On the morning of the signing ceremony, Mitsu was coming through the path made by Buel to the Platoshire field long after.

About Erna's work, Kamiya leaks words that concern her.

"Of course I wish you'd do that job, but we don't have a resident caddy, so we have a lot of problems. Like an educator. If you're going to stay and do it all the time, don't help me if you do something like that while Caddy does it, like educators and complaint clerks for the bee squad. Girls have to be girls, after all. It's hard.

Mitsu whispers with a slight face.

"That 's-- those people are hard, aren't they?

"Huh? Did I say something?

"No, is that right? I have a job and it's above all.

"So, can we negotiate?

I look back at the Elnas, but of course I'm not going to refuse them any job.

Two of them approached me and nodded with a smile.

"Then I'm sorry, can you keep these two?

"That's good, but what about the place of residence?

Of course, I'm going to rely on this one, but I was too glamorous to say that first, and I was thinking after I decided if I could let you do the job anyway.

"That's what I haven't decided yet. It's also hard to get from Wang Du to this point, how are you all doing?

"We usually stay here, and only when we take a holiday do we go back there because our house is in the king's capital or in a nearby village. But you can live here all the time. I can't shop until I get to the Wang capital or a big village nearby, but I have more or less everything I need here. I can eat meat every day, and the guy who doesn't have her tells me I shouldn't have a day off.

"Well, that's... So, do you have a room here?

"Of course some people stay here and play, so I always have extra room. We can't have rooms like that, but nobles may also bring their servants and soldiers. I have a decent room like that. If you like, you can use it right away. We'll open up one of the proper rooms one of these days. Should I have two?

That became a question directly from Kamiya to the Ernas. Erna answers immediately.

The year is my sister, but when this happens, my brother Ares just stands like a sashimi.

"No, we've lived together before, if we had two beds.

"All right, all right. I'll look after a nice room, so use one of those for a while.

"Thank you.

"Well, hey Okinii, just show him around the course. Is that all you got?


I guess you thought Elna was a little too flippant, trying to take out the work clothes I've just gotten from Bokovo. And he looked at it, and Camilla said,

"Then put your luggage around there. Ah, if you're going to change, show him to his room once. Oh, good. That was Boko's port work outfit. I think we should make one of those.

"That's good, Mr. Camilla. Then when the two of you are dressed, I'll introduce you to everyone around.

When Erna and the others came dressed, Kamiya said she was smudged after dropping them off at the course on Okinii's guide.

"I appreciate it. I'm busy and understaffed with more work in Wangdu. Now the three of us are going to be able to turn to the king's capital.


"Since the Demon King crusade, there have been some raids on His Highness, but in response, His Highness has courageously led the army. Everyone's gaining momentum, and the economy is good among the Wang capital. The coffee shop that Mitsu knows is thriving, and... it's not a coffee shop these days, it's a steak restaurant."

"Really, not so much anymore"

"Yeah. We handle that meat, too. It's an amazing sale. I don't want to get too tired of the tao, but if it still sells out, I'll have to throw it away. When you put it in the calculation until that happens, it doesn't fit unless you get it to some extent. Then it's a silly sale, especially if you've eaten at that coffee shop. I'll wait in line before the store opens. Then more people buy it.

"Well, that's amazing.

"A lot of people give babies opinions, so we need to get them well nourished and raise healthy kids.

"Right. Those people need it, too.

When they say I give you boobs, I get thrilled. I am ashamed that things with Hiakint are petite traumatic and men say boobs.

Hi, when I read my consciousness worrying about Kamiya's gaze, you still {grew up after a while, because it's a growing up.} and was thinking rude.

For a while, even if it's in public - but inside a lagon or something - it may not be able to replenish the energy.

(I wonder what the Lord thinks sometimes when I'm magic replenishing?

But even in the city, mothers with dairy drinks don't shy of giving tits, so think they won't be thinking weird things only for lagons.

"Right. They can teach you how to cook in a coffee shop. They're telling me about the men who went there. Well, if you teach, maybe you have a slightly different lower heart. Looks like honey's a good seller too. Fur and fangs are also expensive. They let me deal with that exclusively at home. There was originally a route.

"Was I? You're really looking out for me.

"No, that's not true. I'm taking care of you. They keep getting me cheap and good stuff like that. But isn't that why the monster's gone?

"No. Think about the neighborhood. It seems to be planned.

"Yes, but idiots and scissors tell us to use it, but the people who have the power to use it without saying," Well, if you use it, it will help people. "But even though we say that monsters are the mountain of Seoul to get rid of at best, we don't do it well, those guys. Can you do it because I have a secret weapon called a magic gun? And the sisters of the bee squad, do you have any guidance on that trap or something? Hey, you guys seem strong, too.

Monster hunting would be dangerous for any number of people in a normal human being. Some of them are monstrous nobles, defeating two monsters on a single horseback.

But the likes of Viscount Cyber and Margaretta are special, and they are not the last protectors of mankind to be used to procure such food.

So this is an important cause for demons and humans to coexist.


"I have something else to be thankful for. Until now, our organization has been considered to be on the institutional side. So I mean counter-institutional, not bad guys like Unitota, but distanced myself from the ones who disagree with the kingdom today. You guys shrunk the distance from those guys who run the help cabin or something. Quite a lot of guys alone, that's what we couldn't do.

"Really? Is that from yesterday's incident?

Yesterday's incident was, of course, when the Yasko Initial Residents were found on the verge of being turned to a drug-enhancing human being, who helped after the first struggle with Ganjin.

On the outside, the whistleblowing by the Brandles led to Gandhi's escape, a case in which only the stigmatized sick remained.

I hear that the coffee shop members also spoke to Tao when they brokered it into other help cabins on their own network.

The vampired drug-fortifying humans of that time should also be used in monster hunting.

Speaking of which, what happened to the two of them: Brandle and Zattoo, who were not drug reinforced humans, who were just being used by gunzine, vampired because they were seriously ill? Mitsu did not know the present of the two.

"You know exactly what I mean. I didn't make it very big - I mean, I keep it a secret from the government, but, well, it's the sisters at the coffee shop I've found, so I can't help it. Thanks to you for putting that together in solidarity with us and the anti-institutional help cabin, I had the opportunity to discuss it with them. They're all pretty straight at the core, and I don't think it's weird for a second or third tao to come out of them.

"Well, that's an amazing assessment.

Then Camilla also told me about the reputation of the coffee shop in the king's capital and the rumor that the newcomers who had just entered yesterday were dodgy, and that when True King came to the diocese along the street the other day, he was visited hunting monsters for beekeeping and, as a result, was given the right to do similar work in meadows all over the kingdom.

Hearing that, I recall that there was also one suburban cathedral near here, but also at the end of the royal administration where the mites were sent to Tao to head to the Tool Bridge.

Mitsu, who has trauma in the holy water, looked at the figure from a distance and laughed in his heart, but now Mitsu's heart had something that touched the harp line.

"Then it's a bummer, but I'm with this.

"Well, I wish I could slow down. Are you going back to Boko again?

"Yes, because I still have one job left.

"Well, they're the only ones. Watch out. You're strong, though.

"Yes, thank you.

Immediately Mitsu stops by the beekeepers and tells them, 'Elna is the Lord's favorite, so don't ever turn against her'.

Because if the educator is considered blind and vampired, the meaning of the help will be halved because of it.

Out of the woods, there was no one around, and Mitsu stopped at the spot...

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