Naomi, returning from Abehalnville, stares at the venue with a face full of coal as if she had lost her mind.

When the witch left and Satan was gone, the battle came to an end.

The remaining beasts are no longer surrendering, and the drug-fortified humans, who had reduced their numbers to a few, are also terminated with the activity of Viscount Cyber and Margaretta.

When the enemies in the venue were cleared, the windows at the blown entrance and exit were cleared by the Automatons.

Many dependable soldiers were injured, but the men are helping as far as they can among the citizens. Fortunately, rescue had also arrived from the outside, and the entrance and exit were soon restored. Few citizens were left behind, and there is a smooth exit going on.

Out of line for exit, grumbling are the men who were the first to confront the drug-fortifying humans and were hit by bullets in an attempt to guard the entrance and exit at the beginning of the battle.

"Hey, thanks to you guys, I didn't get hurt.

One lady called out, heading to the entrance and exit.

"It's true, you fought bravely that the soldiers were also dull. Thanks for your help.

A gentleman who seems to have some standing also goes to the entrance and exit with admiration.

Naomi tries to wipe holy water from their - vampires' wounds and heal them with the ability to heal blood, as they cannot see from the citizens, but the deep hand hurt by the repellence of holy water just spreads, albeit little by little.

"No, my magic is on the bottom, but...

I was going to tell Hanako, but Naomi mumbles when she sees that there are still people around her. I just wanted to say that I don't have a source of that magic.

I watched as Lagon was taken away and Krasabi was taken away.

Our only source of magic anymore is blood supply from Largo, but that Largo has fallen by the stage and is unconscious. Buell is desperate to heal, but there seems to be no sign of regaining consciousness.

Speaking of the cause, according to Jamon, who fell into the Magic Gun Murder, he won't wake up for at least two weeks.

If they take you back to the villa like that, it's hard to suck blood from sleeping Largo without the crust. Anyway, Largo's body is covered in strong scales, so when he sucked blood, he had to go into his mouth and suck it out of the hole where Largo said to have opened it with his own nails in the soft area under his tongue, but since he got into Bokovo, there have been mites, so unlike during the trip where there was no other way of replenishing it, awe meant that he stayed kamar all the time and was replenishing from the tits of mites. The hole under the tongue may be blocked because blood suction from Largo is no longer taking place and it will be at least a few days.

Even if there was a hole in it, if you're going to try to do it from an unconscious Largo, it's pretty hard without a crusty, nearby cooperation.

Other means of magic replenishment were excellent sources of magic replenishment: Lagon and Mitsu and even Lago, so there are no magic water conversion devices installed elsewhere.

The closest, they say, is the initial product, but it is set up in a fishing village, made by the bay of Namba, which houses Demon King Island.

"We'll have to go and get some supplies for a while.

On the wipline, Hanako concludes.

Send it in there and the vampires will get better scratches.

But the witch has left, and the enemy Mafia remnants have been exhausted, but Milin has been taken away. The humans who don't even have to chase Aradia, who even Satan, with that mighty power, escaped, look like defeated soldiers while restoring temporary peace. The footsteps of Bokovo citizens, who continue to exit in front of them, are also by no means light.

Naomi looked over the stage, adjacent to where Largo was, and His Majesty the True King was sitting on the stage and collapsing.

"Milin, where have you been taken?

Going up there were two wizards, who had been transformed into cold-blooded beasts.

I was in this neighborhood until earlier, but I was already back where I was. When the witch changed them, she just said, 'You keep your mouths shut for a while!' He said. Time bound magic, or I guess the powers of the witch are no longer available.

Give in, glance into the face of His Majesty the True King of Faith, and Pespectiva is speaking.

"His Majesty the True King Lillian Rune. When that witch Aladia talks about that place, it's brutal, but it'll be the only place there. Your Majesty the True King must know that well.

"No! That kid is still a kid who doesn't even live in an adult ritual. And yet it's that bad. If I could take your place..."

All this time, I've been standing by my side, my SS buddy Cross, and I keep my mouth shut.

"Sire, while I'm here, I'm sorry.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King of Serving. Haven't they taken you with them, too? Has Lord Brave died? Wouldn't you bring Millin home? Oh, my God.

Yes, will Lagon not be resurrected? Geimon didn't mention that. But in Largo's fallen description, he says, 'Because the junction passes through heat, the blood in his lungs has evaporated,' so we should assume that Largo cannot be resurrected unless it is supplied with it. Or there may still be components other than the moisture in the blood in Largo's lungs, but if it's not hydrated from anywhere, it won't go back to normal. Besides, I usually can't think of water in my lungs on its own. Besides, doesn't hardened blood necessarily show its ability to do what it does, just because it's been hydrated?

The brawl in the venue is almost cleared, and Viscount Cyber, who rushed to the stage, is kneeling and speaking from under the stage.

"Your Majesty! Sorry!

"Viscount Cyber, how could you while you were here!

"I'm so sorry. But anyway, here, it could still be dangerous. Once in a safe place...

Alessandro ran up there.

"Mother, His Majesty the True King..."

"Alessandro! Oh, you, why?

For the Naomis, on the other hand, there is holy water all around them.

I also had to worry about getting physical. Johanne, the possessed nun of Astleto, delivers with an indelible mite. Its body, too, is back to being a perfectly normal human figure, but it was all over holy water, and it was unlikely to be able to get it out of here without Astleto's cooperation.

"What should the Lord do?

I don't have to be Naomi, I want to fly right to your side and bring you here, but unless Cross even puts up a polite junction, I'm likely to be in the same or worse shape than Mitsu. Besides, it's at the heart of the people's environment. It is not preferable to know that there are any more things here that are not people's.

"It won't be a good idea for us to take him home. Only His Highness, who was taken away, was watching where the Lord fell. I don't think he's lost his identity.

"But nobody seems to notice the Lord.

Largo has not disappeared separately, but the enemy's body also crosses fifty. There were also many injuries and medical units were coming in one after the other from the outside. In the meantime, it must be about Millin who's gone that turns his attention to the little lizard.

The favor is Margaretta, but she is deprived by the witch of Her Royal Highness, who is the subject of protection, and seems to be no less beaten than His Majesty the True King, and not in a state where she can care for a very disoriented cold-blooded beast.

Cross, who accompanies His Majesty the True King of Faith, is supposed to have no knowledge of Largo, so in that atmosphere, he says, 'Ah, what lizard is falling there? It would also be difficult to pronounce' etc.

"Sure, in this state - let's leave it to Buell. Even if no one notices, they will surely take them out. But I wonder where we should pull up--"

"But there's nowhere in Bokovo City we can stay today. From a neighboring village, there should be a huge number of peasants and merchants staying over to see this signing ceremony.

"I wonder where Lagon was staying. I don't know who we are, but Cross and Krasby are said to be dragon men.

"That's probably from the beginning. Then there is a little distance, but let's go to the fisherman's village near Demon King Island, which is my territory. You'll get some rest over there. For the sake of clarity, let's say that Lagon was staying, creating a new fixed gate on the roof of the inn. In case Buell is to come, if that's the case, I'm lost.

"Why don't you use that and get the vampires some magic water for this as soon as possible? We need magic water to heal this wound.

"Then you should take me there no more, I don't think I should stay in this town.

"Right. And let's leave Heiji and Hayami at the inn. If they look like kids, even if they pursue them, they'll let you say Hanako takes Mitsu and doesn't know. Even if Mitsu's whereabouts are unknown, it is possible that Lagon-like officials, who were kingdom braves, will receive useful information from the human side.

"It was being turned into that cold-blooded beast, what could have happened to the two wizards?

"I'm climbing up the stage now, I'm by His Majesty the True King.

"Those two know the Lord. Maybe I don't have to shut up.

"The cross is nearby. But you can't stop talking in front of His Majesty the True King, can you? It's more about Cross himself. Absolutely questionable, right? He's the owner of the group's best fraudulent abilities, so he'll get away with anything.

"Still, don't even listen to the Lord's intentions, he'll be confused about what to talk about, too.

"But I'm sure you'll find out from the other wizards, even if you leave them alone.

"We were both out lousy to the Lord. I was wondering if you could somehow keep it to yourself?

"I wish I could stop talking well...

"If you're not in this state, I'm going to ask you to be Kamal and fly all the way to your ears. Not very much, but there's so much holy water repellence standing in there. Inside. As soon as possible, I want to get out of here.

"More than that. Come on, they took Krasabi, didn't they? 'Over there' means maybe eternal prison?

"Not good, it is. That woman, sure, there are rumors that she used to be the keeper of eternal prison.

"That's not God's job. Were you such a great man?

"It won't be. Perhaps some punishment prevented him from being in the human world, and he was grabbed by such a job in the sense of confinement. I don't know the details of it, either, because it's too much to ask.

Astleto wondered if he knew anything about old things, but he didn't seem to. Everyone gets silent when they hear the name eternal prison. But from what I've seen so far, Largo must say he's probably going to help.

"I don't like hatches. Going to a place like that for humans.

"Still, when the Lord told me to follow you, I made a vow.

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do with Krasabi?

"─ We're friends, aren't we? - Crab, I want to help.

"Right. But I'll leave it to the Lord. Besides, I haven't decided to go over there yet. First of all, isn't it time to find the witch?

"Let's find Master Satan, maybe he'll help us.


"In the absence of the Lord's command, I wonder if that is the case.

"All you have to do is gather information about what's good for you.

"Then I, from something close to the top of the surviving beast man, grab something that will lead me to follow the witch.

Klenai says. Then Yachiyo stops it.

"Wait, I'll turn Krenai into a soldier or guard with my abilities.

Thinking about what one can do voluntarily after another, Hayami and Hatch will wait outside the venue for the surviving soldiers and beasts to be taken, where they come out, the hatch will touch around at the invisible speed of humans, enslaving them all.

Thus, during the period leading up to Largo's awakening, SS activities began to move.

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