The night when the signing ceremony takes place dawns.

When Cross contacted Largo, which could almost be an ex-post report, Largo had just given him a small novel.

"Again, you did something wrong. That's not the kingdom, is it? What did you do? So, I guess I got into some trouble after doing that.

To Largo, we're already on the lookout. Again, Cross regrets that he cannot hide anything, but it is a later festival.

"Yes, if you'll excuse me...

It all started yesterday before noon with a shadow pigeon flying in, stuck on the Giant Nation border.

Before lunch, Cross enters upon summons by His Majesty the True King. Not long ago, the True King is swept away.

Calling the cross. I saw it as quite a problem, but there seems to be no doubt.

"Cross, something terrible has actually happened.

"What is it, Sire True King?

True King glances at the pigeon pushed into the bird basket placed in the room.

That means an emergency call came from somewhere.

"For a long time, there have been rumours of progress against the kingdom, and it seems that an army of giants has moved out unknown this morning. I knew that one division that could move at any time within the territory of the Titans closest to the adjacent Wang capital of the Duke of Hahnnan was assembled, but I heard in the wind from another Titans in friendship that the decision was the beginning of the year. It just can't be absolute, so I've been keeping an eye on Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow, and all of a sudden this morning I've been informed that that army is ready to launch an offensive.

"Why, the giants? Don't they always work for the kingdom, even within the King's City, and hang out with each other?

"Those are the giants of a clan called the warm Ango, a friendly nation among the giants. They and the kingdom are exchanged covenants to have livestock businesses used for labor substituted for giving places, food, etc. to the warm giant Anjo. But when a belligerent giant, Nandoya, has become obsessed with being enslaved in this relationship and stands up for the liberation of her compatriots, she has heralded a declaration of war more than a month ago. Again and again, I'm sending a parent book in the king's name to give an explanation, but I won't listen. But according to Eurosiu, who made Anjo's chief aide and ruled the kingdom livestock business, that war was predicted to be more ahead, the new year had dawned.

"That's so fast.

"Things must have changed. According to Yorosiu, the weakening of Yataroka's appetite among the Nandoya tribe, who has been the chief of the tribe for 40 years, and the rise of forces to take over and replace the chief of the tribe, make Yataroka an attempt to have a policy of driving the belligerent people into battle to improve their appetite because of the restoration of their power of governance, which is also not convinced to me.

"Though I'm not really sure why, you're going to attack me anyway. And a division is...

"When we say an army division of the Giants, one of their divisions hits a squadron called a human being. But we call it a division, assessing its destructive power, its combat power, to our military level.

"I see, but even as a squadron, you don't see the Giants as sweet.

"Of course it is. As I just said, having the power of one division to the extent of a squadron means that that's all each person has. That's all Giants can move without rest, and because they have multiple times more bodies and more humans, they should move three to five times faster, or more. Then they should be able to move the process up to Wangdu, which is about 300 km away, within two days.

"Is it two days? Until the day after tomorrow, or later tomorrow night..."

"No, it might not take that long. First, it is Duke of Hahnnan territory that they come in across the border. It's a river right away, so even though it only takes a little time to cross it, it's not comparable to the speed at which humans cross. Nor will the Duke be able to do such an early job as getting the army in order by the end of the day, so without any obstacles at all, perhaps, by nightfall tonight, he will have crossed the boundaries of the Crown's direct jurisdiction.

"Then Sire True King, we have little more time before the arrival of the King's capital.

"That's right. For once, we are gathering as many troops at the border as we can gather, but we will not have the power to just stop it. If that happens already, they'll have to intercept it in the King's Capital, but then the citizens' sacrifice is too great.

Of course, unlike the Demon King's army, which has been pinpointing the Holy Springs of the Royal Castle, the Giants' army is definitely coming to war. It will ash the king's capital with overwhelming power.

It's on the route, it hasn't been transported out of the reconstruction village, and the food warehouse is dangerous.

"─ Your Majesty the True King, take the blessing of God.

"Cross, is it God's, not the church?

In the morning, we knew that the first group to leave the giant kingdom early and break into the kingdom would never be the main force of the giants.

The main force is in the capital of the giant kingdom, waiting for the arrival of the first king's capital, who says he is now ready. Its main force is said to be Onyquil, a famous mammoth among the giants.

If that takes the lead, there won't be as much power as the paper walls, such as the Royal Army, where the Church Army has fallen out.

From his previous work, the True King, who trusts and cuts off the cross, had nothing to worry about.

Cross immediately decided by the power of the Holy Spirit to have the True King transferred to the attacked suburban cathedral - and flew on his own.

The first, yesterday afternoon, when the sun tilts, will already cross the boundaries of the Royal Direct Jurisdiction.

Nearly double faster than the kingdom side predicted.

Interception is an army of God that Cross claims descended near the suburban cathedral.

The 2,000 soldiers who lived in the streets were not different than overwhelming others.

The priests of the diocese and the soldiers of the Royal Army, who were assembling on the First Line of Defense, gazed at its divine appearance.

The contents are, of course, Wipley, who had come to the Reconstruction Village, and the vampires who had become his servants, even Unitota, in the army of Hell that he had deposited from Astleto.

Cross had already asked Nazm to finish disguising himself to the army he had deposited from Astleto.

In the first place, fallen angels without necks, durahans, zombies, skeletons, basilisks, gools, mummies, gorgons, chimeras and other warcraft, as well as wipleys (human bats) and their vampired servants, but they look like angels, valkyries, jihadists, fairies, spinks, pegasus, phoenix, unicorns, griffons and other divine beasts.

In addition to this, 13 generals, originally under Astleto, were decorated and thrown at the archangel, who had perceived the movements of the Wipleys, who had recently started to stand out and move, and who had themselves appeared in the reconstruction village.

But the opponent is an army of giants who say it would be three to five times the height of a human being.

Less than 200 of those one squadron, which was also many times faster than humans, had raised the smoke and approached it.

Moreover, its offensive power is comparable to that of a single division, 6000 soldiers, even with a small estimate.

But at a considerable distance, I heard a giant soldier.

"What the hell is that!

"God! God's army!

Already, when you know what it looks like to be an army of God, there are many things that will vanish your will to fight, and the battle was decided to win or lose in an hour.

More than humans, the slightly larger mummies are disguised as holy full plates, soldiers with large shields stop, and Durahan on a warcraft shoots a bow in the form of angels on unicorns and pegasus. Wipley and the others are disguised as Phoenix and Griffon, flying through the sky and hitting the heads of the soldiers of the Giant Troops.

Out of balance at your feet, on your knees, or on your buttocks, a zombie or skeleton dresses as a jihadist, wanting to wield a sword and be like an ant.

From behind, the zombies wrapped around the holy coat in disguise - it looked like jihadists threw big spears one after the other, and with their awesome power, the spears pierced or even pushed through the giant's body.

A cross between a disadvantaged situation and deliberately letting a giant army escape when an order to withdraw is issued by the commander without annihilation.

He followed it across the river to the giant kingdom, engaged twice whenever his legs stopped, engaged again at the border so that he would be utterly defeated, and entered the capital without even giving one death to each other.

Before dawn it reached the capital, and with dawn it became a siege of the capital and an engagement. Of course even citizens take weapons and join the fight.

The armies of the gods of Cross are held back by Onikir, the youngest brother of the enemy chief, Kuiyatarokar, who was called the supreme general of the giant army.

Not only was the Cross Army inferior in number, but Onyquil was the best warlord in the history of the giant nation, as well as a military teacher.

Among Durahan, the Skeleton Knights, Ghouls, Warcraft, and so forth, the seemingly elite struggle, and the zombies, slimes, mummies, and chimeras one after the other become the rust of Onyquil's sword.

But one replenishment after another comes from the kingdom side. They were engaged in beekeeping, of the Whipleys, the direct men of Mitsu whom Ito called.

But I don't think we can compete like this, and Cross takes the two 13th generals, Asmodeus and Navelius, into the Sheikh Palace.

The two dressed as archangels stormed inside Miyagi, finally occupying the hall of the Dragon Springs, where Cross struck one with the belligerent Nandoya chief Kuiyata Loker against the backdrop of Dragon Vein Energy.

Using magic guns, electric shocks, water column arrows, air bomb mines, ray blinking, etc., victory and defeat were decided one step ahead of sticking the cross up his throat.

Fighting is still going on outside for now, but this is how Yattaroker was forced to declare himself a loser.

"Truce... No, defeat! Go get Onyquil.

Nandoya chief Kuiyata Loker admitted to a clean loss and sat in front of the crosses as his youngest brother, Onikil and the others.

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