"Stop it, stop it already, Aradia!

Outside the juncture, from the closest to the stage, His Royal Highness the Prince overlooks and shouts at the place where Diekici became the executioner.

"What are you doing! Get your daughter's neck up on the decapitator.

"But this man...

Dirkichi couldn't do it very well. In contrast to the fact that the witch thought it would be effective to make him do it, there is no way that we could turn down the life of His Highness Milian Rune, the King's people, at our hands, according to the hopes of all the people.

"I'm just a daughter! You don't deserve anything alive or dead. I don't know any spiciness. The trouble is I was born after everything, and I've lived in happiness all my life, my daughter in the flower garden in my head.

What the witch is saying, maybe it's not wrong. But Diekici knew full well how much the King's people overlapped themselves and their descendants' futures and were enthusiastic about His Highness as if he had left this happiness wanting.

"But this man has hope for everyone in the kingdom. I know. How important it is to the people that they have travelled all these cities and that the country is prosperous and more secure. Are you happy?

"What a fool. Compared to that boring thing, this witch Aladia's, the grudge she recruits... That's enough! If you're such a useless arm, I'll chop it off with you!

Say it quickly, or the witch goes down the stage. Margaretta tries to attack the junction around the stage, which she finds to have been solved, but is inhibited by multiple beasts.

Then again, that chain was released from the witch's wand.

He looks like a princess left unconscious, with one of his two daughters and a chain tangled in Deekichi's wrist, dragged into the truncating table, and the clasp plate pinches both Deekichi's arms as well.

"No - please don't -. With this hand, I still have something to do.

More than that, there was also a Hill-like demon stuck in his mouth, and he could no longer speak.

If I lose my hand, I can't work on my dick's automaton, or hug my beloved Erna.

"I'll give you a break with just my arms. How sweet of me. Thank you very much.

That said, the witch unties the chains that were connected to Dikichi and Milin and wraps them around herself.

I thought I could get away with this, but the clasp plate on the truncating table no longer catches my hand disappointingly and lets go. My hands are pinched where there are no holes. I thought maybe if His Highness's neck were that little head, it would fall out, but he seems completely out of his mind, and he doesn't look like he can get away with it very much off his neck.

"Stop! Aladeer!!"

As the entire venue watches what happens, the sad screams of His Majesty the True King echo vainly from outside the venue.

As if to grin such a cry, the witch who jumped before the stage had Hulbert, where she had taken it from.

When you move it down, something like a clasp that was securing the huge blade on the truncating table comes off making a rattling noise. At the same time, the truncated blade, whose crossing would be twice the length of a person's back, has gained momentum from a fairly high position, leaving it to its weight.

(No more -!

But at that moment, a great impact was transmitted through the clasp plate to the truncating table, and the sound of metal destruction echoed. Some big shadow flew towards the blade about the size of each person and smashed it.

If you look at the one it popped up, it's quite a distance away, but there you are the nostalgic faces, the powerful automatons who were in the lab of Jamon.

And he was thrown, and it was nobody else who folded the blade, the former master of Deekichi, the world's best alchemist known as Jamon behind Chiba, the man.

"Muggle (oh, uncle no.

Jamon supported the rest of the broken blade and turned to Dirkichi and said this with a little laugh.

"You really have a lot of work to do, even if you break the gate, I'll still make you go this far with the extra effort. If I keep doing that, I'll tell you how to die.

Geimon made himself look like a shell to help Dirkichi, who was about to be slashed off his wrist, and let a few automatons of his own proud power throw him this far.

Jamon slapped the rest of the broken blade with his supporting hands and threw it under the stage.

Finally with that leg, he kicks and breaks the board where Millin and Deekichi's arms are fixed. Deakichi finally liberated. I peeled off the hill on my mouth and screamed.

"Thank you!

Diekichi can help one person who seems to be Milin out of the headstand and lie next to the other, still seemingly Milin's town daughter.

But there was no way the witch could have shut up and missed that.

"Jamon, even you -! Deakichi, you're going to die!

The witch fires three shots in a row at Deekichi with the magic gun she took out.

"Oh, it's dangerous!

The bullet shot through the shoulder and neck of a covered Jamon.


It wasn't the power of a regular magic gun. Jamon's body dances in the air with the momentum of being shot out. Jamon bleeds out a lot of blood as it is and falls under the stage. Dirkichi jumped, too.

"Chi! Kill them all already! Behemoth!


Behemoth roars and rises with his hind legs. At the same time, an unfamiliar voice echoed through the venue.

"Aradia! You don't look so great.

"That voice! Lucifer!"

It is a shadow that looks down directly below the witch, from a higher position than His Majesty the True King. It's just that Dirkichi looked familiar to that face.

I won't forget, Jamon gave me 12 and 13, it's Lucy the Wizard.

"I don't like that name. - Oh, come on. My loved ones took a beating and managed to burn to death in the building. Oh, what is this?

Lucy is bewildered by the junction strewn across the venue.

After all, even the best wizards in the world cannot cross the other's boundaries.

"Ha ha! Even you can't get inside the bond I put up. You knew, that no strong man would be allowed within the boundaries of others.

"Well, even if it's my bond, I know I can't get in without disarming it. But, you know, some people broke my bond and came in.

"The wizard with the best magic in the world, the one who left even the alias of Satan the devil behind!

"Either way, right? Your reputation is getting worse. So I figured it out, you know, the junction, not breaking it. Break it."

At the same time as that voice, the invisible junction made a noise with the mistletoe, smashing and scattering with the broken sound of the glass at that moment.

(Well, is this Lucy who Satan is said to be the most powerful demon in the world!

The extinction of the junction turned out to be Satan's descent right in front of Deekichi, by Jamon.

"Doh, why not?

"I won't tell you. I thought about it, too. Think about that, too, with a bad head." Slightly approaching, Satan speaks to the critically ill Gymon. "Oops, what are you doing?

What a voice. Even though Jamon is seriously wounded dying, he is angry and stares at Deekichi for not being a little more caring.

"Oh, isn't it too late? Anyway, right now, we're gonna tie the line to a bomber.

"Okay, I was on my way here. I could have put it up for you then, because there's no way to let you know I put it up again." That said, Lucy spoke in a magical voice that echoed throughout the venue. "Uh, now that we've tied the line on the human bomb, now, you can do whatever you want, soldier.

Having said that, no one could pepper the talk of the woman said to be Satan, but Viscount Cyber, without straying, when he cut down the drug-fortifying man, confirmed the enemies that the ones around him would cramp and sink again, just like before.

"Satan, thank you only for today, I'll thank you.

On the other hand, Margaretta says so, cutting off two beasts at a time. The soldiers, in their voice, were enlivened by reaffirming that Satan was on their side.

"Stop it, if you thank me, I'll do it for three days.

And even out of the audience, a bunch of automatons pop up and head for the Beast Man. Viscount Cyber also relentlessly stabbed one mortal bomb after another.

"We still have Behemoth here! Go!"


Leviathan appears from outside the venue.

Witches, Lucy, and His Majesty the True King, who was in the air, come off a great deal from around the stage.

"Another doll from Jamon? I've been doing a lot of research on that. Go, demon.

The user demon attaches to Leviathan, but nothing changes, and when Leviathan waved, the paid user demon disappeared in the air.

"What the hell are you doing? Aren't you stupid?

"What now, why isn't it working? When I say shutdown, aren't we supposed to stop? A bunch of demons have been saying that all along in their ears.

"Ah well. Technology hasn't stalled forever. They say it's a second walk.

"What? Isn't that progressive?

"It's late, you are.

"Besides, Leviathan doesn't even possess it, he's moving unchanging?

"Independent mode, my brains in.

It didn't take long for the leftover Behemoth to eat Leviathan's "Straight to Tang Bamboo Cracking Chop" and get in two straight and out of breath.

"Yes! If this happens, give me Behemoth's last fart.

"What is this...?

First knocked down by kingdom braves, from around the lower half of Moss, who fell and lay low, a great momentum erupted of red-brown gas. Along with the tremendous smell, my vision goes to zero.

Only the witch quickly stood beside the girls on stage as all covered their noses and mouths and the movement stopped.

"I'll kill you myself already." Thoughtfully, Hulbert begins. "This is!

No gas, jump up into the air and Satan says.

"So... study that you're not the only one who can bond. Ever since I got down here, the princesses and the Night's brave men are in my bond. And with your power, my bond cannot be broken. This is a power battle.

"Satan! So you're gonna win? Even if I can't break the line, I don't..."

When I wondered if the witch had acted in such a way as to hold down the junction, the junction wrapped in milin, crusty, and lagon could disappear with the two wrapped together.

"What did you do?

"Ha-ha-ha, did you forget who I was? I have the power to send anything I touch to that place at any time. Even in your union..."

Ha ha, and keep laughing, the witch disappears like smoke.

"Don't run away!

Satan also disappeared from the spot.

At the foot of the stage, Deekichi remains seated holding Jamon. A girl-shaped automaton rushed over worryingly, the first time I saw Dirkichi.

"Monsieur Gymon!

"Oh number 14, or there's only one. Perhaps now Largo is unconscious and falling. It's supposed to be synchronizing the spirit with the Lagon, so it's supposed to have a shitty effect on the Lago. Maybe he won't be conscious for more than a month. But when you do, there's no doubt that Largo will go to eternal prison. At that time, if you ask Samael, he might just tell you how to get there. Heh.

"Okay. Jamon, I will be sure to tell you.

"Oyaji, don't talk anymore!

"No, that's not how it is-- hey.

There, the Automatons came with Alessandro.

"You're the wizard who woke me up. Tell me, I, I...

"You're not human, you can say it well. Forgive me. For more information, ask this girl - number 14.

"True, I would have been dead by now. But even with that power, Millin was taken away.

"Meet Largo. It will definitely bring you back to a decent, human Alessandro. And Mirin... Your Highness will be with you.

"Is that true? Lord Wizard, thank you!

Alessandro runs up to the stage. On stage where no one is anymore, His Majesty the True King should have stepped down.


"Uncle, that's enough. Shut up and rest. I'll be right with the doctor.

"What side do you mean you're a dick?" No, the doctor does. Yes. ─ ─ You were born with the ability to round people up, and one day I was going to eat more of Me, but I couldn't do it, but at the end of the day, I could fool you. I'm satisfied.

"About what, Oyaji.

"You know what I mean. That Mee cared about you like a son." I mean, I guess you're saying that until now, you didn't make Deekichi understand that. And Jamon continues, holding Deekichi's hand. "Your hands are important, don't try to be a wizard. Use that clever hand, yeah. Be a doll maker. Forget about your bad abilities. Seriously, seriously. You gotta work hard.

"Uncle! Don't die, Oyaji!

"No more, Hugh, no more, give me that. There was too much blood.

That happened, and Jamon lost consciousness. I took my wrist but had no pulse and the warmth was gone already.

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