"I got it, this is the capital.

"You're very much in the mountains. Is this the capital?

It feels mountainous again. It is midnight but I look at it with a thousand eyes, so there is no problem just because it is dark.

It's just dust and sand.

"I'm just entering a little mountain from the capital.

"Sounds like bad weather.

"Real dust and sand.

A tremendous thunder fell on me where I said. And it keeps falling off in a row.

"What is this?

"This must be the work of the spirited ancestors. I feel the energy of an amazing spirit.

"Yes, it's amazing. I also feel bad about it.

"That's why I resent you.

I see, a combination of malice and spiritual energy is creating disaster.

"Is that what's causing that thunder?

"Right. Looks like you brought in the evil spirits of thunder and the filth of the storm. I'm sure this is the power of the evil spirits that Samael made.

If you look ahead with more and more lightning falling, houses are starting to burn in the heart of the capital, people are running around in the fire. I can also hear you say 'sneaky'.

I went to Naomi for now, near that fire scene, and when the fire subsided, I asked her to treat a seriously ill person and fly away.

"Awesome energy, but where does evil spirit energy come from?

"The energy sources of evil spirits will not exist in this world. They should be fed and used by your gods.

"Where is the body of that god?

"It seems to be raging and crazy in that cloud, or on top of it. He seems to be freely manipulating filth with the ability of the Spirit.

"I'm coming.

"Are you okay now? It's just so simple."

Into the clouds it is a storm of tremendous charge. The cloud grains are busy going up with rising aircurrents or down with weights, during which friction occurs and more and more static electricity is accumulating.

But what's manipulating it is a mass of malice that doesn't seem to be shaped.

If you look at this mass with a thousand eyes, not a familiar demonic tribe, the narrative appears as usual. It's an evil spirit.

But what manipulates it is a grudging spirit called the Divine Body, screaming slightly 'Fall, Thunder' and 'Blow, Storm' over a loud thunder.

Probably manipulating nature's filth with words, with the power of spiritual gods and doers.

I can't see where your god is, so I'm going to scream at the top somehow.

"Stop it! People down here are in a lot of trouble.

"Who are you? My name is Scano Michisane! You can't stop this revenge until you've discredited me and uprooted all the kinsmen and relatives of those who drove me to death in the land of the islands.

I know such a celebrity for some reason. It's Largo. I remember being flown to the Tenmangu Palace in Taizafu by an academic god and dying.

I don't know if he's the exact same person as I remember in my previous life, but he looks just like him in setup.

"I think we're all a lot stiff already, so if we do this any more, we'll have a bad reputation.

"If you want to stop me, do it with your strength. Can a tiny body like you pull together with a single thunder?

Largo goes up over the clouds at full speed. Largo's full speed is not that fast, but it soon comes out to a position where you can see the big moon.

Then he takes out the cross he is putting down for me and hugs me, and stretches the tip of the cross toward a soaking field where there seems to be no damage if thunder falls with a thousand eyes.

"Stretch out, Ruyi Stick!

"What is that spell...?

I don't have to tell you this, but it's just a hang-up I want to say.

The stretched metal stretches more and more and stands on a field that pierces the clouds and nothing.

All the electrification accumulated in the clouds grounded to the cross, the positive and negative in the clouds were first offset, and the remaining electrons came up cloudwise from the ground and the completely static bias disappeared.

"Big junction then. And insulated compression. ─ ─ Yes, the clouds are gone.

"Who the hell are you, a work beyond God, if you manipulate clouds - demons from the west?

"It sounds like a demon tribe if you say so, but I'm not sure myself. But it's like this. There's no clouds. Where are you?

"You can no longer give me a break. Thunder Spirit, Storm Spirit, get rid of this guy.

"Let's not. That's what I'm saying. I'm here to stop you. I'm not here to fight.

"If you want me to hear what this Michissane of Shiitake has to say, give in to the Thunder Spirits before you say it.

Just in case, I try to explore the direction of the voice, but I can't even sense its existence, but when I read the mind of the Lord of the voice with a thousand eyes request, I think.

Then I found out that 'Spiritual God' and 'Soul Michissane' were the ones mixed in my heart.

The Thunder Spirit, who appeared before Largo, squeezed their spiritual power to generate static electricity, trying to save it and release it here, but Largo generated kinetic electricity on the cross, raising the voltage to the crucifixion's endurance critical, enveloping the Thunder Gods and the cross with a donut-shaped junction to create a circuit and shed current.

Shocked by electric shock, two dirty bodies fall to the ground.

Only the Divine Body remained. Location needs to be identified.

"On Abiraunken Basaradadvan!"

I don't have to say anything, but it's a service that fits the land pattern of Yapan, which activates Jesus Flash of the Cross.

"Oh, that's the true word of the Lord Daiyo, all of you!

The figure of the Lord of the voice, who said, rose firmly in the holy light of the cross.

Fly and poke the branches with the plum flowers that the witch had just given her, and cling a cake called Love to her mouth that was amazed at the brightness as if it were noon.

Michisane, your god, has filled his mouth with rice cakes. Now I can't use the power of the Spirit, and I should have shredded my intentions to rough it up.

I thought you were young here, but if you have a short period, you still have it.

"On, avokiya biroshanama kabodara, mani, hand mazimbala hara baritaya, un"

It is the truth of secularism. It came out so short, it seemed to work.

Michisane, the god who looked like a demon, was turning into a calm and gentle face.

There, I grab a thundering spirit, a storm spirit, thought to have fallen on the earth, and a similar kind of spirit body rises.

Apparently the spirits in the locality, God.

"Brilliant, the Dragon Temple of the Gentiles.

Have you come with the Dragon God this time, everyone doesn't know what a Dragon-Dragon is because you have never left this island.

"No, I...

"Aren't you the Spirit of the capital, the God of Fire and Thunder?

Now Michissane, who has just been purified and re-minded, whispers the words of Largo and opens her mouth.

"I welcome you to join the fire god Inaz Machine, the heavenly god Michisane, and the Spirit of the North Spirit House. At last, there is no proper Icazuchi God in the brotherhood's Southern Spiritual House. I would like to welcome this purified filth as the Fire Thunder God, but will you forgive me?

"There is nothing more gratifying than this if you can welcome what has thus vandalized the capital as the Spirit. As my own person, I would like you to use it for the protection of the country.

It would have been hostile until just now, but I forgive you a little and put you on my side.

Is this the idea of things in this country? I feel that Largo will somehow understand, but I fear that many of them in Harun will not understand.

Mitisane pulls out a bottle of her own hair and sends it to Thunder Spirit, Storm Spirit, and when tied to one, signs are put together

"Pay, cleanse, protect and pay while God is there, pay well - possess a part of us and serve as the Spirit and Protector of the land.

It seemed to possess well, and at the same time it became an integral spirit just like the Inaz machine, with utter malice disappearing.

"Thank you. Then I'll go back to work.

The Thunder Heavenly God disappeared first, followed by the Thunder Spirit, and the Fire Thunder Heavenly God, newly born of the Storm Spirit, thanked Michissane and this also disappeared.

Only the moon remains in the sky. I can't even find a single shard of cloud.

"Master Largo and I were very helpful. When the plum blossoms, the filth takes possession and drives itself, causing disaster to the capital. I couldn't contain myself from ever stopping at that time, and this is how I was bothering the capital. I was going to die if this were to happen already, but I wondered if I was sad. I became an ancestral spirit, I couldn't even die, and I was in great pain of living as I continued to annoy people like this. Thank you for stopping this time before it gets any worse.

Michissane laments that she used to kill quite a few people, using filth that causes illness, accidents, etc.

"I'm glad that's the case. I wondered what I would do if I was really a sincere evil spirit.

"I guess there was still such a grudge in me. From now on, I will dedicate myself to Lord Largo and serve him with my whole body and spirit, so please tell me what it is.

"It's so up there. I have trouble saying it's down there. Will you be friends with me?

"No. Then my feelings won't heal. Could you at least be a servant or apprentice?

"I don't have that kind of thing. The SS is supposed to protect me, and they're all my people. So stay with me, too.

"Good for you. More slaves.

"Say that again.

"Because the Lord is our Dominion Master.

"─ of the Holy Spirit. That is the oath of the Eternal Lord in this country.

"Is that how you say it, over here? Well, whatever that is. I mean, you're one of us.

"I understand. We are exotic, so let us take the oath of the Eternal Lord. From now on, I will call you Lago, your stall. ─ ─ So why from such a distant place?

"Actually, I came to you with that help when I heard that there were people here who said they were spirits who purified evil spirits.

"That says something like thunder god who came up from an earlier earthly company. However, he was worshipped in an attempt to protect the country from the evil spirits who died of resentment such as mine and became disastrous in the unbuddhist spirits.

"That's right. That's not the way I think about it in my country. Because I don't know if there's such a thing as ancestral spirits or not in the first place.

"Master, it's a zombie to have an evil spirit attached to a dead spirit. Some zombies have evil spirits attached to souls that have lost their flesh to revive their flesh.

What Krasgoed is saying would be the demonic resuscitation Samidina did.

It seems that even if the evil spirit doesn't hold true, the Necromancer alone can supply him with magic. But then from ourselves, who are demons and rely on the power of our pulses, we quickly know who we are.

"Dear Mr. Oyato, there has been a constant political dispute in this city for a long time. So such a strong resentful spirit is worshipped as the Spirit, but of course there are many servants who participated in it, such as many executed in Funaoka over there, and those who died in that battle are buried in the periphery of the capital. They should be worshipped by this Spirit Shrine by a single party of beards, but not many are in the form of floating spirits because they don't even know their actual names. It seems that if you make evil spirits in those things, and purify them immediately by turning them into spirits, they can become spirits and make them useful in the world of men.

In short, I guess it means the effective use of those who cannot form Buddha.

"Will you be convinced to be mounted or put to work?

"Let me say it and bring what I was able to persuade you to do. Please return to Taizai first and wait. I'll fly back with these plum blossoms too.

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