The night dawns. But Millin wasn't sleeping very well.

I thought I had to sleep because the battle would start in the morning, but I was so excited that I couldn't sleep.

People may die for themselves, for the kingdom. Moreover, even the inhabitants of the city of Bokovo may befall them.

I don't want to see the sight of soldiers on my side being shot out by a murder bomb, pierced with armor, bleeding out and falling, like the day they were raided in the Wang capital.

But still, they will fight resolutely and bleed. But do not turn away from it. For the peace of the people of the kingdom of truth is beyond it.

How cowardly, spiteful, and strong your enemies are, you can't pull them off without a step.

That is the way I will continue to walk, I dressed early in the morning and grabbed my back teeth hard from extreme tension and waited for the rapporteur to return.

Only today I can't afford to give Largo a sweet voice to sleep on his knees. Many times, Krasabi has told me to pull out the force, but in a matter of minutes I can see that I have too much power in my shoulders.

If they had targeted their lives in the Wang capital and not had the mountain sword in front of them at that time, the fear would have been raised that they would have lost their lives.

Likewise now, if you do not raise your hand, many king citizens will suffer or die where you do not know them.

The ship was about to contain a rust that was mistaken for itself by mouth. What is about to be imported from the port of Bokovo now is the poison that is poured into the mouth of the people.

Mass killings of those without weapons were openly attempted at the Duke's party. If the Anyas hadn't put up their bodies and protected them, I wouldn't have been able to stand here either.

It wasn't me who cut through the dead, everyone made me get this far missing my life.

What was that for?

Needless to say. To protect my life. And that's for the people, for Milin to come here.

Besides, there is also a gift of the disappearance of the demonic pulse that occurs by the only demon king in the country from the kingdom. At the same time, even in winter, the sea is rich in seafood. It was given to Milin by Alessandro in exchange for his own life activities, and to the King's people. Is this bright future repainted by violence and drugs?

To Millin, everyone's thoughts overlap and their breasts get hot. And Milin's spirit was more tense than ever.

"Your Royal Highness, the shadow and other Ninja's have returned.

Late, over an hour behind schedule. From now on, the opponent will lose this move. We wanted to leave by dawn to minimize the damage.

"I'll go.

Out of the inn, all that was the Lord was gathered in front of the brightened gates no longer.

"Thank you. That took a lot of time. And the results.

Ninja's representative starts talking.

"Yes, I say to all of you. The city of Bokovo was a festival where the bad guys were swept away. No, the festival mood was coming to an end.

"What? What are you talking about? Talk to me so I know.

"I'm sorry. Anyway, there is absolutely no shadow of Unitota.

"I'm a broker. Mafia and Unitota broke up, and they were wiped out." Hanakaru clasps his mouth. I would no longer be able to watch. "Around noon four days ago now, no, Cotto happened five nights ago, a rub occurred between the executives of Unitota and those of the Mafia who were coming from the port of Moritz. With that in mind, they say all the Unitota people who were in the port of Bokovo took seven ships and attacked the port of the Republic.

"Four days ago, that is, the day you first boarded a river-down boat and were attacked by a half-fish man at midnight?

If that is true, then the facts confirmed will be delivered to the King's Capital the next day with a telegraph dove or something. Even if there was an exchange, it would not be strange for the news to fly to the Duke's house, which was supposed to be Milin in the name of the True King, two mornings ago.

It was a flash report that came with a smile because of the misalignment of plans for a day and because it was at the time of his departure after such an incident, but if that flash had arrived on the day he arrived as planned, he would have checked the facts immediately with military raptors and such. It has to be said that the timing was extremely bad.

"Afterwards it was due to an announcement from the republican side that three Mafia warships in the port of Moates in the republic intercepted this. But being attacked by sea monsters who reacted to the sound of cannons, it is to say that all 10 ships and crews of both forces disappeared with the algae scraps of the sea.

"Is that definitely true, and how did that happen?

"What triggered such a thing only left no speculation or rumor going, and there was nothing that anyone could explain satisfactorily. Anyway, originally Unitota and the Mafia didn't seem to be caused by a very good cooperative relationship, and mutual dissatisfaction seemed to explode with a little something, causing a lot of noise.

Continue reporting as another Ninja's looks at the writing. I guess what I have a bunch of copies of is the information that each of us has collected from each of us.

"If there was something called the money issue, there was something about treatment, attitude, drugs stopped coming around, or something like that, because we fitted women together. We have also heard that on the eve of the naval battle, the style, age, face, etc. of a young woman being taken to the office of Unitota and a woman whose mafia man who was coming to Bokovo follows her to a tavern upstairs with three of them. But there's nothing left to prove. It is clear that the Mafia human who was coming from the port of Moitz, Republic, went home in trouble. Besides, for about five hours, Unitota, who was in Bokovo Harbor to follow it, sailed out in total. This supposedly takes about 10 hours to get to Moyette, but hearing the news of those returning to Moyette Harbor, the Mafia humans also left only the boss and his guard behind for all the humans to sail out, which means they fought at sea hours before that.

"Really, that's...

"We were also not uniformly believable and made quite a few confirmations in various sections of the city, but there was no mistake in the factual relationship. Also according to the story of the city guards, the somewhat breathtaking merchants who had survived and other small objects used on hand meant that they left the city early for fear of retribution. It is now the case that throughout the city of the port of Bokovo, the Mafia, of course, does not see the shadow of Unitota at all.

Now add from the shadow beard.

"There is now a revival of the breathtaking human being named Tao, who lives in the Wang capital, who in the past had partitioned the back face of this port town, and, together with the guard headquarters and provincial government trade officials, now seems to be doing everything in their power to restore normality to the port system.

"Oh, someone named Tao seems to be trustworthy. Your name has been given to you by Sir Leold.

Once again Ninja's representative opens his mouth.

"There also seems to be talk from the Mayor of Moates in the Republic, who has informed us of the end of the Unitatas, about going about creating a system in which we can work together and fight against such disturbing moves in the future. That is why the Orchestra has been visiting since before noon yesterday, and since it cannot be dealt with by the provincial government of Boko, if His Highness is here for that, he was begged to enter the port of Boko as soon as possible.

"I didn't come here for that, but...

Clerk Metobese is following us, so some compromise is possible, but when it comes to the country versus the country, we will still need the seal of True King.

"Actually, I searched for that representative, a human being, but I had been kept away from the festivities of the night, and I didn't get to see him anytime soon.

If you are immersed in so much liberation, you may assume that the city of Bokovo has regained its safety.

But Godfrey is still the suspect.

"Is there no doubt that the..., republican person? Does it not mean there are still mafias lurking over there? I don't think it's that easy to wipe out an organization with that kind of power.

"So, the two Shadow Shadow Shadows familiar with the republican situation have met and listened to a witness who said that they had securely borrowed a ship that seemed to be early from the port and had actually gone to Moritz to see it. It's late to come back like this for that, but if we no longer have a planned march, we have decided that this confirmation will take precedence. According to that...

From here on out, Hanakage, who actually went out to the Republic, reports.

"After all, as they say in the port of Bokovo, those who suddenly returned from the port of Bokovo reported that they had 'suffered treason from the organization of Unitota'. The strange story from here is that the intention was to rush out their own warships, but they accidentally left on a borough ship on the verge of obsolescence.

"Such an idiot! Who would go wrong with a ship you normally always use!

"But... that's how the Mayor of Moritz was announced.

Whether this story is true or not, I thought there was no choice but to argue here. Millin gives out a help boat.

"Maybe you had a very similar ship.

"I don't think so.

Falling into suspicious darkness, I guess this is a maze we can't get out of, especially to Godfrey, a commonsense theorist when it comes to battle.

"Well, what happened?

"And that this was also visible from the port of Moritz, but they released the cannon off the coast of the nearest island of Thailand in the port of Moritz. The sea monsters who were surprised by it said they could see from the Moyette that both ships were irrelevant and therefore crushed, leaving no crew left to be eaten. There were only a few executives left in the headquarters in Moates, who seemed to have fled in a hurry to hear it, but it has been announced that they were seized by the brave citizens who were watching the headquarters where the executives were. Moreover, there were eight elderly people in the town under house arrest, including the mayor, at that headquarters, who were also said to have been freed immediately and safely.

"That was superimposed, you had a hard time traveling that far. Then we thought we were enemies from this neighborhood.

"Everything we thought was the enemy, the Mafia, the Unitatas, the Dark Organization, from this neighborhood -- yes, it's gone.

Metobese, the clerk who was holding back, comes forward and asks questions.

"So what are your current plans for provincial government in the future?

"Yes, what a well-run operation, and they're going to come back tomorrow morning to report on the place of stay decided by the Moritz delegation. It seems that you can stay a couple of days, so in the meantime I want you to go to Your Highness to coordinate the relationship between security, and I'm message from the provincial government that you want me to tell you that.

"So it's all true, then? So the battle that I thought was going to happen...

"I know you're unhappy, but I don't have anyone.

Godfrey, who is said to be 'dissatisfied' after the battle is gone, turns his complexion back and tells Millin.

"No, that's more than anything. ─ ─ Then, Your Highness, let's proceed quickly to Bokovo.

"Yes. Nice to meet you.

From last night on, it was like a bow string that was too stiff to even pull, I felt like Milin's spirit made a tung and cut it.

Strength falls out of his knees due to weakness that makes him even hard to stand on.

For the sake of this day, I've only survived the dead so many times that the play was closed so many days ago.

(That flash report, it was never fake, was it?

When I look on my lap, Largo is resting round as usual. Yes, just like Largo, the people are safe and peaceful.

"Good for you. Your Highness."

Crunchy smiles gently. Krasabi is so strong, he says he hates fighting.

As soon as I understood I was weak but not fighting, I still wondered why I felt unwilling somewhere, Millin.

(I wonder if you wanted to defeat me on your own, because I don't have this much power...

Largo wakes up and sees Millin. And he rang as he shook his head.


(Oh? How long has this kid been wearing a ring like this on his arm and no forefoot?

Is it something someone thought Largo was cute because I've been out lately and see a lot of crusty and different people?

It's not that fancy, it's something with a decaying antique-like atmosphere that came out of the wreckage that was either beaten to the coast. It could have fallen somewhere.

(It's more about now than that.

Of course, this isn't the end of everything.

Millin may continue to be targeted for his life, and the bad guys weren't swept away from the whole kingdom.

But if we can call this sweep of the dark organization of Bokovo Harbor a victory, we must make this a cornerstone. If we can show a resolute attitude to avoid being stuck with villains again, the King's people will at least not be exposed to the threat of drugs from now on.

Yes, this is by no means something to be sad about.

And don't let it get you down yet. It was Milin deciding in her heart that she still had a lot to do.

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