The analysis of the situation surrounding His Majesty the True King in the villa continued.

The audience near the entrance and exit, which was at the forefront of the civil escape, involved fewer than ten people, including three wizards and what seemed to be the magicians of a disciple brought by one of them. There seemed to be other courageous men of my subordination brought in by Tao, and some of the citizens who fought themselves, but they were immediately hit by guns and other injuries. Though I don't even know the brass, I settled on whether it belonged to the vigilante that I had organized in each village and elsewhere, or to the escort of the majestic farmers and merchants.

Out on the field was that of its fought wizard, Jamon, who could not be replaced by a cold-blooded beast at risk, who resolutely flew through the sky and rescued Milin from the headstand. Except I bought a witch's grudge, got shot with a magic gun, and it looks like I finally lost my life.

"What happened to those up-armed disciples?

"At that time, helped, I accompanied a king citizen named Diekici, whom the witch had brought to execute His Highness, and carried him to his home in the back of the mountain of Sheba.

"Really? Do you really think that wizard did something like that to help Millin?

"The small job was also heard from close proximity to the stage, but I was wondering if that was an act that went to help a man named Deekichi. Even Dirkichi called that wizard a jerk.

"Are you a parent or a child?

"No, among ordinary people, that's what we call it, even between our brothers in prison.

"Many people call me Grandpa, but I don't have any children.

"I see that's what it is. I thought the very thing was a legacy, and you could mobilize those armed apprentices.

"The very ones, as if they knew no fatigue, were at the end doing their utmost to capture those of the mafia who remained resolute or to embrace the broken entrance and exit.

"Your Majesty, it's not unlikely. It's what lives in the kingdom, and a man named Diekichi, he definitely tried to protect His Highness's life with his life at stake, so it would be worth a try.

"Really, if that Deekichi had honestly put Millin's neck on the truncating table, he wouldn't have had a single hope by now.

Sure, if Lilyn was right, Satan wouldn't have made it without that resistance, and Jamon's help would have been against Deekichi, then his worry about Milin would have turned into something against the wreckage.

"It looks like it was originally used by witches, but that would mean that sin would be written off.

"I didn't think about it that way and I wouldn't tie him up. You risked your life to protect your Highness, too, because Viscount Cyber said that would be fine.

Others, Mitsu, Lagon's sister, Krasabi, were transformed into aliens to fight, Krasabi was taken away with Milin, and Mitsu was defeated and so much life and death is unknown.

The kingdom brave man, who was a young man named Lagon, was also defeated and taken away with Milin. The rest is Satan, but it turns out that the identity of this is a wizard, not a demon, but its authenticity is uncertain, and we don't even know if it's an enemy or an ally in the first place. I think I'll need to ask around Margaretta for her opinion a lot to deal with.

When that happens, the reliance will still be on the brave people of the kingdom.

"That means the kingdom brave is definitely a young man from a kingdom called Lagon.

"Sure, that was a ragon. You can't be wrong to look at it. Non is not good at seeing small letters nearby this year, but distant things look good.

"Tao, you're close to Lagon. I heard you were screaming about him at the venue, too.

"Of course, sir, that thing is not a young man who can be called the pride of the country. Non only met them a few days ago, but I thought he picked up a lot of guys after talking slowly.

"Will you let me be specific?

What Tao told me was just the day Sir Leold saw the funeral preparations at Tao's old office, that is, the day Milin was attacked in the king's capital. On that day, Tao, who had made the promise of Platochar with two of the eight nobles, whom Sir Leold was also close to, at the beginning of the Duke of Hahnnan, is meeting the Lagons for the first time when he sensed his life was being targeted and entered a deer car operated by his brother-in-law Kamiya outside the Wang Capital Wall. And it is Mitsu who was with me at that time.

"Is that the girl who fell this time after being replaced by a witch?

"Well, that kid is a good kid too, the two of them were brothers and sisters, they couldn't stay in a decent inn because they didn't have ID cards, and because they stayed in an obscure inn, they were eyed by Unitota, which happened to be the deer car that jumped in. I heard that Lagon had taken me out of the village, some majestic concubine, in the midst of a mite that made me listen above my body but was about to be concubined by the son of a bad nobleman, but with the education of a mother who happened to be doing something shadowy in the south, we both feel foolish - -...........................

"Uh, that story, I've heard it.

"What are you talking about, Olga?

"Uh, excuse me. Because such a story will soon spread among royal castle maids for noble balls. Anyway, it's a story about our future.

"What do you mean?

"No, I don't want to tell you anything.

"I want to know anything now. Tell me everything you know.

"Yes, in the village of the territory of Baron Gongod, a young man appeared in the days of the previous generations who named him 'the great saint of the living eye' as the fallen of the previous archpriest, who had tried to daughter-in-law by first seeing his village daughter. But the young man was a rare con artist, and was immediately imprisoned for his identity, but his escape from prison before being sentenced to a maximum sentence made the Baron's son a jump and try to concubine his village daughter famous.

"Then you don't have to hide it. I know. Yes, I was. The fact that the village daughter ran away meant that that son had never seen his face in the King's Capital since the story spread. How embarrassing.

"I heard it was my daughter's brother who took that village daughter away.

"Are you still the prodigal son of the Baron Gongod family? I was wondering if Noon was around.

"But when it comes to the predecessor archpriest, who was said to be the 'great saint of the living eye' in the days of the earlier kings, isn't that exactly the Incredible Master that Aradia brought in? I would not have had to be sentenced to extreme punishment if I had named such a thing in my name.

"Well, Lilyn, even so, when you have just named more than five noble people in government positions, you will have no choice but to impose a maximum sentence.

"Right. But the young man could have picked a few more people. No, that would be reasonably good. Then you're pretty sure that means you're probably from Baron Gongod territory.

"No, I need to look into that. Whatever. Because it was about a year ago that the incident did happen.

"It's a long year. If you came directly from the Baron Territory to the King's Capital, it would never take a year.

"There, well, isn't it a common story to rely on an edger or go to Wang Capital after a trial and error?

"Is that what it is? Exactly, I don't have any experience of wandering either, so I'm guessing Sir Leold knows much more about that area than I do, for example. I'll follow that opinion.

"Nothing, I'm not wanting to wander, either, but I'm just adding a lot of sights and sounds for the territory to be far away.

"I agree with Sir Leold. Born as a peasant, you don't want to go to the city right away. That and it seems that Lagon had quite a few admirers in that locality, many of whom later left the village and followed Lagon. I have a lot of women and children, but I keep the offices that we used in the past for them. You see, near the buffer area I met with His Majesty True King the other day, the restaurant is quite flourishing with all the daughters running the dining room, serving the meat that was caught.

"Right. It's the cross that took me over there, so there's no wonder I'm connected to a lagon young man who said he was a kingdom brave. But it falls to my heart that the kingdom of superhuman strength is the brave one who happens to have started doing the work of hunting monsters with the abusive... As a result, it is too much to say that it will be the solution to the food problem, which the Kingdom is most now making a problem of.

"Besides, he's confronted me with some of the most recent major problems like the mafia and the Unitota. It's like you've been listening to us.

"It's true. Speaking of Milin traveling, he turns to my side guard in place of Margaretta for an introduction from the most trustworthy Holy Spirit. The day before he travels, he suggests that Millin-like crunch be used instead. We've been making moves as if we had foreseen this happening for a long time.

"Your Majesty.

Olga asks to speak.

"What is it?

"Is Krasabi really a dragon man?

"That's not my opinion. Why do they all refer to cross and crusty as dragon people? Sir Leold, you know something, don't you?

"Yeah. That's the conclusion that me and Viscount Cyber, and just now the namesake, the magician who works for our house, is just a namesake, in fact, the wizard, Gasparn, put his head around and discussed.

"Is there any basis for this?

"In fact, last night, when Gasparn and I were discussing it, I got to those conclusions, because it simply meant that Cross was an apostle because he was the use of God, and that the apostle had long been a dragon man. Behind it, however, is solid evidence that the dragon is moving. That is the new Holy Springs of the example.

"Are you saying it boiled on Demon King Island?

"Yes, that's something that you can't pull off unless you're a dragon.

"Were you!

"And its core got it today. That Gasparn was in this room today to protect the Millins in my place, and he and a wizard he knew were in the fight, and when they were caught in that flame that the Kingdom Brave was hit, they were helped by the power of the Dragon.

"Is that true?

"I don't know if there are any dragons in this world right now. But to their knowledge, the move of expanding the bond is often referred to as the best demon in the world, - no, despite the fact that it was already meant to be a wizard, to the extent that Satan knew it could be slightly enlarged, he put out the fire by connecting the wizards and exponentially enlarging it and making the air inside extremely thin. For that, they use a hell of a pulse of energy in an instant. Only a dragon can do that to their knowledge.

"Is it that the dragon was in that venue? But that wouldn't be the kingdom brave. No amount of witches can defeat the Divine Dragon, and no amount or fangs will be made against the Divine Dragon.

"Previously His Majesty said, 'For the first time in 260 years, the Holy Spirit's officer has been seated, and the great one who controls the pulse is in a firm covenant with Milin'.

"That is how I heard from the Holy Spirit that a firm covenant seemed to be a spiritual one.

"Nevertheless, I guess it doesn't mean there was just once or twice. Did Milin seem close to Lagon, the brave man of the kingdom?

"No, you said something familiar, but passing by, you said it, too, like it's been since I've been in Boko.

Metobese answered, looking at Brass and face to face.

"I guess so. This means that the Kingdom Brave is not a Divine Dragon. I want you to remember here. Apparently, Mitsu announced that the junction he put on the human bomb was nullified because the kingdom brave had fallen before Satan arrived. You did.

"It was.

Everyone who was there, such as Tao and Olga, agrees.

"Before that, it was Gasparn serving our home who said that his fellow wizards had set the line." Against which we all agree. "Besides. The wizard Pespectiva, a friend of that Gasparn, determined he was in the venue and the person he contacted was not Lagon.

"What does that mean? The identity of the kingdom brave man is Lagon, didn't the kingdom brave man's fall invalidate the kingdom?

"It is. That's not what I'm comfortable with, but it seems that the name of the person Pespectiva asked me to tie the line with is Largo, not Lagon.

"So Lagon's real name is Lago? Speaking of Largo, the name of Milin's favorite lizard..."

"It is! That means!

"You are. Milin fell in love with Largo, Lagon's real name, and you gave that name to a lizard who just became a pet because you always wanted to call that person's name.

"I see, Your Majesty. I'm sure you do.

Stop the consenting Olga and True King, and Tao argues.

"No, you wouldn't. Non was watching the lagon at the moment of his fall, but at that time His Highness said:" Lagon, did you give me a dragon jar book in the city? 'and. I wonder if that's the word you say to the person you fell in love with.

"That's right. I agree with Tao. Wasn't Lagon also an apostle? And because the dragon wasn't actually in the venue and was using Kamikaze through the lagon, I'm wondering if the lagon was defeated and the junction could no longer be put in place. Millin's thinker is probably a dragon named Largo.

"Find him, or Millin..."

"That's right! Or maybe you can help me. No, I'm sure you do!

"What about a kid named Mitsu? Doesn't the fact that she's Lagon's sister mean that she's a dragon man, too? That means Cross's people... Get me a cross! Get me a cross right away!

However, Cross could not be seen anywhere in the villa.

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