Thus Mitsu finished his work in the king's capital, but as Buel had heralded, 'Return on your own', the path that Buel could come here in an instant, which he followed with the summons of Yumeika, was closed.

At this difficult time, I can't do this job except for Mitsu or Lagon by saying that I'm a good face here, not a signature protection, of course, but I know why I'm here, of course.

That's because of the scattered holy water, seen in the lair that rescued Lovelin last night.

Indeed, that was not something that could have been effectively utilized for the Mafia.

Because, in a certain sense, the Spirit under divine protection, even if it is exotic, does not feel any repentance for holy water, etc.

But the problem isn't that that didn't help, it's bigger that the mafia had it ready.

The weapon of holy water that was prepared for that lair was never by chance there, but was planned and prepared.

For what?

That is almost certainly to intercept the Demons, who will turn to the enemies of the Mafia at the signing ceremony that will take place today, in a few hours' time.

Only if we were convinced that there were demons in His Highness's forces, but also as the main force, would we have deliberately prepared such weapons.

To keep Viscounts of Cyber from understanding the feelings of such enemies, all holy swords and new magic guns have been hidden - a cloak of flowers have brought home new guns - but they have been destroyed.

Mitsu distressed me wondering if I should hurry home or if I would get my foot together.

If I feel the repellence of holy water again, my legs will dull and I won't be able to move?

Mitsu reminds me.

The day the demon king's army attacked the king's capital in total, Mitsu's army kept Ronoweh's spear.

The situation was overwhelmingly favourable to the Demon King's Army, and it was thought that if pushed with force, the Royal Castle would fall in less than half a day.

But the defense of the enemy, including thousands of church troops, was stronger than I thought.

Especially with Viscount Cyber, the kingdom's elite, the force that runs through the battlefield is the work of a lion.

Mitsu and his men fought courageously to attack another gate with the Astleto elite army led by a double-owner who missed his kung fu.

When the vanguard of an ally who soon climbed to the gate was convinced that he would open the gate from the inside, an enemy amusement army attacked the avant-garde of the mites, slipping in unexpectedly.

The avant-garde, which has been able to gain momentum so far, is defeated without a scratch.

Seeing, what the enemy has is a holy sword put on holy water.

Though the power of the Sacred Sword itself is hardly a big deal, the abundance of immersed holy water caused deadly damage to the Demons on my side.

Until this point the enemy did not see a warrior with the Holy Sword, so all the rare and fashionable among Mitsu's men went by wretched defeat by the Holy Sword, because they had cut ahead without any ties.

No, I realized that those who are being defeated are probably just not good at connecting, but it's too late.

The mite I saw, of course, jumped in front of an ally who had broken the line against holy water and was still about to be hit.

I barely held her back and tried to jump up, but then the holy sword, cut from my back, did my best to crack and smash and scatter.

Then only one piece of the shattered holy sword passes through the border of the mite, and with that piece of holy water also enters it.

At that moment, I could see the holy sword and holy water wielded by another soldier swung down my back when I thought that the pain, like a current ran through Mitsu's body, and at the same time lost its strength.

When severe pain runs and at the same time no more, it turns into a wipley with mighty magic to learn about despair for the first time.

At that time, 0110 ─ If the Ites hadn't come to help us, maybe they would have vanished on that spot.

Then, returning to the position of Ronoweh, he became the figure of Kamar and learned of the defeat of the Demon King while being put into a special magic tool, the Demon Recovery Case.

After sundown, carry a heavy box of mites to a safe place for all of us, for days, every day in the case we lived, with the wounds we received spreading and the fear of extinguishing, can never be forgotten.

Even after some magic had recovered, the wound had spread slightly each time it consumed energy.

As it were, if we couldn't get around the Lord and the magic wasn't fully restored, sooner or later those wounds would have spread all over our bodies and vanished.

The kids that were in the case then with me left two shallow scratches, which became smoke in front of the mites.

Unlike the true Demons, the Demons, made from creatures like the Mits, will not be resurrected 100 years later by the energy of their pulses without a demonic realm to return to.

Mitsu and the straightforward children of Mitsu may have been transformed from Kamar or its eggs, where the reality is, or may have been shaped as Kamar even when he died as a demon tribe, but the other 10,000 Whipleys were made and laid by magic a hundred clones of Kamar ─ Mitsu with eggs by the Demon King.

At the time of the birth, the cloned body of the mite used up the magic given to the Demon King without one remaining, and watched it fail to take its form and disappear, so at the end of the day I knew it would turn into smoke and disappear, but it was still hard.

By the way, all but Mitsu's straight kids think Mitsu's straight kids had 100 kids at a time, but they haven't denied it.

To the Ites, too, it was a top secret, so to speak, that was not to be denied.

(If I don't get over that memory, I can't help the Lord who healed that wound.

After worrying, Mitsu uses the line to call the cross.

"Cross, where are you now?

"I'm just returning to the King's Capital. I just reported the situation to True King.

"Actually, I need a favor from Cross. I'm in Pratochar, near Wangdu. There will be a cathedral along the street, going towards the Tool Bridge. I wonder if I'll see you anywhere near that?

"Fine, just give me a minute.

After a while, a cross flew over to Mitsu, who waited behind the designated cathedral.

"What's going on? Dear Mitsu, I can't believe you called me straight away. It's not a stand-up treat, is it?

"That's not true. It's not your fault.

"Really? I don't know what's going on, I might have overdone it.

This girl always does. I honestly apologize for 'I did it' after I left it too much.

I admit I'm capable, but I really shouldn't seem to create any discord in the organization.

"If you think so, report it to the Lord a little sooner. Not since I was in trouble.

"I'll do that next time. So, what if it's not a setup?

"You, the crucifix the Lord gave you, you can do the same thing as a magic gun, right?

"Yes, I can fire in a row like a new magic gun.

"Bullets were junction bullets, right?

"You know just fine.

"What's in the junction?

"Condensed air, the ingredients in the air also contain moisture and dust.

"You can also just pack water, right?

"That's what they seemed to think at first. Store some water in the cross, wrap it in a junction and chunk it. But then I run out of ammo along the way, so now I'm using the ability of the constriction of the junction to condense about a thousand times as much air into a bullet.

"Could this place take holy water into the junction?

That's why Mitsu chose this place.

"Of course, if you sneak a glass or something, you can smoke it, but no way. Mitsu?

"Yes, so I want you to shoot me. Bring me a bucket full of it.

"If you do that, you're dead. You want to die?

"Don't be silly. Of course, I'll tie the line.

"But you, holy water..."

"Yes, I'm afraid of holy water and I can't help it. That's just nearby, and my legs are shaking and I can't move.

"So you're okay? Can you keep putting up a line?

"I don't know. I may be scared and unable to do anything. But if I can't do that, I can't help the Lord. So today, even though there's a signing ceremony I really have to go to, I made errands here and they took me off on purpose. Because they have a magic gun that launches a holy sword immersed in holy water or a burst bomb filled with holy water.

"So you...

"Yes, you and I, and only about as crusty as we can be bound in SS. That's why I have to go to that place, too. And I have to fight.


That's right. At least don't be scared, you have to give them enough to tie the line.

"Do you know how I got seriously injured in the Wang Du total attack?

"I heard you took the place of someone, covering your own men.

"Still no wonder? Though it was a sword immersed in holy water, he said it reached me where the bonds could be stretched.

"Right, then why?

"At that time, the sword the soldier had was an old, low-level holy sword, so it broke in the junction. And the fine fragment pierced the junction. And I walked through the junction and led a drop of holy water into the junction. The effect of that drop of repellence deprives me of the power to tie my boundaries...

"So you were released and received holy water in life.

"The next enemy knows the weakness of such a junction and takes the ingenious means of planting holy water in a rupture bomb. So good. Horrible. Please, let's get some holy water.

As he entered the diocese, the nodded cross, after a while, filled with holy water and brought it out into the bin when he brought out holy water for business treatment.

"Mitsu, I get it. But this is a risk to life. If you hit the steeple, you'll really die.

I know enough about that, even the Demon King will perish if he is plunged into the steeple with the Holy Sword. But we only have two hours before the signing ceremony.

The mites moved away from the cathedral and set up a huge information cover-up on a wide wasteland.

"I know. Come on, do it. I don't have time.

"Well, no help!

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