Now, while I was checking the situation at the signing ceremony with all sorts of things, I could tell that there was no more light to plug in through the window and the sun went down.

Cross, too, could not return to the villa more than he did not know what to do, so he was to remain in this village until the policy was consolidated.

By His Majesty the True King, there are cyber Viscounts and Margarettas, and for the time being the witches won't show up, so there doesn't seem to be a problem.

From Bokovo, they're supposed to meet up somewhere with sundown, except for something that's about to grab special information, but I just wanted to rest a little longer as a Largo who went unconscious once. I told Krenai that I wanted to rest for a while and decided to rest.

Even so, as soon as we know what is important, it will be triggered in any case.

But thank you, Chiriko is not well enough. I've been instantly switched, I can't see the Lagon at all. Of course it doesn't show how Millin is.

(Is this because of your body, or is it a prerequisite to demodulate your health anyway?

But soon, I couldn't let him rest.

"My lord, is my lord here!" "Excuse me." "Astleto." "Sorry.

"Gentlemen, please wait! The Lord is off."

The way Clenai resists, but doesn't, is just a familiar voice.

"That's illegal, but things need to be rushed! We'll get through it."

The devil came out with all four pillars.

Samidina talked to them about Largo's journey to Forever. Boom dissent, but we can't pull this place off.

The prolonged sermon bones also lead to the fact that going, even when we get there, is a scarier place than hell, but they don't have any detailed information except that it sucks anyway.


"Nothing that has gone to eternal prison has even brought back the carcass!


"It's not where demon kings or even demon gods can go in and out."


"We, who can only work with magic, will not be able to move with Pickle."


"It is said that only epic afflictions and nothingness, such as hell and other raw gentle, that it would have been better to die, await"

After a long night, he asked me to rest and think calmly, and the argument broke up without looking at the conclusions.

Until the end, after Clenai, who had grated around him, politely cast out the four-pillar demons, Mitsu and Largo are resting, he goes with his voice when he closes the door of the room.

"Lord. We, the SS, will follow without one. When you heard that the Lord had taken His Highness and Krasabi away to eternal prison, we were all talking about deciding which you said you were going to help first and whether or not to follow.

"What do you mean?

I don't remember, I just said it.

"When the Lord said that I had been taken away to eternal prison, he said, 'Where is it? I have to help Krasabi, and Millin, of course.' You said.

"Because... isn't Krasabi one of us? Milin is important to this country, and to me... no, even if I can't be here, only my people need to be safe.

I almost called Millin the owner who guaranteed me a stable life.

"Yeah, so we follow. Even if we are all going to be held in eternal prison. Because that is what we have sworn to the Lord, as it is. Please, take the night off. I might come up with another good idea tomorrow.


"No, we are the ones who are grateful. We who could be the Lord's SS are the happiest people in this world.

No, to a companion like them, Largo who was able to patrol would be more of a fruit payoff. I'm not around right now, thanks for the crunch that connected me to them. We must also reward him for it.

Nevertheless, I suppose they also speak on the basis of some basis, rather than on a presumption addressed to them, that 'anything that can only work with magic will not be able to move with Pickle' is a troublesome thing. If "demon king or even demon god is not where you can go in and out" then who can go to help?

With such thoughts circling his head, Sleepless Largo speaks to Yume resting next door.

"Hey, I know Yume, can you tell me what the hell you're talking about?

Yumeka, to the best of her knowledge, gave me information about hell. I only said no to information I heard from someone else.

Hell is now a different realm that serves as a place to wait for the redemption and reincarnation of the souls of intelligent life.

Normally, the otherness of accepting the souls of the dead is no doubt called eternal imprisonment, whether it be hell or not.

Everything that is dead is usually sent to the post-mortem world of purgatory, and it is determined whether it is itself that is sent to hell in front of it.

Here is the god of the treasure, also known as Enma, the Absolute.

Only those who are made to go to Hell by that Enma will be redeemed for a long time for their sins in Hell, but those who are not will await the reincarnation of the circle in Purgatory.

In this judgment of the devil, what is found to be a special demon mirror called a purifying glass mirror reflecting every evil deed of his lifetime, and sins that require redemption with death, is made to wrap his body around a special chain and sent to the first tier of hell, in each tier of hell he is made to acknowledge his sins, and those that cannot reveal their sins themselves, that is, reflect, are sent to the lower tier while being shown deeper and deeper hierarchies.

Over time, we are shown the hierarchy of hell one by one, and after we have seen all hell, we are atoned for our sins in the lowest nasal cry hell if it is the one that goes to hell, but the one that still can't untie the chains is locked in an even lower eternal prison. to eternal prison, which is still further below the lowest level of hell.

Fortunately, the weak ones whose spirit had collapsed by the time they reached this eternal prison, but what has kept them so far, it is said, will be tormented precisely permanently in the solitude and fear of eternal prison, which is then scarier than hell, and in the despair that it lasts forever.

"How do you know so much about it?

{Because an old acquaintance of Michisane, while human, went to Hell at night to help the devil. So Michisane is more familiar with you.

"Help the devil?

You got a job like that? Or is there a way to go to hell like every day?

"Would you like to call? Michisane.

"No, there's a dragon vein right here. You tell me, let's go this way. ─ Huh? Did you just talk to Yume?

"Yes, I managed to recover until I could move.

Yumeka had completed the fusion with the flesh of the mite, making it possible to move the body of the mite, which was still unconscious.

When she starts moving, she gets used to wearing kimonos or Yume, who has only been here in kimonos, seems to have no good clothes for Mitsu, but Yume doesn't have a change of clothes herself, and even if she does, she won't fit the size of Mitsu, so I ask her to be patient with it.

In the meantime, Largo decided to take Yumeka, who lived in Mitsu's body, and fly to the dragon vein on Demon King Island. I have not been contacted by Michisane because I am concerned that it will be suitable from here.

"What's flying now is the power of itchy? Or the ability to remain in the body of the mite?

"Sounds like Mr. Mitsu's ability. Because most of the spirituality that has been engulfed has taken the place of magic. Here."

Let me grab my own tits. It's about 1 cup bigger than when I touched it earlier and got pissed off. Is it still a little smaller than the original size of Yumeka?

"Remember when I came back from Yapan to this holy spring before?

"You did. Mr. Mitsu's body can heal here. Can I still be here for a while? Because this one is slower than the company.

"Right. Since the sun is already down, the observer army will not come either. I don't think the Undines will notice if it's as magical as it is right now.

"Then I'm sorry, but to Yapan...

"Fine, I've just been there before, so I think I can go without getting lost, looking forward to it with a thousand eyes. I mean, I can only go once.

"Really? Oh, this is...

Yumeka is just about to take off her clothes and get ready to enter the Holy Springs. I don't think I know how to take my clothes off.

"Wait, I know you're in a hurry, but take it off after I go, right?

"Oh, isn't the stall always all-you-can-see us naked?

Yumeka seems to think she's doing a peek at Largo's Chiri Eye or the Ten Mili Eye capability that Whipley normally has before she does it at any time.

Yumeka herself, although not clairvoyant, seems to see many things with the special sensitivity that the ancestral spirit herself possesses, but that is not to say that the inside of the garment appears clear.

I know you'll see things that don't have the ability to be like that all the time - if you want to - but I want you to know that you're not so constantly peeking under your clothes.

"No, no, Yumeka, nothing. I'm always fully fluoroscopic, and I don't care who he is, because I don't see everyone naked.

"It was. I beg your pardon. But it's not my poor body, it's Mr. Mitsu's nice nude, okay?

"That's not the problem. Then I'll go.

I may wonder if there is a virtue of prudence in the women of Yapan, but if you think about it, I have a memory in Largo that the separation that could have been made between women's hot water, men's hot water, etc. is about a time when civilization has advanced considerably. According to Largo's memory, after the business of popular bathing, it is ancient culture that it is not only men and women, but also beasts, who enter the wild water, which is a hot spring. Such morality would not yet be developed in a country called Yapan, where Yumekai was.

"Welcome to the stall, then.

As Yumeka said in Mitsu's body, Largo also dives into his pulse and his previous illness falls out like a lie.

Somewhere in my head, the word 'okaelinasai' echoed again. I always hear it when I jump into my pulse, so I'm losing my mind, but I feel like I've entered an automatic audio Chinese restaurant.

I went out to a hot spring in a mountain I recognize.

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