I see that's where our malaise came from. I felt that way, but I couldn't believe that the land of my summons had the repellence of the Holy Springs, and I fell while I hesitated.

Really, the lack of such consideration is a Largo I can only say I'm sorry. If it weren't for Kato's case, you might not have noticed yet.

"Lago, who has no repentance for the dragon pulse, did not make good that a new demon king would be born in his own birthplace in the future, and he was dragged into the dragon pulse and erased from the demon pulse. Does the Chancellor have any objections?

"They say what. There is no shortage of reason in this world for what was created by our Demon King and pledged his absolute loyalty to his successor, Lago.

"Master Largo has developed and provided you with such magic tools that besides the Demonic Vessel, give your magic powers to the Demon Clan. Soon Lord Ronoweh will be brought back to life by it, and he will not come as far into the land as he did.

"That's... thank you for your warm attention to those under your command.

(Huh? Really? Sure, via Cross, I didn't deliver the prototype of the Magic Water Generator that Jamon gave me, but did that work out? I didn't get a report.

"How would you like to build a vigilance net?

"In the meantime, I asked the animals who live here...

"Then you can expect a long effect. Let us revive the souls of the dead, who have sunk in this sea with our power, and let them fall upon us.

With that said, the archduke of Samidina, the pony, began to cast some kind of bump and spell towards the sea.

"Uh, but there's a human observation team coming, so let's quit saying zombies come out of the ocean.

"I understand that area.

From all over the sea, sea cats and seagulls appeared and popped up. I see, if it were the zombies of the seabirds who died in the sea, humans wouldn't notice.

Samidina had the assembled seabirds zombies scattered with instructions calling for vigilance against the demons approaching around here. Surely this is the more zombie created for it, and if it were them, they would do the job without needing food.

Asking Heidi to lift the order to the animals, and just in case, Samidina has pinched her mouth where else is directing her to go down like Samidina or not to see it go doomed or to have it reconfirmed.

"Shall I leave that to you, too?

With that said, Samidina casts some kind of spell towards the coast again.

Then, I don't know if I can see it or not, a white sphere that I think might be felt because it's a thousand eyes, came up with some.

"My lord, this was done by battle in this land, under the command of our companion, the Demon King, the Demon Nation. What a question.

From what I hear, Samizina's specialty is in descent, and she can summon the souls of the dead to hear what they know.

"So I ask you, did you know that there should have been a demon king's summoning demons who almost lost their magic power and still survived here?

The soul of the dead answers. Somehow, it sounded great because I didn't know who was listening.

"They are no longer there. Everyone was gone when the Grand Duke of Samidina came. It was just before the Grand Duke of Samidina came. Of those who fought to the end at the Castle of the Demon King, the less powerful that survived were breathless in the repellence of the Holy Springs, but that is less than a few.

"It was. Then you almost all went somewhere far knowing your danger.

"That interpretation is both right and wrong.

"What do you mean?

"Not everything was feeling the repellence of jihad. Looks like some of them sensed it and let it evacuate.

"I see. So, I wonder where he went.

"I don't know that. Flew towards the west sky.

"Thank you, then that's fine, Grand Duke. That was helpful.

Thanks to Samidina, the results of this work are sufficient. If that means it's not that annoying.

"Come on. Well, it's my second job...

The second is the confirmation of what is in the arsenal, treasure trove and pantry with the golem.

Required is a search request from the cross to see if there is any grain.

But everyone just steps on two feet to this. First, the mite's legs are dull.

"─ Indeed, we would prefer not to go to the middle of the Holy Springs.

Samidina's words, which had fallen so far, were also the best. I still didn't bother letting him go to Lagon and maybe I should have looked for Gosogoso.

Of course, I can protect you in the junction all the time, but I can't escape spiritual repellence. I also wonder if I can take nasty things.

"What can I say instead, about 10 skeletons, I think they'll let you summon them right away, so why don't you let me accompany you on that?

"Right. It helps because I think I have a strong job inside. I'll wrap it in the junction and take you.

"Lord, I thought I could help a little too.

From what I can see, Clay prepared three smaller ones, a little bigger than the lagon, but as a golem.

"Because I have been looking remotely at the Lord.

Mitsu is clairvoyant, and as he monitors the state of the lagon, he is sending me a full ale.

I'm going out this far, so I want to leave the work to you. The demons decided to let them stay here and let Lagon search alone.

The absence of trauma in the Sacred Springs would be about a cross that is human-like and dull crusty and holy tolerant. I've only heard about these two and the three Mitsu who can have a decent bond.

Imagine, Samidina would be as far as she could go without a problem.

"Then if you want to come to the food pantry, I'll keep this for you. It is the fruit of special abilities, which I have searched everywhere for and found. Save it in a food bin that has stopped time.

"What's this?

"I will also explain the details, in addition to the fruit of Giro, which I gave to my predecessor the Demon King, the fruit of Caco, which returns the time of the eater, and the fruit of Puyo, which gives to those who have eaten special granting abilities. If you have Buell, use this fruit as an ingredient and also make medicines that have similar effects. Please help us move forward with our plans for world domination.

"That was, you could have collected something valuable. Thank you.

And Lagon, thanking him, went to the castle of the demon king beneath the single sea.

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