It was in front of a small open-air boiling hot spring in the mountains that Krasgord took him out.

Of course, there's no one around.

"Krasgoed, is this the land of Yapan?

"That's right. The place called Dogo, the largest sacred spring in the land of Yapan, is supposed to be - but I wonder if it's that easy to meet or take home the Spirit.

Well, that's where Largo isn't sure either, but I don't know if I have to try.

Fortunately, we still have time until dawn.

If you can get any hints, you might be able to crack this blockage.

"Really? The pulse that leads to this Holy Springs doesn't seem that big.

"Oh really, no. This was still quite west. Looks like I made a little mistake getting out. It sounds like a little sacred spring called Tuksino on the next island. I don't know what's going on, the Holy Spirit of this land is on purpose, so apparently I made a mistake out of the businessness.

"I knew there was a Holy Spirit here, too?

"Of course it is normal to always have the Holy Spirit where there is a pulse. Silf is everywhere, even if it's not a gnome. Something that usually follows the holy pulse. I'm just curious, so I'm going to listen to you. The master needs to be here.

Close to the Holy Springs, there is a small stone tablet and it is carved as "Ashida crane ringing in the water field is accompanied by a traveler who is in love with my sister and rings in time". Has the person who has travelled carved it here?

Soon Classgordo came back. I'm bringing one young, cute witch.

Unlike the witches of the kingdom, the oriental atmosphere of the Far East is quite good. I feel so nostalgic.

"How'd it go?

"Apparently, God, who was at the service of a company near here, went mad to avenge the capital.

"God avenges you?

"This is a conspiracy from the capital, and they say a nobleman accused of local idleness has just died while on the island. I hear that a country called Yapan was a land pattern where the ancestral spirits have been revered. There now seems to be a god coming in from the east, separate from the church, but most people still seem to live in faith only in the Ancestral Spirit. So all the dead shall be mourned for their death, and they shall be buried at the sacrifice. I mean, it looks like every single one of us has been worshipped as a god. Isn't the Spirit that came looking for something evil spirited in the ancestral spirit of a man of strong power because of his resentment among them?

"Excuse me, but that sounds like an undeveloped land compared to the continent of Harun.

Sneaking in my ears so that I don't sound like a witch.

"Right, depending on what you think, but they didn't originally have humans on this island. A rare country that was made and deceived only by the Holy Spirit. I have heard from a continent nearby there, the humans who lost the battle and fled into it, the Holy Spirit who was on this island that helped you with it from the beginning, and a country that could have done so with its mixed blood. This is for the record, I have said that we tend to believe in something more like philosophy that man has worked so hard to knit closer to God's domain than God's Word, which is absolute enough to go east of the world.

I listened to you for a long time, and the witch who couldn't wait came in.

"Please help my Lord, exotic God.

From the looks of it, it's quite stuffed with cutting feathers. Thank you, it appears that you have emerged from the Holy Springs, so that you are considered a god.

"Help? Didn't you jump out angry?

When I heard the story, it was true that God here was originally left to die in this land, so he was worshipped by the company here and became a goddess, but he was attached to the evil spirit and served before he became a grudge spirit.

They say that the "filthy" - possibly evil spirits - sealed in the company sometimes wake up and possess the half-dead, half-life, unstable deity, and drive out your deity to scatter disaster into the capital.

"God, if you save the Lord, I will give you all my gratitude.

For the Lord's sake, watching a heartless witch wanting to do something about her body reminds me of all the crunchy, mites and SS, and stumbles upon me.

Largo is not a god either, so I don't think there's any thanks for being served by a witch all over her body, but this made me feel like I had to help her.

Listening to the witch, Krasgord said that this country was, so to speak, the only country where the Holy Spirit had made it, where weak men who had lost battle on the continent had migrated, so to speak, the Holy Spirit.

In those days, when the Holy Spirits died, I guess it meant that they were worshipped as ancestral spirits, that is, indigenous gods.

As it migrates, or as humans born of its mixed bloods compete, more and more spirits drift into this world with resentment left behind by those who have lost and died.

Evil spirits coming from the west were apparently being driven and moved from the continent by powerful gods and wizards allied with humans, and many of the possessed souls became resentful spirits with the power to make a disaster on humans.

The evil spirits that dwelt in the land without form, searching for possessing souls, were said to be filthy, and those that were linked to nature or sucked away the souls of the ghosts and had form turned into monsters called demons.

It is the Spirit who purifies the spirit of resentment and festivals it by conferring official positions on the Spirit, making it the strength of the Protectorate, because the spirit of resentment, which is strong in the soul of resentment, has begun to wreak havoc on man.

"Yes, and decades after that, the innocent aristocrats who had been relocated here died with more resentment. Of course, the powerful filth in the vicinity has gathered many for its soul. A witch admiring a deceased nobleman succeeded in protecting her soul from obscenity by coming up with the idea that the nobleman would sprinkle the cake rice he liked and imitate it to his soul, as a substitute for obscenity to attach. The rice cake is then attached and turned into a cake, sealed deep inside the temple. The noble soul was carefully festived in the person of the land and served as God. But once in a while, the filth in the sealed cake escapes, possesses your divine body and drives you east, causing disaster to the people of the capital.

Your gods should have no more grievances, but when they are possessed, they lose control, and they are returning to the capital to wreak havoc with their filthy abilities.

Until now, he has returned from death, sickness and death, killing one resentful mastermind at a time, and he no longer survives anything with direct resentment.

In the first place, politics led to the abolition of the excellent Holy Spirit system operators who came up with the system of the Spirit, and all the moves such as spell-down political enemies were handled.

In a way, the deity here will also be its victim.

This time, they finally turned it into a grudging spirit because a fairly powerful spiritual god possessed it, and even took it to the foul of thunder and storm, so if you make one mistake, you can drop thunder all over the capital.

The same thing seems to have happened in the past, and the gods said they were reflecting on coming back.

The witch is very worried about what will happen to the gods because they always said they wanted to destroy their existence as long as it bothered so many irrelevant people.

"It's a complicated situation, but let's just go to a place called the capital.

"Then God, please have this.

I got branches of trees with plum flowers with cakes stuck together.

"Is it lunch?

The rice cake cannot be lowered, so we shall leave it in a non-degrading food pantry.

"No, that's the rice cake that you liked during your life.

"Uh, I should give it to you. So, witch, how do you do purification?

"Yes, purification takes place against the Ancestral Spirit, which is said to be a grudging spirit in which evil spirits have become obsessed. Sometimes in this country evil spirits become a part of life, as a result of naturally obsessed evil spirits with certain things or artificially made things, which excite the soul where the evil spirits lived, turning them into strong demons and demons, which keep dangerous beasts away from the village. That was an example of the fact that what belonged to the land became nature and the Spirit by fearing and honoring it.

"You know, there's just one thing about a country that respects the ancestral spirit.

"Yes, prayer to many people changed the rough soul to the Spirit without rest and intent. Examples like this were found all over the country. He thought of the system of the Spirit by virtue of the Holy Spirit, who was in a position to rule a country that was good at the Yin Yang Path, which he realized. When it is held publicly, it can be purified by holding a spiritual meeting, using music and dances called kamikaze to distract or sedate the rough soul, and by consecrating the priesthood and the vernacular words where it calms down.

"Is there a time when it's not public?

"Individually, they may also read out scriptures, etc., in addition to the vernacular. If you are a ghost, you can form a Buddha here, but what is said to be a grudging spirit that has already merged with an evil spirit is destined not to be reincarnated (no), and what has been accepted for purification will become the Spirit and serve as the guardian of the land and country.

"I mean, a grudge spirit in case you're absurd, you just need to calm down and scripture anyway.

"Do exotic gods know the scriptures?

So it's not God.

"Once upon a time, it seemed a little twitchy, and I think I could do it if I was about as young as I was.

"Again, God is wonderful with a wide range of wisdom.

No, I'm sure if it's what they call God in the region of Harun, it's not scripture. It could be purified by something more different.

"Is that why our Dominion Master will be King of the Holy Spirit even at the end of this East?

"Did I say something?

"No, nothing. Then you'll go as close to the capital.

I don't know why this happened, but I feel like the story of just getting a little help from the Spirit that Satan was using is a lot going on.

For the sake of time, let's ask Cross to keep his crucifix weapon near the Holy Springs again.

Cross, are you okay now?

"Is that it? Did you feel better? Didn't they just go straight back to Naomi and Bokovo?

By the way, Cross still seems to be near the village, and he seems to be doing it with Nazm and, uh, not Ko.

"No, it's a little wild, the cross is nice to meet you.

In the meantime, he replies that he will keep it near the Holy Springs in the suburban cathedral nearby.

Soon after this, Naomi, in her ears, will turn to SS to explain in detail how she has been so far.

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