"Really? Actually, the possessed ancestral spirit of the evil spirits here is what they call the Spirit, but there are plenty of them in a place called Yapan, the country at the end of the east, and I brought them here. Shouldn't I have?

"No, I don't think so. Am I right? Anyone who wants a world where we can all get along and live to make it happen, do something about it? And, uh, Lilith, who came out of the conversation, is creating evil spirits again without Samael's knowledge. There are a lot of evil spirits out there, so you'll see.

Even so, unlike human society, do they get this reason?

In short, evil spirits can't be a glimmer, either.

"By the way, is there still a powerful evil spirit in that sealed place?

"No, it wasn't those so powerful that got locked up then. Let's do the first mindless ones that got mended. Isn't it true that the strong guy who escaped from there escaped all the way around that yapan? Later, we divided the confined place into purgatory, hell, and eternal prison, which is the soul of the soul, and began to use it as the home of the soul of the dead, but shall we be made to manage it?

Hearing that, I mean, the bad spirits became ghosts of hell and hungry ghosts and stuff like that, Largo understood.

They say in Yapan, "filth" means "charm," ghost "in the post-mortem world, well, what an oriental atmosphere.

"Now I know exactly what Samael means to be called a red dragon, but then why did Samael become known as the devil?

Yumeka asks questions, and Jamon finds himself unsure there.

"I wonder if that is the creation of man who considered the dispute between Samael and True Dragon to be a battle between God and the devil. Let's not have any choice but to make evil spirits or to blame Samael for doing bad things with a heavenly mutation, not true dragons, i.e. gods.

I feel a little sorry for Samael because I'm a little overdone and I have a hard time overlapping failures, but I guess even True Dragon wasn't perfect. Because as a result of my hard work, I just didn't get a good eye.

"Did the ice age get better soon afterwards?

"Well, that's the obvious thing...

Samael feels responsible and gives his life to melt the glacier, revive his pulse and ask for forgiveness from the true dragon.

In fact, many powerful evil spirits escaped, but True Dragon did not trap all evil spirits in another dimension.

At this time Samael vanished from the world.

Meanwhile, the rampaging dragons who lost their flag heads were forced to surrender and also shrink as monsters. To them, True Dragon presses for his last choice.

"There is a mighty magic and intelligence, but a futile battle for it, and on top of that, it destroys the environment. Then the solar god Salamandra doesn't know what he's glowing in the sky for, and he loses his motivation and exhausts himself. If we want to remain intelligent, we live as humans and beasts. 'I told him.

Based on the residual dragon soul that had already perished in battle and elsewhere, pulling out from it the demonic nature, that is, the resentful spirit body with magic, created the same life form without power but with intelligence, the human made by the true dragon.

Apart from that, when you take the demon away from the miniaturized beast, you turn into an intelligent beast man. He said that none of the things he resisted to the end wanted to be monsters that were huge but not intelligent.

But Samael, who had not already taken shape on the spot, did not want any resurrection.

He stubbornly insisted that it was only natural to perish because he challenged True Dragon to battle. Instead, I left no blame on the evil spirits made and used by me.

True Dragon felt pity and made a red double-legged snake out of Samael's remnants.

That was just a cold-blooded beast, but I don't know if it's because it was made from the remnants of Samael, or because True Dragon made it, but occasionally a red double-legged snake is born that can use psychic powers.

"That's the red kid sleeping there, I guess.

"Really? Thank you, I understand very well.

I was convinced that not only the lagon, but also the SS Yayame who was there.

Yumeka said, I am also convinced that the evil spirits of the big men feel a strong benevolence towards Samael.

"Yikes, I helped Lagon recover two automatons. This much information is naturally provided. Did I ever tell you why the Demons feel repellent in their pulses?


I've been listening to you the whole time, Heiji and Yaya replied nicely.

You naturally want to hear that because it concerns you. Anyway, the word "ma" of the Demon Nation has not even appeared before.

"Then something unexpected even happened to True Dragon. I just said I took what I called 'demonization' away from the dragons, but they didn't just end up being taken away.

Afterwards, the pulled out demonic spiritual body attaches itself to the resurrected pulse, gaining energy and occurring in the world as a demonic race.

From the Ice Age, to the rest of the world, which had not yet been rebuilt, countless demonic tribes simultaneously wielded their power, thus threatening the survival of other life forms, humans and beasts.

At present, the Demons do not do much evil to humans and others, but at the time there were half as many Demons against the number of humans and monsters, so even if one Demons took humans as slaves or slaughtered one monster, the impact is not comparable to the present.

But even as we tried to get around, it wasn't a very handy number for one true dragon, and the area was too large.

They couldn't do anything about True Dragon or just at this time, and Salamandra, the sun god who had reached the extremes of apoptosis, finally said it had become dark and small.

But that's when a miracle all of a sudden happened to this world.

One day, countless stars descended from the night sky, and one of the great heavenly falling stones fell into the dragon pulse.

Then in the holy water that leads to the dragon pulse, something like a toxin against some demonic tribe flows from the fallen heavenly falling stone, from which the demonic tribe that was gaining power is wiped out.

The only people who survived were the demons who once sought energy in the pulses that became individual pulses when the world was hit by a natural mutation, and the True Dragon destroyed this individually.

To accomplish this, True Dragon, who flew around the world, spent decades and lost a lot of health.

But the spiritual body of the Demon Nation continues to exist, and in about 100 years, the individual pulses accumulate energy, and they follow the same individual pulse again, sucking it up and reviving it.

That threat never ends, but it seems that the combined power of man to annihilate has led to a reduction in human discord = war.

"─ or. The Holy Spirit had a thing called Ongord, and according to what I heard from the peculiar, this heavenly falling stone contained a thing called Houshanow. Though not so much harm to a creature, to a demonic tribe without reality, it causes direct harm to its soul. From what I've seen, the effect of this repellence seems a lot weaker than it was at the beginning, but be careful.

"Thank you.

"We were told that humans, from the remnants of their original deaths - that is, they took the essence of the Demon Nation from something that had no entity, and the Beast Man from a small monster, right?

"That's what I'm asking. In fact, if the Demon Clan tries to give birth to the Beast Man, the part of the person falls out and creates the smaller of the original monster. In the case of humans, there is nothing between them.

"There are dragon men, aren't there? How were they born?

"Ah, that's going to be more of a later era, but in brief, that's the last dragon left to make between us and humans. Aanoko ya.

"Heh, that's not the only deduction, is it?

On the first story, True Dragon created man as a bipedal animal who is his favorite figure. No, he said it was a clone.

So I guess it was also possible to have children with that human being.

Largo's regulatory knowledge suggests that even if animals and humans mate, they should not have children.

I guess Hayahusa has tremendous potential.

If there is a female dragon man, and the demons let him have children, will a dragon be born?

(─ No, no, no, from what I've heard about this story, I don't think we can ever make dragons in the history of this world that are also gods, with demons. It's a proposal that seems like it would definitely not work out of the ethics committee.

"But it seems to me that this sudden descent, the heavenly falling stone with the houshanow, is not the work of this world thing. Coincidentally, the Demon Clan was hit at one time or another, and they said it was a miracle or a grace or something, but I wonder if they attacked this world because they thought it was a Demon Clan or something.

"Um, that's true. But you can't be sure.

I see that the current holy pulse is filled with trace amounts of radioactivity brought from the universe. Radioactivity is many with a long half-life, but seems to be fairly trace over a long period of time, with no negative effects on life form from it itself, like radium hot springs, and the granting of pulsating life energy = vitality prevails.

On the other hand, even trace amounts of radioactivity have significant effects on subtle existential demons who do not have a real situation, which puts them at risk of extinction.

Thus the mystery of the Evil Spirit was much solved by the knowledge of Jamon.

After all, history is important.

(─ Does that mean that even if the red dragon Samael storms the evil spirits, the activity just stops while the rogues disturb the order are temporarily in possession, which has no effect on the general public, but only has enough effect to clear the mood?

Speaking of which, after shutting down No. 15, Soldier, where the Spirit left off, did not have the appearance to drag the sequelae, although he saw no more of a raging down.

Even if the same thing happens, there doesn't seem to be a big need to worry first.

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